I usually have this thing where I watch 5 dramas at a time 3-4 are currently airing while 1-2 are completed but what usually happens is I will end up dropping 2 and putting one on hold ( which is why my hold and dropped list are so long ) 

I usually always watch one show at a time, however it depends on what kind of one it is. If I'm watching an airing show I usually have a completed one in between, or at one point I watched two airing shows and one completed show in between airing show days. I'm never a binge watcher, it's just not who I am, but since web dramas are usually super short, I allow myself to binge those. If the web drama isn't short, I watch however episodes make up to an hour. Generally though, I tend to watch one drama at a time.

I tried to watch more than one before  ㅋㅋㅋ it didn't go well, but I binge watch drama's usually so i'm able to go through them pretty quickly. 


I usually always watch one show at a time, however it depends on what kind of one it is. If I'm watching an airing show I usually have a completed one in between, or at one point I watched two airing shows and one completed show in between airing show days. I'm never a binge watcher, it's just not who I am, but since web dramas are usually super short, I allow myself to binge those. If the web drama isn't short, I watch however episodes make up to an hour. Generally though, I tend to watch one drama at a time.

Wow, you might be the first person I know who said that they never binge watch dramas!

Usually 1-2 dramas at a time and they're most likely airing dramas. I may squeeze in one completed drama to watch if I've caught up with the airing drama though.

I've always been the type to focus only on one drama at a time, and normally it has to be complete. I also have a hard time skipping episodes and fastwarding because I feel like I'm because unfaithful to the hard work people put into the series. Ik, I'm weird.  I rarely watch airing dramas.  Once I caved, and was watching like 3 or 4 at a time. God, that was a disaster. I kept losing track of when they were airing, and then I ended up forgetting where I was, so it seemed pointless in keeping it up. I had to re-watch the dramas all over again, and some I haven't gotten back to re-watching, so they've been forever on my dropped/watching lists. So that's why I only watch one at a time that are complete lol. 

I'm a mood watcher, which means that I typically have a bunch of dramas on my currently watching list (8-20 at once), because some days I'm in the mood for crime and other days I just want my heart to flutter with some fluff. I'm also trying to rewatch all the old dramas I watched before I had a mydramalist account, so that I'll be able to give them a proper score! (And honestly it takes me so long to rewatch some of them, haha)

If the dramas I am watching are completed, I will only focus on that one drama until I finish watching it and then watch the next one

But if the dramas are currently airing, who know how many I can watch since its my holiday and I have nothing to do lol

3 - 4 max for airing dramas.

if i want to re-watch any dramas, i can't watch any dramas and immersed by its drama :)

I've always been a series addict so it's always a lot!! At the moment 9 ongoing Asian dramas and only 4 US ones until they start again in September, then I'll have 12 more.

I'm also a mood watcher. I always try too keep it up to 10 at the maximum. But I need to have different genres of dramas because some days I just can't stand romance and want some suspense; while in the next day I sometimes just need something cute to watch. Besides, I usually prefer to watch airing shows, so I like to have more than one, otherwise I end up having something new to watch only once a week. 

I binge watch older dramas movies, and now I have 2 currently airing drama in my cw list, the most i think i have done is 3.  

On my days off I have a tendancy to watch 6 hours of drama/movies (2 movies and 2 episodes or 6 episodes (or 12 if they are 30 minute eps) ).

On my work days that I have 7 hours in between shifts 2 hours of drama/movies.

Other than house work i have no other obligations outside of work, My child is grown and my husband works nights (I see him 2 days a week) so my drama watching may seem excessive to people with social lives...: )

I typically watch one drama at 12:00 CET all the time, that's the only extend i can watch on.