Ok or No?

Clearly a large section of the population believes in it, but there is also a portion of the population that is very open about rejection it.

Absolutely terrible and idiotic!
Great little video Donald Trump's ban explained
@Toots a little article on the difference between what Trump is doing and what Obama did here

Trump's ban is wrong and honestly it's about him being racist and discriminatory not protecting the country. There are so many statistics out there about how Trump's ban really isn't doing anything to keep us any safer in regards to terrorist threats. And his assumption that anyone coming from those countries is a terrorist threat is just so messed up on so many levels. The man is horrible. And it's only going to get worse.
Definitely not okay.

So the law that passed under Obama was that if anyone visited Iran, Iraq, Syria, or Sudan in the last 5 years, they wouldn't be greenlighted to get a US visa. So for example, let's say a backpacker visited Iran, or a Chinese businessman visited Iraq, they would not be given automatic visas to come to the US. This especially effected Europeans because they were the ones who were always given relative quick visas. 

Now under Trump, this has been taken to a whole new extreme.
7 countries are effected. Iran, Iraq, Syria, Sudan, Somalia, Yemen, Libya. The worst is that those who have lived in the US for many, many years are also not allowed back in the country if they are currently outside it or if they have a vacation planned or whatever. These are people who have lived in the US for many years with no problem. These are people who work in all fields and industries, from being part of Tech comapnies to working at department stores. Another thing is that imagine you're on the plane to your vacation in the US, you arrive in the US only to be deported or not allowed in. Your visa was fine, you were vetted before, but now all of a sudden you're not allowed in. It's bullshit. 

Let me continue by saying that this is a completely political move as well, as the countries on this list aren't really guilty of terrorism in the US. Look at the recent terrorist attacks, and look at the countries who they originated from: Saudi Arabia (15 out of 19 of the hijackers on 9/11), UAE, Pakistan. Yet these countries are conspicuously missing from the list. Let me clarify that i'm not supporting a ban from these countries. Afterall, why should these innocent people be held responsible for what a couple of terrorist did. Should other countries ban America because of the Dylan Roofs, James Eagan Holmes, of our country? Should we ban Americans for invading Iraq under false pretenses (WMD's were never found)? The answer is no. 

I also want to end by posting this video because I find it hella suspect that these 7 countries on Trump's list are the same 7 countries from this old video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9RC1Mepk_Sw&t=1s

P.S Obama had no right to start this, and Trump had no right to sign this Executive Order.
Also, by enacting these policies, Trump is provoking those 7 countries. Heck, just today Trump's administration said they were putting "Iran on notice" meaning that a potential war can break out between the countries. I put all the blame on Trump, and his aggressive comments. 
I know you weren't. My apologies if my tone seemed aggressive. This is a matter that's very close to my heart since i've had friends who haven't been allowed back into the country due to this bullshit order. It might seem like 90 days (which is what the order claims to be) might not be a lot. But imagine having to miss school, getting fired from your job, etc all because you're not able to be in the country for 90 days. 

And that's with the assumption that after the 90 days are up, the law will be rescinded, which im skeptical about.

Absolutely. It might be even worse since it's targeting more countries and increasing the hatred towards Muslims in the country. It's making it okay to target Muslims (as we saw in the recent Quebec City masjid shooting seemingly by a white supremacist, as we saw with the burning of a few mosques across the country). Things are becoming horrible. I just fear that if God forbid another terrorist attack does happen, Muslims aren't sent to internment camps. Sounds ludicrous but we did it to the Japanese in World War 2...
I know you weren't. My apologies if my tone seemed aggressive. This is a matter that's very close to my heart since i've had friends who haven't been allowed back into the country due to this bullshit order. It might seem like 90 days (which is what the order claims to be) might not be a lot. But imagine having to miss school, getting fired from your job, etc all because you're not able to be in the country for 90 days. 

And that's with the assumption that after the 90 days are up, the law will be rescinded, which im skeptical about.

