Liddi, that's such great analysis of Jing. 

I do see a lot of disapproval for Jing here.

Haha. This would be me. Although disapproval is a bit mild; I dislike this character, although I do acknowledge that he has also been through some stuff. I'll post my little write-up on Jing soon.

So my question is this. Would Xiang Liu have entrusted the most precious person in his life, to someone who he deemed as less than worthy? Or was Xiang Liu simply giving Xiao Yao the person she identified, regardless of the kind of person he is?

Xiang Liu didn't choose Jing for Xiao Yao; Xiao Yao chose 17 at the start because he was willing to meet her requirements - placing her first and never leaving her. All Xiang Liu did was to make sure that Jing/17 was available as an option for Xiao Yao. Whether she chooses to go with 17 or to be on her own was still entirely up to her and he couldn't control or want to control that anyway. If Xiao Yao had chosen Feng Long as her lifelong companion, Xiang Liu would have done the same thing. He did the best that he could do, and the rest will be up to her once he is gone.

Essentially, it's not about Jing, it's about Xiao Yao.

Xiang Liu didn't choose Jing for Xiao Yao; Xiao Yao chose 17 at the start because he was willing to meet her requirements - placing her first and never leaving her. All Xiang Liu did was to make sure that Jing/17 was available as an option for Xiao Yao.

I don't consider Xiang Liu as having chosen Jing for Xiao Yao either. I agree that he made him available for her to choose. However, would he have really made Jing available if he believed that the man was not someone he could entrust Xiao Yao to? If Xiao Yao had extremely poor judgment and chose a man who would give the rest of her life a whole lot of grief, would Xiang Liu really have made him available, he who wanted her to have a lifetime of carefree happiness? I don't believe so. In other words, Jing must have some redeeming qualities that made Xiang Liu hope, if not believe, that Xiao Yao would have a chance at carefree happiness with him.

In Feng Long's case, the way I see it, he believed Xiao Yao should not marry him because from the appeal she sent via the crystal globe, he knew that deep down, she did not want the marriage, and as such, is unlikely to have the kind of lifetime happiness he wished for her. Thus, he stopped her from making that mistake through Jing's hand, deliberately manipulating the situation such that Jing saw him and thought of hiring him to stop the wedding.  

That brings me back to that same question. What did he see in Jing that made him believe Xiao Yao would have a chance in having the kind of life he wished for her?


Liddi, that's such great analysis of Jing. 

Thank you very much for your kind words. Normally I do not wish to discuss Jing in this thread, preferring to focus on Xiao Yao and Xiang Liu, but this had been weighing on my mind and I needed to put this out there to see what others thought about Xiang Liu's thought process with respect to the man.

"That brings me back to that same question. What did he see in Jing that made him believe Xiao Yao would have a chance in having the kind of life he wished for her?" 

IMO what really made a difference for XL is that he knew that Jing does love XY. 

In other words, Jing must have some redeeming qualities that made Xiang Liu hope, if not believe, that Xiao Yao would have a chance at carefree happiness with him.

What did he see in Jing that made him believe Xiao Yao would have a chance in having the kind of life he wished for her?

The kind of life that Xiang Liu wants for Xiao Yao is for her to have the life that she wants - a lifelong companion so that she can have someone to talk to and won't be lonely. He knows that she's afraid of loneliness and being abandoned. Xiao Yao wants pitifully little from life if you think about it.

Xiang Liu is aware that Xiao Yao is capable of surviving by herself - her centuries as Wen Xiao Liu were a testament to that. So Xiao Yao doesn't need someone to provide for her. What Xiao Yao was missing in those centuries was a long-term companion instead of the short, temporary ones that her human family provided. And that's where Jing comes in.

Jing one redeeming quality that makes him the best choice is that he loves Xiao Yao and he's willing to give up everything to be with Xiao Yao - essentially he's able to meet the only requirement that she was looking for in a lifelong companion. Xiang Liu is also aware that Jing is not good at protecting Xiao Yao. Xiang Liu taught Xiao Yao archery to give her a chance for self-protection and to protect the people that she loves without using her body as a shield. So even with Jing unable to protect Xiao Yao, Xiao Yao still has a chance to protect both of them. Xiao Yao also has an incredibly powerful family to fall back on. 

