White hair like the clouds that wasn’t tied into a bun but instead a jade-colored rope was used to tie it neatly back to let it fall behind his head.



White hair like the clouds that wasn’t tied into a bun but instead a jade-colored rope was used to tie it neatly back to let it fall behind his head.


Huumm... I admit, I'm not sure I understand. Could you add details about what's on your mind?

She remembered in the ocean when he let his hair loose, the stirring in her heart. She remembered twining his hair around her fingers, each strand was a longing.

At Lirong's house, Xiaoyao was finally able to hold Xiangliu's white hair.

That also includes when Xiaoyao washes Jing's hair. The instructions are everywhere.

then look at how the author describes Xiangliu with his hair.

the keywords are flowing hair and sunrise

When XY looks at TSJ in chapter 14, I don't think she's seeing XL.

But I do think there is an interesting parallel between the hair color references in the recollection scene in chapter 26 and the hair color reference in chapter 35.

In chapter 26, XY hadn't seen TSJ for over a year. She recalls an earlier time when she twined TSJ's all-black hair around her fingers and "each strand was a longing". Her heart stirred when she looked at him. But in the present (when she and TSJ have broken up and TSJ has married FFYY) a few strands of TSJ's hair had turned white, and "it was already black hair turned white and all longing severed."

In chapter 35, XY looks at XL who is all dressed in black and even his hair is covered, so he looks like FFB, who she hasn't seen since he "died" in chapter 32. She is about to become torn again when a strand of white hair falls loose, reminding her that the man before her is XL and not FFB. The possibility of her being with FFB was severed in chapter 32. So she softly strokes XL's white hair before telling XL to hurry off, as it's not safe for him to stay. 


Chapter 14:

Xiao Yao’s hands sank into his hair and she grabbed it. “I can tell you’re a sneaky one, even if I want to forget it, you’ll find ways to keep reminding. You say you don’t dare hope, but then you don’t let go either.” 


She looked up and saw Jing’s hair was a mess from her raking her fingers through it. It was too late to tell him and her face darkened with worry. Then she saw Jing stand up and release the band tying his hair up and sent his hair flying in the sea breeze. He leaned against the railing and looked up at the sunrise.

Xiao Yao’s heart leaped to her chest like a little deer lost. 


Chapter 26:

Jing stood up and greeted the Xi Ling clan leader with a smile. Both the Xi Ling clan leader and Chun were startled to see a few strands of white hair on Jing’s head. Chun was still a youth and he asked in shock “Jing gege, what happened to you?”


Xiao Yao hadn’t seen Jing in over a year and seeing him like this, Xiao Yao maintained her smile and quietly stood next to the Xi Ling clan leader. She remembered in the ocean when he let his hair loose, the stirring in her heart. She remembered twining his hair around her fingers, each strand was a longing. Everything felt like yesterday, but it was already black hair turned white and all longing severed.


Chapter 35:

Xiao Yao lifted her head and saw Xiang Liu dressed all in black with a black cloak covering him, wrapping his entire form snugly in pure black. He seemed like an imposing but ordinary person, until the slight gap in his hood showed a few white hairs.


She stared at Xiang Liu and the man before her was that dissolute wastrel, but the moment she was about to become torn again a strand of white hair fell that reminded her exactly who he was. Xiao Yao softly stroked his hair and said, “This place is not safe to stay. Pay your respects and hurry off!”

Yes! And also right after planting the bug:

"A huge sea conch with brilliant hued shell, Xiao Liu tapped it wondering what its meat tasted like and Xiang Liu said “It’s not tasty.”"

I LOVED that moment. He gets her. 

 AH :
So do you read, "The man and woman who have planted the bug will have their lives intertwined, be in tune with each other emotionally. If one is hurt, the other will also feel the pain. If one is in emotional pain, the other will also feel emotional pain." as saying that the bug connection causes the couple to become in tune with each other emotionally?  If so, would that be because of the transfer of physical and emotional pain between them via the bug connection, or do you think it's a separate thing? 

