I find it kind of insulting to XY when I see " X L gave her to Jing"

XL  did NOT GIVE XY to his competitor jing in the novel or drama.

Why? Because: 

1-  you give something to someone when you have it in the 1rst place.  XL never had XY as "his" in the 1rst  place so he could never give her to Jing. Never .

2- Jing was never xl's  competitor.  To be someone's  competitor, you have to 1rst be on the same level and want the same price. 

Jing had already won the game long before XL even tried to become a player  . Jing  knew for sure when he was in XY's heart fully. L

XL knew this thanks to the bug. This is why  he did not reply to XY's SOS.  Had he replied, XY would have spend time been 2nd best and still be hurt by XY's  love for Jing.  He knew the depth of her love for Jing. He would not be winning anything. Not even consolation price. And that is the truth of the matter. 

Even during her break up period, Bei was not in XY heart as a potential lover. She was using him to escape the hurtful reality.

When she went in the sea with Bei, that was so she could escape seeing Jing and the pain that seeing him again brought her. 

This is in no way her treating XL as her potential lover. XL knew this more than any one. 

TH showed that ultimately, Xiangliu never really tried to commit. Nevermind the binding loyalty excuses etc if he was really that bound to Hong Jiang and denying himself what he really wanted... he was still indulging his own desires and spending time with Xiaoyao - but without any plans to give her any kind of 'ending'.

As for the novel writing that made Xiangliu to become Xiaoyao's 'fairy-god father', to grant her the things she would 'need' for a happy life, that is a forced argument to me as I have mentioned in other posts, because Xiangliu always tainted his 'gifts' to her.

I think novel XL was harder to read - very complicated guy who kept his real intentions buried deep. With the drama and Tan Jianci's interpretation, I think he leans toward a more sympathetic character. He's drawn to XY and cannot help his feelings for her, but at the same time, he reasons that he cannot be with her for x, y and z. Hence all the pushing back he gives XY, which I agree with you is frustrating. And also why he never promises her anything (that he would be with her or give it a chance).

I personally do not see the point in arguing how that makes him "better" than Jing. It's not a matter of their character, it's more of a matter of where the characters are coming from and where they plan on going in life. XL knows he and XY will always be at odds because they are on opposite sides politically. It makes perfect sense for him not to promise her anything. Jing is ok with not being clan leader - he just wants to be with XY. It makes sense for him to make promises that he will succeed in being with her. It's just that he would learn how difficult it would be to make good on those promises - not because he did not try but because he was surrounded from all sides and unable at that point to make a breakthrough.

Ah, these foolish people in love haha. If only life were so simple to allow them all to live as they wish and be with the ones they love.

In fact the only person who gave XY  to someone was Jing.   He did this when he paid XL to break  Feng Long's  wedding. This is both the novel and the  drama fact. 

I find it kind of insulting to XY when I see " X L gave her to Jing"

Oh dear. Nope, you are absolutely right. XY chose to be with Jing and vice versa. XY is not some object XL owns that he can just give to someone else. And XL himself would be insulted to hear someone say this lol.

I find it kind of insulting to XY when I see " X L gave her to Jing"

Ahhh....True! That does make XY sound like a "thing" which she is not. I was referring to the opportunity. I should have said XL gave up the opportunity to be with XY. Thanks for pointing that out.

Jing was never xl's  competitor.  To be someone's  competitor, you have to 1rst be on the same level and want the same price. 

For me, based on the epilogue in the book and the things XL did for XY, these are not something one will do for a casual friend as it involved giving up lives, spending a great number of years & blood to heal someone etc. I believe that XL also loved XY. In that sense, he and Jing are her love competitors.

XL knew this thanks to the bug. This is why  he did not reply to XY's SOS.  Had he replied, XY would have spend time been 2nd best and still be hurt by XY's  love for Jing.  He knew the depth of her love for Jing.

Yes, maybe XL / FFB said no to XY's offer of wandering the world together because it might have been that he did not want to be her #2 since #1 place is already taken in XY's heart. But then that should not have been a block for XL/FFB if XY was the most important to him. Based on the events of that point in time, Jing was already married, the opportunity was there for XL even if he were in 2nd place in XY's heart. XL would have taken this opportunity if XY was #1 in his heart, but XY was not his #1 either. 

This is in no way her treating XL as her potential lover. XL knew this more than any one. 

This is on XL for blowing hot and cold to XY. He never gave a definite answer to her. We the audience know what XL did for XY, but she would not have known. She never knew how XL truly felt about her. Because of that uncertainty, XY's heart will not dare to let XL in. If XY had known for sure, I think that might have been another story. 

And we also know she can be quite hard hearted, like with CX after the "killing Jing" incident. I wonder if after she left with Jing for her travels, would CX ever get the chance to see her again? I am guessing no. CX lost XY forever. So if FFB had left with XY at that point in time when she asked him, I think Jing might never see XY again. T_T I am glad that story did not happen. But instead, the people who are meant to be together, are together. I am happy for YaoJing. 𓃦❁ 

And XL himself would be insulted to hear someone say this

And now I am expecting the snake hoards to come after me. LOL ‧⟡𓆗⟡𓆗⟡𓆗⟡𓆗

Yeah, I told Peng Peng, I was referring to the opportunity and should have said XL gave up the opportunity to be with XY and not XL gave up XY to Jing.