Finally, Xiang Liu doesn't have another choice. There was no one else who was willing to offer what Jing did. That's the case with Feng Long. Objectively, Feng Long is a much better option than Jing except for the fact that Feng Long won't give up everything to follow Xiao Yao around (because he has an actual life like a normal person :-)). This was why Xiang Liu interrupted the wedding. Cang Xuan was an even worse option.

The other thing I will say is that Jing isn't an evil person and he's "forgiving" which like Xiao Yao said makes her feel secure because he will always forgive her. For someone like Xiao Yao who is insecure, this would be very reassuring. Although being too forgiving is a double-edged sword unless you can combine it with other qualities. The other positive qualities that you listed aren't important to Xiao Yao at all. At the end of the day, Xiao Yao is OK with what Jing can give her which makes Jing a suitable candidate compared to the only other two that are left. 

I freely admit that I don't like Jing, so my opinion is very skewed.  I personally don't think Xiang Liu held Jing in much esteem either. But since Jing can give Xiao Yao what Xiao Yao wants and Xiang Liu can't give, XL will do his best to have that option available to her. There are people here who see Jings in a more positive or neutral light, I'm sure they will give some possible reasons.

Something that has been in my mind for quite some time now.

This for me is actually one of the most important questions anyone has ever asked in this thread.

Essentially, it's not about Jing, it's about Xiao Yao.

I tend to have this same opinion. However, for him to go through all these lengths just to make sure she has Jing by her side at the end is so strange. Jing can't even take care of himself, much less of others, so no idea why XL would think he is suitable other than because XY needs someone to be with and not feel lonely. If Jing dies soon after (who's to say he won't? heh), XY will be alone again.

XL will do his best to have that option available to her.

Yes, the logical explanation would be the availability. If only she could have been able to work out her issues for good, being alone would be a far better fate.

If Xiao Yao had extremely poor judgment and chose a man who would give the rest of her life a whole lot of grief

Oddly enough, Jing was the one who gave her the most grief. Knowing Tong Hua's penchant for dramatics, I'd say that having XY end up with Jing is the ultimate punishment.

So my question is this. Would Xiang Liu have entrusted the most precious person in his life, to someone who he deemed as less than worthy?

It all comes back to the availability. He's the only one left. Because worthy he certainly is not. He himself knows this and has said this more than once.

Finally, Xiang Liu doesn't have another choice. There was no one else who was willing to offer what Jing did.


I don't think our opinions differed here. We both agree that being abandoned is Xiao Yao's worst fear (it's her defining characteristic, IMO), thus, Xiang Liu's commitment to fight and die with the Shen Nong's Army and effectively "abandoning" her is a huge weight on her.

I made that post in respond to @liddi about the most obstacle in XY-XL relationship. I saw you post after writing and sending the post. I also see  we share some similar thought about this. Therefore, I pasted your opinion there but I forgot to address to liddi and quote your opinion there. 

I don't think her refusal to answer his last question was because she wasn't willing to face the issue of his ultimate demise, but rather because his refusal to show up effectively confirmed one of her fears - that he doesn't love her and isn't willing to be with her. She doesn't want to think about let alone admit out loud that the person she wants to be with doesn't want to be with her.

There may be several reasons that XY refused to think about the matter of XL/FFB as her accompany partner for her entire life. I just meaned that she refused to think about that or to face that issue thus she resisted to answer the question. 

I found this quote from her which may support some hint: 

"But there is no amount of power in this world that can guarantee my happiness. Plus what you owe them is owed to them and you can never make it up with me, and I don’t want it! You just be my grandfather, and like all the grandfathers in the world, you worry about my future marriage and happiness but can do nothing about it other than worry until in the end you sigh and say “grandchildren have their own fated happiness!”

