We are performing scheduled database maintenance, which may cause temporary downtime. We appreciate your patience and apologize for any inconvenience.
A man stepped forward and asked to buy the lantern.

A snowflake gently fell on Xiao Yao's forehead. She clasped her forehead in shock and opened her eyes, but there was no one there. Instead, the lantern she saw earlier was on the ground.
In anger, Xiao Yao picked up the lantern and happened upon the 5th picture - amid roaring winds, Xuan Yuan princess and Chi Chen, one wielding a sword, the other a sabre, in a deadly battle.
In grief and anger, Xiao Yao threw the lantern to the ground. Just as it was about to hit the ground, it suddenly hovered in the air. Tushan Jing entered the door and drew the lantern into his hand.

XY (angrily): What are you doing?

Tushan Jing walked up to her and lit the lantern.

Xiao Yao turned aside in anger, unwilling to look. However, the lantern hovered in front of her.

TSJ (gently): Xiao Yao, take a closer look.

Finding his behaviour strange, she looked up. The lantern was spinning, revealing all 6 pictures. At first she was angry, but when she continued to look, her expression changed. The pictures were still the same, but now there was a sentence with each picture, providing a different context to it.

Xiao Yao stared at the last picture - Xuan Yuan princess stabbing Chi Chen in the chest, and collapsing in pain, her spiritual power spent. The accompanying words: 不负苍生不负卿 Not betraying the common people, Not betraying the one they love

Xiao Yao's tears fell in torrents.

TSJ (sincerely): I believe that what Xiang Liu surmised is the truth. Your father never betrayed your mother, nor did your mother betray him. It is just that one is the Shen Nong great general, the other is the great Xuan Yuan princess. Their lives were not their own in such troubled times.

Xiao Yao continued to look at the spinning lantern, crying and laughing, relieved yet resentful.

XY (crying): They died, not betraying the common people or each other. But what about me? Since they gave birth to me, why didn't they raise me? Did they ever think of me when they died? Did they not worry that people would try to kill me, that I would have no home to go to, that I would be caged up by the Nine-tailed fox and tortured...

So if I'm understanding this sequence correctly, XL buys the lantern after XY cannot bear to continue looking at it? And at some point (when XY is asleep? or before they start speaking...) he adds words to go along with each picture. The last picture and set of words in particular are the most important. Her parents did not betray one another, but they also did not betray the common people. 

In addition to comforting XY, is the hidden / secondary implication that XL will also never betray XY? But that he also won't betray his comrades in the Sheng Nong remnant army? And he will also die in battle, like her parents supposedly did. Leaving XY behind. But in this case, with a place that she can go (and a means of protecting herself and a person to rely on...).


Is he stupid? No, seriously, is he stupid?? All those heads and zero brains?? 

It's a suicide run. Instead of giving up and living in peace, they'd choose to die instead. Some of those soldiers probably wanted to live in peace, get married, and raise a family. But nooooo, their stubbornness, honor, and sense of loyalty won't let them give up. 


It's a suicide run. Instead of giving up and living in peace, they'd choose to die instead. Some of those soldiers probably wanted to live in peace, get married, and raise a family. But nooooo, their stubbornness, honor, and sense of loyalty won't let them give up. 

Yeah no, I'm suing. lol


Elise, are you feeling dizzy? I am, I need to go outside for a bit.

Xiao Yao sat alone by the window of her mother's old quarters at Chao Yun Peak, grieving over Xiang Liu's death, saying that although she kept warning herself that Xiang Liu was their enemy, she was not prepared for his death. She asked whether the blood she gave was not enough to keep him alive (having no idea he used it to save her), and wished she had given more. She also regretted the cruel things she said to him the last time they met. Trying to retrieve the memories in the mirror, she realised to her dismay that it had all been erased. As she recalled their happier moments, she clutched her chest and wept bitterly, asking him whether she truly meant nothing in his eyes, that he would not even leave her a small memory. The scene ends with the song playing in the background which she sang to lure Fei Fei, which Xiang Liu heard when they first met.  

The way I'm so excited for this scene. Does that make me sick in the head? I just love watching people cry miserably over people they love. That's why the scene where XY confuses AN's mom for her mom is a top 10 moment in this drama from me. 

 AH :

Hahaha I love Midge. My whole wardrobe is inspired by her outfits. ?

Thanks AH, you're my Susie.

 AH :
Leaving XY behind. But in this case, with a place that she can go (and a means of protecting herself and a person to rely on...).

Didn't they change this part through with the script leak? Because XL doesn't even save Jing, so... is he really even "leaving a person she can rely on". Also, she doesn't even go to the ocean in the end and his clam dissolves so it seems that there is no "place she can go". That is...if the leaked script is true. 

Leaked script Ep15  (originally S2 Ep23)

Xiang Liu sat by the shores of Gourd Lake drinking, with Furball by his side, recalling the time when he went to Chi Chen's old home.