My take is that the lovers bug heightens the connection between the couple, making them even more aware of each other's emotions and thoughts. Being aware of each other's physical and emotional pain is one aspect of it, but not the cause of the heightened connection. If anything, I would argue that it is this heightened connection that allows the transfer of physical and emotional pain. 

That's telling because at several occasions, we see that XL knows what's going on XY's mind.

Xiang Liu is certainly far more aware of what Xiao Yao is thinking than she is of his, and that I believe is due to the fact that he is far more powerful and is able to shield her from sensing his emotions and pain. In Vol 2 Ch9 (Chapter 26) after Xiao Yao had her first restful sleep and happy dream in a long time and woke up in the sea shell, her thoughts and reactions to the implications behind sleeping together in the shell for 37 years with Xiang Liu caused an involuntary quickening of his heartbeat which she could sense, one of the very rare times that she could. So it was clear he was very aware of what was going through her mind at the time.

All this talk of Xiang Liu's hair reminds me of the various times she touched his white hair, and the implications of her urge to do so. One which is rarely mentioned, but so telling is in Vol 3 Ch10 (Chapter 43) takes place after he transforms into his true form to save her from the whirlpool and her clinging on to him on the beach when he tried to leave. Upon him offering to help her look for Miao Pu and vaulting into the ocean, she jumped in after him and caught hold of a lock of his white hair. There was no reason for her to do so if she had wanted to keep up with him, and it would probably have made more sense for her to hold on to his hand or his sleeve, yet Xiao Yao always had a fixation for touching his hair, an intimate gesture that speaks volumes.

My take is that the lovers bug heightens the connection between the couple, making them even more aware of each other's emotions and thoughts. Being aware of each other's physical and emotional pain is one aspect of it, but not the cause of the heightened connection. If anything, I would argue that it is this heightened connection that allows the transfer of physical and emotional pain. 


All this talk of Xiang Liu's hair reminds me of the various times she touched his white hair, and the implications of her urge to do so. One which is rarely mentioned, but so telling is in Vol 3 Ch10 (Chapter 43) takes place after he transforms into his true form to save her from the whirlpool and her clinging on to him on the beach when he tried to leave. Upon him offering to help her look for Miao Pu and vaulting into the ocean, she jumped in after him and caught hold of a lock of his white hair. There was no reason for her to do so if she had wanted to keep up with him, and it would probably have made more sense for her to hold on to his hand or his sleeve, yet Xiao Yao always had a fixation for touching his hair, an intimate gesture that speaks volumes.

This scene?


Chapter 43:

Xiao Yao suddenly remembered Miao Pu and used her sleeve to wipe away her tears. “I have to go back, otherwise Zhuan Xu will kill Miao Pu for sure!”

“Even if the Black Emperor wanted to kill Miao Pu, he’d have to find her first.”

Xiao Yao remembered the seagull demon mentioning a partner. Miao Pu never came to rescue her which meant she likely encountered the other killer. Xiao Yao’s face fell. “Miao Pu…..is Miao Pu dead?”

“I don’t know! When I rushed over all I saw were two winged horse corpses in the water. She likely was attacked but I didn’t see her body.” Xiao Yao sighed in relief until Xiang Liu added “She could have sunk into the ocean.”

Xiang Liu always had a way of making her grateful to him in one second, and the other want to choke him to death. Xiao Yao was anxious and upset but there was nothing she could do to Xiang Liu for being mean. “I need to find Miao Pu, you take me back to that island.”

Xiang Liu said, “I happen to have free time, I can accompany you to go look for Miao Pu.”

“When did you become so nice?”

“Of course there is a price.”

“I only have one head, so I can't outthink your nine heads. I don’t think this deal is going to be good.”

Xiang Liu vaulted into the ocean without a care about Xiao Yao’s reverse psychology negotiating tactics. Xiao Yao anxiously jumped into the ocean after him and grabbed a lock of his flowing white hair.

Xiang Liu turned around and glared at her, so Xiao Yao let go with a smile. “You help me find the seagull demon and I agree to your price.” The seagull demon chose to let the whirlpool swallow her up forever, clearly she knew this ocean expanse very well. Only with Xiang Liu’s help could Xiao Yao hope to find her quickly.

