
I need a bedroom scene,where they both wake up in bed,looking at each other while Jing gives XY a forehead kiss before telling her to go wash up. XY reluctantly gets up,only for Jing to hold her waist,pull her into his arms & kiss her. getting all fireworks and butterflies now...♡♡

Chapter 11

Wrap Up

Chapter 11

Wrap Up

Part 1 

About Little Zhu Rong

Little Zhu Rong was a direct descendant of Sheng Nong imperial family, the son of big hero Zhu Rong. But he surrendered Yellow Emperor, married into Chui Sui family.  Then he was given to govern middle plain which used to under control of Sheng Nong.
Surrendering to Yellow Emperor, not counting on both his parents died for world might the subject for people to criticize at behind his back. However, he was just and fair, transformed the lawless area like middle plain into civilized one. So people can settled there. He was respected by then. 

Chui Sui autumn tournament was for middle plain families to have fun, competition, to learn and grow and meet more people. It sounds to me like it is a time and place for gathering and meeting. This event was supported by Yellow Emperor and Grand Emperor as they send official to grant rewards to young participants there.

This passage introduce us to Chui Sui Zhu Rong surrendering to Yellow Emperor as not a bad thing. After all he still got to establish his strength ruling middle plain and also creating Chui Sui Autumn Tournament which some of our leads will be enjoying in chapter 11.
If Little Zhu Rong just determined to win Yellow Emperor through battles, maybe he would not have established his strength and creation.

The Legend of The Drought Monster
Both Zhuan Xu and Xiao Liu had never came to Chui Sui middle plain. Xiao Liu had not come here because her mother died in battlefield here. 

So the boat master told the legend. There was no barren desert before hundred years ago so. The rumors said there was peach blossoms forest in the middle of  the desert.
There lived a demon beast that is like flame that scrotched the earth. The demon was known as drought monster because it brought drought to the area. Some gods tried to take out the monster but the area just became too hot for them when get into desert forest. But then the monster did not really hurt anyone so it was just left like that. 

The role of the monster could become important in later chapter because it was told with such details. One thing is for sure is that Xiao Liu did not hate the monster. It again showed us that Xiao Liu had this ability to not to judge someone on surface and could see through goodness despite appearance.


Ah Nian's Power and the Food

I think this scene was just fun. I like how Zhuan Xu and Xiao Liu were easy going and enjoying street food. It is like they were enjoying this ordinary life at the tournament.
 Even when Ah Nian was such a brat I liked how she showed off her power by dividing the lake and Xiao Liu got the fish for cooking.
The particular scene show Xiao Liu's cooking skills apart from medicine and poison making. 

The Song of Zither and Flute

Within the lonely fog scene the sound of zither was added. Zhuan Xu was made played flute by Ah Nian. 

His flute sound aglined with zither music. It is explained even who was novice at music like Xiao Liu could tell how much this combination made beautiful tune. This again annoyed Ah Nian and she made Zhuan Xu stopped.
The zither player also stopped playing angrily. 

This particular scene might be telling us Zhuan Xu and the zither player may get to involved in life. There could be something that made them compatible as the combination sound of zither and flute. Nevertheless Zhuan Xu might not be able play along with her to end. 

And another thing about this scene is how much Xiao Liu was not that good in music. Because it is well known Jing is master of music. This is again showing the attraction came to not only between those with same interest and skills in life.

Part 3
Fang Feng Yi Yang's Assasination Attempt ?

Xiao Liu preparation of food and Ah Nian's fishes (she split lake for Xiao Liu to catch fishes) must had caught attention from surrounding boats to want to buy fish from them, that Lady Fang Feng Yi Yang. The maid she sent to buy fish was mocked by Ah Nian and her maid, and that lead to Fang Feng Yi Yang shooting arrows at our main characters' boat. Of course this should not be coincident and Ru So  being shocked in another scene even also showed he understood the situation. This chao situation could be after all Fang Feng Yi Yang's plan and Ah Nian and her maid just acted out to make it easier for her. I just hope we will get to see why Jing's fiance was involved in such assasination attempt.

Xiao Liu Being Hero For Bratty Ah Nian

We learned in this scene that both Zhuan Xu and Ah Nian could not swim. Nevertheless, Zhuan Xu definetly knew how to look after himself, he also did show his protectiveness to others on the boat too, whereas Ah Nian seemed to be quited pampered by others that she did not know what to such life threatening situation at all. Her maid Hai Tang was shot with arrow. Nevertheless, our hero, Xiao Liu was able to save both ladies and took them back to Ru So.