Absolutely. It might be even worse since it's targeting more countries and increasing the hatred towards Muslims in the country. It's making it okay to target Muslims (as we saw in the recent Quebec City masjid shooting seemingly by a white supremacist, as we saw with the burning of a few mosques across the country). Things are becoming horrible. I just fear that if God forbid another terrorist attack does happen, Muslims aren't sent to internment camps. Sounds ludicrous but we did it to the Japanese in World War 2...
I know you weren't. My apologies if my tone seemed aggressive. This is a matter that's very close to my heart since i've had friends who haven't been allowed back into the country due to this bullshit order. It might seem like 90 days (which is what the order claims to be) might not be a lot. But imagine having to miss school, getting fired from your job, etc all because you're not able to be in the country for 90 days. 

And that's with the assumption that after the 90 days are up, the law will be rescinded, which im skeptical about.

Absolutely. It might be even worse since it's targeting more countries and increasing the hatred towards Muslims in the country. It's making it okay to target Muslims (as we saw in the recent Quebec City masjid shooting seemingly by a white supremacist, as we saw with the burning of a few mosques across the country). Things are becoming horrible. I just fear that if God forbid another terrorist attack does happen, Muslims aren't sent to internment camps. Sounds ludicrous but we did it to the Japanese in World War 2...

I'm really upset about it for a lot of reasons, but namely because I'm watching it affect people that are close to me. My friend's boyfriend is Vietnamese and he's really concerned because his brother wants to come to the U.S., but with the current situation on immigration there's concern that Trump won't stop at a ban on Muslims, but will soon move to block immigration as a whole. While I think that would cause even more controversy and might really get him into trouble, I'm not putting it past him and I think those are valid feelings/worries for people to have. He's unpredictable and seems to think signing executive orders is the most fun he's had since he was born.

Also, I have a friend who speaks Arabic and she told me she's afraid to tell people that she speaks Arabic because she's afraid to face harassment. She doesn't wear a hijab (and she isn't really a practicing Muslim either), but she said just owning her language makes her feel uncomfortable and unsafe. That really makes me sad. This whole country is repeating its own history, and the fear in people is astonishing to me as someone who literally does not understand it.
If as some of you reply the U.S. Is so horrible and Racist then why do you think so many peopke want to come here? Just a thought.
@Robert hebert .... are you saying love it or leave it?
The U.S. has a very long history of racism, stating w/ the worst form of slavery and continuing to this day w/ this ban ....
But it is founded on the basis of being a home for refugees and those escaping persecution, especially religious persecution ... starting w/ the Puritans and to this day w/ Syrian refugees escaping civil war w/ much religious persecution by fanatics and criminals.

People come here to find a better life .... and the U.S. welcomes them, not just out of kindness, or because immigration is the basis for the founding of the country, but because immigrants have helped build and improve the quality of the country.... 
Whether it was the free labor by African slaves, the Chinese laborers who built the railroads, the Irish and Italian laborers who helped build industries, the Mexican migrant workers who to this day provide the food on your table, or the Middle-Eastern doctors and engineers fulfilling a need in those fields. 
The U.S. would not be a super-power without all those immigrants .... all of whom  have encountered harsh racism despite all their hard-work and contributions.

--- By the way, also UNIVERSITIES  are protesting, due to issuance of student visas, like an 18 y.o. Syrian boy accepted to MIT and granted an academic scholarship as a gifted student.... but was banned from entering.
--- Also, 27% of U.S. DOCTORS are foreign born ... thousands are from the countries cited in the ban, and they are here on workers' visas, mainly serving in rural areas, where medical services are needed, but American doctors won't go. 
---  Some of the effects of the ban and why most TECH industry CEOs are against it, including Google, Amazon, Ebay, and Apple, who's founder, Steve Jobs, is the son of a Syrian immigrant. .... Tech industry needs these foreign engineers and can't survive without them: 

"The Tech Industry vs Trump's Immigration Ban"

Everyone should be banned from America except for me. This is my country. *Turns TaeOh from Missing 9 on yall*
P.S. I don't wanna talk about politics on here (my vote is keep mdl drama related) so plz don't mind my jokes. XD