Xiao Yao fanned herself and smiled at the Yellow Emperor “You never experienced wanting to do something but not being able to, right? Try that on me then!”"

maybe she thought that the matter didn't depend on her but XL and she was confused, did not knew his intention, his feeling. Moreover I remember she said she was unlucky person that she was afraid of losing the thing she wanted if she said or thought of it out loud (I don't remember which chapter was it).

The leaked script covers Jing's assassination at the hands of Hou, and Xiao Yao's suicide when she realised Cang Xuan was the mastermind. Unlike the novel, this was changed to a hallucination perpetrated by the old Xuan Yuan king, and the real mastermind was Xin Yue whose real target was Xiao Yao. In doing this, the drama merges Xiao Yao's first assassination attempt by the albatross demon with Jing's, removes the entire Vol 3 Ch10 (Chapter 43) and every YaoLiu interaction that was covered there, including her seeing him in his true form and clinging on to him when he tried to leave. 

Leaked script Ep17 scenes 12-20F

Fangfeng Yi Ying sent word to Tushan Jing that her son was very ill and crying for him. Seeing even Hu Zhen could not diagnose the child's illness, Xiao Yao offered to go with him to Qingshui town to see if she could heal the child.

At Qingshui town, Xiao Yao was diagnosing Zhen's illness when Fangfeng Yi Ying suddenly knocked her out, to Tushan Jing's shock. She explained that the boy was poisoned and the person who did so promised that she would be given the antidote as long as she killed Xiao Yao. Hou revealed that he was the one who poisoned his own son to lure Jing here and demanded a fair fight to the death to prove who was better. Giving the antidote to Fangfeng Yi Ying, Hou promised that they would never be separated again once everything is over.

As they battled, Tushan Hou clearly had the upper hand but Tushan Jing refused to admit defeat. Just as he was about to deal the killing blow, an arrow suddenly flew out and embedded itself in his shoulder. Violently, he yanked out the arrow only to realise that it was Fangfeng Yi Ying's. With cold eyes, she shot him once more in the chest with the arrow he designed for her. She demanded that he let Tushan Jing go. From the start, the person she wanted to kill was her lover who betrayed her, from whom she wanted to exact payment many times over. She told Tushan Jing that she had killed all Hou's men, Xiao Yao would awaken in 6 hours' time, and she had left a letter to her son explaining the wrongs his parents did, in hopes he would repay all that she owed Tushan Jing when he grew up. Following this, she pierced herself with the same arrow that protruded from his chest. With his dying breath, Tushan Hou threw the arrow in his hand at Tushan Jing, As the arrow embedded in his chest, Tushan Jing fell into the water and disappeared.

Cang Xuan rushed to Qingshui town upon hearing that Xiao Yao and Tushan Jing were in danger. Using his spiritual powers as a descendant of the two-headed heavenly dog, Lirong Chang was able to piece together what had happened. An extensive search for Tushan Jing was launched to no avail. In desperation and desolation, Xiao Yao shouted out to the sea, saying that since he always wanted to marry her, she promised that she would immediately marry him as long as he returned in seven days' time on the day when the moon was full.

When he did not return on the day of the full moon, she went through the wedding ceremony on her own despite Cang Xuan's objections.

After the marriage ceremony, some of Xiao Yao's hair had turned white. At the peak of Shen Nong mountain, Xiao Yao promised that she would wait there for Tushan Jing's return no matter how long it took, even though she once swore she would never wait for anyone anymore after waiting in vain for first her mother, then Cang Xuan.

Leaked script Ep18 scenes 1-14

At the old Xuan Yuan king's quarters in the bamboo residence of Medicine valley, Xiao Yue peak, Cang Xuan shared a cup of tea that the old king had prepared. As they discussed the investigations surrounding Tushan Jing's assassination, the old king suddenly confronted Cang Xuan, demanding to know whether he was the mastermind.


