@ Vya

“I'm planning to check Silent Reading (also by Priest).  There's also a drama adaptation coming for that book: Light the Darkness.”

Ya, I’ve gotten to chapter 90 something so yay for me lol.. I’m also reading Silent Reading among others. I’ll send you a PM with a list of Priest’s books I’ve read or plan to read :)


@ Vya

“I'm planning to check Silent Reading (also by Priest).  There's also a drama adaptation coming for that book: Light the Darkness.”

Ya, I’ve gotten to chapter 90 something so yay for me lol.. I’m also reading Silent Reading among others. I’ll send you a PM with a list of Priest’s books I’ve read or plan to read :)

Is it good? Yes, do PM me the list. :)

Years ago, I bought 2 shakespeare's books in Italian. The only way for me to read them is to learn italian. I guess I just intend to collect them. Well, I can just read his work online in English.


Hello book-aholics, I'm new here.

For this month, I've finished reading Agatha Christie's A murder is announced and I'm planning to complete Agatha Christie's The moving finger by the end of this month. I used to read two novels a week and take a week break but as I have board exams this may, I'm kinda slow lol. Glad to be a part of a book club! 

I've finished The Moving Finger. It was good but not very remarkable tho. I've started another Agatha Christie book And Then There Were None. It's a little confusing but I hope I'll understand it and enjoy :)


I've finished The Moving Finger. It was good but not very remarkable tho. I've started another Agatha Christie book And Then There Were None. It's a little confusing but I hope I'll understand it and enjoy :)

I think you'll enjoy this more! It's one of her best :)


I've finished The Moving Finger. It was good but not very remarkable tho. I've started another Agatha Christie book And Then There Were None. It's a little confusing but I hope I'll understand it and enjoy :)

This is the first book I ever read of Agatha and this is the BEST one till now!! I hope you enjoy it :)


I think you'll enjoy this more! It's one of her best :)


This is the first book I ever read of Agatha and this is the BEST one till now!! I hope you enjoy it :)

Thank you for encouraging :) I'll never get into reading slumps with people who motivate me lol. I'm gald I joined this club!!

I've finished The Moving Finger. It was good but not very remarkable tho. I've started another Agatha Christie book And Then There Were None. It's a little confusing but I hope I'll understand it and enjoy :)

Oh, it's been years since I read Agatha Christie! And Then There Were None is definitely one of her best. I also loved Hercule Poirot's stories. The Big Four and Curtain were my favorites, as far as I can remember.

 Vya van Velaris:

Oh, it's been years since I read Agatha Christie! And Then There Were None is definitely one of her best. I also loved Hercule Poirot's stories. The Big Four and Curtain were my favorites, as far as I can remember.

That's good to hear, I'm reading them in order but I'll definitely check em out!!


I've finished The Moving Finger. It was good but not very remarkable tho. I've started another Agatha Christie book And Then There Were None. It's a little confusing but I hope I'll understand it and enjoy :)

This is one of my favourite Agatha Christie books!! Btw, I've read almost all of them (at least all Poirot ones, I never liked Miss Marple) back in my teenage years, when I was still a bookworm! 

I miss those days, now I feel "accomplished" when I manage to read more than 10 big books a year!! 

With that said, last year I only read 2 or 3 regular ones... :/  (Although I had had an obsession with fanfiction, and if fics count, I must have read more than 10 big books' worth of them in pages, lol!!)


I've finished The Moving Finger. It was good but not very remarkable tho. I've started another Agatha Christie book And Then There Were None. It's a little confusing but I hope I'll understand it and enjoy :)

One of the few Christie standalones that I've read but it's an all-time favorite :-)

I found another way when I'm stuck not willing to read book that day. I started several books so I change read between them. It's kinda of like you are watching several currently airing dramas. ^-^ 

Well, It works today. The book is like calling me why you read others, I'm the one you're supposed to read this month. 

I believe It will also work for the other books next months since I'm reducing the pages of what I am supposed to read next months. Especially if it's a thick book.

I feel like everyone here has no trouble reading books. I feel like I'm in reading slump alone. Well, the intention of book lovers is to gather people who love book so it's right. In the process, perhaps watching people who love books makes you think you also want to be like them cause you are once a book lover. So you start to read and get out of your slump.

“My mother’s gifts of courage to me were both large and small. 
The latter are woven so subtly into the fabric of my psyche that 
I can hardly distinguish where she stops and I begin.”

This was technically supposed to be a February read but I got swamped with work so I ended up pushing it off. This book is an autobiography of Maya Angelou in which she chronicles her life and the relationship with her mother. 

Reading this book I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had to put it down because a pharagraph or a sentence has chocked me up. It’s an inspirational story of an extraordinary woman who had to take the harsh challenges life put in her way and rise up, and her extraordinary mother who  through it all was an inspiration, an encouragement and a wall of protection. 

The entire time reading this I kept saying ”this is what happens when you have a force of nature, a supportive no-nonsense parent raising you. You grow up to be Maya Angelou.” 

Hey y'all, since I'm very busy on the 1st of April, I decided to just share all the books I've read in March today. Four books are actually so much more than I anticipated, so I'll stop here. 

The Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller

rating: 4/5
thoughts: This was a quick read for me because I found it very well paced and the writing was all too beautiful. Although, I wish Patroclus had not been so dependent, clingy, and was his own person. This really bothered in way I had not expected from the beginning when he was portrayed so weak. Other than that, I really enjoyed this and recommend if you're looking for a socially relevant romance fantasy. 

Divergent by Veronica Roth

rating: 3/5
thoughts: Because of how much hate this series gets, I was a bit wary at first. However, I surprisingly enjoyed this and found a lot of nostalgia through it because I was obsessed with dystopia growing up. This genre sufferers from a lot of recyclable tropes so its become a guilty pleasure for me. Will I continue this series, no. I have heard enough criticisms and spoilers to just pass on it.  

When Dimple met Rishi by Sandhya Menon

rating: 2/5
thoughts: This one was cute, but that's about it. It was rather difficult to get through and I honestly think this is one of those let's just diversify YA bit more books. Nothing was memorable. 

Never Have I Ever by Isabela Yap

rating: 5/5
thoughts: I've never read anthologies from what I can remember and I'm glad this is my first because wow. These 13 urban fantasy stories were such an enthralling read, opening you to the the Filipino culture. They are such wondrous tales with themes of love and pain and despite my slow reading and short attention span, I managed to read it without getting distracted. There were also elements of horror mixed in with historical and futuristic, which was pleasantly surprising. I would love to erase this from my memory to reread it. Plus, that gorgeous cover really put the cherry on top. 

Books I hope to read in April:

  • No Longer Human by Osamu Dazai
  • Six of Crows series by Leigh Bardugo
  • Shadow and Bone series by Leigh Bardugo
  • When Breath Becomes Air by Paul Kalanithi 
I'm finally done!
I used 53 days to read this till the end. But I hope I will improve that a book a month is possible.

I'm so happy I finish this book today 25/03/2021. I started it on 1/02/2021. Almost 2 months. 

As for the summary I will do so at 1st April just like the rule said, While also introducing the book I'm gonna read on April.

Gidaehae! ^-^