all kinds of chinese dishes

i had pastas with green olives, but only felt the sour of the souse "having a cold and no smell sucks" :))


i had pastas with green olives, but only felt the sour of the souse "having a cold and no smell sucks" :))

I hope you feel better soon!  Losing your sense of smell is no fun when nearly everything tastes the same.  Wishing you a speedy recovery so that you can enjoy eating again!

Bone broth soup. I found cheap bones on sale at a meat store, parbroiled them to get rid of the scum, then browned in a skillet. Tossed into a slow cooker with onions, garlic, peppercorns, and a cinnamon stick I had toasted in a pan.  Added a beef ramen pack that was too spicy for me, but somehow worked when it was diluted with other flavors. 

Turned out like a spicy pho. Not bad for a cheap, lazy week day meal. 

2 and 1/3 ground beef enchiladas out with Dad

Took in disturbing scene of someone very drunk T^T

Thursday night special--Baked salmon, sautéed asparagus and mushrooms, pasta with parmesan

Roasted squash and lentil soup in the slow cooker.