Cang Xuan visited Xiao Yao at the bamboo residence. Xiao Yao asked him to drink with her. She analysed that by right Tushan Hou could no longer command support to harm anyone, so where did his faceless, powerful death squad come from. There were very few powerful people in the Great Wilderness who would dare assassinate the Tushan clan leader. She then confronted Cang Xuan, asking if he was the mastermind. At last he admitted it, saying he did not want her to marry Tushan Jing whom he deemed unworthy, and confessed his love for her, much to her devastation. In the struggle that followed with Xiao Yao trying to kill Cang Xuan, the old Xuan Yuan king had Cang Xuan forcibly removed from the scene.

Days later, she met Cang Xuan once more at the poinciana forest, a white jade lotus lamp in her hand, which she filled with poinciana flowers. She handed him the flowers, telling him they were poisoned, and he sucked the nectar without hesitation, which she followed suit. As Xiao Yao collapsed from the poison, Cang Xuan realised that the flowers Xiao Yao fed him were not poisoned after all. When asked why, she told him that she promised their grandmother and her mother to protect Cang Xuan. As she died, Cang Xuan howled in sorrow.


Cang Xuan shot up, gasping in shock and grief, only to find that he was still seated opposite his grandfather, and everything he thought happened, had not taken place. He was informed that the tea he drank was called "Consequences", and had the power to create a dreamscape that showed the consequences of what laid in a person's heart. Cang Xuan denied that he instigated Tushan Hou to kill Tushan Jing, and the old Xuan Yuan king concurred, because he would never have allowed Xiao Yao to follow Jing to Qingshui town if he was the mastermind. However, he still experienced the hallucination because he had the desire to do so. The old Xuan Yuan king told him that he should be grateful that the real mastermind was more impatient than him, and acted before he did. If that had not happened, everything Cang Xuan saw in the dreamscape would have become a reality. Cang Xuan palpitated in horror at the realisation.


Cang Xuan confronted Xin Yue, who mockingly admitted that Tushan Hou's men were sent by her, and her real target had always been Xiao Yao. In fury, Cang Xuan said that while he dared not depose her nor kill her, he would ensure that she was a queen with no authority, despised by all, condemned to a life of torment until her death. 


Thank you very much for your kind words. Normally I do not wish to discuss Jing in this thread, preferring to focus on Xiao Yao and Xiang Liu, but this had been weighing on my mind and I needed to put this out there to see what others thought about Xiang Liu's thought process with respect to the man.

I also really want to give a Jing analysis but I'm unable to articulate my thoughts like you guys

You folks are all so intelligent I love reading all your write ups

........I should have studied hard in school,...sigh

Unlike the novel, this was changed to a hallucination perpetrated by the old Xuan Yuan king, and the real mastermind was Xin Yue whose real target was Xiao Yao. In doing this, the drama merges Xiao Yao's first assassination attempt by the albatross demon with Jing's, removes the entire Vol 3 Ch10 (Chapter 43) and every YaoLiu interaction that was covered there, including her seeing him in his true form and clinging on to him when he tried to leave.

Thanks for translating this, liddi ❤️

This script is an abomination.

In the next part of Ep18, we get to see the reason Feng Long's father was very much opposed to him leading the army against Hong Jiang, and the old Xuan Yuan king bringing up Xiang Liu to Xiao Yao, as well as her reminiscences of the times at Qingshui town, knowing the Xuan Yuan-Shen Nong war is at hand.

Leaked script Ep18 scenes 16-20

[With ShenNong Yi's failure to persuade Hong Jiang to surrender, Cang Xuan prepares to attack the Shen Nong army.]

Li Yuan (paying respects with clasped fists): Your Majesties, since Hong Jiang insists on going down this path and refuses to submit, it is my opinion only by attacking them will this thorn be eradicated.
CX (nodding): Who is willing to lead the army?
LY (ashamed): Of course I am willing, but I have suffered countless defeats to Xiang Liu, and as such, am not qualified to take on the responsibility as the commander in chief.

Yu Jiang and Chishui Xian exchanged glances, then looked at Chishui Feng Long, waiting for him to decide. Chishui Feng Long subconsciously glanced at his father ShenNong Yi, who shook his head imperceptibly to express his disapproval.
Silence fell over the room. Cang Xuan stared at Ru Shou. Well aware of the scruples the others wrestled with, Ru Shou spoke up.

