joni :

Hi, Can we ask for book recommendations in this forum? If so, can someone recommend me a good thriller? Not too long and draggy, just a nice quick read.

Safe by Harlan Coben is a quick read :)

 Sassy queen:

I want to be a member

Welcome to our book club, dear @Sassy queen!

 joni :

Hi, Can we ask for book recommendations in this forum? If so, can someone recommend me a good thriller? Not too long and draggy, just a nice quick read.

For fast-paced and gripping psychological thrillers, you can try Sebastian Fitzek's books :)

I've started reading again i'm reading the henna wars right now and it's good so far


Hi, everybody, I'm new on this page  so let me briefly introduce the kind of books I read.
I read a little bit of everything except the horror genre even if I have read a few Stephen King books.
I mainly read books translated into French but that doesn't stop me from reading the English or Chinese versions when the French version is unavailable.
I started reading Korean books last year with Kim Jiyoung born  1982 and Pachinko.
Last month I finished the book Sodoma by Fréderic Martel. It is an essay on homosexuality in the Vatican. It's a non-judgmental book, without being racy, it's tinged with humour but above all it's very enlightening about the best kept an open secret of the Catholic Church at the heart of the various scandals of the last 50 years. Thanks 

Hi!  I glad to meet someone else who doesn't read horror.  I can read murder and crime, but horror makes it hard to sleep.  


Hi!  I glad to meet someone else who doesn't read horror.  I can read murder and crime, but horror makes it hard to sleep.  

I get you, I can't mute the sound like when I watch a movie or a series, so I prefer not to read. ;)

Thanks @penel for this group, maybe I can reconnect with my old habits of reader, I used to read a lot, especially classics. So I wanted to join this group ;)


Thanks @penel for this group, maybe I can reconnect with my old habits of reader, I used to read a lot, especially classics. So I wanted to join this group ;)

Welcome! Glad you joined us :)

Looking forward to your input - classics are always worth returning too ^^


Thanks @penel for this group, maybe I can reconnect with my old habits of reader, I used to read a lot, especially classics. So I wanted to join this group ;)

Welcome welcome!

Hope everyone is having a good weekend. from the two books I selected for this month (which I knew was ambitious), I have managed to finish Jerusalem.  Its a good book and I enjoyed the reading experience but it was heavy on content and understandably too as it covered quite a large period of time in history.  

This week my new course starts so I wouldn't have much  time  (I just checked out the  unit reading lists and  its never ending ) but I hope I can finish at least one no academic book next month. 

Well, as I metioned already on the feeds, the majority of July was not particularly generous to me, so I decided to drop Anchee Min's "Empress Orchid". I'm hoping that I will finish it soon.

However, during my vacation time at the seaside, I grabbed at a fleamarket Michael Crichton's Rising Sun from 1992. I've have went through this gripping crime thriller in about a week, and I must say that the book is a very clever insight into the problem of cultural differences between the Americans and the Japanese. Still, I disagree with the author on several occassions (Crichton was deeply convinced that Japan will buy out the US in the 1990s), but the main theme is not dated at all, especially in view of economic dominance from the side of China nowadays.

PS I vaguely remember that there was a movie adaptation of the novel. The film itself is a bit bland, but I can't forget about the brilliant leading roles of Sean Connery and Wesley Snipes.

Welcome guys and girls o//

Hi mina-san, as I said in my feeds, in August is gonna be a full year of my reading slump... so I decide to face reality and stop forcing myself to read. I will come here from time to time cause its really good see your feeds, new books I never heard about and reviews! Hopes for my desire to read suddenly comes back tho 


Hi mina-san, as I said in my feeds, in August is gonna be a full year of my reading slump... so I decide to face reality and stop forcing myself to read. I will come here from time to time cause its really good see your feeds, new books I never heard about and reviews! Hopes for my desire to read suddenly comes back tho 

I see! Have a good rest from reading then ^_^ I hope one day something will catch your eye and make you interested again :) But if not, there are still many forms of stories to enjoy, like dramas! :D Either way, as long as you enjoy yourself, that's all that really matters.

July update! This month I read some graphic novels. I really loved the eccentric life of Kusama. This was a graphic memoir (which seems to be a style that is growing fairly popular in recent years). Although our lives are very different, I felt we were fairly similar in some ways. Her world seems both stressful and beautiful. I also read the graphic novel Folklords. When I first saw a random issue at my local comic shop I was so curious about it! Finally the volume came out so I bought it for my birthday. I don't really like the way the story portrays librarians. I don't understand why people have such a negative stereotype about librarians when they put so much hard work into making books and public spaces free. But anyway, the story was interesting. Not what I expected it to be though.  I'm not the biggest fan of fairytale reimaginings and I usually avoid "what is reality" type stories. It was entertaining though! But I probably wouldn't have got it if I knew what it was about. (I fell for the pretty cover haha)Although it may not seem like it, I'm also reading prose. At the moment, I'm reading two anthologies. One is Glitter + Ashes, which is a queer post-dystopian anthology about survival and community. It's a mixed bag of very short fiction. The other is Other Suns, which is a speculative fiction anthology. LaVar Burton wrote the intro for it, and after reading the stories I totally get why. I was surprised by how many people didn't seem to like this anthology on goodreads. Maybe I have weird taste, but I think this is one of the best anthologies I've read. Like. Ever. (at least for prose.) Lots of creative works coming out of this one with fairly unique voices. I don't know, I'm enjoying it. I won't promise that I'll finish them for next update because if I say I will, I probably won't knowing my streak >:( 

Happy end of July! August is coming too soon ... lol