Hi,, May I ask some question again?

1. When do Cui Xing Zhou know that Lu Wen is actually Liu Mian Tang? Is it before or after Liu Mian Tang know that her so called husband actually Prince HuaiYang? Or much later when she has second amnesia only remember her bandits days?

2. When Liu Mian Tang found that her husband actually Prince HuaiYang, she still has her first amnesia, right? How far does she know about his lies? Is it only about his identity that he actually not real Cui Jiu but Cui Xing Zhou? How about he actually want to used her as bait because he thought she was Lu Wen's concubine? 

1. When do Cui Xing Zhou know that Lu Wen is actually Liu Mian Tang? Is it before or after Liu Mian Tang know that her so called husband actually Prince HuaiYang? Or much later when she has second amnesia only remember her bandits days?

2. When Liu Mian Tang found that her husband actually Prince HuaiYang, she still has her first amnesia, right? How far does she know about his lies? Is it only about his identity that he actually not real Cui Jiu but Cui Xing Zhou? How about he actually want to used her as bait because he thought she was Lu Wen's concubine?

Here's a simple timeline of future events acccording to the novel:

  • XIngzhou go to war and Miantang follows him
  • Miantang met her uncle and he tells her that her (fake) husband is a king and she figure out the rest on her own
  • Miantang was furious and they separates 
  • Xingzhou proposes to her
  • somebody tells miantang that she's Lu Wen
  • she's trying to hide her identity while preparing for the wedding and have a baby
  • Xingzhou finds out that she's Lu Wen
  • conflict and make up
  • she get her second amnesia where she remembers all her past up to her bandit days (She did not remember that she already got married and have a kid) 
  • Xingzhou tries to convince her that they're in love with each other despite being enemies

Did I overspoil things? I hope not ^^; it's just that there are so many things to cover and I don't really know how to explain haha. Please do note that some parts might not make it into the drama and or they might change the order of things happening.

@QueenSpringDay  🤗 Many thanks again. I love spoilers as it preps my mind what to expect - be it good or bad. 🥂🍻

Thank you QueenSpringDay. I think I've got the gist of the story. It's a simple and clear timeline from you. Really helpful!

And Yessss, I do love spoilers too. :)))

I usually hate amnesia plot and or lies - which means time bomb. But I think this drama will serve those things in the right way that we could learn how their love grow, become stronger and win over time. Even at the end when she get her second amnesia, she could love her enemy once more and he could get his girl again. That's why I got interested in this drama and wait eagerly for next episode. Hope the drama could show main things in the novel well or even better.   

All I remember was just that eventually Liu Yu pulled a coup d'état and then he became the emperor lol.

Hi QueenSpringDay, sorry, more requests for info

#1 when did Zi Yu stage the coup d'etat? After she's married with 1st child?

#2 Before he became Emperor, did Zi Yu do anything to harm ML and break up the couple?

#3  After he became Emperor, did ML lose everything? His royal status, family, his military, etc?

#4 Did FL reunite with Zi Yu after she regained past memory and totally forgotten her love for ML during her 2nd amnesia?

#5 Did Li Yu's reign last till end of story? 

#6 Don't remember seeing 2nd ML dressed up grandly or in emperor's robe in the opening/closing and trailers. But, I do see a woman dressed grandly in red. Who is that woman who says she's not afraid of him?

Many thanks in advance. Cheers!


Hi QueenSpringDay, sorry, more requests for info

#1 when did Zi Yu stage the coup d'etat? After she's married with 1st child?

#2 Before he became Emperor, did Zi Yu do anything to harm ML and break up the couple?

#3  After he became Emperor, did ML lose everything? His royal status, family, his military, etc?

#4 Did FL reunite with Zi Yu after she regained past memory and totally forgotten her love for ML during her 2nd amnesia?

#5 Did Li Yu's reign last till end of story? 

#6 Don't remember seeing 2nd ML dressed up grandly or in emperor's robe in the opening/closing and trailers. But, I do see a woman dressed grandly in red. Who is that woman who says she's not afraid of him?

Many thanks in advance. Cheers!

I can help with some of those.

#1 I don't remember. But it will happen fairly soon. It happens before the marriage and child.

#2. No.

#3. No. ML is no pushover. 

#4. Yes, but only to tell him she was tempted to find him at first but chose to stay with ML despite not remembering their love. 

Here's the scene where she reunited with him after gaining her memory. 

"Liu Mian Tang slowly shook her head, a hint of regret in her voice as she said, "When I hit my head on the bandit island and he saved me, I really thought about finding you again and letting you explain the misunderstanding. But... later, that thought disappeared..."

Hearing this, Liu Yu clenched his fists. As an emperor, he relied heavily on Cui Xingzhou. But as a man, he found it hard to let go of the fact that Cui Xingzhou had stolen his love.