Xiang Liu rose up from the ocean to stand on the waves. His white hair like the clouds, his white robe like the snow, the silver moonlight made him look even more noble and ethereal, except his expression looking down at Xiao Yao was filled with an evil smirk. “Any price I want?”

Xiao Yao stood up on the waves and raised her chin to look at Xiang Liu. “As long as it has nothing to do with Zhuan Xu, then any price is fine!” For Miao Pu, even if she had to make a real deal with the devil she would do it. At this point what else did she have left to lose?


I felt like the hair-grabbing in that moment was an odd thing for her to do. In chapter 35 it made sense and felt intimate. Here I don't know... it's almost childish. 

Edit: Your comment about "his hand or his sleeve" reminded me of chapter 26.


Chapter 26:

Xiao Yao reacted and quickly went to chase him. “Xiang Liu, Xiang Liu…..”

But she couldn’t catch up to him, and even though Xiang Liu didn’t abandon her fully, he kept his wide distance and never looked back, leaving only his distant figure in her eyes.

“Ah———-” Xiao Yao screamed suddenly and curled up into a ball like she had been bitten by something.

The second Xiang Liu turned around he was right next to Xiao Yao. He reached out his hand but immediately realized that he and Xiao Yao were linked by the bug so if she was really hurt then he would feel it. He reached back his hand but Xiao Yao already tightly grabbed it and smiled deviously at him.

Xiang Liu coldly said, “If you don’t want to die, then let go!”

Xiao Yao looked at Xiang Liu and released his hand but then grabbed his sleeve and shook it. “I’m just kidding! Don’t be so mean!”

Xiang Liu ignored Xiao Yao and swam forward but she held onto his sleeve and stayed right beside him. “My body is different than other gods but I don’t see this as a price to pay for living. I think of it as getting a great gift! I’m so happy about it!”

Xiang Liu continued to ignore Xiao Yao but didn’t shake her hand off.

First, I want to go to the light effect and unlock our imagination. :)

Then let's have a look at the following backlit pictures and you will get me and XY! Then you will know how "witty, cunning" and talented the Author, Tung Hua truly is. She leads the readers by the nose and hides XY's Love away like XY always does.

As a reader, we also employ our imagination and put ourselves in the shoes of characters.

Perhaps the neat bun hair of handsome on-screen XL lets us forget his true image in the BOOK!

Let's delve into what Tung Hua describes XL or the impression of WXL at their first encounter.

Her white hair is as white as clouds, not tied up in a bun, and a strip of jasper is used to wipe her forehead and neatly gather her white hair behind her head, hanging down naturally. Her facial features are so handsome that she is strangely beautiful, and her whole person is also clean and tidy.

"White hair like clouds, not tied up in a bun, a piece of jasper is wiped across the forehead and the white hair is neatly gathered behind the head. It hangs naturally. The facial features are so handsome that it is strange, and the whole person is clean and tidy."

And the XL appearance on XY's precious little Mirror: In the deep blue sea, Xiang Liu was swimming gracefully in white clothes and white hair. His long white hair was dancing behind him, making his face look very enchanting.

Now let's see the appearance of Jing at the break of dawn.

But when he saw Jing standing up, he casually untied the crown that bound his hair. His hair was covered with black hair like a galaxy, falling down on his back and drifting in the sea breeze. He leaned against the railing of the boat, looking lazily and casually at the dawn of dawn in the eastern sky.

Actually, at that moment the hair's color did not play an important role, but the outline. (The sun is directly behind him) I guess WXL/ XY had many times been watching XL's back fainter and fainter until he disappeared. (above the sea!) That is the reason why "her heart was bounding as hard as a deer". Let's say candidly, Jing was cosplaying the back and hair of Xiang Liu.

Second, if you think I am stealing Jing's Loveline and spotlight. Let's read further together to see their dynamic emotions, and to understand her psychology of actions.