Chi Chen's bamboo residence

Xiang Liu pushed the door open and took in the sight in the house. He saw the small wooden horse, picked up the small drum and shook it before putting it down. At last, he came before the portrait and stared at it for a while. With a wave of the hand, spiritual energy brushed over the portrait, and Xi Ling Heng's figure appeared by Chi Chen's side. Xiang Liu lit 3 incense sticks, and paid his respects to them as one of the younger generation.

Back by the lake, Xiang Liu continued drinking, loneliness etched on his face. Furball nudged the empty wine bowl to Xiang Liu's hand, prompting him to fill it up. Xiang Liu then lifted his wine bottle to Furball in a toast with a sad smile.

XL: Since we cannot be together forever, it is better to separate and forget each other rather than meet in battle.

Xiang Liu lifted up his wine bottle in a toast.

Later, Xiao Yao, Jing, the Gao Xin king and Cang Xuan also came to the bamboo residence. Xiao Yao and Cang Xuan bowed and paid their respects to Chi Chen's portrait.

The Gao Xin king finally told Cang Xuan that he always intended for Cang Xuan to become his successor. However, his ministers would never agree, so he needed Cang Xuan to force their hand with his military might.


Hahaha I love Midge. My whole wardrobe is inspired by her outfits. ?

Thanks AH, you're my Susie.



Didn't they change this part through with the script leak? Because XL doesn't even save Jing, so... is he really even "leaving a person she can rely on". Also, she doesn't even go to the ocean in the end and his clam dissolves so it seems that there is no "place she can go". That is...if the leaked script is true. 

According to the changes that liddi mentioned, XL doesn't save TSJ's life after TSH kills him, but XL still has a hand in pushing them together. Just not to the same degree. We know for sure that he sent XY to TSJ so she could save his life after she wakes up from her 37 years in the clam shell, for example. 

The ocean is still a place that XY will always be able to go. It sounds like they've taken away the moments where XL reminds her of that, the moment where he gives her the jewel map of the ocean as a physical reminder, and her deciding to go to the ocean in the end. But they can't take away the fact that XL made sure that she will always have a place to go to, if she wants, because she will always be able to go to the ocean. 

You're making me think... didn't TJC say XL's iconic line on one of the variety shows they did? He said the full piece about giving her a means of protecting herself, a person to rely on and a place to go, didn't he?

I'm pretty sure all three were also mentioned in XL's bonus video love letter. 

It refers to the passion the one with the bug experiences, which in turn, is also felt by the other person. In this case, Xiang Liu means that he is aware of every passionate interaction between Xiao Yao and Jing.

From what Xiang Liu described, it is now obvious that Xiao Yao should have been able to feel everything Xiang Liu felt as well, but doesn't because he actively shields her from it.

I remember that scene in the novel where Xiao Yao and Xiang Liu were both in the clam shell and Xiao Yao could feel his heartbeat. I think this is the only time when he couldn't shield her from his feelings toward her.

Chapter 26:

"The clam shell was enormous and even with the two of them inside it wasn’t a tight squeeze at all. She slept here for thirty-seven years with Xiang Liu, would that be equivalent of sleeping in the same bed and sharing the same pillow? Those two merpeople saw the clam shell as their home, how did Xiang Liu view this clam shell?

Xiao Yao suddenly felt all sorts of thoughts and feelings rush up and her face burned as her heart sped up.

Xiao Yao chastised herself and tried desperately to control her feelings and reactions, but she couldn’t control her heartbeat. Just like that, Xiang Liu sensed it and looked over at her. Xiao Yao quickly said “I’m hungry! So hungry I’m all nerves!”

Xiao Yao’s face was so red it was like a burning sunset and she forced her eyes wide open to stare at Xiang Liu. His heartbeat quickened a few times and Xiao Yao sensed it. But then it was gone just like that and she wondered if it was her mistaken sensation."

 AH :

In chapter 48 he clearly distinguishes between removing the bugs and killing the bugs. He was never able to remove the bugs. He didn't know how to, because it wasn't possible to do. And he didn't want to know how to remove them.

But he did know how to kill the bugs (something only he, a person with multiple lives, could do), which would break the connection in a way that would hurt him but not XY. He says that he never lied to XY about not knowing how to remove the bugs, and that XY can't blame him for her not asking the right question (i.e., not asking him if he knew how to kill the bugs instead of knowing how to remove them). 

That's cunning and petty... But well, it was well-intentioned...

As she recalled their happier moments, she clutched her chest and wept bitterly, asking him whether she truly meant nothing in his eyes, that he would not even leave her a small memory. The scene ends with the song playing in the background which she sang to lure Fei Fei, which Xiang Liu heard when they first met.

