This is sooo eeeek! The grossest I´ve ever eat was the liver of a chicken, of course not raw but cooked and all. I should go and puke. This is the second gross news I heard this week. The other was about the pills made of human flesh and sold in korea or china.
What's the big deal with those eggs? Millions of Chinese have eaten them and they are still alive (or so I hope). If it was not edible and not delightful in a way people would stop to sell/eat them.
I am not saying that it sounds especially yummy to me but other countries other cultures. Maybe we are missing an extraordinary dish here.
(Or maybe not.) ;)
Skye-N-Rain wrote: Ignorance IS bliss.

Unfortunately it is. Hahaha!
mangagirl wrote: Ideally urine is sterile. :p It comes into contact with all that skin flora and other things when expelled.

I bow to your geniosity!

Indeed urine in the bladder is sterile but when it travels down the genitourinary tract it becomes contaminated. But it's boiled at 100C.
I can't say for sure if all possible bacteria and toxins will be eliminated but a good amount should.
PrettyBrown_Eyes wrote: I eat pig's intestine too but animal parts are totally justifiable whereas human urine isnt! :@!

Me too. It's delicious.
On another note. I absolutely love lamb/goat brain. It's wicked. Melts in your mouth and the pepperly herbal soup. Sooo hungry. I saw an episode once on fear factor and the contestants were supposed to errr eat pig tongue? I was like. What's wrong with you guys. It's delicious. Silly people makin a big deal out of nothing. I am so hungry now :( Also Im sure most of u had beef tongue if not pigs tongue because it's a common dish in Yakiniku. Man so good. So hungry!!! Love food love food love food!
Dojemi10 VIPCommunity Manager
Dojemi10 wrote: eh..?

I second this....

Tongue, sweet breads, tripe, heart, liver..... NG for me
mangagirl wrote: I second this....

Tongue, sweet breads, tripe, heart, liver..... NG for me

Venison heart A++, Urine soaked eggs... not too sure about.
lol I say live and let live but for me personally no way would I eat those eggs......I am not much of a meat eater anyway as I get grossed out too easily....the thing that I saw which made me want to spew was again in SE ASIA I think China where they eat fertilised duck the guy was eating this "egg" with feathers & beak......eewwwwwwwwwwww
RainFlower wrote: lol I say live and let live but for me personally no way would I eat those eggs......I am not much of a meat eater anyway as I get grossed out too easily....the thing that I saw which made me want to spew was again in SE ASIA I think China where they eat fertilised duck the guy was eating this "egg" with feathers & beak......eewwwwwwwwwwww

:( I couldn't do that.
Skye-N-Rain wrote: Hold on while I puke.

My sentiments exactly.
I don't eat animal innards