Trax - Oh My Goddess
Just heard it on Dream High 2 Ep 9...a part of this song:

and then this hot English song from JYJ (not on DH2 --just to be clear on that)

*sigh* Junsu *sigh* Q_Q
Donghae – This is Love (ft. Henry) :D
Big Bang - Bad Boy

Hello to Myself - Dream High 2
Heard on Dream High 2 Ep 10:

2AM's ballad, This Song

Kim Hyun Joong- Break down
Can I say "Dreaming" again without sounding like I know a total of one Korean song? NO?
Jeaniessi wrote: Can I say "Dreaming" again without sounding like I know a total of one Korean song? NO?

Jajaja... So, how many songs do you know and like? :p Just kidding. Sometimes I post the same song over and over....and