I think mine is the latest one I watched... Itaewon Class

The lead female wasn't endearing, I liked the male lead but the other roles were meh... Also the story wasn't that good ad made no sense at times :/

Start Up
the romance didnt made sense and the business in the drama literally shows that you have to be a genius and be very lucky to be successful


Start Up
the romance didnt made sense and the business in the drama literally shows that you have to be a genius and be very lucky to be successful

omg it's just like Itaewon Class

I picked up a star on the road

  • Tried to make stockholm syndrome a thing' which ended up so frustratingly irritating because the writer did not know where the story should go or what it should focus on
  • The characters didnt make an iota of sense
  • The narrative didnt make sense. A lot of it was felt like a story someone would come out with in elementary when a teacher forces one to write a story in a literary class.
  • Zero chemistry. No romance feel. Nothing.
  • I adore Sung Hoon buy he was exposed in this drama.  He was unlikeable', uncompelling, bland and stoic
  • The FL was so cringey', i had to stop watching a few times anf scream. Additionally she was just someone you feel for in a female lead.
  • Second male lead that was the only interesting character was sadly underused
  • All of the characters wete Irritating 

Melting Me Softly - writer's previous dramas were way better than this, feels like she hit writer's block like with the writer of Mr. Sunshine to TKEM..

Graceful Friends - boring AF weak mystery, nowhere near the same level of the previous 3 JTBC dramas with high ratings (Woman of Dignity, SKY Castle, The World of the Married) 

The School Nurse Files - the CGI was the only thing I liked about it everything else was meh

The Blue Sea (the webdrama) - I couldn't get past the second episode. The acting was awful and the story... weird. 

Graceful Friends - boring AF weak mystery,

I can not agree with this more! I only watched it because it was recommended as being as good as SKY Castle and Penthouse- those people are LIARS!!!

The Bride of Habaek- talk about ATROCIOUS!! The banter between Krystal and Gong Myung's characters were the only saving grace on this hot mess.

Jealousy Incarnate- I have never hated the main characters of a drama so much before and even just writing this and thinking about them is vexing me.

Passionate Love- one of the first k-drama I had watched and my GAWD! watching this was painful!!

Tomorrow With You is the only drama I've dropped so far. I love time travel but I was really disappointed in this as the plot just seemed so slow to progress, I stopped watching after 4 episodes.

If by watched you mean completed, my least favorite is The Master's Sun, but it's not a bad drama.

If I really dislike a drama, then I drop it (but I don't keep track of my dropped dramas, so it's hard to say which one is the worst).


If by watched you mean completed, my least favorite is The Master's Sun, but it's not a bad drama.

If I really dislike a drama, then I drop it (but I don't keep track of my dropped dramas, so it's hard to say which one is the worst).

Oh I watched it and I agree with u, I gave it a 6/10


I can not agree with this more! I only watched it because it was recommended as being as good as SKY Castle and Penthouse- those people are LIARS!!!

The Bride of Habaek- talk about ATROCIOUS!! The banter between Krystal and Gong Myung's characters were the only saving grace on this hot mess.

Jealousy Incarnate- I have never hated the main characters of a drama so much before and even just writing this and thinking about them is vexing me.

Passionate Love- one of the first k-drama I had watched and my GAWD! watching this was painful!!

LMAO maybe because those people enjoyed it as much as those 2 but I was a victim of watching it while it was airing... I kept watching to see if it got better since I got hooked to SKY Castle by the end of ep 8, but nope -_-

Bride of Habaek was cringe lol I remember watching that at the same time with Woman of Dignity, the OSTs was the only decent thing about it

Itaewon class is horrible in my opinion. It just seemed too fake, I could not stand both female leads and also how they dealt with some character developments. I also disliked strongly how they "added" diversity in the story only to seem "trendy" without motivating or explaining some things. It was very dissappointing overall.

 Le Chevalier Violet:

Itaewon class is horrible in my opinion. It just seemed too fake, I could not stand both female leads and also how they dealt with some character developments. I also disliked strongly how they "added" diversity in the story only to seem "trendy" without motivating or explaining some things. It was very dissappointing overall.

Omg this!! The guy who played Toni was such a bad actor too, you can tell they picked him just because they wanted a black man in the drama lol And all the other things they added just to please I-fans... I hated it and it added absolutely nothing to the story


Omg this!! The guy who played Toni was such a bad actor too, you can tell they picked him just because they wanted a black man in the drama lol And all the other things they added just to please I-fans... I hated it and it added absolutely nothing to the story

Exactly. If they did it right it could have added much value to the story but the way it was done... It was ridiculous and I despise things like that... 

You who came from the stars