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for shopping online, i prefer kakaku... you can find many online shops there, include amazon and rakuten.. :) i got my dslr camera from there..it was more than 20,000 lower than in yamada denki..lol
yep. i've used amazon.co.jp a few times already. the interesting thing about shopping online is there is an option to pay at a combini. place ur order, amazon emails u this page that u print out and take to the combini (7/11) and pay. japan is all about cash.
Aah, kakaku's good too... somehow I think of them for big (expensive) items like TVs and cameras and rakuten for the more everyday stuff. There is almost always either a conbini or a furikomi option for online purchases (and sometimes pay on delivery) Great for those times when they won't give you a credit card because you don't fit all their requirements ;)
ladyfaile wrote: so exciting, i wonder if there are any festivals in tokyo when we're going. i don't think so, i tried looking up a schedule and couldn't see anything but you never know

i hope you find a rice cooker eventually for a decent price =/ i second checking online. is there a japanese version of amazon and ebay?

What month/season are you coming??
next July. 10 days or so from mid-month to end of the month
Next as in next year? Or next month? Either way late July is prime summer festival season, and there should be some pretty major fireworks during that period too (though a lot of the REALLY big ones are early August, late July has lots too). Look in the subway stations, there is usually a poster with upcoming events.
well my future sister in law is Japanese and my brother in law has been living there for a few years now so I'm sure they'll know what's happening around Tokyo while we're there. we're also spending a bit of time in Nikko, that's where the wedding will be, though I hope to have time to tour some of the shrines and temple grounds etc. it's July 2013. seems so far away lol

1940yen at a 2nd hand shop. that's a lil over 20 usd right? it's 4 yrs old and the pan's a bit beaten up but it works! lol. i bought a 5kg pack of rice too cuz it was all the super market near me had. lord knows when i will finish that.
yay! lol at least we know you won't starve to death :D
okay update time!!

It's been a while since i've posted on MDL. I visit every now and then just to update my list but i haven't had much time for much else. Reason being is I've been having the summer of my life here in Japan. I got 6 weeks for vacation and I have 1 left. I've been traveling around Japan for most of it but the fun began before i even left Saga City. I participated in 2 awesome events: gatalypics and a river climb.

met some power rangers (kamen rider) and putties.

gatalympic mud racing. dirty but fun.

river climb. you can't see me but i'm 2nd in the line to go down that rapid and i almost drowned in the process sadly with a life jacket...it was still fun tho.

river climb. this was fun and dangerous and exhausting...can't wait for next yr!

Travels: I have one friend from my country who was here in Japan for 3 yrs. He lived in Sendai and decided that his time in Japan was at it's end so I visited him for a few days. He and his friends took me to temples and out shopping during the day and drinking and clubbing every night I was in Sendai. It was awesome. I returned to Saga to rest for a few days then left again for a road trip with 2 other ALT friends I made during training. We all live in different islands in japan and it was quite a bit of traveling to get to each other but we met up in Okayama where our road trip began. Okayama-->Tsuyama--> Toyama (Gokayama)--> Shiga--> Osaka. 5 days lots of driving but it was so much fun and we got to spend the nights in the homes of some very nice Japanese people who took good care of us--fed us, gave us shelter and took us around. All in all I can say this has been one of the best summers of my life. I have so many pics so I'll share some with you guys in another post.
Wow! That looks like so much fun! Mud racing sounds interesting. I'm glad you are having a blast. :)
Yeeeees.....wanna experience things like that as well >_< :D I am glad you have a good time there~
Looks really fun! What else is in gatalympics?
gatalympics takes place in kashima, saga prefecture. it's a yearly event that takes place when the tide pulls out of the Ariake sea to reveal the mud banks below. it's crazy watching the water disappear and it stays out for about 10 hrs or so. there are various events like mud dashes, kids races, team tug of war, last man/ woman standing, obstacle course etc. it cost about 10 bucks per event to participate so my friends and i only did the mud dash and obstacle course. we could not even get thru the 1st stage of the obstacle course...no one won actually lol, the mud was so thick it held us down. i had to be pulled out maybe 10 yard from the start point. but it was so much fun.