Part 4

Short Encounterment but Sentimental
Sentimental Herbal Scent

In the whole chapter 11, there is this brief encounterment between Xiao Liu and Jing.But it was a strong scene though. I love this scent of herbal communication between them. In drama, it was a herbal saschet she personally gave him and he treasure it.  With scent as communication, it is indeed representing the treasured moments and the sensual feelings. With its being herbal, it must be something that is healing feeling. 

Sliver of Warmth
He sent her off and standing still watching her from behind until she was out of sight. Of course, such feelings represent that he would be here for her even he might be lonely when she was away. But she certainly feel the warmth of him being there for her.

Jealousy from Far Away 
In another scene Xiao Liu could feel that her interactions with Ru So could make Jing jealous. According to the context she sounded delighting about it as she was laughing and muttering on how their promise excluding of not talking to other guys. In the past she's the one to feel sort of jealous over maids around him. But now it's his turn (according to her). Jing maybe jealous over guys around his Wen Xiao Liu, nevertheless, he still did not have the right over Xiao Liu, with him being engaged to another woman and engagment is not called off yet. All he could do now was to watch over her from afar and need to accept she could not belong to him fully yet.

Part 5

Zhuan Xu's Intelligence and Good Luck Out of Chaos

With Fang Feng Yi Yang causing chaos at Zhuan Xu, he was still able to make connection the important clans such Chui Sui, Tushan...Being companion to her zither, Chui Sui Xing Yue helped the owner the flute who was drowning. Was it all destined?
Maybe Zhuan Xu was the destined one. But he was practical about it. And he was smart enough to guess of Fang Feng Yi Yang's plan and limit in processing it. 

A Girl Who Dreams

Xiao Liu may still be a girl who believe in destiny bringing events together because to her the coincidents sounds magical in which Zhuan Xu had to call her "a girl who dreams".
But to Zhuan Xu, things had to happens as what should be and he knew all those clans he needed support from also need something from him.
About the line "A girl who dreams" to me is referring to someone who thought of impossible things that could happen. Life is sometimes a miracle indeed although it might not fulfill every dream. Sometimes the impossible can become possible. Nevertheless there are many times the impossible just stay impossible forever. In this case dreaming impossibility might be such a loss.

Wrap Up

Chapter 11 holds a lot of important hints to what might be happening in later chapters of the story. We are introduced to the Chui Sui family and middle plain tournament. We learn about Drought Monster existence at Chui Sui middle plain. Zhuan Xu getting into four great clans Chui Sui, Tushan, Zi Ling and Gui Feng. Zhuan flute aglining with the sound of zither and player saved him from drowning might indicate their destiny in the future. And yep Xiao Liu and Jing still got to meet for short time. Yet their sentimental longing are still strong. All in all, this chapter indeed attract us deeper into the events of the story that may be unfolding in upcoming chapters.



This one is on pages 561_562

Thank you !

Noted :D


This one is on pages 561_562

We have been lurking at this image for soooo long....wondering...when ? how? will this kissing happen in s2.... Let's go and find out! 

I will share first in original language the full text of the related scene from the leaked script, and give you it's translation in english :).

  1. page 561..=> 小天: (解释)我在海边散步,没想到相柳突然出现, 刚刚我是在间他怎么解蛊。 涂山璟: (关切)他有办法解蛊吗? 小天: (沮丧)我猜他有,但他不肯说。 涂山璟: (忧虑)隍下和洪江迟早会有一场大战。蛊的存在始终是个隐患,一日不解, 日难安。 |小天:你别担心,就算打仗,也不是一定要杀相柳。只要相柳不死,我不会有事。何况, 相柳灵力高强,号称九命,我和他之间,怎么看都是我更加容易出事,就算要担心,也该 |是他 担心我连累他。 △涂山璟掩下心事,冲她笑了笑。 涂山璟: (不悦)别说傻话,队今往后我会在你身边, 又有隍下护着你,你怎么会出事? |小天:是我说错话了! |(撒娇讨好)别担心了,我如今正在修撰医书、努力研习医术,既 然相柳能解蛊,我也能解, 只不过需要一点时间而已。 涂山璟:你说的对,一定会找到办法的。 △ 小天笑点头。 场7(重场) 时 日外 |景:龙骨狱外岩壁下 人:小天、涂山環 △似曾相识的岩壁出现在两人面前, 番,求证地看向涂山環。 小天: 这里…·我们来过? |涂山璟: (微笑点头)嗯。 |第二季第二十四集 小天和涂山環走到这里都脚步一顿。小天仔细打量一 拽着涂山璟和自己摆出当年一模一样的姿势。 △ 小天拽着涂山環走到他们当年一模一样的位置 (第一季第17集场31),气势汹汹地 小天:涂山族长,我平生第一次主动献吻,你居然躲开了! 一 |涂山環: (忍著笑道歉)是在下不识好歹, 妄自菲薄。 小天: 既然如今你己经知道好歹, 不妄自菲薄了,那就………不许縣! 10 △ 小天慢慢凑近涂山環, 要吻涂山璟。沒想到涂山璟突然握往了她的下巴,小天惊馆地瞪

