• LIU YU used to live together with Miantang in the Mountain Yang during her bandit days. They got into a misunderstanding because of a third person. He can't quite get over her even after he find her living a married life with another guy. However, during his quest to gain back his legacy as an Emperor, he ended up marrying the daughter of his ally. His marriage with Shi Xue Ji wasn't exactly a poster image of a loving spouses, more like a respectful alliance I suppose. But this drama being marketed with three couples, I think, would portray their relationship in a more romantic way

Thanks for sharing your knowledge abt the novel and letting us know the difference between Novel and Drama. Please help elaborate further. Thanks.

Who is this Liu Yu in your notes? 

Who is actually the leader of mountain bandits - Lu Wen or Liu Mian Tang?

Who is the third person mentioned above? Did she already appear in ep 3/4? Was the 3rd person the one who cut FL's veins and left her to die?

Did He Zhen do anything to try to break up the marriage between Cui Jiu & LMT?


how far into the novel did FL regain her past memory? Before consummation or after consummation?

The part where FL knows about her past and the part where she actually remembers her past happens at two different points of the story. But, both happen well after consummation. In fact, she already has a child with the ML.

I just remember there's a part that's quite confusing to me during earlier episodes. In the novel, I didn't pay so much attention to the palace politic so I didn't quite remember. Wasn't the queen dowager described as an old lady, or did I imagine it? And who is that child? I did not remember the emperor being a child was a thing in the novel. All I remember was just that eventually Liu Yu pulled a coup d'état and then he became the emperor lol. Did the drama change the palace dynamic or am I just confused?

Just putting this here so maybe I'll check it back in the novel later.


how far into the novel did FL regain her past memory? Before consummation or after consummation?

Way after towards the end.


I just remember there's a part that's quite confusing to me during earlier episodes. In the novel, I didn't pay so much attention to the palace politic so I didn't quite remember. Wasn't the queen dowager described as an old lady, or did I imagine it? And who is that child? I did not remember the emperor being a child was a thing in the novel. All I remember was just that eventually Liu Yu pulled a coup d'état and then he became the emperor lol. Did the drama change the palace dynamic or am I just confused?

Just putting this here so maybe I'll check it back in the novel later.

I think the child emperor is a drama invention. I've reread the novel recently and that character doesn't exist.

Who is this Liu Yu in your notes?

Who is actually the leader of mountain bandits - Lu Wen or Liu Mian Tang?

Who is the third person mentioned above? Did she already appear in ep 3/4? Was the 3rd person the one who cut FL's veins and left her to die?

Did He Zhen do anything to try to break up the marriage between Cui Jiu & LMT?

Liu Yu is Zi Yu in the drama. Idk why he was credited as Lu Wen. Lu Wen is an alias that is used by Liu Miantang during her operation as a bandit leader in the mountain. Yes, she's the one that he's been looking for all this time haha.

The third person mentioned was Sun Yunniang. She already appeared disguised as a maid during the banquet. Sun Yunniang has feelings for Liu Yu; they're childhood friends i think. Of course she hates Miantang because she's prettier, smarter, and happily in relationship with a guy she has a crush on. And yes, even though she did not hurt her directly, she's indeed contributed to Liu Miantang early downfall from the mountain bandit life. 

He Zhen did not know  that Liu Miantang's husband was the guy that she has a crush on. Idk how should i explain it, but, she unknowingly caused several misunderstanding, between Miantang and Xingzhou. It came across more funny than actually harmful i think. But all these hidden identities certainly has created many complications between their relationships. Eventually she found out the truth and then she got over her crush. She even thought that Xingzhou is an evil man and immediately took Miantang's side. All in all I'd say she's pretty harmless.


The part where FL knows about her past and the part where she actually remembers her past happens at two different points of the story. But, both happen well after consummation. In fact, she already has a child with the ML.

Oh, so was she a virgin before her marriage to ML Cui Jiu? Or was she really already a married female as tagged in MDL?

Also, did she marry ML after finding out his real identity?

Did ML really marry her into his royal family? I mean, doesn't he already have a wife in waiting already?


Eventually she found out the truth and then she got over her crush. She even thought that Xingzhou is an evil man and immediately took Miantang's side. All in all I'd say she's pretty harmless.

@QueenSpringDay,  Thank you so much for your input. I do hope the drama stays aligned to novel on the part of He Zhen. Cheers!


Oh, so was she a virgin before her marriage to ML Cui Jiu? Or was she really already a married female as tagged in MDL?

Also, did she marry ML after finding out his real identity?

Did ML really marry her? I mean, doesn't he already have a wife in waiting already?

Yes, she's a virgin before she met the ML.

Before he met Miantang, Cui Xingzhou has already engaged with Lian Binglan, his cousin from his mother's side. It's an arrangement out of convenience, so there's no love between them. Lian family was manipulative and very calculative, really wants to benefit form Xingzhou's position. And he knows this, but he was kinda indifferent about it. At some point, he has to go to war in the border and he finds out that Lian family was trying to cut all their loses cause they though he might not make it back. Xingzhou was furious, so he passive-aggressively wrote a letter to dissolve their engagement.

He also wrote a similar letter to Miantang, but in a totaly different note. He intended to set Miantang free and stop their act as a married couple. However, Miantang did not accept this, and she chose to follow him to the battlefront. This is the point where Xingzhou realize that Miantang is what a really good wife should be (in comparison to his situation with Lian Binglan). So he actually start considering Miantang sincerely as a love interests from this point on.

During this war, Miantang finds out about his real identity as King Huaiyang and she immediately tried to cut all strings. This created a period of separation in which both of them evaluates their relationship and eventually realize they can not live without each other lol. At first, considering her situation as an orphan with not so great family background, he tried to take her as a concubine. But of course Miantang was like, either you marry me as your one and only legal wife, or nothing at all. Eventually he caves and proposed to her and then they offially got married, no concubines involved.

*edit: sorry if my tenses were all over the place, I'm not a native english speaker so all these tenses and grammar rules don't come naturally for me haha


I think the child emperor is a drama invention. I've reread the novel recently and that character doesn't exist. 

Glad that I did not imagine things then. Thanks for confirming it!

Thanks again to QueenSpringDay for all the info. 

In that case, i feel that the tag on them as being married is wrong.  Guess i'm the only one who thinks these tags are inappropriate. 


*edit: sorry if my tenses were all over the place, I'm not a native english speaker so all these tenses and grammar rules don't come naturally for me haha

Really, are you Chinese then? I thought you're English educated as yr notes are thought in English and quite well written.

Anyone has the novel link with translation?

@AnastasiaWun I'm not Chinese and I learned compulsory english at school. But all my english skill are used academically or when conversing with people on the internet, no one speaks english irl to me in my daily life. So yeah it might not comes as natural as a native english speaker. And since my native language does not come with complicated tenses rules like english, I feel like it would never come naturally for me. I always have to review and edit things after realizing I made mistake so that's why my notes/replies always come with so many edits haha. Thanks for your understanding.

 Rachel Yee:

Anyone has the novel link with translation?

Another user has kindly provided link on another discussion thread. You can also try this link but the translation is not complete yet, the rest of the chapters can be read on MTL website that provides machine translation.