Xiaoyao was originally distracted when Jing was talking about red/ purple gems from monster fishes, but when she heard that they help people "stay" longer beneath the sea, she suddenly became interested. Why does she want that? Should she keep away from the person she is afraid of? Oh yes, maybe she just loves to be in the sea and does not need someone else to give her the air, (but still why under the sea?) Regardless, she is thinking of XL.

Then XY looked at Jing secretly while the three of them were gazing at the golden sunlight sparkling ocean, feeling connected to Jing (more than to Funglong, of course!) as if she just wanted to check again that it was true Jing, not XL.

Who here can understand what Tonghua means?

 AH :
I felt like the hair-grabbing in that moment was an odd thing for her to do. In chapter 35 it made sense and felt intimate. Here I don't know... it's almost childish. 

The way I see it, this is one of those times when it was not an involuntary, intimate action, but her deliberately teasing him. Nonetheless, what I meant to say was that this scene shows again just how she loves touching his hair - an inherently intimate gesture - whether it was out of tenderness or mischief. 

 AH :
Your comment about "his hand or his sleeve" reminded me of chapter 26.

Is it just me but their conscious physical interactions, out of companionship, tenderness, outright mischief, or simple mollification just makes me smile and ache at the same time, and it makes it doubly hard to think that even most of that are being taken away in the drama.


First, I want to go to the light effect and unlock our imagination. :)

Then let's have a look at the following backlit pictures and you will get me and XY! Then you will know how "witty, cunning" and talented the Author, Tung Hua truly is. She leads the readers by the nose and hides XY's Love away like XY always does.

As a reader, we also employ our imagination and put ourselves in the shoes of characters.

Perhaps the neat bun hair of handsome on-screen XL lets us forget his true image in the BOOK!

Let's delve into what Tung Hua describes XL or the impression of WXL at their first encounter.

Her white hair is as white as clouds, not tied up in a bun, and a strip of jasper is used to wipe her forehead and neatly gather her white hair behind her head, hanging down naturally. Her facial features are so handsome that she is strangely beautiful, and her whole person is also clean and tidy.

"White hair like clouds, not tied up in a bun, a piece of jasper is wiped across the forehead and the white hair is neatly gathered behind the head. It hangs naturally. The facial features are so handsome that it is strange, and the whole person is clean and tidy."

And the XL appearance on XY's precious little Mirror: In the deep blue sea, Xiang Liu was swimming gracefully in white clothes and white hair. His long white hair was dancing behind him, making his face look very enchanting.

Now let's see the appearance of Jing at the break of dawn.

But when he saw Jing standing up, he casually untied the crown that bound his hair. His hair was covered with black hair like a galaxy, falling down on his back and drifting in the sea breeze. He leaned against the railing of the boat, looking lazily and casually at the dawn of dawn in the eastern sky.

Actually, at that moment the hair's color did not play an important role, but the outline. (The sun is directly behind him) I guess WXL/ XY had many times been watching XL's back fainter and fainter until he disappeared. (above the sea!) That is the reason why "her heart was bounding as hard as a deer". Let's say candidly, Jing was cosplaying the back and hair of Xiang Liu.

Second, if you think I am stealing Jing's Loveline and spotlight. Let's read further together to see their dynamic emotions, and to understand her psychology of actions.

Xiaoyao was originally distracted when Jing was talking about red/ purple gems from monster fishes, but when she heard that they help people "stay" longer beneath the sea, she suddenly became interested. Why does she want that? Should she keep away from the person she is afraid of? Oh yes, maybe she just loves to be in the sea and does not need someone else to give her the air, (but still why under the sea?) Regardless, she is thinking of XL.

Then XY looked at Jing secretly while the three of them were gazing at the golden sunlight sparkling ocean, feeling connected to Jing (more than to Funglong, of course!) as if she just wanted to check again that it was true Jing, not XL.

Who here can understand what Tonghua means?

For example

tonghua really loves xy and xl in her books.


About that part from chapter 26, when XY asks XL if she will become more like him,  do you find it similar to the discussion she had with ANian, when ANian asks XY how can she be more like XingYue, în order for CX to like her more? Both discussions are from the same chapter. Maybe that's what XY was  implying too? 

