Yes, he said that line at least 3 times. from chapter 15 to chapter 17

Thank you!

The meaning of his question, I think that he wanted her to acknowlege XL. But she didn't. It's her typical contradictory. To others, she said she didn't regard XL as friend. But in this case (without the subject) she said he was her friend.

Yes, I agree.  Though, as I said in the comments, I think FFB would have been fine with the answer, "the man of my dreams."  lol

Hmmm.  I didn't notice that about the friend comment.  Will have to pay more attention.

Y'all chatterboxes need to chill. I haven't caught up yet! Still on page 355.

(That was a joke. Please keep discussing our beautiful Jiuming Xiang Liu.)

By the way - I don't know or remember if this was ever discussed - I just realized this now as I was typing my comment above. (Bro someone tell me why I didn't notice this in Ep 19)

Jiuming Xiang Liu (九命相柳) means "Nine Lives Xiang Liu" but the Chinese pronunciation for "nine lives" sounds similar to "help."

九命 (jiǔ mìng) = "nine lives"
救命 (jiù mìng) = "help" or saving a life

The similarities are likely intentional, knowing Tong Hua. XL saved XY and Jing and helped GG/HJ and the Shennong/Chenrong army. Sigh. Always saving and helping everyone BUT himself. We got the favorite character... but at what cost (┬┬﹏┬┬)


Y'all chatterboxes need to chill. I haven't caught up yet! Still on page 355.

(That was a joke. Please keep discussing our beautiful Jiuming Xiang Liu.)

By the way - I don't know or remember if this was ever discussed - I just realized this now as I was typing my comment above. (Bro someone tell me why I didn't notice this in Ep 19)

Jiuming Xiang Liu (九命相柳) means "Nine Lives Xiang Liu" but the Chinese pronunciation for "nine lives" sounds similar to "help."

九命 (jiǔ mìng) = "nine lives"
救命 (jiù mìng) = "help" or saving a life

The similarities are likely intentional, knowing Tong Hua. XL saved XY and Jing and helped GG/HJ and the Shennong/Chenrong army. Sigh. Always saving and helping everyone BUT himself. We got the favorite character... but at what cost (┬┬﹏┬┬)

Sob.  Going to the corner to cry again.

BOG: The way I see it, the one who has the best reason to pack up and leave is our military advisor. Right now, the military advisor is still here, so how could we bear to go? Everyone, let's stay together! It's not that big a deal, losing one's head is merely a scar the size of a bowl!

Once again, it feels like the writers are making XL responsible for the deaths of his comrades instead of the other way around. 

Not a fan of this.

XL (drily): Adoptive Father is very diligent in training.
HJ (helpless): It's due to your orders, prohibiting me to go on the battlefield, so I can only accompany everyone in the training.

Advising is one thing. But XL giving orders to his adoptive father / military superior just seems weird. 

At Qingshui town, they stayed in Yu Manor. The place was replete with memories of Tushan Jing for Xiao Yao

I think I misunderstood H19279 's reference to "Yu's Manor" a few pages back (sorry H19279!). I thought she was suggesting that Yu Shin was the primary resident of the Tushan clan's residence in QS town where TSJ lived for a while. 

But it sounds like the name of the residence is Yu Manor, with "Yu" not being a reference to Yu Shin?

Is that just what it's called in the drama? I don't recall that name being used in the novel. 

In his quarters at the Shen Nong army base, Xiang Liu had one hand over his heart, the other holding an arrow. His gaze was fixed on the arrow, as if wrestling with some difficult decision, heaviness weighing on his heart.

XL (trying to be as nonchalant as possible): You are afraid? What are you afraid of?
XY: You. I am afraid of you.

Xiang Liu was stunned. After a while, his lips curved, as if in a laugh, yet not quite.

XL: Is kissing me more frightening than death?
XY (speaking hesitantly): My brother, that is Cang Xuan. One night while we were talking, he laughed at me for being a girl who still dreams after all.
XL (coldly commanded): Continue.
XY (fake laugh): Although... the possibility is remote... I am still afraid that if I was not careful, you might enter my dreams. You... are definitely not suitable to enter a girl's dreams. That is possibly far more terrifying than death indeed.
[End flashback]

XL (self-mocking, sorrowful laugh): What you said was absolutely true!

