akai-kitsune wrote:
Tatta hitotsu no koi- A nice one, though I still can´t understand how the groom can just leae a wedding...

LOL!! I asked myself the same thing at the time. But then again, when it comes to wedding, Japanese (and Korean) customs are a little weird, in my opinion. First, the fact that they marry in sort of chapels with western clothes without being christian. Funny. Why don't they marry according to their rituals?
The fact that the groom chooses the dress with the bride (in my culture, seeing the bride's dress before the wedding is considered very unlucky, never to be done at any cost!).
They divorce in like 5 minutes with a sort of self-declaration. Wow.

But nothing will ever shock me as much as the Mary Stayed Out bla bla scenario. Supposedly, she was married with Jang Geun Suk's character, right? At least, as long as her father knew, they were officially wed. But not only they never lived together, but above mentioned father - and the other one - decided she could chose another groom! What????????? In what country is that ever possible, prey tell? Either I'm too stupid to comprehend that drama, or the drama is too stupid period. :P

P.S. Once again, please forgive me for going so off topic. It's one of my guilty peasures...
amrita828 wrote: LOL!! Either I'm too stupid to comprehend that drama, or the drama is too stupid period. :P

Trust me...it's the latter.
amrita828 wrote: Hahahahaha. The brevity of it made me LOL. Since I haven't seen this drama because it made me yawn on minute 2 (a bad sign), I decided to read your comment like: "why the drama?".

ROFL!! You all decided to make me laugh out loud tonight. Thank you. ;)
Your comment is just perfect: it embodies all the uselessness of Go Mi Nam. :P

hahaha I just realized how dumb that sounded
^ I mean my comment, not amritas
Firstly I agree with you Rita about MSOAN the only thing that kept me watching was JGS lol

Right I said i would be back with a WTH time jump & here it is .... I started Summer's Desire last night 2 minutes (yes 2 minutes) into the first episode we have a 5 year time jump??? WTH??? it makes for very confusing viewing i can assure you !
Agreed with RF! Really hoping it'll get less confusing haha
Crazy4You wrote: Agreed with RF! Really hoping it'll get less confusing haha

Good luck.
amrita828 wrote: Good luck.

Haha thanks! I downloaded all the episodes....so I'm going to hold it out until the end and hope it will! :p
Watching BuBu Jing xin. I´m at ep 7 and I have the feeling that 2 years past, but I´m just saying this cause it seems like it is autumn again.... th
akai-kitsune wrote: Watching BuBu Jing xin. I´m at ep 7 and I have the feeling that 2 years past, but I´m just saying this cause it seems like it is autumn again.... th

That's one problem with Bu Bu Jing Xin - You'll get confused about how much time has really passed because they don't really mention it, but they imply it has.
Ok the first drama I watched with a time jump was My Girl, and I loved it there! I think they used it to show how their feelings were real and prevailed even though they didn't know they would ever be together again.

After that, I started noticing that most kdramas have this kind of thing, and sometimes it's good but other times, it really is just cliched.
The most stupid time jump I'ver seen was the one on You're Beautiful. I mean, is that even considered a time jump? It was just really lame and not put to good use, it didn't show anything, just the need to end a drama in the most predictable way possible.
Also, the Lie To Me time jump (or maybe the whole drama, I don't know) was really idiotic, for me. I thought it only looked like a cheap copypaste of Coffee Prince (I love the time jump there)!
Most of the times, I love time jumps, mostly because I think it would be awesome if that kind of thing happened in real life, but then there are always the exceptions I mentioned above
I'm kind of mixed on time jumps. If the time jumps succeeds in pushing the plot along I'm all for it. But most of the time they are used incorrectly at the end. However, if they are used at the end as more of an epilougue I think thats great cause its showing progression. Dramas with time jumps that I appreciated were My Girl, Delightful Girl, Thunder Birds, Autumns Concerto, Nageraboshi, Giant, Greatest Love, Secret Garden, City Hall, and Sungungwan Scandal. I do find it frustrating when like the couple has to be a part for months or even years and then they do the time jump i.e. Coffee Prince, Prosecuter Princess, MGIAG, My Princess etc. Some how it pisses me off lol.
The Coffee Prince one really didn't bother me because although it isn't spoken, spoiler for those who didn't see it... I assumed they visited each other. Not that they didn't see each other for 2 years and were still dating... That's my assumption and I'm sticking to it.
Lol I didn't even count the Autumn's Concerto one as a time jump. There wouldn't be any drama without it XD
Also...I find myself more tolerant of the early dramas I came upon that included time jumps. As time goes by and I watch more and more...I find myself being less so. And the drama can be a recent one or an old one that I just haven't seen yet. They are used SO MUCH!