  2. page 562 => 着他。 涂山臘:这一次,是你不许躲。 △空灵的歌声响起,涂山璟俯身过来,第一次他像当年一样小心心翼翼地轻吻了小天的額头 第二次他亳不客气地吻住了小天的唇。小天面色含羞,眉目含笑。 歌声0S: 唯愿与君, 长相守、不分离! 君若天上云,妾似云中月。相恋相惜,相恋相惜 。君若山中树,妾以树上藤。相伴相依,相伴相依… 场8(重场) |时:日外 景:海面贝売上海面 人:相柳(不戴面具) 歌声0S:君若天上鸟,妾似水中鱼。相忘相忆,相忘相忆 △飘渺歌声中,画面淡入:碧海蓝天,相柳白衣白发,独自坐在白色的海贝上,手里把 玩着一颗珍珠,神情寂寥。 △ (闪回):第二季第2集场 19 小天默默蹲下,抚摸著自己栖身多年的海贝, 眼泪无声地落下,滴落在海贝上。 毛球鸣叫催促。 小天療去眼泪,站起来时已经看不出哭过。小天翻身坐在毛球身上。 小天:走吧。 第二季第二十四集 毛球腾空飞起, 向着陆地飞去。 |随着一人一乌渐飞渐远,相柳的身影出现在海面上,从虚影到凝实,竟就在海贝不远处。 相柳踏着海浪,走到海贝上,看着小天刚刚眼泪滴落的位置,伸出手: 贝売上的泪珠凝聚 ,灵光闪动,那些水呈水滴状一滴滴缓缓升起,著到相柳摊开的手掌上,凝变成一颗滚 圆的珍珠。 △ (闪回结東) △突然,相柳似乎感应到什么,面色变得怪异,伸指缓缓抚过自己的唇。 △相柳眼神悲怒交杂,猛地场手,把指间的珍珠扔了出去。珍殊划过天空,失去灵力后 |渐浙变成一滴眼泪,就要落入大海。相柳又猛地伸手,泪殊静止。劉时间, 在浩大的 灵カ压制下,风停浪止,天地寂静,海贝周围的海水都如同疑固,再没有一丝波纹, 只有一 11

    => GOogle translate MODE ON !! RAW:

  3. page 561..=> 
Xiaotian: (Explanation) I was walking on the beach, and I didn’t expect Xiang Liu to suddenly appear. Just now I was asking him how to remove the poison. 
Tu Shanjing: (concerned) Does he have a way to cure the poison?
 Xiaotian: (frustrated) I guess he does, but he refuses to say. 
Tu Shanjing: (Worried) Sooner or later there will be a big battle between Huangxia and Hongjiang. The existence of Gu is always a hidden danger, and I can’t figure it out for a day. The day is difficult.
 |Xiaotian: Don’t worry, even if there is a war, you don’t have to kill Xiang Liu. As long as Xiang Liu doesn't die, nothing will happen to me. What's more, Xiang Liu has great spiritual power and is known as the Nine Lives. Between him and me, no matter how you look at it, I am more likely to get into trouble. Even if I have to worry, I should |He is worried that I will implicate him. 
△Tu Shanjing hid her worries and smiled at her. 
Tu Shanjing: (displeased) Don’t say stupid things. I will be by your side from now on, and you have God protecting you. How could something happen to you? 
|Xiaotian: I said the wrong thing! |(acting like a baby to please) Don’t worry, I am currently compiling medical books and studying medical skills hard. However, Xiang Liu can untie the poison, and so can I. It just takes a little time. Tu Shanjing: You are right, we will definitely find a way. △ Xiaotian smiled and nodded. Game 7 (repeat) hour Japanese and foreign |
Scene: Under the rock wall outside Dragon Bone Prison Person: Xiaotian, Tu Shanhuan △The familiar rock wall appeared in front of the two of them, Fan, looking at Tu Shanhuan for verification. Xiaotian: Here...·We have been here before? 
|Tu Shanjing: (smiling and nodding) Yeah.
 |Season 2 Episode 24 Xiaotian and Tu Shanhuan paused when they came here. Xiaotian looked at it carefully
He dragged Tu Shanjing into the same pose as before. △ Xiaotian dragged Tu Shanhuan to the exact same place they were back then (Season 1, Episode 17, Scene 31), and fiercely Xiaotian: Chief Tushan, this is the first time in my life that I offered you a kiss, and you actually avoided it! one |Tu Shanhuan: (holding back a smile and apologizing) It’s because I don’t know what is good and what is good, and I belittle myself. 
Xiaotian: Now that you know what is good and what is good and don’t belittle yourself, then... you are not allowed to go to the county! 10 △ Xiaotian slowly approached Tu Shanhuan and wanted to kiss Tu Shanjing. Unexpectedly, Tu Shanjing suddenly grabbed her chin, and Xiao Tian stared in shock. 

