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Joining in... I want to watch more but have had trouble finding good GLs so maybe this can help ❤️

Nice to see you in here Shiro! I hope so too. I have linked a few lists up above where you might find some titles. I'll also be posting a voting list in a few days for the members to participate in.

What are you looking for in GL? Or what kind of content/themes/tags do you want to avoid?

Sign me up, fam! I didn't know about the term Yuri being innapropiate to use overseas oops. The more you know! Guess it goes same way for Yaoi term or so? That's why BL/GL are more used now. Makes sense. I feel so uncultured for not knowing this. I'll look at the lists on the main page but does anyone know if Citrus manga had a live action adaptation? Think it has an anime but  not sure about it.... 


 Mila Kim:

Sign me up, fam! I didn't know about the term Yuri being innapropiate to use overseas oops. The more you know! Guess it goes same way for Yaoi term or so? That's why BL/GL are more used now. Makes sense. I feel so uncultured for not knowing this. I'll look at the lists on the main page but does anyone know if Citrus manga had a live action adaptation? Think it has an anime but  not sure about it.... 


Welcome, welcome!

Things get complicated with terminology, especially terminology from other cultures and/or with problematic/controversial pasts. You often wind up with a lot of crossed wires and different people claiming/believing different things. The variability of factual and cultural connotation and awareness makes for a very complicated situation.

Im sure the BL Drama Lovers Club can give more info about why “BL” is used more nowadays, but suffice it to say that that is arguably even more complex and divisive than the GL/Yuri debate.

You can still use “Yuri,” especially as more awareness is made about “shoujo-ai” not meaning at all what people try to say it means, but you’ll always wind up with someone or another trying to correct you. Also, the benefit of “BL” and “GL” is that they cover more queer-life stories than “Yuri,” “Yaoi,” and “shonen-ai” (which are  considered to be largely written by straight individuals of the opposite sex to the characters, for straight individuals of the opposite sex to the characters).

Ah yes, Citrus. Perhaps one of the most internationally well-known yuri mangas (at least in my experience). No live action that im aware of. But there is an anime, and you can watch it on Crunchyroll and Funimation.




Hello *wave*



Glad to have you! ^-^

I have created some banners! 

Apologies if any appear low res! It was hard trying to find good images with the small number of GLs available 

I have created some banners!

You're a real one ^-^ These look terrific. Thank you! I've added them to the front page for the members.


You're a real one ^-^ These look terrific. Thank you! I've added them to the front page for the members.

No problem! I also just asked Rien if she could contribute some as well. She's the master of hexagon badges XD 


No problem! I also just asked Rien if she could contribute some as well. She's the master of hexagon badges XD 

Lol, Rien's been on board since this was just an idea. I've done sent image links. They said they'll be working on them this week. ^-^ Thanks for thinking of me though ;)


No problem! I also just asked Rien if she could contribute some as well. She's the master of hexagon badges XD 

I didn't want to go ahead and put their name down in case something happens and they have to back out. *guilty face* XD

Oooh good to know! Truthfully I need a matching hexagonal badge of the Pa and Ink one so I did use this as an excuse to send in a request lol


Lol. I gotcha you. I did send in these 2 images for Pa and Ink though:

Ah I was actually trying to use the 2nd one as a banner but it was so hard trying to fit the text in without it looking off and I eventually gave up. My phone just isn't equipped for good editing :,)