I found MDL by stumbling upon it on dramacrazy.net :) I really love this online community and I'm so glad I'm here. A little bit about me ~ I'm a mother of a 5-month-old baby boy who loves his baby einstein bouncer, his milk and his mom & dad :) I go back to work tomorrow (yay!!) and I have a big list of to watch movies and dramas. I hope everyone have a lovely weekend! God bless!
Congratulation for finding MDL and more so for having a healthy kid. Enjoy and share your feelings as you go through ur list. Welcome.
welcome to MDL ^^/ have fun here! :D
Hi, :) I love babies!!
Hi :) welcome to MDL , Have fun sweety u for sure a great mother ;)
thank you for all the warm welcome :)
Dojemi10 VIPCommunity Manager
Welcome to MDL~!!!
Hi and welcome to MDL :D
Welcome to MDL! Have fun here! :)
Hi and welcome to MDL :D Also congrats on becoming a mom.
Welcome to MDL! :) share the baby pictures ;D