
Is the leaked scripts authentic?

oh, there is no official confirmation. It might be fiction too. 

Help me out here. She does call out Jing and say she misses him. So what does that mean. How should we interpret that sentence. I am a bit confused and torn. That part done of it clearly points to XL but that sentence I was unsure. I can believe the second part relates to XL.

XY's situation when she saw the hibiscus flowers was called Hypoactive delirium [1]which resulted from injury and high fever. Her symptons included seeing things that others did not see, rambling and non-sense speech. When she woke up, she didn't ask about Jing at all. 

The hibiscus plant (flower and leaves) was memorized with multi-layers in her mind. Literally, on the outer layer of the memory is the cleaning hair between Jing and XY. Therefore, when she saw it, she could recall to such memory. However, deep down inside the original memory of hibiscus was linked to FFB who she loved and kept it secretly. So the hibiscus is a kind of merging memory. Her mind was strong and her secret was hidden/masked under the name "Jing".  So she spoke out  "Jing" as the subject but her subconscious action linked to the deeper memory - FFB/XLand stronger emotion: the scare of FFB/XL leaving her, the comfort when hearing the heart beat. This mental activity process is similar to her emotional venting while she is conscious. For example: she loved XL. But she could not afford to love him. What he did to her or what she wanted to do with him she applied/vented on Jing. 


[1] Delirium - Symptoms and causes - Mayo Clinic 


Yes, thank you =) for some reason I can't respond to comments, what should I do about it?


Do you access MDL from mobile device? Some feature in MDL are not supported by mobile device. I have the same problem, that‘s why I also need to copy paste the comments I want to reply to. In addition we can‘t quote long post as well.

Replying to short post should be possible though by pressing the ‚Quote‘ button.

I don't know about the phone app version... 

But to "Quote" someone's post, if the "Quote" button doesn't work, then highlight the text you want to quote in your response.  A "Quote" button should appear on the top left hand corner of what you highlighted.  If it doesn't, then right click on the highlighted area, and it will appear.  Click on that new "Quote" button.

MDL won't let you Quote 'long' posts with the button on the  bottom right of the post.  But it counts ALL the text, including other people's quotes.  So, sometimes if you highlight just what one person wrote,  it will quote all of that.

I think the same. Her projections were obvious în the beginning, the kiss from chapter 14 was actually related to the previous scene from chapter 13, when XL attempted to air kiss her, the underwater scene she had with Jing în chapter 17, when he told her he wasn't the one in her eyes is also quite obvious related to XL, but as time went by, her projections became less obvious and harder to spot. As she said in regards to TianEr, the fake gets mixed with the real and thus is becoming difficult to diferentiate between the two. The bugs though are a testimony of her true feelings. Nothing has changed, her heart was still belonging to XL. 

In the face of Feng Long's multiple defeats at the hand of Ru Shou,

Ha!  Beloved Ru Shou kicking Feng Long's butt.  WHY must he fight for CX and stand against Xiang Liu??  sob

I wonder how TH was Thinking about XY feeling for XL, because her feeling are expressed with a very sharp technique, which is not easy to understand, which requires deep thinking, still what she means is not exactly understood,I think what XY feels for XL only TH knows the true feeling, and we only guess what is ours to do ..

I'm always asking myself that What EXACTLY XY wanted from Herself and XL??????????


Ha!  Beloved Ru Shou kicking Feng Long's butt.  WHY must he fight for CX and stand against Xiang Liu??  sob

who do you mean? Ru Shou or Feng Long?

Everyone could see that Shen Nong army would eventually lose. which side would practical people choose?

FL was Xiao Zhurong's son. His father was governor of Middle Plains, under Xuan Yuan ruler. 

Ru Shou first fought for Gaoxin/Haoling. Later Gaoxin was merged with Xuan Yuan by political marriage. So Ru Shou was also under CX. 

It is always easier and smarter to choose the winning side if you are free to choose. However, both FL and RS had connection with CX before and that was the winning side. No reason to choose Shen Nong army side


I wonder how TH was Thinking about XY feeling for XL, because her feeling are expressed with a very sharp technique, which is not easy to understand, which requires deep thinking, still what she means is not exactly understood,I think what XY feels for XL only TH knows the true feeling, and we only guess what is ours to do ..

I'm always asking myself that What EXACTLY XY wanted from Herself and XL??????????

XY wanted a simple life with a long term companionship. That's all. 

XL was opposite of her family and CX. XL stood behind Shen-Nong army and He would stick with shen-nong army till their end. Rationally XY knew she could not expect XL as her companion partner. Subconsciously, she could not help herself from falling into him. Later, after the wedding robery, XY awared that they didn't have fate together. 

Thank you so much for the added insight. Perhaps there is far more similarity between different cultures than meets the eye after all. And you are right. Whichever the interpretation, there is such a sense of poignancy when we take it within the context of the novel - how representative it is of Xiang Liu, who have gone far away, and will never return.

I believe people are more connected than not.  We're all human and all spring from ancient agrarian cultures tied to the same cycle of seasons and nature.  Of course, there are differences and subtleties that make each culture unique.  But the sense of melancholy for both the Irish Wild Geese and XL, symbolized by migrating geese, feels the same.


who do you mean? Ru Shou or Feng Long?