At last, Xiang Liu came to a decision. With eyes filled with sorrow, he raised his hand and his finger swept across the tip of the arrow, drawing blood. Xiang Liu appeared as if he felt nothing as he gently touched the arrow tip with his finger, carefully smearing blood on its surface. Once that was done, he did the same with another arrow.
Hong Jiang entered but was unsurprised to see Xiang Liu prepping the arrows.

HJ: We won a great victory the last time and Xuan Yuan suffered significant losses, but now Chishui Feng Long refuses to engage. I fear future battles would be even more difficult. The Xuan Yuan army is well fed and warmly clothed, so they are not concerned about stalling for time. However, dragging things out... is not a solution for us.

Xiang Liu slung the arrows over his shoulder and turned to face Hong Jiang

Not a fan of this add either, for two main reasons I think.

First, in the novel, I liked that Tong Hua left some room for interpretation in chapter 46. Perhaps XL really was trying to kill CX, even though he knew how much that would hurt XY, and failed. Or perhaps, master archer that he was, he made it seem like he was targeting CX when Feng Long was his real target all along, and he found his target while also successfully setting up his interaction with XY where he pushed her just hard enough for her to cut ties with him, but not hard enough that she could bear to kill him / that their bugs would turn on them.  

(Also, in the novel, CX had betrayed XY and hurt her terribly by chapter 46, through the role he played in TSJ's death in chapter 42. So even if XL really was targeting CX, I think I would feel like, to some degree, he was protecting / avenging XY, even though it would definitely hurt her. Kind of like XL hurting XY in the short term by ending her wedding to Feng Long the way he did, because it helped / protected her in the long run. But since CX didn't play a role in TSJ's death in the drama, that extra layer isn't there.)

IMO, the added drama scene seems to be framing the lead-up to the assassination attempt as a moment where XL was definitely deciding whether he was willing to kill CX, despite knowing how much it would hurt XY. No ambiguity. He recalls XY's comments and says her words were right, and decides to go ahead with the assassination. Emphasizing to the audience that XL carefully thought about it, decided hurting XY was worth it, and privately (i.e., not for show in front of XY) came to the conclusion that her words were accurate. That he was a man who wasn't suitable to enter a girl's dreams, because he was willing to assassinate XY's beloved brother. The flashback they chose even has XY referring to her brother, which serves to remind the audience (as if we need the reminder) of XY and CX's close relationship. 

I'm really just not a fan of that framing. 

Second, they've added yet another scene where XL is alone and sad, angry or brooding because of XY in a way that feels different from XL in the novel. Idk. He comes across as more bitter?  I'm not sure that's exactly the right word, but something like that. And less dignified somehow. 

The novel has a small number of somewhat similar scenes, where XL is alone and we are given a chance to see his emotions when he doesn't have to hide them or act in front of anyone. Like the river-edge scene in chapter 31, the end of chapter 46, and his epilogue. I never felt like XL came across as bitter in those scenes. 

his qi movement was sealed, so he could not dodge it even if he tried.


Just then, an arrow shot through the air aimed directly at Cang Xuan's chest. It was Xiang Liu atop a white condor, laying in wait in mid-air for the opportunity to assassinate Cang Xuan.
One after another, shields with spiritual power appeared in front of Cang Xuan. However, the spiritual power of the arrow was astounding, shattering each shield in its wake. Fortunately as it reached the last shield, the spiritual power of the arrow was depleted, and shattered along with the shield.
Just as everyone breathed a sigh of relief, no one expected that Xiang Liu had a backup plan with a second arrow hidden behind the first arrow. In a split second, the second arrow followed on the heels of the first.
Cang Xuan's pupils dilated. The arrow was too swift and his qi movement was sealed, so he could not dodge it even if he tried. Xiang Liu stood in midair, bow drawn, eyes coldly fixed on Cang Xuan. The guards rushed to save Cang Xuan, but however fast they were, they were no match for the speed of Xiang Liu's arrow. At the critical moment, Chishui Feng Long surged forward with no regard for his own life, and took the arrow in Cang Xuan's stead.
Xiang Liu nocked another arrow and prepared to draw the bow. By then Cang Xuan was surrounded by guards and soldiers. Seeing that the chance had passed, he nudged the white condor and left.

