What is your favorite genre of drama/movie to watch?

For me, it has to be mystery and crime the most I really love the feeling of wanting to know what happens next and the ones that have crazy twits to it. 

Rom-com dramas.
I used to like historical,crime and mystery drama, but nowdays these genres is splitting my head lol. These makes me stressed out even more.
Now I prefer light-weighted dramas that makes my laugh my mind off and with sparks of romance are perfect for me :D






Psychological, Medical and Law

Action, horror, and gay/BL

romantic drama! or time travel :D

Romantic Comedy



Coming of age 

Rom-com and supernatural/horror are my favourites! Just added Ghost Detective to my currently watching-list, the start looks very promising. Lovely Horribly has also been entertaining.

i used to like romantic comedy but these days i am watching bl shows a lot 

Romantic comedy, Romance, Suspense/Thriller, School

For Drama (series) i prefer romance genre esp slap kiss/ hate love /slice of life /Fantasy and sometimes romcom as long the ML is arrogant or cold and the FL is bitch and happy ending assured.

For movies im more into surreal /Arthouse/ Heavyplot romance / mindfuck /mystery .

I enjoy mystery/crime and slice of life dramas/movies.







  • Psychological
  • Mystery
  • BL
  • Romance

I like dramas that leave me an emotional wreck.

psychological-crime-thiller wondering what might happen next while uncovering human deepest nature, it give a chill down my spine

romance this one sound too broad and general but the kind of romance that like is one that heavily focus on both characters not that one of lustful romance nor a vanilla romance but one that show how much one would sacrifice and cover for each other, how much would they gave up and compromise for the loved onea passionate and devoted love, be it a fulfilled or unfulfilled one...... this might sound too edgy lol