"Xiao Yao continued to natter “You’re a Nine-headed demon, you have nine-lives and you spent one on saving me. I can swim in the ocean freely like you now. If I die again and you give another of your lives to save me, will I become even more like you…….”

Xiang Liu stared at Xiao Yao and his face was as placid as the water.

Xiao Yao’s voice got smaller and smaller “Become, become…..I mean…..” She suddenly started to chuckle like a fool “I, forget I said anything!”


"Entering Ah Nian’s residence, Hai Tang ordered the maids to bring dinner. Xiao Yao said to Ah Nian “You eat first, I’m going to wash up.” Xiao Yao cocked her head “The way you look at everything is from whether you like something or dislike something.”

“How can I be more like Xing Yue?”

“You envy her?”

Ah Nian bit her lip and reluctantly nodded her head “I feel like Gege will like a girl like Xing Yue more, capable and smart, worldly and well-behaved, a woman who knows when to push forward and when to give in.”

Xiao Yao said “Ah Nian, you might be somewhat arrogant and self-absorbed, and rash, but you don’t need to be like Xing Yue.”

“But I’m afraid Gege will dislike me.”

Xiao Yao smiled and shook her head “He watched you grow up, he knows exactly what your personality is. When he had nothing he treated you so well, in the future when he has everything he will also treat you well.”


"Xiao Yao controlled her laughter and said “As long as you are Ah Nian then Zhuan Xu will never forget you. You are different then all of them which is why Zhuan Xu keeps trying to drive you away. He would never be so considerate to all those other women!”

"Xiao Yao sighed “Then listen to your Jiejie, ignore the women around Zhuan Xu. Whether it’s Xing Yue, or this one, or that one, you don’t need to pay attention to any of them. Since you can’t change anything, then act like they don’t exist. You just need to enjoy every moment Zhuan Xu spends with you. When he’s off spending time with other women, then you can act like he’s off working on important matters.”

This part also rings a bell to me. It's from chapter 26, a chapter or two before she starts working on the crystal ball. 

This part I always felt it's about XL, not Jing. What date did she ever have with Jing in the ocean, am I forgetting something? Ocean screams XL, not Jing, when we are talking about the ocean, for sure it's not Jing that first comes to mind. 

"Xiao Yao hadn’t seen Jing in over a year and seeing him like this, Xiao Yao maintained her smile and quietly stood next to the Xi Ling clan leader. She remembered in the ocean when he let his hair loose, the stirring in her heart. She remembered twining his hair around her fingers, each strand was a longing. Everything felt like yesterday but it was already black hair turned white and all longing severed."

Perhaps the neat bun hair of handsome on-screen XL lets us forget his true image in the BOOK!

Let's delve into what Tung Hua describes XL or the impression of WXL at their first encounter.

Her white hair is as white as clouds, not tied up in a bun, and a strip of jasper is used to wipe her forehead and neatly gather her white hair behind her head, hanging down naturally. Her facial features are so handsome that she is strangely beautiful, and her whole person is also clean and tidy.

"White hair like clouds, not tied up in a bun, a piece of jasper is wiped across the forehead and the white hair is neatly gathered behind the head. It hangs naturally. The facial features are so handsome that it is strange, and the whole person is clean and tidy."

@windiaaa041293, are you talking about this description of XL's hair?

Chapter 2

The man ignored him as he changed his robe and sat down at his desk to review doc.u.ments. It was then that Xiao Liu finally saw his face clearly. White hair like the clouds that wasn’t tied into a bun but instead a jade-colored rope was used to tie it neatly back to let it fall behind his head. His face was so beautifully handsome it bordered on surreal. His entire body was so spotlessly clean it was eerie.

As blimarch  noted, XL's hair is tied back. It's not tied in a bun, but it is tied "neatly back". 

And the XL appearance on XY's precious little Mirror: In the deep blue sea, Xiang Liu was swimming gracefully in white clothes and white hair. His long white hair was dancing behind him, making his face look very enchanting.

