Jeaniessi wrote: me too ...grumble grumble cuss cuss

Jejeje... Gotta love DQ. ♥♥♥♥♥♥
Let's beautify this page shall we?

It's crazytown again? Not that I
This one makes me smile...I'm reposting.

Look at his amazing face! So smooth and polished. Slashy eyebrows...

PinkDiamond wrote: He seems like he has a...hmmm...what's the word I'm looking for...commanding presence? I like to be around those type of people. The type that have such a intriguing energy that you can't help but to be enamored.

He does have a charismatic presence. ♥♥♥

It just screams look at me, even when he's just standing there scowling. *sigh*
alt key plus the number 3 ♥
Every Page must be pretty! Awww...Little Shota-kun!


yeah yeah..I'm spamming more pics.

He's so sexy...

the more i look at him..the prettier he guys are turning me into a Shota Lover, not fair :p
well....there's more where that came from! Crazy Love!