Sayers wrote: OMG, has anyone seen episode 16? < 333 Jop Won is amazing, he cried in less then an minute in that kind of situation? DAEBAK!!!

both Joo Won and Jong min were different way..LOL
I couldn't believe Jong Min shed tears with that
worked for him, but he ruined others.. -__- except Joo Won, for sure.. <3
It seems like everytime I see some one from the US on this show and they don't know who the famouse 1N2D people, then I get embarrassed. Not sure why. LOL I feel like yelling "WTH??? Were you born under a rock???" Geez!!!
purplenette wrote: It seems like everytime I see some one from the US on this show and they don't know who the famouse 1N2D people, then I get embarrassed. Not sure why. LOL I feel like yelling "WTH??? Were you born under a rock???" Geez!!!

LOL. which episode were you watching?
Episode 13 of season 2. I have seen it on other variety shows too. After I continued to watch I even realized that they were Korean children that were adopted to US families and were touring Korea for the first time. What were their parents thinking??? Shouldn't they at least expose their child to Korean culture including the tv shows??? Oh, well. I'm probably just crazy.
purplenette wrote: Episode 13 of season 2. I have seen it on other variety shows too. After I continued to watch I even realized that they were Korean children that were adopted to US families and were touring Korea for the first time. What were their parents thinking??? Shouldn't they at least expose their child to Korean culture including the tv shows??? Oh, well. I'm probably just crazy.

I think they should do that too.
I think it is really cute how they all treat each other and the way they are so soft with Joo Won.
purplenette wrote: I think it is really cute how they all treat each other and the way they are so soft with Joo Won.

Yeah, that's really cute! XD
loveanimeever wrote: Yeah, that's really cute! XD

purplenette wrote: I think it is really cute how they all treat each other and the way they are so soft with Joo Won.

Yes, it is. :D
purplenette wrote: Episode 13 of season 2. I have seen it on other variety shows too. After I continued to watch I even realized that they were Korean children that were adopted to US families and were touring Korea for the first time. What were their parents thinking??? Shouldn't they at least expose their child to Korean culture including the tv shows??? Oh, well. I'm probably just crazy.

Agree! Actually I was really shocked when I met a half-korean half-hungarian guy here and he knows basically nothing about Korea! Seriously I felt more korean than him...
Hachi wrote: Agree! Actually I was really shocked when I met a half-korean half-hungarian guy here and he knows basically nothing about Korea! Seriously I felt more korean than him...

LOL That is serious.
that's just depressing... wouldn't you want to know more about your own country? btw i did not know there was a thread for this show~ now i know where i will be posting stuff about it~ keke~
steciLovesDramas wrote: that's just depressing... wouldn't you want to know more about your own country?

btw i did not know there was a thread for this show~ now i know where i will be posting stuff about it~ keke~

Right!!! You would think they would.

Post away!!! I love comunicating with people that enjoy what I enjoy, because the people around me don't watch it with me.
Another thing that I find interesting is that the men of Korea have no problem holding hands and laying all over each other and what not. It is cute and it makes me see them as kind people. I also don't think it takes away from their masculinity. The men here in the south US would probably have fits.
purplenette wrote: Another thing that I find interesting is that the men of Korea have no problem holding hands and laying all over each other and what not. It is cute and it makes me see them as kind people. I also don't think it takes away from their masculinity. The men here in the south US would probably have fits.

i would love to see guys could around~ it so cute :D that's why i really love the show 'cause they are like family and since they are so close it is just so good to watch :D
they really seem like blood related and real brothers <3

i just love this from the second season :D
* haha i wrote cuddle wrong :P (not *could*)