When XL is on land, his hair is generally described as immaculate or pristine, unless he's badly injured and then it might be "slightly mussed". In terms of scenes that he shares with XY, his hair is only described as billowing or fanned out when he is under water. 

There are two scenes where XL is described as arriving with the rising or setting sun behind him, and in the sunset scene his hair is described as billowing in the breeze, but XY is unconscious and on the brink of death in both cases. So she does not see XL in those scenes. 


Chapter 3:

Xiao Liu looked at Xiang Liu – tonight he seemed different. His white hair was still not a strand out of place, his white robe was still spotless but appeared not as perfect as before. “You’re hurt.”


Chapter 5:

Xiang Liu slowly walked back with the sorrowful song lingering behind him. Xiao Liu leaned against the door and watched him walk in the blood red sunset, his white hair and white robe still pristine and untouched.


In the middle of the night, when Xiao Liu was fast asleep, he suddenly startled awake. Xiang Liu was standing next to his pallet, still white hair white robe, but his hair was slightly mussed and his white robe slightly dirty.

“You’re injured again?”


Xiang Liu was wearing a white mask and dropped from the sky with his immaculate white hair and white robe like an ethereal snowflake from another world. 


Chapter 32:

Xiao Yao walked outside and saw Xiang Liu standing in the courtyard.

His hair was back to being all white and fell behind him like a waterfall. The tree behind him had red leaves and the brightness contrasted so that he looked even more ethereal like untouched snow.


Chapter 46:

Xiang Liu flew off his winged ride and walked on the waves towards Xiao Yao. He was the ephemeral traveler from a faraway land, white hair white robe pristine without being touched by the dirt of the common world, even if each step he took was walking over war and fire and brimstone, nothing could affect him.


Chapter 13:

In the dark blue ocean depths, Xiang Liu’s white hair white robe was so elegant and refined as he swam, the white hair billowing behind him, making his already handsome face even more ethereally beautiful.


Chapter 43:

Suddenly her instinct sensed danger. She looked around and there wasn’t a fish in sight, the colorful underwater was now pitch black. Xiao Yao felt the entire ocean shaking and she remembered the seagull demon saying how scary the ocean was under here. She suddenly remembered what Xiang Liu said before, that after he escaped from the slave death match ring, he almost died in an underwater tornado called a whirlpool. Xiang Liu may not have been that powerful then but something that almost killed him must really be super scary.


Xiao Yao slowly opened her eyes and in the whirling inferno she saw Xiang Liu, white hair white robe, standing right in front of her. His hair was fanned out like the wings of a bird and was protecting Xiao Yao by forming a barrier between her and the whirlpool.


Chapter 21:

[XY has been assassinated and is unconscious]

Zhuan Xu walked out with Jin Xuan and saw the sky blanketed with soldiers. Suddenly a person broke through the defenses and stormed Zhi Jin Summit. White hair, white robe, standing tall and proud on the back of a white condor, completely untouched like the first snow, he was even more extraordinarily eye-catching with the dawn sun behind him.


Chapter 48:

[XY has attempted to poison herself to death and is unconscious]

On Jade Mountain, the sun was setting and the peach blossoms blooming in exquisite glory in the sunset. In the sky, a white condor with a golden feather crown was slowly descending through the clouds, with a white-robed, white-haired Xiang Liu standing on its back, billowing in the wind like an ethereal being.


This part I always felt it's about XL, not Jing. What date did she ever have with Jing in the ocean, am I forgetting something? Ocean screams XL, not Jing, when we are talking about the ocean, for sure it's not Jing that first comes to mind. 

"Xiao Yao hadn’t seen Jing in over a year and seeing him like this, Xiao Yao maintained her smile and quietly stood next to the Xi Ling clan leader. She remembered in the ocean when he let his hair loose, the stirring in her heart. She remembered twining his hair around her fingers, each strand was a longing. Everything felt like yesterday but it was already black hair turned white and all longing severed."

She is recalling a scene with TSJ from chapter 14.

