Sleepninja wrote: Haha Yeah, I'll have to remember to come back. Unfortunately I won't be able to get on much tomorrow because of the move. Hopefully I'll be on Saturday night when I get off of work.

Ohh sounds busy. Hope the moving goes well!
Haha Yeah it's gonna be busy. I'm going to class Friday, then after class we're moving my stuff into my mom's house ( I live 30 minutes from school currently but my mom is about 15-20 minutes from the school). Then a bunch of friends and I are going to have a sleep-over at my friend's house. THen I work all day Saturday. :(

The sleep-over will be fun. In my opinion, you are never too old to have a sleepover/party with friends, :D
Haha awww yeah the sleep-over sounds fun (: Does sound like a busy schedule
kamz wrote: Sleep-ee here's a return gift for bein such a dahlin :)

he should do something with his hair though lol

He looked so cute holding that little girl haha. I like his hair...but I would like to see him maybe cut it :p
kamz wrote: Sleep-ee here's a return gift for bein such a dahlin :)

he should do something with his hair though lol

Thank you, Kamz- ssi!

Poor guy, he looks tired in the first links.
[PHOTO] Seung-gi’s profile for Asia Song Festival

How did I not know you posted that Kamz? Haha thank you for the pictures ! :D

Came in here to post this article:

Lee Seung Gi sheds tears, “This is the first ever meaningful trip…”
Wow Those pictures are amazing. Thanks Kamz-ssi! :)
Crazy4You wrote: How did I not know you posted that Kamz? Haha thank you for the pictures ! :D

tsk tsk..shame on u :p...

Sleepninja wrote: Wow Those pictures are amazing. Thanks Kamz-ssi! :)

i hafta agree with u on this..this is by far the best picture of him i've seen hehehe
@ C4U I just now read the article you posted. It's sad :(

But 2 things:
There is a typo in that article >:E
wrote: Instead, the gourp ended the show shouting ‘1 Night and 2 Days’ leaving the audience with a bit of sadness and unattainable hope.

I'm OCD and notice these things. I know I have a lot of typos, but I usually try to fix them. I also am not trying to be an online news reporter.

The second thing is making me very confused. :( It said this was Kang Ho Dong's last episode but it didn't say anything about the show ending. Does that mean 1N2D is un-cancelled?
I didn't even notice the type and I usually do cuz I'm OCD about things like that, too. Haha

And I'm not sure honestly. I thought the show was supposed to end when he left, but I'm guessing that the way they implied it means there's going to be more episodes
have you guys seen this:

Thank you Lis! He looks so handsome in this interview. I like the hoodie he is wearing. :D
You are welcome. :D