To win me over he needs to do a romantic role's hoping it will happen one day !!
RainFlower wrote: To win me over he needs to do a romantic role's hoping it will happen one day !!

Even though he has already won me over in SPADES! (yeah, obviously) I am totally with you there. Here's hoping!
Bump! So so pretty... Brain is mush.

Jeaniessi wrote: If you need me, I'll be lying over there with my brain all mushy with love. GUH...

Guh! Watch Labbu Shaffu!!

Jeaniessi wrote: Guh! Watch Labbu Shaffu!!

Already have ;D
but I think I'm going to re-watch it very soon :D
LisNoir wrote:

bump!!!! I love Lis Noir!
Jeaniessi wrote: beautiful Asian, almond shaped, chocolate colored, slashy goodness...He's so pretty.

*dies* OMO... My heart...

for the love of all that is holy....{{faint}}
cityhunter83 wrote: for the love of all that is holy....{{faint}}

I just can't even...I can't... *goes back to staring at him*
Jeaniessi wrote: I want to bite him...but not hard. ...shhhh don't tell...

*bookmarked* I am going to have a heart attack!!! O___O
dapinaymrs wrote: *bookmarked* I am going to have a heart attack!!! O___O

I know! He is sublime.... LOL So sexy in those pictures.

I just realized how pretty that page is! Oh man... So so pretty.
Jeaniessi wrote: *dies* OMO... My heart...

I'm sorry but...I just had to do this. Bump! *dies again*