They changed it so that Feng Long took XL's second arrow, instead of his first arrow. Again, taking away from the ambiguity as to whether CX or Feng Long was the real target. 

I'm also not a fan of how they framed XL's archery and shots. 

In the novel, there was no mention of spiritual shields or the "astounding" spiritual power of XL's arrow. But CX comments on XL's unexpected archery skill


Chapter 46:

Suddenly the loud screams and roars split the air and Xiao Yao raised her head to see Xiang Liu wearing a white gold mask, wearing a white robe, standing on the back of a white condor in the multi colored dusk clouds. He was holding a silver bow in hand and clearly already shot off an arrow and was cocking his bow to shoot a second one.

“Zhuan Xu! Noooooo!” Xiao Yao shrieked and rushed outside, her mind turning blank when she saw Xiang Liu release the second arrow. Her only thought was that nothing could happen to Zhuan Xu!

When she arrived at the front door, she saw Zhuan Xu sitting on the ground covered in blood, he was looking skyward as Xiang Liu had already flown off.

Zhuan Xu projected his voice powerfully “Xiang Liu, one day I will take your life!”

In the cry of the departing condor, Xiang Liu was already far away but his arrogant cocky laugh reverberated in the sky.

Xiao Yao rushed to Zhuan Xu and tightly grabbed him, her body shaking “You…..you…..” Her teeth were chattering and she couldn’t get her words out.

Zhuan Xu grabbed her hand “I’m fine. Feng Long blocked an arrow for me, and the second arrow hit my bodyguard. This blood is all from Feng Long.”

The servants had already carried Feng Long inside and the army doctor was currently treating him.

Even though Xiang Liu’s arrow pierced Feng Long, it didn’t hit a critical area so Zhuan Xu wasn’t worried that Feng Long would be fine with the top doctors around.

Zhuan Xu said, “Hundreds of years we’ve collected information on Xiang Liu, but no one knew that his archery skill was this top-notch. Feng Long, thank you for taking an arrow for me, otherwise I would be dead today.”


That felt consistent with what XL told XY about archery technique / skills vs. spiritual power when she first agreed to learn archery from him.


Chapter 16:

Xiao Yao said, “I notice your powers are far greater than Yi Yang, how come your archery skills are less than hers?”

Fang Feng Bei laughed. “Many think archery requires vast arm strength but it’s more based on clever strength. A specifically designed arrow can pierce through thick mystical enchantments so even someone without any power can hit a target vastly more powerful. My spiritual powers are much greater than my little sister but my archery technique cannot match up to her.”

Xiao Yao stared at Fang Feng Bei and her heart started to swell. Her powers were weak and all she wanted was to survive so she long stopped attacking as a strategy. But if what Fang Feng Bei said was true, then within a certain distance she could attack as well. If she ran into another incident like the attempt on Zhuan Xu’s life, she could do more than shield him with her body.

Fang Feng Bei appeared not to notice that what he said had an impact on Xiao Yao and he asked with a smile. “Want to learn archery from me?”


Leaked script Ep19 scenes 1-15, 18-24

Thank you for the translation btw liddi! Despite all my griping about the changes, I very much appreciate getting to read the translation and all the effort you've put into sharing these translations with us. ^^


Thank you!

Yes, I agree.  Though, as I said in the comments, I think FFB would have been fine with the answer, "the man of my dreams."  lol

Hmmm.  I didn't notice that about the friend comment.  Will have to pay more attention.

Yes, he said it 3 times, IIRC. Not only that, but he also added that he wanted to be the person she mistook him for, implying IMO that he kinda sensed that she missed / she wanted him to be XL. 


