Skye-N-Rain wrote: 4 hours of crappy sleep. Had nightmares lol.

ofcourse it would be don't sleep at all lol
although for someone who doesn't sleep at all, 4hrs must be a lot lol
i'm sorry about the nightmares though heh

NahSuRin wrote: KAMZ!!! Thanks for the pics n news!!

you are most welcome...i thought you would be one of the many fans there welcoming him heh..there's another one in Japan should go heeeh
“My army experience matured me”

wrote: Lee Joon Gi, who was discharged from military service, recently said, “My army experience matured me.”

On February 22, Lee talked how he feels about returning to normal life. He said, “I think I have grown up a lot. I am mature now.”

Lee smiled and said, “When I held my fan meeting few days ago, I was very thankful for my fans coming to see me. I have changed but I don’t know how to express that.”

“On the day I completed my army service, I was afraid of using a cell phone because I was not allowed to use it in the Army.”

“I am grateful for everything. When you are in the Army, you are grateful for small mercies. Since I had to do things that I have to rather than doing what I want to do, I became less clear about myself. But when I came back to normal life, I realized that I have lots of things.”

“I released many things while I was in the Army. I was confused at first but soon I realized that I was holding on to many things. I used to keep me very busy and didn’t satisfy. But now I can see that I have many great things in my life.”

“I met many singers including Park Hyo Shin in the Army. Since he is a singer and I’m an actor, we used to say each other let’s not invade each other’s territory. I’m currently considering my next job.”

Lee was discharged from military service on February 16.
I love those gloves! And that jacket :)
Some pictures from LJK's "Reunion JG" event....

Can I give you hugs n kisses?!?! Coz ur just making my day!!! Where do u get all these pics?!?! I'm super high here in this boring lecture.
NahSuRin wrote: Can I give you hugs n kisses?!?! Coz ur just making my day!!!
Where do u get all these pics?!?!
I'm super high here in this boring lecture.

yes you can :)...and you are welcome...i love him too which is why i'm always on the look out for any news on him these days heh
New of his new drama up already!! God he loves his job!! 'Arang and the Magistrate' co-starrig with Shin Min Ah in a historical drama set to film in May and air in July after King2Hearts!!!!! Anyone else beyond excited?!!!
PrettyBrown_Eyes wrote: New of his new drama up already!! God he loves his job!! 'Arang and the Magistrate' co-starrig with Shin Min Ah in a historical drama set to film in May and air in July after King2Hearts!!!!! Anyone else beyond excited?!!!

oooooh...super duper excited...can't wait ^_^
PrettyBrown_Eyes wrote: New of his new drama up already!! God he loves his job!! 'Arang and the Magistrate' co-starrig with Shin Min Ah in a historical drama set to film in May and air in July after King2Hearts!!!!! Anyone else beyond excited?!!!

yaaaaay cant wait glad he is doing a historical :)
PrettyBrown_Eyes wrote: New of his new drama up already!! God he loves his job!! 'Arang and the Magistrate' co-starrig with Shin Min Ah in a historical drama set to film in May and air in July after King2Hearts!!!!! Anyone else beyond excited?!!!

* time & heart froze.
Am I still alive?!?! Coz I have a feeling in visiting heaven this july. (。≖‿≖)♡
UWAAAAAA new drama??!!?!? this made my day ;____; ♥♥
[Press Conf] Actor Lee Jun-ki's Discharge from Army


awwwwwwwwww :)