RS: I am willing to lead the troops into battle.
CX (pleased): Good!

ShenNong Yi was relieved while Chishui Feng Long looked uncertain.

CX: Announce my decree. With Ru Shou as commander in chief, Gou Mang as second in command, I send troops of 100,000 men to attack...

Chishui Feng Long suddenly stood up. 

CSFL: Your Majesty, I am willing to go into battle.

Everyone present was stunned, ShenNong Yi clearly surprised. Paying no regard to those around him, Chishui Feng Long approached and knelt.

CSFL: Your Majesty, please permit me to lead the army to attack Hong Jiang.
CX (in a quandary): Feng Long, this is no laughing matter. Don't be impetuous.
CSFL (kowtowing repeatedly): I have given it careful consideration, and am not being impulsive. I beg Your Majesty's approval.
CX (resigned): Your petition is granted!
CSFL: Thank you, Your Majesty.

His petition was granted, yet there was no sign of joy on Chishui Feng Long's face.


In the drawing room of Shen Nong manor at Zhi Yi city, Chishui Feng Long knelt before a furious ShenNong Yi, who was infuriated that his son took matters into his own hands.

SNY (grieved): The homeland Hong Jiang never forgot and remains loyal to is Shen Nong kingdom. By surrendering, I have already let my father down. Now, you would actually wish to lead the troops to lay siege on the last bastion of the Shen Nong army. (tears flowing down) His Majesty is merciful and considerate to us by not letting the Middle Plains clans go into battle. Yet you voluntarily petitioned to go to battle out of your lust for glory, you... you ungrateful bastard who have forgotten your own past!

ShenNong Yi's body trembled with fury as tears streamed down his face.
Eyes brimming with tears, Chishui Feng Long kowtowed.

CSFL: Father, It was not out of lust for glory, but I had... unavoidable reasons.
SNY (barked out the question): What unavoidable reasons?
CSFL: Xin Yue colluded with Tushan Hou and Fangfeng Yi Ying to harm Xiao Yao and Jing. Although Xiao Yao is unharmed, Jing's body... is still lost.

The guilt and pain he had been holding in all this while finally found its outlet in tears that flowed. The shock left ShenNong Yi stunned.

CSFL: What Xin Yue did is deserving of death. Because of Father, myself, and the Middle Plains clans, His Majesty could not depose her and put her to death, but only let her live in torment. Xin Yue's life is over. Out of selfish reasons, I clearly noticed that something was wrong, but did everything in my power to cover it up. In doing so, I did wrong by Jing, did wrong by His Majesty, and no longer have the face to beg for mercy on behalf of Xin Yue. However, how could I just watch Xin Yue live in torment until the day she died? If this time, I am able to eradicate the thorn in His Majesties' sides by leading the army, I do not want any rewards, except to beg His Majesty to forgive Xin Yue this one time.

As Chishui Feng Long wept and kowtowed, his father sat in sorrow, dazed and unable to speak.


[Before setting out, Chishui Feng Long went to take his leave of Xin Yue and asked her to endure everything until he returned from battle. However, bitter that her father and brother apparently did not help her beg for mercy from Cang Xuan, Xin Yue told him to get out, declaring that their ties were severed henceforth.

As Cang Xuan saw the troops off, they went over the strategy they agreed upon, which was to lay siege and cut off supplies from reaching Hong Jiang by land and sea. No matter how vast or powerful Hong Jiang's army was, a siege lasting ten to twenty years would wear them down. Once army morale was gone, they would go in for the kill. Cang Xuan reminded them that speed was not the essence, and they were to minimise casualities. Once the enemy supplies were depleted, they would be easily crushed.]


[The old Xuan Yuan king visited Xiao Yao, who kept herself occupied revising medical texts. She explained that her grief gave her the impetus to work on the medical texts.]

XY: In life, nothing is worse than losing one's parents during one's youth, losing one's spouse during the prime of life, and losing one's child in old age. If the medical texts could be revised sooner, perhaps in this world, there would be one less orphan, one less widow, one less lonely old person. Life and growing old is out of our control, but we have a fighting chance with disease and death. I hope that in this world there will be a little more unions, a little less partings; a little more laughter, a little less tears.

