SayItAintSoJoe wrote: Ok so, I watched the first ep of yanpapa and I have to admit that is was pretty good for a family drama, but it wasn't funny. Are the following episodes funny? really funny? or just a little funny?

Its been a while since I watched it and I really enjoyed watching it. It depends on what you think is funny. For me it was funny.

HAVA-RAVA wrote: Do you know where to watch/download it?

On doramaX you can dl it, Hava!
Thanks akai ^^ Been meaning to watch it forever.
No probleme, but doesn`t it have like 3 seasons?
I know it has Mukodono (2001) and Mukodono 2003.
I uploaded it in wats, i stii havent linked it to DC yrt, i'll get the address and link them to you! I hope its still there... Ill do this later when im on my comp