Why wouldn't Haolin Emperor want to keep his own country and throne and be independent?  Not just for him, but for A Nian and her children, and his people?

The Grand Emperor covered his eyes “The world pities that I don’t have a son but they don’t know that I am grateful and relieved not to have a son. I’m afraid my son will be like me, if he’s like me who killed my own fa…..” (he means he killed his father). Moreover, after return from the desert, his injury and emotion from the last encounter with Ah Heng caused him depression that made his injury unheal

The Grand Emperor glanced at Zhuan Xu “I have many nephews but not a single one worthy. I did hand raise and train three very capable disciples: Ju Mang is reliable and pulls through, Ru So can be trusted with important tasks, and Zhuan Xu….” The Grand Emperor stared at Zhuan Xu with bright piercing eyes that made Zhuan Xu feel like he was being openly read and he wanted to avert his eyes but in the end he kept his eyes locked with the Grand Emperor.

The Grand Emperor continued “I taught you for two hundred years so I know that your ambition is not on one mountain or one land but on the vast wilderness. Since you left Gao Xing, I have been waiting for you to come back.”

Zhuan Xu’s heart sank “If Master already knew then why did you let me leave for Xuan Yuan?”

“Jing, help me.” The Grand Emperor gestured to the jewel map on the table.

Jing picked up the jewel and injected his power to project the map in the residence. The entire vast wilderness surrounded them all, the valleys, rivers, rolling vistas. In that moment everyone was stunned by the breadth.

The Grand Emperor said “Hundreds of years ago, on the plains of Yi Province, Xiao Yao’s mom pointed to a direction and asked me what is over there. I answered ‘Mountains, rivers, earth, and people.’ She changed three more directions and asked me the same whether it was in the direction of Gao Xing, Xuan Yuan, or Sheng Nong. My answer remained the same. I knew she already foresaw that one day Gao Xing would battle with Xuan Yuan but she didn’t want people to be sacrificed like her and Qi Yo. So she placed all her hopes with me to do the right thing and avoid the bloodshed.

Zhuan Xu stared at the map and mulled over what his Auntie said.

The Grand Emperor smiled at Xiao Yao “When Zhuan Xu came to Gao Xing, he was young but already had the personality of Qing Yang which was a relief to me. I earnestly trained and taught him even as my officials worried I was training a future enemy. At that time I remembered what Ah Heng said and ignored the officials and continued to nurture Zhuan Xu. I worried the officials would plot to have their children lead him astray so I encouraged Zhuan Xu to travel the commoner world and live as they live. I urged him to travel all through Gao Xing and understand every inch of this land so that one day he could govern it properly.”

Zhuan Xu stared in confusion, he understood what the Grand Emperor was saying but didn’t understand what he was trying to get at.

The Grand Emperor said warmly “Zhuan Xu didn’t disappoint me, and even moreso he didn’t let down Qing Yang, Ah Heng, or his parents. Zhuan Xu grew up just like I had hoped. Or no, shall I shall he grew up even better than I expected. The Chang Yi and Bai Hu tribes are angry at me for not training and naming a successor. As the ruler of a kingdom how could I have forgotten to do such an important task. I not only trained a successor to rule Gao Xing, I even trained two good officials to serve him. The three children I raised: Ju Mang is reliable and pulls through, Ru So can be trusted with important tasks, and Zhuan Xu will be tasked with the entire world’s governance.”

Zhuan Xu tripped over his words “I….I don’t….don’t understand what Master means.”

The Grand Emperor smiled “Silly child, you’re the successor I prepared to rule Gao Xing!”


Xiao Yao felt all the dark clouds lifting and smiled “Dad, since you already wanted to give the throne to Zhuan Xu, why not tell him? Why make him into the smaller person and have to attack Gao Xing?”

The Grand Emperor explained “I may have reached this decision and the people of Gao Xing may be able to accept any ruler as long as he brings peace and prosperity. But Zhuan Xu is right in pointing out the court officials would never agree to it and I can’t influence such a powerful faction alone. Zhuan Xu needs to use his might to make them obey at the tip of the sword, where they are faced with loss or gain before they will all accept. Like the Bai Hu and Chang Yi tribes, haven’t they already accepted Zhuan Xu as their Emperor after weighing their pros and cons?”

GXSH: Think of A Nian. She is the princess of Gao Xin. For me and the Gao Xin people, she would lead the army into battle, even if it was against Cang Xuan. If you were A Nian, would you abandon me and the Gao Xin people?

Xiao Yao shook her head, grief etched on her face.

XY: I would not. I would do as A Nian did.

Is this a joke? Xiao Yao put up a token protest over the whole Cang Xuan taking aimed at Gao Xin before falling in line. I guess she was too busy getting engaged to Jing to care about her adoptive father and country's plight. 

So what is XL's purpose to visit Chi you's house?