page 562 => Looking at him. Tu Shanla: This time, you are not allowed to hide. △The ethereal song sounded, and Tu Shanjing leaned over. For the first time, he carefully kissed Xiaotian’s forehead as he did back then. The second time he kissed Xiaotian's lips unceremoniously.
Xiaotian looked shy and had a smile on his face. Song 0S: I only wish to stay with you forever and never be separated! You are like the clouds in the sky, and I am like the moon in the clouds. Fall in love and cherish each other, fall in love and cherish each other . You are like a tree in the mountains, and I am like a tree growing on vines.

 Accompany each other, depend on each other... Field 8 (repeat) |Time:Japanese Scene: Shells on the sea surface Person: Xiang Liu (without mask)
Song 0S: You are like a bird in the sky, and I am like a fish in the water. forget each other, remember each other, forget each other, remember each other △Amid the ethereal singing, the scene fades in: blue sea and blue sky, Xiangliu in white clothes and white hair, sitting alone on the white seashell, holding a Playing with a pearl, looking lonely.
△ (Flashback): Season 2 Episode 2 19 Xiaotian squatted down silently, stroking the seashell where he had lived for many years, and his tears fell silently, dripping on the seashell. The furball chirps in encouragement. Xiao Tianhe wiped away his tears, and when he stood up, it was no longer obvious that he had cried. Xiaotian turned over and sat on Maoqiu. Xiaotian: Let’s go. 
Season 2 Episode 24 The fur ball flew into the air and flew towards the land. |As one person and one crow flew further and further away, Xiang Liu's figure appeared on the sea. From a shadow to a solid, it was actually not far from the seashell. Xiang Liu walked on the waves and walked to the seashell. He looked at the spot where Xiaotian's tears just fell and stretched out his hand: the tears on the shell condensed. , the spiritual light flashed, and the water rose slowly in the shape of water droplets, landed on Xiang Liu's open palm, and condensed into a rolling ball. Round pearl. △ (Flashback ending)

△Suddenly, Xiang Liu seemed to sense something, his expression became strange, and he slowly touched his lips with his fingers. △Xiang Liu’s eyes were filled with sadness and anger. He suddenly raised his hands and threw the pearls between his fingers. Zhenshu crossed the sky, and after losing his spiritual power, | Gradually it turns into a drop of tear and is about to fall into the sea. Xiang Liu stretched out his hand again, but his tears stilled. Liu Shi, in the vast Under the suppression of the spirit, the wind stopped and the waves stopped, the heaven and the earth were silent, and the seawater around the seashells was as solid as doubt, without a trace of ripples.


So this leaked image comes from this Xiaojing part:

                                       Scene: Under the rock wall outside Dragon Bone Prison:

The familiar rock wall appeared in front of the two of them, Fan, looking at Tu Shanhuan for verification.

 Xiaotian: Here...·We have been here before? 

|Tu Shanjing: (smiling and nodding) Yeah.

 |Season 2 Episode 24 Xiaotian and Tu Shanhuan paused when they came here. Xiaotian looked at it carefully He dragged Tu Shanjing into the same pose as before. 

△Xiaotian dragged Tu Shanhuan to the exact same place they were back then (Season 1, Episode 17, Scene 31), and fiercely Xiaotian: Chief Tushan, this is the first time in my life that I offered you a kiss, and you actually avoided it! one |

Tu Shanhuan: (holding back a smile and apologizing) It’s because I don’t know what is good and what is good, and I belittle myself. 

