Name/username:  hououin_kyouma 

Country/Time Zone:  Malaysia (GMT+8)

What days of the week and times are you most available:

Weekdays after 6pm

How many hours do you want watch during each watch party 

2-3 hours

Do you prefer the watch parties to be weekdays or weekend?:

Do you have any suggestions for dramas to watch? (You can leave this blank you if you want and just vote or add to the poll I linked above): 

Would you like to join just one watch party a week or do you want to have the choice to join a few?:

A few

Thanks again to everyone who has got back to me! I’ll finish putting everyone into the groups in the next few days so if you want to join you still can! 

I just took a look at the poll and I’m overwhelmed by how many dramas people actually added and voted for.

I also noticed that there were quite a few dramas that had high votes but were not even out yet—which is fine! Go ahead and add them because we can definitely watch it when it airs. However, that also means I’m not sure what the majority of people actually want to watch.

That being said I wanted to pop on the forum real quick to ask if you could comment on the poll or on this forum for the dramas you REALLY would like to see. Historical/fantasy cdramas seems to have most of the votes but I know they are not for everyone. We can still obviously watch them but at this point I think we just spend our first meeting picking a drama to watch lol

So please let me know if there a few dramas on the poll that you want to see the most OR dramas on the poll that you don’t want to see. You can still keep on voting/adding dramas up until we meet but I just want to make sure that whatever dramas we might watch I’ll be able to access them. It’s hard to tell with the poll who is voting for what so I don’t just want to go with the most voted one only to find out that everyone in that particular group doesn’t want to actually watch it.

P.S. A lot of people who were not in the watch party voted for dramas so the poll is not that accurate which is why I’m doing it this way. There is no way to change that so...yeah. Just let me know on the poll, forum, or when we meet what you want to watch!

I was going to send everyone an individual message but yesterday I messed up and forgot to send it to someone so I'm going to post the message I sent to everyone just in case. 

Hello :)

Two things:

1. I’ve attached the link to the private room we will be using on SATURDAY. Once again you do not have to make an account, Kosmi will automatically assign you anonymous animal alias to use (unless you create an account). I’ll join the room a few minutes before it’s time to start and set everything up. Once everyone is there I’ll start the video!

2. The poll got out of hand so I ended up creating another poll. I looked at what genres everyone originally liked when they signed up + along with those that messaged me back about their preferences. I picked the 10 dramas and tried to mix up the genres/counties but if none of them works for you just write in what you want. I’m only sending this link through messages so only the people in the watch party will actually be able to vote. In case you don’t feel comfortable voting on that poll I’m going to list those eleven dramas here. You can just reply with your choice if you want. If there is a drama that you really want to watch that is not on that list let me know! It’s hard trying to mesh all our preferences together but hopefully next week things will be a lot smoother.

Possible dramas: Private Lives, Mr. Sunshine, Chicago Typewriter, Arsenal Military Academy, Guardian, True Beauty, With You, Perfect & Casual, Dr. Romantic, More than Friends

Here is the link! It’s completely anonymous!

Am I late? Anyways, here is the info

Name/username: reyofsunshine

Country/Time Zone: India/ Indian Standard Time - GMT+5

What days of the week and times are you most available: Friday and Saturday

How many hours do you want watch during each watch party (ex. 1 hr, 2 hr, 3 hr, 4+ hrs, etc.): 3

Do you prefer the watch parties to be weekdays or weekend?: mostly weekends but available at nights on weekdays too

Are there any genres you want to stay away from (ex. you can’t watch horror or crime/thrillers): nothing major like that but would prefer interesting/gripping plots

Do you have any suggestions for dramas to watch? (You can leave this blank you if you want and just vote or add to the poll I linked above): voted but would like to watch The Untamed

Would you like to join just one watch party a week or do you want to have the choice to join a few?: It depends but I can join a few

Anything else to add: I relly appreciate your initiative on hosting the watch parties and also getting our opinions about it. Thank you :)

p.s. I'll join the parties for next week

This is for next Saturday right?


This is for next Saturday right?

No, it’s for this Saturday aka today. 


No, it’s for this Saturday aka today. 

it starts at 3 right

today I won't miss it


it starts at 3 right

today I won't miss it




only 7 minute left


only 7 minute left

yup :) almost time!

I hope this is still open? sksksks

Name/username: stfnnx/steph

Country/Time Zone: 
Philippines (GMT+8)

What days of the week and times are you most available: 
Friday & Saturday

How many hours do you want watch during each watch party (ex. 1 hr, 2 hr, 3 hr, 4+ hrs, etc.): 
2 hrs

Do you prefer the watch parties to be weekdays or weekend?: 

Are there any genres you want to stay away from (ex. you can’t watch horror or crime/thrillers): 
Medical dramas

Do you have any suggestions for dramas to watch? (You can leave this blank you if you want and just vote or add to the poll I linked above):  
Uncanny Counter

Would you like to join just one watch party a week or do you want to have the choice to join a few?: 
Join a few!

Hello everyone! Sorry for not getting back to everyone but I just want to say you are still allowed to join the watch parties this week or whenever you want down the road. Most likely the watch parties will be from 3-5 EST. If you want to know what time that is for you just click on this link and it will tell you: time zone converter 

In case you want to join this weekend I'm going to put a) which drama/episode we are on and b) the link to the meeting room. Kosmi has been giving me some trouble so if we have any problems I have a backup website to use. Hopefully that doesn't happen though.

FRIDAY 3-5 EST: PRISON PLAYBOOK (EP 2) & A shorter drama that has yet to be determined 

Link to the meeting room:

Saturday 3-5 EST: CHICAGO TYPEWRITER (EP 3 + 4)

Link to meeting room:

If enough people want to we can also have a watch party on Sunday or some other day during the week. I'm done with finals so now I'm pretty much available whenever. Anyways, thanks to everyone who came last week. It was really fun being able to react to these dramas with others. 

If enough people want to we can also have a watch party on Sunday or some other day during the week. I'm done with finals so now I'm pretty much available whenever. Anyways, thanks to everyone who came last week. It was really fun being able to react to these dramas with others. 

I can do it every day just send me the link

hey! is the drama we're gonna watch set or can we still change it?

 ur mom:

hey! is the drama we're gonna watch set or can we still change it?

I think the dramas are set for those days! On Fridays we are going to watch another shorter drama that hasn't been decided yet right after Prison Playbook. That's why I said we could do watch parties on more days so there are more variety in the dramas we will be watching since I know not everyone would want to watch Chicago Typewriter/Prison Playbook. Do you still want to join this week or do you want to join on a different day or if we watch a different drama?