Dota 2 please. And this site is mostly women so I wouldn't really expect a fan base lol...
I'm a woman and I play League. Kthankzbai
AND I'm not one of those annoying Brazilians LOL
My point was that not as many girls play it as men so ..
someone add me and carry me pls thx!!! (NA server)
Played it a few times with both real and online friends, but... I just can't stand that damn game. It's just so boring!
so excited!!! team lineups for the ALL STAR WEEKEND are out!
stanley is def the best top in the world, toyz one of the best mids, and most importantly, mistake is back to anchor the team as support. mistake moving to tps was really the worst decision garena has made.
a little disappointed that bebe wont be there, but chawy is a really good adc. and excited about harleluyar too, has the best lee sin ive seen.
i do think that the all-stars tournament should have less impact than winning s2, but meh, its a predominantly NA/EU game despite being financially owned by China, gotta cater to their fan bases.

im supporting GPL btw
I play League of Legends~ I love the game its so hardcore. XD
I play for fun :) IGN: pycenmy
is nobody excited about the upcomign all star game? north america v CHINA? europe v korea I AM SO EXCITED
Ok. nobody is following this at all, which is making me really disappointed. The first game tonight is North America v China. I'm rooting for China, and I also think China will tear NA apart. Anyone on MDL??? =/