Out of the three tragedies, Xiao Yao had experienced the loss of her parents, and her spouse, yet was able to be considerate of the pain of others from her own pain, which left the old Xuan Yuan king extremely moved and proud.

Upon hearing that Feng Long was leading the army to attack Hong Jiang, Xiao Yao put down the medical prescription in shock, her expression dazed.

XYK: I know that you have some form of relationship with Xiang Liu. Cang Xuan and I have tried our best to no avail, as Hong Jiang and Xiang Liu have sworn they would rather die than surrender.
XY: I understand.
XYK: It is imperative that this war be fought. For Xuan Yuan, it is necessary; for Hong Jiang and his men, it is a form of release.
XY: I understand.
XYK: You and Xiang Liu have different stances. Some things are pre-destined.
XY: I... understand.
XYK (worried): Xiao Yao, what are you thinking of?
XY: I am remembering Qingshui town.
XYK: Cang Xuan lived there before. Rest assured, he has already commanded officials to make proper arrangements for the Qingshui townsfolk.

Xiao Yao nodded her head.

XYK (sounding her out): What are you thinking of... is it Xiang Liu?

Xiao Yao nodded her head then shook it mutely. She sat there blankly for some time. Suddenly she began to speak, as if to herself.

XY: Beyond the back door of Hui Chun clinic, there is a plot of land growing medical herbs, and not far from it is the West River. By the West River, I saved a beggar and gave him the name Ye Shi Qi. In order to get wives for Ma Zi and Chuan Zi, I entered the mountains to catch Fei Fei, encountered the white condor Furball, was treated as a spy by Xiang Liu and whipped forty lashes, and Shi Qi carried me home on his back. I was determined to take Xiang Liu down by poison, but who knew I ended up poisoning Shi Qi...

Scenes from the past flashed by with Xiao Yao's narration.
Tears shone from her eyes and the old Xuan Yuan king continued to listen attentively.

Xiang Liu didn't choose Jing for Xiao Yao; Xiao Yao chose 17 at the start because he was willing to meet her requirements - placing her first and never leaving her. All Xiang Liu did was to make sure that Jing/17 was available as an option for Xiao Yao.

I agree with you on this point. XY chose YSQ because YSQ met all her requirement for companionship: he promised to put her on top of his choices, always be by her side (never abandon her), he was weak and rescued by her, thus he depended on her. In XY's view, YSQ was the ideal candidate as her partner. XL just wanted to help XY fulfill her wish. In fact, XY didn't have choice. Only Jing/YSQ was willing to prioritize her over his own's wish or ambitions. XY didn't choose CX or FL because as she said FL was similar to CX, they had things that were more important than her. 

Actually the first time XL 'recued' Jing by drastically waking up XY because of WXL-YSQ relationship. I don't count the wedding robery as helping Jing because he knew that XY was not happy on the marriage with FL (that's why she sent the ice-crystal ball). What would have happened if XY hadn't sent that message? He might have done nothing. If Jing didn't come to ask him, I think XL would have done the same when he received the ball. XL could give XY a hand but it was her to make the decision after all. 

The 2nd time, XL rescued Jing was before Jing-XY marriage. Since they were about to marry after long engagement, XL knew that XY this time was certain on her decision. He just wanted to helped XY rescue her fiancee'

It all comes back to the availability. He's the only one left.

Finally, Xiang Liu doesn't have another choice.

I also agree with this. He could really see that CX was not suitable for XY at all and staying with him was not good either for the life that she wanted. CX didn't care for XY's happiness. XL could partially see it when CX spread the information of XY's biological father to prepare his attack to Gaoxi (fulfill his own ambition) which made XY almost nowhere to go since being target for people who held hatred at Chi You. 

The other thing I will say is that Jing isn't an evil person and he's "forgiving" which like Xiao Yao said makes her feel secure because he will always forgive her. For someone like Xiao Yao who is insecure, this would be very reassuring

still did not allow hatred to twist his heart and chose to forgive while taking necessary precautions to ensure they did not have a chance to retaliate.