"What did he do to make you unwilling to leave?" Liu Yu asked each word with emphasis.

Mian Tang smiled, "He did nothing. He simply knew that I couldn't remember the love and affection between us and only remembered that we were mortal enemies. Yet every night, when he shared the bed with me, he slept soundly and defenselessly, like a child..."

Liu Yu's face darkened, but he understood what Mian Tang meant.

Even though Cui Xingzhou knew that Liu Mian Tang had lost her memory and possessed lethal martial skills, he never avoided or tested her.

What Liu Mian Tang wanted was never mountains of gold and silver or dominion over the land. She desired a person who truly loved her, who would stand by her side and give her the trust that comes with standing back-to-back.

This one thing, Liu Yu could never provide, no matter how hard he tried!"

#5. No. 

#6. If I remember correctly that's Zi Yu's Queen, General Shi's daughter.

#1 when did Zi Yu stage the coup d'etat? After she's married with 1st child?

#2 Before he became Emperor, did Zi Yu do anything to harm ML and break up the couple?

#3 After he became Emperor, did ML lose everything? His royal status, family, his military, etc?

#4 Did FL reunite with Zi Yu after she regained past memory and totally forgotten her love for ML during her 2nd amnesia?

#5 Did Li Yu's reign last till end of story?

#6 Don't remember seeing 2nd ML dressed up grandly or in emperor's robe in the opening/closing and trailers. But, I do see a woman dressed grandly in red. Who is that woman who says she's not afraid of him?
  1. Iirc, it happens around the time LMT and CXZ were preparing for their wedding, but maybe our friend @CasualCDfan can help confirming it?
  2. He did nothing, even though he finds out about CXZ's real identity and the fake marriage situation; after becoming an emperor he tries to covet LMT cause he now has the power to do it, only to find out that she actually has been married for real XD
  3. Zi Yu becoming emperor does not really hold any significant impact to CXZ. As another user has mentioned in the comment section, CXZ does not have royal blood. His position as King Huaiyang is hereditary from his father, who used to be a governor but granted the King title for his contribution. So he has no direct connection to the power struggle in the royal palace. State of Zhen is just a part of a bigger dynasty, and that's the one that's Zi Yu's been aiming for. Afaik, CXZ position in royal palace politics has been pretty neutral; when they tells him to go to war, he goes; when they tell him to come to the palace, he comes; and even though later in the story he was granted a higher position in the military for his contribution during the war, he was kinda reluctant about it.
  4. Yup, @CasualCDfan's has included the excerpt from the novel in the first page of this topic about this exact point.
  5. Yes
  6. If I'm not mistaken, she should be Shi Xue Ji, daughter of Shi Yi Kuan whom he married for political reason.
#5. No.

wait it's not? i totally did not remember the part where he abdicated power, or was it being taken away from him? i totally thought it lasted until the end. that's why during the epilogue i was thinking that LMT's daughter was involved with Zi Yu's son lol

@QeenSpringDay ZiYu captured the throne around the time of their engagement. If I'm not mistaken, one of the first things Zi Yu did when he ascended the throne was trying to bring Miantang to the palace. But CXZ already came to get his woman. The mad mad marched his army to her doorsteps. lol


wait it's not? i totally did not remember the part where he abdicated power, or was it being taken away from him? i totally thought it lasted until the end. that's why during the epilogue i was thinking that LMT's daughter was involved with Zi Yu's son lol

Didn't he die of illness at the end of the story, or was that during the epilogue? Maybe I'm misremembering. lol

@CasualCDfan I will have to check back when I have time later lol. It's also a possibility that the drama will change how it ends.


@CasualCDfan I will have to check back when I have time later lol. It's also a possibility that the drama will change how it ends.

In typical drama fashion, it will probably be underwhelming. And we'll probably not see LMT pregnancy and her two children.

woah, thank you so much to both of you @CasualCDfan and @QueenSpringDay for all the answers. 

Guess what, i'm here binge rewatching from #1 and now progressing to #4... I don't normally do such thing immediately when the drama is still being aired. Also, don't know why i'm using my precious time on a rewatch cos, prior to this drama, I actually don't like ZWY and WCR at all !!! 

I love Li Ma Ma and find she & Lord Huaiyang's staff make the story flow interestingly well, plus the lead cast FL/ML portrayed the two main characters true to the bone

I have a few questions? What happens with Lian Rui Lan? Is she even a character in the book? Is she one of his wives? Hoping she isn't, but the way the drama is progressing it feels like he has no intention of cancelling the engagement with Lian Rui Lan. 

What happens with Lian Rui Lan? Is she even a character in the book? Is she one of his wives?

Lian Rui Lan is Lian Bing Lan in the book. The drama has changed a few names and characterization, such as Liu Yu became Zi Yu, and Sun Yunniang is now Sun Yun Er.