Oof. I not sure if i should talk about something like this in a drama discussion forum but Im really desperate guys and i have no one to talk too :'(  so please bare with me 

So basically I really like this guy in my class. We've known each other for like 2 years now but the thing is none of us are brave enough to say anything . I knew he liked me the first day i joined that school because he kept staring at me and since then that's all we do, look at each other . I'm friends with his friends and we talk sometimes but never had a proper conversation. And its mostly because Im really shy and everytime he tries to talk or get close to me I get anxious and i get awkward which makes him awkward.  I know its really stupid but its just how i am :(  ive completely stopped it tho so from now I'll be less anxious around him. Now I'm scared that I'll never see him after school finishes because except from talking time to time we've never really developed our relationship like he probably thinks i dont like him or something.  We only have 1 year before we finish school and I don't know what to do . should i tell him i like him or should i wait for him to tell me (hopefully he asks me out to prom lol fingers crossed )

So my fellow people of MDL please tell me what to do because im honestly stuck :"(

also another thing , we've never talked online and i only have him on snapchat.  so i gather up my courage to talk to him so i asked him to send me a picture of the science homework and he replied and i said thanks and he said welcome and that was it sksks wtf he haven't talked since. but i see him everyday and i have him in most of my classes and next year he moved to my maths class so hopefully something happends ><

 Thank you for reading this ♡ I really appreciate everyone's opinions and i just wanted to  say yall are too sweet like this community is the most helpful and sincere one :')

OMG This is just tooo cute!!!

Before i give you any advice i have to say that this EXACT same thing happened to me in high school. We used to just stare at each other,sometimes smile , have very small conversations, etc. And i was super super shy.  But I did pull all my courage and text him about studies just like you did. He took the conversation forward and then we ended up talking for a bit. But he too was shy and it didnt end well. And the reason was that he was either not too much into me or he wanted me to do all the work which was kinda dumb. 

Anyway i dont want that to happen to you so start slow...  Smile at him a lot. Say hi when you're around him. Make simple conversations... Then lead to things like some movies that he likes... or a new restaurant in town that he suggests...  Ask his friends for help... Its not a big deal at all if he knows you like him first. Is he too shy ?? Do you have mutual friends who can help you out??

Shyness is a part of you, don't try to be someone else, but it shouldn't block you to achieve what you want.
In one year could happen everything, so don't rush thing between you two, start to smile at him and talk to him about the class, if he likes you he'll take the chance to ask you out or, simply, when the two of you start to talk to each other you'll feel more confident to ask him yourself.

when people found their first crush/love  everything is another world for them,  butterfly moves in their tummy , love is moment that happen and commitment/respect that we set  for life if you found/sure  him sincere   that  he can listen  those words that you can't say  and not  feared to by his side you 

then i can say  there is nothing like "ego who says 1st" you can take first step  (not proposing him take step by step) casual talk  him when both comes in comfort level it just will happen like magic  

in this time you will  confirm that he will interested in you or not  

Omg  thank you guys for all the support  ♡ ♡

i will definitely try to smile at him when walking past each other but omg just thinking about it makes me so nervous ahahahaha but yea definitely will try to be more friendly and again thank you guys so much :)))

Sure! DM me if you need any help! All the best! :)