I'm looking for action drama's with over powered male leads like Bridal Mask, Healer, and City Hunter?

Does anyone know any action dramas where the male lead is like the best and beats everyone but also struggles at the same time?
The K2 is the one that occurred to me.
By the way... What about movies "where the male lead is like the best and beats everyone but also struggles at the same time"?
I've seen many films with male lead like that, not alot but a decent amount 
Action drama with overpowered male lead? thats the exact definition of My Beautiful Bride
City Hunter is really good you should watch it again~
might watch it again soon, too many on my plate  lol
Hero (2012), OCN
I'd recommend IRIS, Chuno, and Iljimae. All three had some pretty good fight/action scenes with a male lead that could take down a lot of the bad guys on his own.