I feel sick and nauseous, I wanna roll in my bed but I don't have the adequate gif to vent my sorrow. Please, help @nathsketch @Elise 

Leaked script Ep16  scenes 5-8  (originally S2 Ep24)  >> you have been warned <<

[Before his wedding to A Nian, Cang Xuan reminded Xiao Yao once more that the old rules still apply - to not congratulate him on his marriage. He was now at the pinnacle with the world at his feet, but it could not make up for all he had lost. If given a chance to choose, he would have preferred to give up the world if he could have his parents, grandmother, aunt, Xiao Yao together, never parting.]

Troubled by Cang Xuan's dejected state, Xiao Yao strolled aimlessly until she came to a rock by Dragon Bone prison. Waves crashed against the rock. Just then, Xiang Liu all in white, tread the waves towards her. Unable to tell the past from the present, reality and illusion, Xiao Yao stared at Xiang Liu, startled. 
Xiang Liu came up before her, his expression cold. She reached out a finger to touch him and confirmed he was real, then seeing the look on his face, withdrew her hand hurriedly.

XY (apologetic smile): My apologies. I thought you were an illusion.
XL (furrowed eyebrows): What foolishness is this?
XY (dry laugh, changing topics): Why are you here?
XL: I just felt like it
XY (helplessly): You are too reckless. Today is Xuan Yuan king and Gao Xin princess' wedding, You know how many guards are at Five Gods Mountain?
XL (coolly): It is precisely because it is the Xuan Yuan king's wedding that I came to take a look.
XY (curious): You don't seem the type to join in the festivities.
XL: If it was just a wedding, naturally I would not be interested.
XY: What do you mean?
XL: Gao Xin king is a sage ruler. Knowing that there is no successor to the throne, he would not have risked the welfare of his kingdom. Since he still has not named a successor, he clearly has alternate plans. Now he even married his only daughter off to the Xuan Yuan king, who is also his own disciple. Could it be...
XY (nervous): Could it be what?
XL: Could it be the Gao Xin king intends to give the entire Gao Xin to Cang Xuan as a dowry?
XY (dry laugh): How is that possible? As expected from nine heads, even the jokes are bigger!
XL (certain): Looks like I was right.

Xiao Yao opened her mouth to deny, but swallowed the words resentfully.

XY (grumbling): Nine heads are clearly more imaginative than one.

Having spoken, Xiao Yao drew her neck back in case Xiang Liu dealt with her like before, but he seemed not to have heard what she said, his eyes cast down, watching the waves at his feet. Surprised, Xiao Yao sensed the reason for his behaviour, and her eyes were filled with compassion.

XY (softly): My brother inherited Grandfather's ambitions to unite the Great Wilderness. After he conquers Gao Xin, he will wage war on Hong Jiang.
XL (sigh): I thought the war between Xuan Yuan and Gao Xin would last tens of years. Who knew the Great Wilderness would be united so soon.
XY (persuading): Do... you still want to follow Hong Jiang? Could you not... (hesitant, then continues to persuade) Is there nothing else you wish to do in this world?
XL (casual banter): Are you worried for me?
XY: Perhaps you only treat me as someone to make deals with, but I always considered you... a friend.
XL (mixed emotions, faint smile): Oh, friend? (mocking) Such things can neither be seen nor touched, it is too unreliable, I won't presume to count on it. (his eyes grew sharp and cold even as he continued to smile) If Xuan Yuan Cang Xuan knows we are connected by a fated bug, living and dying together, he would not dare to kill me. (leans slightly forward to smile at Xiao Yao). You, are my chess piece that checks the Xuan Yuan king.

Hurt by Xiang Liu's callousness, Xiao Yao glared angrily at him.

XY: You knew from the very beginning what kind of bug it was, didn't you?
XL: So what if I did?
XY: Back then, you could remove the bug from Cang Xuan and dared to plant it in yourself. So you must know how to remove it.
XL (laughs): Take a guess!
XY (controlling herself): If I died, will you survive?
XL (teasing): Why don't you ask the question in reverse. If I died, would you be able to live?
XY (threatening): You want to use the bug to control Cang Xuan. Aren't you worried that I will use the bug against you when the time comes?
XL (unmoved): I look forward to it.
XY (angrily): Xiang Liu! What exactly do you want?

Xiang Liu smiled at her but did not reply. As the waves pulled back, his body slowly retreated along with the waves as he continued to face her.

XY: Hey Don't go! Explain yourself!

As Xiao Yao rushed forward in agitation, Tushan Jing's voice suddenly rang out.

TSJ: Xiao Yao.

Xiao Yao had to stop and turn, during which Tushan Jing had flown to her side, taking her hand. By the time she looked back at Xiang Liu, he was nowhere to be seen, and all that remained was the blue skies and rolling waves in the sea.

Xiao Yao and Jing sat next to each other on the beach at Dragon Bone Prison.

