
Oh i see… what’s the link for the MDL discord if u don’t mind sharing? 

I think you should ask MDL crews here, they don't allow me to share the link

For January I read "The twentieth century" by Aurélien Bellanger. In fact I listen to a very nice critical podcast of literary/movie every month and this time they proposed this novel which is a tribute to the German philosopher, Walter Benjamin. Well, it was a bit of a difficult read, quite philosophical with a writing not easy, I liked it even if I found it a little repetitive after a while. What I appreciated the most is everything I could discover about this philosopher, we feel a real love of the author for him, even if I think that the tribute is incomplete.

This year I want to discover more of contemporary French literature (Emmanuel Carrère, Philippe Janaeda, Julia Deck ...) and trying to read books (that was highly recommended to me) that I bought the last year and that I didn't have time to read (Toni Morrisson, Russel Banks, Jon kalman Stefansson, Karl Ove Knausgard...) and continue to discover the classics.

I just finished reading "The Diary of Anne Frank" (we only watched the 2016 movie version at school). I know how it ends, but I still got tears when I read the epilogue (one sentence in particular really hit me). Her last entries were with so much hope for a near end and to be able to go back to school in a few months. You can really follow her development, her thoughts and their relationships through the years while reading her diary.

For January I read 50 Shades of Grey, first chapter, finished in early February as part of a challenge, contemporary book adapted to screen. 

It was like watching a serie with the aim of pointing out all the plot holes, the absurdities of the story. Not sure I'll continue with the other 2 volumes as I can't find any depth to the characters. Some topics are brought up so lightly and bringing in BDSM codes w/o really respecting them doesn't excuse everything.  I don't plan to watch the movies. 
Next book for February Interview with the Vampire by Anne Rice for the same challenge. It will be a rereading. 

Hello I'm new to this, is this club only limited to books in English? 

In January I completed 错撩 (Accidental Love) and I've recently finished 向师祖献上咸鱼  (Offering Salted Fish To Master). Started both titles because they are both being adapted to dramas and I can't wait for them to start HAHA.

Accidental love was an amusing light hearted read and I cant wait to see Hedi as Shiyan after seeing all the photos/videos! 

As for Offering Salted Fish to Master, I'm not very sure how they can turn this to a drama or how much of the script they have to change to pass censorship because there are so many killing scenes in the book but it's hard not to love a "I hate everyone in this world but you" ML :")

Hello I'm new to this, is this club only limited to books in English? 

Welcome, dear friend!
Of course this isn't limited only for books in English, but generally for all the books we read, in any language :)

So I'm reading this series right now and I'm on book 3 because I just finished the 2nd book I don't know who here has read  it but its amazing and I recommend but I will put out some warnings for those who don't like dark  (There is murder, rape, gore, sex, ) 

The name of the series is MindF*ck the names of the books are 

The Risk #1✔️

Sidetracked #2✔️

Scarlet Angel #3

All the lies #4

Paint it all red #5

I've heard of that series and wanted to give it a try but I'm scared it'll be just another one of those hyped up series.


I've heard of that series and wanted to give it a try but I'm scared it'll be just another one of those hyped up series.

Nooo way its so worth reading I honestly didn't know it was hyped up till I started digging it's so good if you love Mystery Murder Dark romance tragedy you will love it it's so well done and leaves you wanting more!!

Also the books are so short that your like where the fuck did it go!!?? There's like 13 to 16 chapters in each book

Say word!?👀  I'll give them a try sooner or later !

I read a theological book and also I Want to Die but I Also Want to Eat Tteokbokki

Read less than last month but still happy. My goal is really just 2 books a month so I'm very proud of the rate I've been reading at. Have a great March, everyone <3

Wasn't in the mood to read a single line from the books on my bedside table 🤣

I promise myself to do better during March! 🤞

I have only read one book this month! 

The three-body problem by Liu Cixin

It was an incredible and fast-paced book! I was initially afraid because I heard that it's hard to read due to all complex matters in the plot, but it's not. It's actually a very easy and good read and I love how the writer explains all concepts in an easy and understandable manner!

After reading it, I became even more astonished at how well the tv adaptation captured the vibe of the plot and how closely it followed it! 

5/5 Totally recommend if you're into sci-fi!!