And now I am expecting the snake hoards to come after me. LOL ?⟡?⟡?⟡?⟡?

Yeah, I told Peng Peng, I was referring to the opportunity and should have said XL gave up the opportunity to be with XY and not XL gave up XY to Jing.

I know you didn't mean that <3 but perhaps some have thought that lol.


I know you didn't mean that <3 but perhaps some have thought that lol.


This is a YaoJing thread. If you want to spread the Yaolui  best to go to the appropriate thread. 

"XL gave XY to jing" is a phrase that has been used by the YaoLiu a lot in their thread  and in the main mdl comment section since the drama aired. I do not like to see it spread here . 

The drama and novel were both extremely  clear. XY was not interrated in XL romantically.  She friendzoned him . Nothing could change this. She told him in his face many time. Even he rejected her friendship in S2 saying" a friend that he cannot touch"   She knew who was in her heart and who she wanted to spend the rest of her life hear. 

Also " a snake hoard coming at you".  Why call us that?  

You made a comment, I read and do not agree . I did not call you name.

I am tired to see  comments  "here" accusing Jing of this and that or taking Jing positive acts and give it to XL.

I am tired to see comments  here from  the same people  who are known to white wash every single negative acts of XL but turn every good acts from Jing as negative. 

That's all . 


It's  been a long time lol. Well I just come to reply to some your "O" .. 

Let me paste screenshot here first.

Your insert argument from novel..

More of your thoughts

You seem to be using this saying of Jing "never have chance to.." to be argument or points for your wordings of "disingenous and manipulative".  Right?

But that XY being busy was true. 

And so if he said it as the reason why he could not tell before...and because he use the word "never" then he is insincere. 

Nope thats not how we read DEAR.. 

Fact is he was so down that he was at Lirong Chen...being drunk . You do not considerate this. His mental situation. All you want to write down is "he's being victim. But he's responsible for everything?. 

 Because to you and your fellows, just have the brain  to excuse the one that love showing how assaulting he is . All his actions are to have this reasons by what you call "hidden" but "not written" in the novel. 

Okie back now to what i said... what Jing saying "never", ( actually this  must be Koala ver..?) Because in Thai ver he just said " no chance" .. reason is he was so down from what was done to him.  Well well in my opinion this also isnt the matter to be said quick without any preparing or not in the right mind. But he is implying to "no chance" or "never" is that first he was away of his mental state and then she left to GaoXing when he thought about telling. Fact is its just he's implying why he did not tell  before. Theres no narrative of implying Jing say this to make her feel bad or any similar thingy.   Its only anti jing who can over think and just trying out how to name the guy fault.


This is a YaoJing thread. If you want to spread the Yaolui  best to go to the appropriate thread. 

I am not spreading anything here that Yaoliu is the best. Do go back up the comments to see for yourself if I am a YaoLiu fan.


Also " a snake hoard coming at you".  Why call us that?  

You made a comment, I read and do not agree . I did not call you name.

 If you take a closer look, I was responding to the Sunbath's comment that >>" XL himself would be insulted to hear someone say this lol. << 

Since I have "insulted" XL, I was joking that the snake hoards are going to come at me. I do not understand how that became about you and YaoJing supporters being called a snake hoard. I am also a YaoJing supporter, why on earth would I call myself a snake hoard too? LOL

"XL gave XY to jing" is a phrase that has been used by the YaoLiu a lot in their thread  and in the main mdl comment section since the drama aired. I do not like to see it spread here . 

I am tired to see  comments  "here" accusing Jing of this and that or taking Jing positive acts and give it to XL.

I am tired to see comments  here from  the same people  who are known to white wash every single negative acts of XL but turn every good acts from Jing as negative. 

I understand where you are coming from and do not like what XL supporters say about Jing in the main thread. But you need to first identify who are the Xiang Liu fans who say the above statements and other negative things. I am not one of them. I have been on the YaoJing thread for a while now. I would have been thrown out earlier on if I was talking like one of those YaoLiu fans from the main page. LOL

If you need to tell me your point of view, please do, I am open to it. Like what you mentioned about saying to give up XY as though she is a thing etc, I have not thought of it that way and am happy that you have pointed it out to me.  But there was no need to be so fierce in the way we speak to fellow YaoJing fans without the full picture. It was just assumed I am a YaoLiu fan here, which is not true. 

Anyways, chill.

I'll be on my way. TGIF everyone.

I'll be on my way. TGIF everyone.

Don't go forever! I know you're one of the biggest Yaojing and Deng Wei fans out there.

Theres no narrative of implying Jing say this to make her feel bad or any similar thingy.  

I can't read enough Chinese to know exactly how it is put in the original, but even reading the Eng translation, I didn't think much of it as you said with this part. In the drama, it was clearer that Jing wanted to tell XY but didn't have a good opportunity to. At least when he speaks to her after YY faints, there's no hint trying to hide anything or shift blame. It's still one of the most painful parts for me to read and watch.