Xiaotian: Now that you know what is good and what is good and don’t belittle yourself, then... you are not allowed to go to the county! 

Xiaotian slowly approached Tu Shanhuan and wanted to kiss Tu Shanjing. Unexpectedly, Tu Shanjing suddenly grabbed her chin, and Xiao Tian stared in shock. 

page 562 =>

 Looking at him. Tu Shanla: This time, you are not allowed to hide. The ethereal song sounded, and Tu Shanjing leaned over. For the first time, he carefully kissed Xiaotian’s forehead as he did back then (continue below).


The second time he kissed Xiaotian's lips unceremoniously. Xiaotian looked shy and had a smile on his face.

 Song 0S: 

I only wish to stay with you forever and never be separated! You are like the clouds in the sky, and I am like the moon in the clouds. Fall in love and cherish each other, fall in love and cherish each other . You are like a tree in the mountains, and I am like a tree growing on vines. Accompany each other, depend on each other......

Aaaaaaaaah.... (my adding of aaaaaah! :D)


....Suddenly, Xiang Liu seemed to sense something, his expression became strange, and he slowly touched his lips with his fingers. △Xiang Liu’s eyes were filled with sadness and anger. 


Google translate is giving me a headache 🤕 

Lol this is what I said before, since xl can feel XY’s emotions, he indirectly was kissed by Jing too lmao. XY described Jing’s kiss as sweet as honey 🍯, so xl definitely felt that sweetness too by touching his lips lol.

@Wynny Aye 

"the lonely fog scene the sound of zither was added. Zhuan Xu was made played flute by Ah Nian. 

His flute sound aglined with zither music. It is explained even who was novice at music like Xiao Liu could tell how much this combination made beautiful tune. This again annoyed Ah Nian and she made Zhuan Xu stopped.

The zither player also stopped playing angrily. 

This particular scene might be telling us Zhuan Xu and the zither player may get to involved in life. There could be something that made them compatible as the combination sound of zither and flute. Nevertheless Zhuan Xu might not be able play along with her to end. "

This moved me so much  but in a sad way. Because i realised how it was forshadowing so many future events that we all know  had come to pass.

Zx and the zither :would have made ruling decisions that would have been maybe great for their kingdom but this will not come to pass due to the 2 women in XC life : xiso Yao and Ah nian  who became the 2nd empress. We Ll know how jealous she is and their us no way she could get along with FL's sister.

Xy Jinv " music so to speak" will be interrupted by their respective family member : grand mother? Hou and Zhuan Xian . 

I know we are bot thete yet though. I love how TJH wrote this.

Nice analysis of this part.  I like it 

 Winny Aye:
Wrap Up

Chapter 11

Thank you Winny! Thank you Peng too. I'll add my analysis to yours :) 


Google translate is giving me a headache ? 

:D I feel you.....


Lol this is what I said before, since xl can feel XY’s emotions, he indirectly was kissed by Jing too lmao. XY described Jing’s kiss as sweet as honey ?, so xl definitely felt that sweetness too by touching his lips lol.


I love how TJH wrote this.

Nice analysis of this part.  I like it 

Yes! And my favorite non TSJ/XY related part is this one:

Xiao Liu suddenly sighed “I feel like fate is so magical. So many coincidences yet it’s all headed towards an inevitable. The Chi Sui clan and the Sheng Nong family are two families you have to get on your side. I just never thought it would come by this way.”

“You! You claim to have seen it all, yet you’re still a girl who dreams!” Zhuan Xu rapped her on the head “There is no real coincidence, there is only a must happen. The Sheng Nong tribe and Chi Sui clans, whether they stand with me is not based on coincidence, it’s based on what I can give them. These coincidences are merely the thin veil wrapped around something that must and will happen.”

“Ay! Gege you are too rational, and too cold hearted……” Xiao Liu pouted and then laughed at herself “I guess it’s good that I still dream.”

Zhuan Xu tenderly stroked her head.

A Girl Who Dreams

Xiao Liu may still be a girl who believe in destiny bringing events together because to her the coincidents sounds magical in which Zhuan Xu had to call her "a girl who dreams".
But to Zhuan Xu, things had to happens as what should be and he knew all those clans he needed support from also need something from him.
About the line "A girl who dreams" to me is referring to someone who thought of impossible things that could happen. Life is sometimes a miracle indeed although it might not fulfill every dream. Sometimes the impossible can become possible. Nevertheless there are many times the impossible just stay impossible forever. In this case dreaming impossibility might be such a loss.


