
I'm Kawaikochan (kawai for short, or kawaiko, or kawa for that matter, lol basically anything). One of my Japanese friends calls me kawaikochan whenever we talk. From what I understand it can be translated as "sweetie" or "cutie." Like brownsugar, I also didn't expect to be talking this much on a forum. I'm usually a lurker, but you are all so nice and welcoming, I couldn't resist

I only watch Jdramas because I'm currently studying the language and I'm trying to keep my mind focused on Japanese, but I hope to see dramas from other countries in the future. I've seen a ton of foreign films because I love them, including examples from Asia, but not all the movies I've seen are on my list because I can't remember them, hehehe.

Feel free to send a friend request (^0^)/ ~bye~
lilbunny wrote: Hi~waves~

I'm Kawaikochan (kawai for short, or kawaiko, or kawa for that matter, lol basically anything). One of my Japanese friends calls me kawaikochan whenever we talk. From what I understand it can be translated as "sweetie" or "cutie." Like brownsugar, I also didn't expect to be talking this much on a forum. I'm usually a lurker, but you are all so nice and welcoming, I couldn't resist

I only watch Jdramas because I'm currently studying the language and I'm trying to keep my mind focused on Japanese, but I hope to see dramas from other countries in the future. I've seen a ton of foreign films because I love them, including examples from Asia, but not all the movies I've seen are on my list because I can't remember them, hehehe.

Feel free to send a friend request (^0^)/ ~bye~

We've met before but once again welcome to MDL. Hope together we can make an amazing community.
so am not the only one :D its glad to know someone out there feels the same way :)
i guessed KAwai for sweetie or cutie through subs ... i like your user name so i will not give u a nick name :D ..."" Saying it out loud KAwaikochan :D

Dojemi10 VIPCommunity Manager
hello Kawaikochan :D
Hi Kawaikochan!
Nice to meet you. Cute name you have. ;) It's true, the atmosphere in MDL is very good, that's why I as well managed to muster up enough courage to take part in forum conversations. Yoroshiku! :)
Hey Kawai! Welcome to the wonderful world of forums!!
Hello Kawaikochan! How's your Japanese? What level are you now? ^^