Thank you for the translation, liddi. I personally had no doubts that the person he was targeting was CX, he really wanted to have him killed, not because he thought that his army can stand a chance if he dies, but because his duty to his soldiers was more important to him than XY. The drama make it more obvious though who his priority was, so in a way it gives XY's choice an excuse, giving that XL never put her first, as she wanted. 

Yes, he said it 3 times, IIRC. Not only that, but he also added that he wanted to be the person she mistook him for, implying IMO that he kinda sensed that she missed / she wanted him to be XL.

That's true.  That first encounter was interesting, cause he said stuff that XL wouldn't ... but what we wanted him to.  Like when he traced his name in her palm and told her to remember him.

Of course, he also said he would be happy to die, if it was at her hand, which turned out to be prophetic.  sob

I personally had no doubts that the person he was targeting was CX, he really wanted to have him killed, not because he thought that his army can stand a chance if he dies, but because his duty to his soldiers was more important to him than XY. The drama make it more obvious though who his priority was, so in a way it gives XY's choice an excuse, giving that XL never put her first, as she wanted.

I wouldn't say that was exactly the case.  Especially given since he spared CX a few times for XY before this.  His army would have stood a chance without CX.  And it wasn't an equal choice or a matter of priority.  It was thousands of lives vs. one person maybe being upset at the death of the person who killed her fiancee, at least in the novel.  Does XY really put her own feelings above the lives of thousands?

On the one hand, the promise and reminders are annoying from a reader's perspective. They do feel a bit manipulative / a bit like a trap.

But on the other hand, we know that TSJ thought to himself that he would understand if XY took back her promise after her true identity and form were revealed. We also know that he thought to himself that he didn't want to use her kindness, and instead wanted to genuinely earn her love.

None of that changed his actual actions/behaviour

While I agree that thoughts and actions are separate things and thoughts don't mitigate the consequences of our actions, I'm not sure I would agree that those thoughts didn't influence his behaviour. 

TSJ's thought about not wanting to use XY's kindness arises in the context of him not letting XY kiss him on the lips in chapter 14, because she didn't love him yet and he didn't want to keep using her kindness.


Chapter 14:

Jing slowly raised his head and Xiao Yao put her face right in front of his and murmured, “Last night, a man forced me to kiss him, but right now all I want to do is kiss you.” Her lips softly landed on his lips and Jing’s body shook and he darted backwards “No….Xiao Yao.”


Xiao Yao laughed and pointed to her lips. “Why not here?”

Jing said in a low voice, “Now’s not the time yet.”

“What time then….?” Xiao Yao lowered her eyes and used her hands to cover her face and her embarrassment.

Jing couldn’t answer because the choice was with Xiao Yao and not with him. It wasn’t that he didn’t desire her, but what he wanted was her love. He didn’t want her pity and care for him, she already gave him too much, he didn’t want to continue using her kindness.


As a further note on thoughts vs. actions, the impact of our actions matters. But our intentions also matter. I would definitely think less of TSJ if his actions (e.g., asking for the promise and the reminders) were part of a plot to intentionally manipulate and trap XY, rather than the result of TSJ earnestly acting on his feelings (with no malicious intent) and trying to do the best he could in difficult circumstances with a complicated and contradictory love interest with deeply-rooted, trauma-based issues. 

The plum wine saga is a helpful example. Because of XY's comments in chapter 14, TSJ thought he was doing what XY wanted (and was willing to do so even though it hurt him) when he stopped sending her messages and gifts after sending that single box of plum wine to her in chapter 16. But in reality he was hurting XY and making her feel neglected and abandoned. When they finally resolved the misunderstanding, TSJ devotedly sent her the wine and used it to remind her of the promise in chapter 18, as XY wanted. 

Also, XY could have chosen not to make her side of the promise
What Xiao Yao does is a reflection of her character. What Jing does is a reflection of his. One does not change or minimize the other.

Sure. But my point wasn't that XY agreeing to make the promise minimized the "badness" of TSJ asking her to make it. 

