LisNoir wrote: I watched Nobuta after YNSH because I liked Kame in that one, so I looked up more dramas with him in them. But I totally ended up loving Akira <

It was the same for me:)In the end i became a very big Fan of Akira~^^
LisNoir wrote: I watched Nobuta after YNSH because I liked Kame in that one, so I looked up more dramas with him in them. But I totally ended up loving Akira <

Same here. Only reason I watched it was because Kame was in it and it was my first drama w/ Yamapi. Instantly fell in love with him. Akira was awesome.
Haha I loved this drama! It made me laugh so much. I loved Akira and his funny antics. Akira Shock!

lol Dance lesson
Haha And the opening song for the show, which completely excludes the main girl and focuses on the two male leads XD

Nobuta is not a simple school-drama. It's much more.
I too started it because I wanted to watch something with Kame in it and without giving it much hope, but I decided I would love it from the very first episode. First, Shuji's obsession with the tree, then Akira's introduction, which was priceless.
And talking about random commentaries by this last, the first thing he says to Shuji is: "Nietzsche says god is dead. But what could he have died of?"

I loved the ending too, I personally thought it was perfect.
To me, Nobuta is a classic that I re-watch with pleasure now and then. :)
amrita828 wrote: Nobuta is not a simple school-drama. It's much more.
I too started it because I wanted to watch something with Kame in it and without giving it much hope, but I decided I would love it from the very first episode. First, Shuji's obsession with the tree, then Akira's introduction, which was priceless.
And talking about random commentaries by this last, the first thing he says to Shuji is: "Nietzsche says god is dead. But what could he have died of?"

I loved the ending too, I personally thought it was perfect.
To me, Nobuta is a classic that I re-watch with pleasure now and then. :)

Haha I loved his introduction. The hand flapping :D And yeah that was a great line. I think this drama definitely has a high re-watch value.
Sleepninja wrote: Haha I loved this drama! It made me laugh so much. I loved Akira and his funny antics. Akira Shock!

lol Dance lesson

really liked al these scenes... thanks for sharing... the Akira shock scene is brilliant. I think it's what makes Yamashita san my favorite actor. And what makes me a j-drama addict.
I watch Nobuta because of the plot : in fact I was looking for something funny and not too realistic. It went beyond any expectation. Like many other fans, I started to like Shuji. Not because it was Kamenashi, that I've first seen in YNSH too, but because he played an average student reflecting on everyday life and trying to handle with. But soon Akira became a lot more interesting. Because of his unexpected reflexions, and his very unique vision of life. I wish I could have met such crazy boys at school, it would have been less boring.
Although I usually like happy romantic endings, I find this one interesting, even if quite surprising. Because imo the bond between the three main characters is the true interest of this show. It is really well described all along the show, we can see it grow up step by step. Characters are sometimes adorable, sometimes mean (Akira and Shuji's video!!!), but far more realistic than in some other shows. Their friendship is based on many details, and not too artificial like in so many shows.
I have to say Nobuta wo Produce was my first drama and it still remains one of my favorites. I thought it was absolutely hilarious and a little bit touching. I didn't really like the ending too much, but that's really my only complaint. And I think Yamapi made a perfect Akira, I can't imagine anyone playing the role better. And I completely agree with you SumiTheCat the bond between the 3 friends was definitely the highlight of the show.

I like to watch these videos when I want a good laugh because they are some of the best scenes in the entire drama. I also wouldn't recomend watching these videos if you haven't finished the drama. Wouldn't want to spoil it. Lol.

AimxAim wrote: I have to say Nobuta wo Produce was my first drama and it still remains one of my favorites. I thought it was absolutely hilarious and a little bit touching. I didn't really like the ending too much, but that's really my only complaint. And I think Yamapi made a perfect Akira, I can't imagine anyone playing the role better. And I completely agree with you SumiTheCat the bond between the 3 friends was definitely the highlight of the show.

I like to watch these videos when I want a good laugh because they are some of the best scenes in the entire drama. I also wouldn't recomend watching these videos if you haven't finished the drama. Wouldn't want to spoil it. Lol.

Hahahaha you have chosen all my favorite scenes ~ Hehehe thanks I love them <3
They are so hirilous funny
Well, I didn't make the video I just found it on youtube. Lol. But yeah, those videos feature pretty much my favorite scenes. But the kiss scene and the suitcase scene are my favorite. And no matter how many times I hear it the Bye-bicycle thing still annoys me. Lol.
AimxAim wrote: Well, I didn't make the video I just found it on youtube. Lol. But yeah, those videos feature pretty much my favorite scenes. But the kiss scene and the suitcase scene are my favorite. And no matter how many times I hear it the Bye-bicycle thing still annoys me. Lol.

Haha the Bye Bicycle was funny the first couple of times I heard it, but after that I wanted to smack them over the head and tell them to shut up. XD
Yes! That's exactly how I felt! You deserve a virtual high five for that. Lol. I mean, it was a stupid pun so I thought that it was cute. But the fact that they kept saying it was super annoying.
I didn't mind the bicycle thing but I hated Destiny!! But in the end - when the whole class is seeing Shuji off and they take photos and stuff, I realized that maybe it was the purpose. Like, yeah at school we do bunch of silly and annoying stuff but one day we're gonna do them for the last time ever. Ahh, nostalgia!! I discovered this drama accidentaly - I just liked the promo poster so I decided to watch it (don't judge book by its cover, huh? I do that anyways :D) and it really became my all time favourite! The story and dialogues are really ingenious and the way the public persona matter is introduced actually made me think about my own little lies.
This is the second Jdrama I finished. I watched this last Christmas 2012 and my last drama of the year. :)
During the first few episodes, I was wondering if Japanese high school really looks like that.
Spoiler Those scenes when Nobuta was letting that girl and her company to bully her, it really made my heart break. When she decided to wear her jacket with paint that says "ugly", I almost cried, but burst to laughter after I saw what Shuji and Akira did to thier pants.
Yamapi's character was quite weird. but after the few episodes, I got used to it and I'm enjoying his weirdness and craziness . But please explain to me why he is like that. He acts like a drunk. >,<
He was also in my first jdrama which is Pro Dai. I think there are similarities in his character in Pro Dai and in Nobuta.
And I think i'm the only one here who's not in love with Yamapi?? Sorry, i don't find him attractive but he looks like Kim Hyun Joong(or maybe it's just me) For Kame, needs to get a haircut. ^^
The ending.. I really thought of giving Akira a chance with Nobuta.. what will he do to have her heart.. ??
But overall, i think it's great! Might rewatch this in the future.

Some unforgettable stuff >.<
that willow tree (why in the world a willow tree?? why do you need to touch it early in the morning? )
"Akira shock!"
"Are you getting enough calcium?" (i think i also heard this ling from a kdrama)
byebyecycle xd
Destiny - it's funny cause it's not funny
Nobuta pig keychain (I might make one for myself)
Nobuta power - does she really thinks that works? lol
and this guy! who is this again? i forgot his name..[/IMG]

and many other scenes ^^

I think this is my first [I]very
long post in a forum ^^

Edit: I think I heard Yamapi saying "Annyeong" and "arasseo" or maybe it's just me?
And I take back what i said that I don't find Yamapi attractive.. After i posted this, I google some Yamapi pics and.. okay, i take back what I said!! ahahaha
Sleepninja wrote: Haha And the opening song for the show, which completely excludes the main girl and focuses on the two male leads XD

the video has been removed by the user :((