LisNoir wrote: Omo!!!

That's what I said!!! LOL
<3 Him in Liar Game , also love shuffle & meitante okite :P
Jeaniessi wrote: Add this to the growing pile of things I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE HIM IN!!

What a cast! What's this drama going to be about?
Jeaniessi wrote: That's what I said!!! LOL

I don't think that's real. I can find no info on it....Plus, look at who it has been edited by and whose original story it is. :(

Edit: Found this in a tumbler entry.

wrote: Next Project

This the preview poster to my next project. Yes, they are all purely make-believe and part of my creative mind so I’m terribly sorry if I got anyone looking for any of my previous trailers. It starred pretty much the same casts I always used.


You mean nothing to me at all but you’ve got what it takes to set me free.


The police force are after a criminal group. The game is similar to a cat and mouse chase until one by one, the death becomes more brutal. Slowly, they starts to realize the mastermind of this game has gather all his chess piece to win this game and his motive is revenge, but what could be the trigger of this hate? Perhaps it was an event so insignificant, they have all forgotten except for one particular person…
LisNoir wrote: I don't think that's real. I can find no info on it....Plus, look at who it has been edited by and whose original story it is. :(

Edit: Found this in a tumbler entry.

That person sucks.... I got excited thinking there was a new movie... And then of course just gullible enough to see that and think it was a real movie poster. Why do fans do that? So weird. I probably shouldn't be annoyed but I am..

I need a break from packing the last of our stuff and I REALLY need a drink.
Jeaniessi wrote: That person sucks.... I got excited thinking there was a new movie... And then of course just gullible enough to see that and think it was a real movie poster. Why do fans do that? So weird. I probably shouldn't be annoyed but I am..

I need a break from packing the last of our stuff and I REALLY need a drink.

It does suck, it didn't help that the poster was better done than some of the official posters for movies I've seen.-__-;

Unnie, it's finally time! Have a good and safe trip!
-Drools- my favorite bof character, i would still be stalkin him if i didnt swtich over to korean drama :o got the urge to stalk him again
nekoblah wrote: -Drools- my favorite bof character, i would still be stalkin him if i didnt swtich over to korean drama :o got the urge to stalk him again

Oh I love Korean dramas too and I stalk Shota-kun like a big fat stinking stalker. ....He is shamazing and beautiful and I can't help myself. Stalk away Neko!
You could say he is my second-favorite actor.:D The first place will be reserved forever for my Miura:p
That's right...I'm back! And so you must expect me to spam Shota and annoy the crap out of you that his name is always at the top of the Latest Forum Posts! :) Luv ya's!
Oh so cute! Shota and his Mum!

Jeaniessi wrote: That's right...I'm back! And so you must expect me to spam Shota and annoy the crap out of you that his name is always at the top of the Latest Forum Posts!

:) Luv ya's!

How is that annoying? LOL <3

Aww, that's cute. <3<3<3
LisNoir wrote: How is that annoying? LOL <3

Aww, that's cute. <3<3<3

It's not annoying! LOL It's beautiful! and aren't they the cutest?! ♥