Everyone could see that Shen Nong army would eventually lose. which side would practical people choose?

FL was Xiao Zhurong's son. His father was governor of Middle Plains, under Xuan Yuan ruler. 

Ru Shou first fought for Gaoxin/Haoling. Later Gaoxin was merged with Xuan Yuan by political marriage. So Ru Shou was also under CX. 

It is always easier and smarter to choose the winning side if you are free to choose. However, both FL and RS had connection with CX before and that was the winning side. No reason to choose Shen Nong army side

Beloved Ru Shuo, of course!

Practical people, like Haolin Emperor, and perhaps even Ru Shuo implementing his orders, have been backing the Resistance Army for centuries.  They knew Xiyan wasn't their friend.   When they are back stabbed by CX , why would they throw away an effective ally?

Ru Shuo didn't choose to fight for a 'winning side.'  He followed the orders of his king ... who sadly chose to surrender to back stabber CX.

Yes.  I'm unreasonable about CX starting the war with Haolin.  And unreasonable about my love for Ru Shuo.  Very very very conflicted.  I would love an AU where Haolin allied with Gong Gong and rebel Plains clans, against CX.  Then my favorite characters could fight with each other, not against each other.

Yes.  I'm unreasonable about CX starting the war with Haolin.  And unreasonable about my love for Ru Shuo.  Very very very conflicted.  I would love an AU where Haolin allied with Gong Gong and rebel Plains clans, against CX.  Then my favorite characters could fight with each other, not against each other.

Shao Hao had no son so no crown prince. In the end he had to choose someone to take monarch title. And because of his debt to Qing Yang, Chang yi, Ah Heng, he had already chosen CX as his successor. He trained him to be a ruler. And he also trained RS to be a good general and assistant. And Shao Hao in LYF was not as ambition as he was in Once Promised. It seemed that he was tired of being a lonely king. One of his reason to remain as king is to allow his daughters to do whatever they wanted. However, XY was not his daughter anymore (he could not use his power to protect/cover her anymore) and Ah Nian just wanted to marry CX. 

your wish that RS fought against CX could only become reality when Gaoxin wanted to be independent and the Grand Emperor wanted to keep his thrown and the territorial integrity

Maybe that is the purpose of dressing him with pink or purple, focusing on the trait of "prodigal" man. However, in my opinion, his characteristic remain unchanged (e.g.,cold, distant).

I agree. Military Xiang Liu was very much him; even before becoming involved with the Resistance Army, he wasn't exactly the gregarious, talkative, teasing type like FFB. Maybe if he had never become Shen Nong's military advisor and spent more years in the mortal realm free he may have reached a bit of a middle ground between Xiang Liu and his FFB's persona.

And you just triggered more pain. I think for me, it is the pervading sense of injustice of it all on his behalf... why it had to end this way for him, when he had prepared the best possible arrangement for everyone else.

I seem to be causing you a fair bit of pain lately, liddi :-). Misery loves company you know? 

I don't know if this helps, but I don't think Xiang Liu sees it as an injustice. In my opinion, Xiang Liu is the most clear-sighted character in the novel. That whole thing about an enlightened mind and understanding of impermanence that I mentioned in my write-up. He saw the situations for what they were and the options that he had and chose the one that best matched his values - honour, loyalty, and integrity. One of the things that I liked about this character is that he never comes across like a martyr or feels sorry for himself; I don't think he expects or wants anyone else to either. 

Xiang Liu is the kind of person that we wish we could be or maybe try to be, but it's not at all easy.

He saw his own wishes less than everyone else's, or I would venture to say, his wishes was to fulfil the dreams of everyone he loved. And this is why I still cannot move on.

I think this is how Xiang Liu sees it too. Although he isn't doing this out of obligation; he does it because he wants to, because it's important to him. It's hard for us because we believe in the idea that good people deserve to have good things, and yet, the best person, the most selfless person in the novel ends up with nothing.

Shao Hao had no son so no crown prince. In the end he had to choose someone to take monarch title. And because of his debt to Qing Yang, Chang yi, Ah Heng, he had already chosen CX as his successor. He trained him to be a ruler. And he also train RS to be a good general and assistant. And Shao Hao in LYF was not as ambition as he was in Once Promised. It seemed that he was tired of being a lonely king. One of his reason to remain as king is to allow his daughters to do whatever they wanted. However, XY was not his daughter anymore (he could not use his power to protect/cover her anymore) and Ah Nian just wanted to marry CX.

your wish that RS fought against CX could only become reality when Gaoxin wanted to be independent and the Grand Emperor wanted to keep his thrown and the territorial integrity

Had he actually chosen CX as his successor in the book?  If so, that just makes CX look worse.  Why doesn't he just WAIT, instead of starting a war, putting A Nian in a terrible choice, and forcing Haolin Emperor to abdicate?

Actually Ru Shou was Haolin Emperor's nephew who he trained along with CX.  There was talk of marrying Ru Shou to A Nian, which would make him his successor.

Why wouldn't Haolin Emperor want to keep his own country and throne and be independent?  Not just for him, but for A Nian and her children, and his people?

And I'm even happier with all those interpretations that make it seem like she'll live a lifetime of regret and that Xiang Liu will always be a shadow on her relationship with Jing.

And some of us here will be saying....

Pettiness is my middle name ;-)!