This excerpt depicts an interesting contrast in perspectives between Xiao Liu and Zhuan Xu regarding fate and coincidence. Xiao Liu expresses a belief in the magical nature of fate, finding wonder in the coincidences that seem to guide events. She sees these occurrences as part of a larger, perhaps predestined, plan.

 Zhuan Xu, on the other hand, takes a more pragmatic and calculated view. He dismisses the idea of coincidence, emphasizing that events are driven by necessity and what he can offer to others.

The phrase "A girl who dreams" carries a sense of both wonder and perhaps naivety. Xiao Liu's belief in destiny and the magical nature of events is seen as dreamlike and idealistic by Zhuan Xu. It speaks to the contrast between embracing the seemingly impossible and the practical, calculated approach to achieving goals.

 "A girl who dreams" is captured as someone who believes in the possibility of the impossible and the potential for miracles is insightful. It captures the essence of Xiao Liu's perspective, suggesting that while life may not fulfill every dream, there is still value in holding onto hope and seeing the extraordinary in the seemingly ordinary. This interpretation adds depth to the characters and the themes of Tong Hua's story and overall, the excerpt uses symbolism and literary devices to explore themes of fate, coincidence, and differing perspectives on life.  

Finally the author in this passage is highlighting the contrast between Xiao Liu's idealism and Zhuan Xu's pragmatism. It also adds depth to the characters, emphasizing their differing worldviews and the tension between belief and skepticism.

Xiaotian: (Explanation) I was walking on the beach, and I didn’t expect Xiang Liu to suddenly appear. Just now I was asking him how to remove the poison. 

Tu Shanjing: (concerned) Does he have a way to cure the poison?

 Xiaotian: (frustrated) I guess he does, but he refuses to say.  So XL refuses to remove the bug. It would not be surprised  because from reading the novel I got the feeling  that he knew how to  . I remember  xy asked him many times and his excuses were not valid.  He even was kind of cold when she asked him to do so  because it was not appropriate since she was getting married to Feng Long and aalso because  she was not in love with him.  She got so frustrated by his refusals that she went to see the voodoo K .

 This does not show him in a good light  again. 

"Looking at him. Tu Shanla: This time, you are not allowed to hide. △The ethereal song sounded, and Tu Shanjing leaned over. For the first time, he carefully kissed Xiaotian’s forehead as he did back then. The second time he kissed Xiaotian's lips unceremoniously.

Xiaotian looked shy and had a smile on his face. Song 0S: I only wish to stay with you forever and never be separated! You are like the clouds in the sky, and I am like the moon in the clouds. Fall in love and cherish each other, fall in love and cherish each other . You are like a tree in the mountains, and I am like a tree growing on vines."

This ! The song is so perfect. Perfect.  XiaoJingers will rejoice lol. 


Google translate is giving me a headache ? 

Try DeepL should be better but it does translate names lol. 

△Suddenly, Xiang Liu seemed to sense something, his expression became strange, and he slowly touched his lips with his fingers. △Xiang Liu’s eyes were filled with sadness and anger"

Xl getting angry lol. Well he wanted the bug connection. He has known of her feelings for Jing for a long time thanks to bugs. He refused to remove the bug. He controls it so, I am not feeling sorry for him. 

Lier and controller. That's how I see him sometimes 


Xiaotian: (Explanation) I was walking on the beach, and I didn’t expect Xiang Liu to suddenly appear. Just now I was asking him how to remove the poison. 

Tu Shanjing: (concerned) Does he have a way to cure the poison?

 Xiaotian: (frustrated) I guess he does, but he refuses to say.  So XL refuses to remove the bug. It would not be surprised  because from reading the novel I got the feeling  that he knew how to  . I remember  xy asked him many times and his excuses were not valid.  He even was kind of cold when she asked him to do so  because it was not appropriate since she was getting married to Feng Long and aalso because  she was not in love with him.  She got so frustrated by his refusals that she went to see the voodoo K .

 This does not show him in a good light  again. 

He knows how to remove it but chose not to. I understand why XY was frustrated since it was inappropriate. But the xl fans won’t hear reason tho,cos to them they’re “in love” lmao. I’m telling you to tell me how to remove the bugs several times, but you refuse to tell me cos 1. I was getting married to another man(whom I don’t love tho) 2. I’m not in love with you. 3. I don’t want to be controlled/ tracked by you.