I absolutely love the picture spam. *sigh*
Yeah, I'm pretty much a complete fangirl for him now. I've gone down the rabbit hole. I've come to accept it. So glad I'm not alone.
In the spirit of crazytown and the fact that I know you like him too..Here's more.

I just want to do things to him...that can't be said on this forum...
Jajajaja....Don't be naughty Jeanie... :p
LisNoir wrote: Jajajaja....Don't be naughty Jeanie... :p

It is not my fault I am naughty. It is HIS fault. I don't feel I should have to take any responsibility or be held accountable for my thoughts. Because...Seriously
Jajaja....I don't even know why I said that, because let's face it.....I feel the same way too about oori Shota-kun! :D
PinkDiamond wrote: I can't keep my mind from wandering in that direction either which is why I visit this thread less often.

That sentence makes no sense to me. You might as well have said this: لا يمكنني الاحتفاظ ذهني من يتجول في هذا الاتجاه اما الذي هو السبب في أنني زيارة هذا الموضوع في كثير من الأحيان أقل.
Hmmm, that picture didn't load when I posted earlier..jejejeje
LisNoir wrote: Hmmm, that picture didn't load when I posted earlier..jejejeje

If it is a pic of Shota than please try again.
jeanie65jh wrote: If it is a pic of Shota than please try again.

Yes, it was the picture you posted with your response to my naughty comment...lol But I saw it now.

Is MDL slow loading slow for you? Because I'm having MDL v1 flashbacks right now. lol
LisNoir wrote: Yes, it was the picture you posted with your response to my naughty comment...lol But I saw it now.

Is MDL slow loading slow for you? Because I'm having MDL v1 flashbacks right now. lol

I replied in the PM. I have to go to sleep now. I am being forced awake early on a sat. by a certain someone. See ya tomorrow night!