XY (trying to explain): I was strolling by the beach, when Xiang Liu suddenly showed up. I was asking him how to remove the bug just now.
TSJ (concerned): Does he know how to?
XY (frustrated): I believe he does, but he refused to say.
TSJ (worried): It is only a matter of time before His Majesty and Hong Jiang meet in battle. The existence of the bug has always been a hidden danger all along. As long as it is not removed, there is no way to be at ease.
XY: Don't worry. Even if there was a battle, Xiang Liu need not necessarily be killed. As long as he does not die, I will be fine. Besides, Xiang Liu has strong spiritual powers and is called Nine Lives. Between the two of us, I am the one who is more prone to be in danger. If anything, he should be the one to worry that I would cause trouble for him.
TSJ (displeased): Don't talk nonsense. From now onwards, I will stay by your side, and you also have His Majesty's protection. How could you fall into danger?
XY: Yes, I spoke wrongly (fawning) Don't worry. I am compiling medical journals, and diligently researching the art of healing. If Xiang Liu is able to remove the bug, so can I. I just need a bit of time, that's all.

Tushan Jing masked his concerns and flashed her a smile.

TSJ: You are right, we can definitely find a way.

Xiao Yao nodded and smiled.


[Xiao Yao led Tushan Jing to the same spot where she first tried to kiss him and complained that he avoided her when she tried to offer him her very first kiss, warning him that he should not try to avoid it this time. Just as she was about to kiss him, he held her chin, saying that this time, it was she who was not allowed to avoid. Then he kissed her, first gently, then passionately.]


Xiang Liu sat alone in the white seashell, twirling a pearl in his hand in loneliness, recalling how Xiao Yao shed tears on the surface of the shell, which he collected and solidified into a round pearl.

Suddenly, his face changed and he touched his lips.

Eyes filled with grief and fury, he flung out his hand and threw the pearl. As it flew across the sky, it lost spiritual energy and slowly transformed back into a tear, almost hitting the ocean. Just then, Xiang Liu suddenly reached out his hand and the tear stayed still. In a split second, the winds quietened and the waves stilled from the immense force of the spiritual power; everything was quiet, the waters surrounding the shell seemed to be frozen, without even a ripple, except a tear hovering above the surface of the ocean, almost dropping but not quite.

Devoid of expression, Xiang Liu slowly pulled back his hand. His white robes started fluttering agitatedly despite the absence of wind, a clear sign that he was not calm. The tear inched downwards with difficulty as if something powerful was stopping it although there was nothing below.

After a long struggle, unable to let go, Xiang Liu's robes finally settled down and the tear flew back before him.

A single, silent tear.

His composure restored, Xiang Liu took the tear in his fingers and it transformed back into a pearl. He then held the pearl in his palm, grief in his eyes.

The winds began to howl once more, the waves began to surge, and the shell bobbed along with the waves.

I feel sick and nauseous, I wanna roll in my bed but I don't have the adequate gif to vent my sorrow. Please, help @nathsketch @Elise

I don't know what to do either, 'cause I've been staring at the page I need to illustrate for an hour and a half I can't seem to draw anything. Inspiration has left the chat.

>> you have been warned <<

:D :D :D

He saw the small wooden horse, picked up the small drum and shook it before putting it down.

XY's childhood toys?

With a wave of the hand, spiritual energy brushed over the portrait, and Xi Ling Heng's figure appeared by Chi Chen's side.

This is giving me feelings.

Ah Heng and Qi Yo are mirrors to XY and XL. Adding Ah Heng next to Qi Yo so they can be together in the portrait feels a bit like putting XY and XL together.

But then it also reminds me of XL adding the human figure to the ice crystal ball before he returns it to XY inside of her wedding gift. The human figure that smiles at the mermaid and takes her outstretched hand instead of the merman, who remains looking coldly away from her. Reflecting XL's decision to stay away from XY and to help her and TSJ be together. 

Xiang Liu lit 3 incense sticks, and paid his respects to them as one of the younger generation.

Bowing to her parents? My mind is already jumping ahead and screaming that that's 1/3 of a wedding. If XY can have a ceremony where she marries TSJ without TSJ present, who's to say XL couldn't do the same for XY without XY present.

XL: Since we cannot be together forever, it is better to separate and forget each other rather than meet in battle.


Gao Xin king and Cang Xuan also came to the bamboo residence.

I don't love that more people are with them. Visiting her parents' home is such an intimate thing. I'd prefer it to just by XY and TSJ like the novel. 

Xiao Yao and Cang Xuan bowed and paid their respects to Chi Chen's portrait.

XY gets to appreciate XL's handiwork :) I wonder if she would notice that the portrait changed from her childhood memories?

Does TSJ not pay his respects?

Leaked script Ch15  (S2 Ep23)

Thank you for the translations liddi! ^^