I guess they are adding these scenes with Xiang Liu as a way to explain why he and Xiao Yao cannot be together, but they seem redundant considering the drama Xiao Yao barely shows any romantic interest in Xiang Liu, let alone the internal conflict that she had in the novel.

season 2 of LYF is a separate product with borrowing characters' name instead of adapting from the original story.

Can you even call it an adaptation anymore when you have essentially changed the essence of the characters? At best, it's an "inspired by" situation.

I hate Jing so happy he doesn't get official mummy approval. Even though it seemed more like mummy asking her daughter 'Are you sure'

Yup. I'd hardly call that exchange "approval". More like Ah Heng was resigned to Xiao Yao's choice because she felt that she had no right to say otherwise given the role that she inadvertently played in Xiao Yao's abandonment issues.


And some of us here will be saying....

Pettiness is my middle name ;-)!

I'm such a villain now. Bring on the pain!! More!!!

@liddi, Does this scene happen in leaked script?

There is no attempted assassination with Xiao Yao becoming delirious over hibiscus flowers in the drama, at least not based on the leaked script. What we do have is Cang Xuan put under a hallucination by his grandfather, which had him imagining everything up to Xiao Yao committing suicide (she never even poisoned him because she promised her grandmother and mother that she would protect him).  This is as a warning what would happen had he continued his obsessive behaviour over Xiao Yao.

As she said in regards to TianEr, the fake gets mixed with the real and thus is becoming difficult to diferentiate between the two. The bugs though are a testimony of her true feelings. Nothing has changed, her heart was still belonging to XL. 

Excellent observation, particularly with the parallels between her situation and Tian Er - thank you.  The significance of the lovers bug is paramount to telling Xiao Yao in the novel, where her heart truly lies. Which is why it is so frustrating that in the drama, she never finds out the true nature of the bugs she planted in Xiang Liu.

Ha!  Beloved Ru Shou kicking Feng Long's butt.  WHY must he fight for CX and stand against Xiang Liu??  sob

Xiang Liu's death scene will be tough to watch, with Ru Shou playing such a pivotal role there.

But the sense of melancholy for both the Irish Wild Geese and XL, symbolized by migrating geese, feels the same.

Very true. 

I seem to be causing you a fair bit of pain lately, liddi :-). Misery loves company you know? 

Noooo... misery needs to be a distant stranger. It has been 5 months and it still persists on being an unwelcome presence. I have to keep reminding myself that he is not real

Everyone could see that Shen Nong army would eventually lose. which side would practical people choose?

FL was Xiao Zhurong's son. His father was governor of Middle Plains, under Xuan Yuan ruler.

It is always easier and smarter to choose the winning side if you are free to choose. However, both FL and RS had connection with CX before and that was the winning side. No reason to choose Shen Nong army side

It sure is smarter to pick the winning side as Feng Long's family aptly demonstrated (*sarcasm*). They were traitors to the Shen Nong nation centuries ago, there really is no reason for them to side with Shen Nong's Resistance Army now, is there? Why would they give up their wealth and power under CX? Loyalty, honour and love for their country? Of course not, they've given up on those lofty ideas long ago. I used to wonder why Feng Long was friends with Jing, but I think I can see why. Both of these families are about self-interest above all else. Birds of a feather and all.

What happened in Once Promised with regards to the Tushan clan?

My impression of the Tusha clan is that they are merchants through and through  - it's all about self-interest and profits with them. 

It has been a long time since I've read Once Promised, but there are mentions that the Flame Emperor helped the Tushan Clan with some difficulties. However, when Shen Nong and him were in trouble, the Tushan Clan did not want to help as they wanted to stay out of the politic. The Flame Emperor had to ask the matriarch of the clan (Jing's grandma in LYF I believe) for help, only then did she offer help reluctantly. This falls in line with my impression of them.

Considering the Heavenly Mother's relationship with the Flame Emperor, it's possible that she doesn't have the warmest feelings for the Tushan clan.


And some of us here will be saying....

Pettiness is my middle name ;-)!

Petty is one of my favorite colors ❤️


Petty is one of my favorite colors ❤️

It's so refreshing hahah

After Xiang Liu's death, he will not be able to project his Love on the Fox, because only emptiness will remain in her heart

By the way, did I miss the question about the potbellied doll? Please explain to me what this means in the relationship between Xiang Liu and Xiao Yao. 

Why this particular tree? Well, or tell me if I missed a page somewhere =)


After Xiang Liu's death, he will not be able to project his Love on the Fox, because only emptiness will remain in her heart

You barely arrived and you are already dropping truths :D


I'm such a villain now. Bring on the pain!! More!!!


Petty is one of my favorite colors ❤️

We can revelled in our pettiness together :-).


By the way, did I miss the question about the potbellied doll? Please explain to me what this means in the relationship between Xiang Liu and Xiao Yao. 

Why this particular tree? Well, or tell me if I missed a page somewhere =)

Oh, it's such a challenge trying to find things in these forums :(

Ooof, maybe if we try to Google it. All those pages are already indexed.