Jing's kindness and forgivingness are the characteristics that XY appreciated most at Jing while other people like CX thought it was his weakness. XY was surrounded by strong, ruthless and ambitious men in her family (such as Yellow emperor, Shao Hao, CX and directly Chi You). She could see that all those men's women were unhappy, had tragic ending. She herself was cold and ruthless. She felt safe and secure with soft-heart person since he would forgive her mistake.

Xiao Yao walked over and put her head on his shoulder “I complain that you’re too soft-hearted, but actually….I would rather you be soft-hearted.” She was surrounded by too many cold-hearted people – her grandfather, her dad, Zhuan Xu, two maternal side uncles, all those cousins, even herself. They were all ruthless, which is why Jing’s soft-hearted nature made her feel safe and she liked it. (Chapter 18)

But Jing did it! He showed me, proved to me, that no matter how others have treated us, we can choose to still be kind and good and forgiving. Gege, you might see him as weak and indecisive but you tell me, if one day I betrayed you in the worst way, can you just kill me afterwards?” (Chapter 47). 

YSQ's obedience is a factor that XY liked. Maybe it was Jing's manupulative tactics. But in front of XY, he always obeyed her without any hesitation.

XY also pleased with his detail care for her need and people around her. Jing helped CX. He took care of people in Hui Chun clinics. He also arranged suitable job for San Hu. He took care of XY during their travel which made her feel like being cared like a kid. 

That brings me back to that same question. What did he see in Jing that made him believe Xiao Yao would have a chance in having the kind of life he wished for her

In XL's view, he respected XY's choice. He also knew Jing loved and cared for XY. He envisoned a free life for XY in the mortal world (instead of living in Shennong mountain or Qing Qiu). Her life then would be similar to WXL's life in QS town. XY thought Jing could prioritize XY and left his clan to be YSQ. WXL-YSQ life would be happy enough for XY. Besides, Jing's intelligence and business skill would be useful for their future.


Last, I find TH let XLbe  capable of rescueing Jing and waking him up just on time to stop XY being Royal Mother a kind of manufactory story which just to make the ending not tragic (as the prequel - Once Promised). There are so many accidents that XL ordered merfolk waiting for Jing's in the river or the sea. How could he keep, treat Jing alive for 6 years (before making the blood jade from XY's blood)? How could Jing wake up on time? XL said the truth "there aren't that many maybes!" 

Xiao Yao said in a low voice “Jing……disappeared.” She suddenly remembered and anxiously asked “The East Sea is like your home. You….you….have you seen Jing?”

Xiang Liu mockingly said “Do you think I spend my time hanging in the ocean just waiting to rescue people?”

“No….I just thought….Qing Shui Town is also your territory of sorts, perhaps you noticed Tu Shan Hou’s activities. The East Sea may be big but you’re a sea demon….so maybe…..”

Xiang Liu coldly replied “There aren’t that many maybes!” (Chapter 43)

That's the case with Feng Long. Objectively, Feng Long is a much better option than Jing except for the fact that Feng Long won't give up everything to follow Xiao Yao around (because he has an actual life like a normal person :-)). This was why Xiang Liu interrupted the wedding. Cang Xuan was an even worse option.

I don't agree that his reason for stopping the wedding was because Feng Long won't give up everything for Xiao Yao. I am still of the opinion that he knew that Xiao Yao herself did not wish to marry him deep down, which meant that this marriage won't give her the kind of happiness he hoped she would have. Hence, manipulating Jing (so ironic, considering Jing is the master manipulator) to hire him to do the job, so that even his act of taking her away from her wedding would be written off as merely a job he was hired to do.

IMO what really made a difference for XL is that he knew that Jing does love XY. 

YES. I believe that was the main reason, and I think the turning point is seeing that Jing loves Xiao Yao to the point of being willing to die with her after the Plum Forest assassination. It is noteworthy that after the 37 years back from the ocean, he encouraged her to hold on even when hope was bleak, ostentatiously talking about Left Ear and his will to survive, but hinting for her to not give up with regards to Jing even if he was still unable to disengage himself from Yi Ying.