My point was that TSJ asked her to make a commitment to him, and XY was free to choose to make that commitment or to not make that commitment. She wasn't forced. You could say that TSJ influenced or manipulated her to some degree, but I don't subscribe to the notion that she was all that trapped by the promise. 

Whether it was wrong for TSJ to ask her to make that promise in the first place is a separate issue. 

His behaviour is not all that different from a man who is in a "supposedly" unhappy marriage, running around with a side piece.  

While I do blame TSJ for creating expectations in XY that he wasn't able to meet, and hurting her deeply as a result, I also have some sympathy for his situation.

His dying mother chose FFYY as his fiancee. He didn't immediately reject the engagement (despite never having met FFYY) because he didn't have feelings for anyone else at the time and his mother was dying

Then TSH captured him, tortured him, and left him for dead. When WXL saved him, he still hadn't met FFYY, and when he was YSQ he never wanted to return to his identity as TSJ (rather similar to WXL not wanting to return to her identity as Gao Xing Jiu Yao). 

He only met FFYY after he returned to his identity as TSJ, and she was disgusted by him. But she worked hard to maintain her position as his fiancee because she wanted to use him. 

TSJ had every intention of ending the engagement, but it was in his grandmother's control. He asked her several times, and she had no sympathy for him. If he left his clan, then he wouldn't have the status necessary to be with XY. Which left him with a difficult choice. Hurt others (basically, ruin or kill FFYY) in order to get what he wanted, or not hurt others and suffer himself (and allow XY to suffer to some degree too, although I don't think he had any idea just how much she would suffer). As XY said, she liked the soft-hearted side of him that made him choose the second option. XY herself thinks it's a terrible idea (and rejects the offer) when XL later offers to kill FFYY and her baby to eliminate the obstacle for XY and TSJ. 

Then his own grandmother betrayed him and conspired with FFYY to make him believe that FFYY had raped him. And then his grandmother happily watched as he was forced to marry someone he didn't love. Someone who he believed to be his rapist. Someone who was still disgusted by him. 

That is a highly unusual and deeply messed up situation. It's not a "regular, sleazy married guy keeps telling his mistress he's going to divorce his wife, but has no intention of really doing so" scenario. 

Because of her trauma, XY wanted someone who was incapable of letting her go. It's difficult to relate to and definitely not healthy, but that's what she was looking for in a romantic partner.
Yes! We all know that Xiao Yao has "psychological shortcomings" and her decisions come from that, the author herself confirmed that.  At least we're all on the same page that this is not healthy. 

Yep, agreed. ^^

Jing doesn't cling to Xiao Yao or try to come between her and Xiang Liu at every interaction, and I don't think anyone claimed that. Jeeze, can you imagine if Tong Hua had written him like that, he'll be the most pathetic character ever.  But him holding onto her, refusing to let go despite paying lip service to this and that is true. And in some of those crucial moments, he sure was quick to prevent her from running after XL.  

The constant surveillance behaviour is creepy as hell regardless if he interrupted them or not or if Xiang Liu deliberately let him hang around or not

If my partner displayed this behaviour, we'll be having some strong words and a reckoning because he's either controlling or insecure, maybe both and neither of those traits is attractive.


In modern times, Jing will probably be bugging Xiao Yao's car and phone, probably installing those tracking apps on her phone. *Shudder*

I can picture him doing it and rationalizing it to himself. 

That said, he's not alone. While it doesn't in any way lessen how unhealthy and problematic TSJ's behaviour is, XY, CX and XL also engage in a ton of their own problematic behaviour. And plenty of readers (myself included) rationalize quite a lot of it. 

Although, IMO, XY also didn't keep her promise to not let another man into her heart for 15 years.
Again, XY's behaviour doesn't change or minimise Jing's.

I agree that XY failing to keep her promise does not change or minimize TSJ failing to keep his promise. 

Nevertheless, I do find myself taking XY's failings into consideration when I assess how I feel about TSJ's worthiness and compatibility with her.

If XY resolutely kept her promise to TSJ and never behaved problematically towards him, my opinion of them as a pair would probably be different and I would judge TSJ more harshly by comparison. 

Intentions mean less than nothing without follow-through and the road to hell is paved with them.

