RainFlower wrote: He so can act who said otherwise? who ?? grrrr....his turn in S Scandal alone in my opinion shows how fantastic he is :)

KamZ wrote: breathe RF lol

LOL, yes! Breathe!

Song Joong Ki <3 I love this picture

I'm not sure if I like those fake lashes on him....

I love these two though

So jealous right now. T__T *kills that puppy*
Dufresne wrote:

So jealous right now. T__T *kills that puppy*

Jejeje, is that by any chance from the movie "Hearty Paws 2" or something like that?
that first pic lis-ssi...GUHHHH!!!
KamZ wrote: that first pic lis-ssi...GUHHHH!!!

Jajaja... I know right? I was like....*sigh* lol
Stranger_A wrote: I've seen him in Tree With Deep Roots and Sungkyunkwan Scandal and for a few seconds in My fair lady. I don't remember seeing him in A frozen flower. :/
I want to watch Penny-Pinching Romance. I'm still not very convinced that he is a good actor because he acted only supporting roles, and I think he is more popular because of how he looks and not because of his acting. Maybe he will impress in Penny-Pinching Romance.

I agree with you, I love So Joong Ki, but I wonder why he seldom gets the main role in a drama :( .
Song Joong-ki and Moon Chae-won consider new melodrama


It looks like we’re going to see Song Joong-ki (Tree With Deep Roots) back in dramaland sooner rather than later, and possibly with Moon Chae-won (The Princess’s Man) as his heroine. The melodrama Nice Guy is the new project from writer Lee Kyung-hee, of Will it Snow for Christmas, I’m Sorry, I Love You, A Love to Kill, and Thank You, among many others.

It seems like Song Joong-ki is a lock for the project, since he does have a longstanding relationship with the writer since Will it Snow, and has been reportedly prepping his schedule for the production. Moon Chae-won is “considering the role among others,” so we’ll see how it plays out.

The story is a straight-up melo, and it sounds like heavy stuff: the hero gets betrayed by his girlfriend, and so in order to get back at her, he uses an amnesiac woman for his revenge scheme. Well that sounds like a GREAT idea. Is there no one in his life to scream, “Mistaaaaaake”? The drama’s title in Korean is a homophone for “nice guy,” but spelled wrong on purpose, like the slangy version of the word. It’s intentional, though I don’t know if it’s actually meant to change the meaning, since this guy is not a nice guy, by any stretch of the imagination.

The production is early in the development stage, so it has yet to find a PD and a broadcaster, but plans to air sometime in August.

I hope they are the main leads!!! I liked her in TPM! And well, I just love him :D
LOVE HIM ^_^ he just sweet, want to eat
Hey I guess he is pretty smart too. I just watched Running Man ep 12 and he actually got 3 of the 7 questions correct that the others spent 30 minutes memorizing lol of course, they cheated and told him he was wrong..pretty funny stuff. So, I wonder when Wolf Boy is coming out...I wasn't too impressed by Penny Pinchers..not his fault the story was lame.
Everytime I see this thread "Song Joong Ki" I read it like this.... Song Joong Ki...is HOT!
Thought I would share these. I totally shipped the natural chemistry between the Song/Song couple. His eyes and smiles were always on Ji Hyo. Running Man lost a lot of it's charm when he left.

In this first vid at 0:14 I luv how Joong ki runs toward his noona! He's always competing/flirting/wanting 2 be the "everyday couple"... 4 Ji Hyo and she's always thinking about the anti-fans.