At the end of the day, Xiao Yao is OK with what Jing can give her which makes Jing a suitable candidate compared to the only other two that are left. 

It feels a little unlike Xiang Liu to be willing to go with Jing as Xiao Yao's lifelong companion as long as Xiao Yao thinks he meets her requirements, without considering other aspects of the man. As I previously mentioned, if she suffered a terrible lack of judgment and picked someone wholly unsuitable, would he have gone along with it? I am not as sure he would have. It is true that her choices were really limited - with him taking himself out of the equation, Feng Long not loving her, Cang Xuan married to multiple women which Xiao Yao would never agree to, all that was left was Jing, who was engaged and incapable of disengaging himself at the time. As such, I believe Jing's love to the point of death, was a very strong deciding factor for him too.

Because worthy he certainly is not. He himself knows this and has said this more than once.

And he still won't take himself out of the equation despite it.

If only she could have been able to work out her issues for good, being alone would be a far better fate.

She was all prepared to being the Royal Mother, until Xiang Liu and his impeccable timing made sure that Jing was revived and interrupted the ceremony in time.

This script is an abomination.

Yes I know. We already have so few YaoLiu scenes in the novel, but the drama just had to remove most of them. What they will give us though is Xiang Liu's full death scene, instead of having it only described by a third party...

I also really want to give a Jing analysis

Do join us. We are here because we can't move on. Perhaps the chatter will die down after S2 airs.....

And he still won't take himself out of the equation despite it.

So selfless...barf. Hahahaha

And Xiang Liu is the one Jingers like to call selfish >:(

She was all prepared to being the Royal Mother, until Xiang Liu and his impeccable timing made sure that Jing was revived and interrupted the ceremony in time.

His only flaw. Reviving that waste of oxygen.

YSQ's obedience is a factor that XY liked. Maybe it was Jing's manupulative tactics. But in front of XY, he always obeyed her without any hesitation.

He played her like a violin. Always with the sad puppy, miserable attitude in front of her. Yikes. 

Where's that cunning, smart businessman everyone keeps saying he is (including Xian Liu)? There he is. So much for a green flag. Dude is a fox, after all.  

And to think of all the years she spent being caged by another fox when she was little. But sure, "not a tragedy" lol. Just history repeating itself heheh

XY was surrounded by strong, ruthless and ambitious men in her family (such as Yellow emperor, Shao Hao, CX and directly Chi You).

As they should, considering the high stakes and the times they were living in.

Jing's kindness and forgivingness are the characteristics that XY appreciated most

And those were the characteristics responsible for bringing them both so much misery. Let's see how far his kindness and forgiveness will take him once Xiang Liu is no longer around to do everything.

Good for Jing that others did the heavy lifting and that the world is now peaceful, but if another war were to break out, it would be so fun to see. Pity that we won't have a continuation to this story :)

I believe that was the main reason, and I think the turning point is seeing that Jing loves Xiao Yao to the point of being willing to die with her after the Plum Forest assassination.

They better never have any children or the trauma will begin all over again :D

It's so romantic, a dude who will never abandon his beloved, not even in death. But never mind the children, amirite? They can carry on just fine.

Xiang Liu didn't think this through at all.

Ok, enough roasting for today heheh

Unlike the novel, this was changed to a hallucination perpetrated by the old Xuan Yuan king, and the real mastermind was Xin Yue whose real target was Xiao Yao. In doing this, the drama merges Xiao Yao's first assassination attempt by the albatross demon with Jing's, removes the entire Vol 3 Ch10 (Chapter 43) and every YaoLiu interaction that was covered there, including her seeing him in his true form and clinging on to him when he tried to leave.

Let me bring my marshmallows back.

This is all awful and I hope the ratings reflect that. What a bunch of nonsense. Book readers will need to speak up.

May this script lie forever in the trash bin where it belongs. 

If it indeed makes it to the screen as is, well, 1-star reviews won't ever be enough :)