Hello! My name is Ashu, and I am a staff member on MDL. Apparently, not many of you know that, so just puttin' it out there.

My favorite Jdrama is Nodame Cantabile. I love-love-loved it. I play instruments myself, so that may be part of why I like it so much. I'm currently playing the tuba (not for much longer though), and have previously played Euphonuim, Cornet and Althorn (which is what I'll be switching to soon as well). I also used to play the piano. I recognized the geeky musician environment in Nodame that I'm part of myself, so it felt really close to me.

My favorite Kdrama is a toughie to decide. I'm gonna have to go with Secret Garden. It's just a perfect drama. T.T

I live in Norway. Always have, probably always will, and therefore I am - as you might have guessed - norwegian. And no, that does not automatically mean that I can ski. T.T

Many of you are probably going to wonder about my username, so here is a quick explanation:
I wanted something new and original for the site, and I was completely blank. I looked around and saw the chord A7 on one of the piano sheets laying around at home. 7 in norwegian is 'syv', but the way I pronounce it, it's 'sju'. I immediately though 'asju'... And then mistyped. x) Therefore it's 'Ashu' instead of 'Asju'. So there it is. :D

Hope you all enjoy the site!
Hello Ashu!

Nice to meet you.
As you are a staff we`ll bother you everytime we can`t find Skye ;)
Dojemi10 VIPCommunity Manager
lol! what Akai said :p
I was forced to play the recorder when I was a kid :(
nice to meet you Ashu :D
nice to meet you Ashu ... /waves
Nice to meet you!

I bought a guitar but haven't had the time to learn it. Cool to see you are able to play so many instruments.

Nice to meet you Ashu.
Upon reading about your favourite Korean drama, I suddenly decided you're my favourite MDL staff member (after Skye, of course). ;););)

Amber- wrote: Nice to meet you Ashu.
Upon reading about your favourite Korean drama, I suddenly decided you're my favourite MDL staff member (after Skye, of course). ;););)


Hehe. She's my favorite staff member too <3. She truly has helped a LOT with the site.
That being said, I always thought your username was Ash from Pokemon. But im sure your explanation was a nice cover :P
Hi Ashu,
Nice to meet you. It's cool - all the instruments you can play, I mean. I also adored Nodame Cantabile - I learned a lot about classical music when watching it - highly educational drama series, as well as entertaining, one might say. :) Good to know there's someone helping Skye with this site. Thanks for you hard work!
Nice to meet you too (:

Same same!

Screw Skye, I'm the one with the real power. *flex*
Nice to meet you, btw. x)

Don't blow my cover T.T

You're welcome. (: Hope you enjoy the site :D
*runs and glomps*
Nice to meet you^^
Lol, Akai :D
Nodame Cantibile was also one of my firsts and I loved it^^
Secret Garden is out of discussion XDD
Amaya wrote:

Screw Skye, I'm the one with the real power. *flex*
Nice to meet you, btw. x)

I'll keep it in mind, although there's something very disturbing about the idea of screwing Skye.
LOL ;)
nancii wrote: i'll keep it in mind, although there's something very disturbing about the idea of screwing skye.
Lol ;)

hello new favorite person
I feel honoured, Ashu. But be warned: there are times when I can be almost serious.
No one is perfect. ;)