I do think intentions matter. But at the end of the day intentions alone don't get you very far. 

This is Jing - good intentions, but shoddy follow-through.

That's a fair assessment. 

I don't view TSJ's decision to "hire" XL to end XY's wedding with Feng Long as a selfish one or one that makes me think less of him. I believe that he thought XY was forcing herself into that marriage (which she was), and that the marriage would have made her miserable (as it likely would have).
I don't believe for a moment that it was all out of selfless care for Xiao Yao's happiness without a tinge of selfishly wanting to leave the opportunity open for himself.


When I said I don't view his decision as a selfish one, I didn't mean to imply that I thought that his decision was 100% totally, purely selfless. 

I don't think it was purely selfless, and I definitely don't think it was purely selfish.

I think his decision was primarily motivated by concern for XY's happiness, and in addition to that he also held on to a small sliver of hope that perhaps they could still get their happy ending together one day.

I do believe that if he thought XY would have been happy if she married Feng Long, he would not have interfered, even if he still had that sliver of hope.


Chapter 33:

“Xiang Liu said that you gave him a lot of money to hire him to prevent me from marrying Feng Long.”

“I did do it, but I never could have imagined that Xiang Liu was so extreme in how he did things.”

“Why did you do it?”

That day, on the streets of Qing Qiu, you told me you were getting married but there wasn’t a hint of happiness in your eyes. No one forced you, so why are you forcing yourself to marry Feng Long? I….I couldn’t let you marry Feng Long like that. I begged him to cancel the wedding but he said no. I wanted to find you but I knew I was pouring oil on the flame. Right when I was at my wits end, I ran into Fang Feng Bei. I remembered that you promised to do one thing for Xiang Liu as the price for breaking the voodoo bug in Zhuan Xu. Since Zhuan Xu became Emperor, the provisions have been scarce in the army base so I discussed a deal with Xiang Liu to buy the promise you made to him. I asked him to beg you to cancel the wedding. But I couldn’t have imagined that he would show up at the actual wedding ceremony to ask you to fulfill your promise. It was my fault, Xiao Yao, I’m sorry!”


Xiao Yao said, “All these years, I have not slept well and constantly thought about the past.”

Jing was shocked, he hadn’t slept one night well all these years either and constantly thought about the past. But Xiao Yao appeared fine, so Jing thought she had totally gotten over him.


Jing felt like a knife was cutting his heart when he heard Xiao Yao crying. This was the first time she ever cried for him. When she heard Yi Yang was pregnant, she smiled at him. If he could choose again, he would rather that she act like she didn’t care, he would rather that she really forgot him. He didn’t want Xiao Yao to be as pained and tormented as him.

Jing softly stroked her back, “Xiao Yao, Xiao Yao, Xiao Yao…..” He kept murmuring her name over and over, like him calling her every night as he missed her and thought of her but could never touch her.

Xiao Yao hit Jing hard and cried, “Why didn’t you let me get married? Why can’t you let me act like I’m fine and keep walking forward with a smile?

Jing couldn’t answer. Why? Perhaps it was Xiao Yao’s look of sadness as she stood on the streets of Qing Qiu. He didn’t want her entire life to be like that. Perhaps he loved her too deeply and couldn’t let her marry another man. Perhaps deep inside his heart was a sliver of undying hope.

Jing said, “I apologized earlier but I take it back now. I don’t regret it at all, even Xiang Liu using such an extreme means that caused the entire vast wilderness to descend into chaos, I’m still very happy that you didn’t marry Feng Long.”

He said it himself later on that he couldn't let her marry another man.

In his self-examination, he thought to himself that perhaps he couldn't let her marry another man. He also thought that perhaps it was XY's look of sadness. It seems he wasn't certain that it was definitely one reason or another. If I've understood your comment correctly, I think we agree that he was partly motivated by XY's feelings and partly motivated by his own hope of being with XY. We just don't agree on which factor TSJ cared about more. 

But if we look at his actions, we know that TSJ was aware that XY and XL/FFB were very close, and he still asked XL to be the person to ask XY not to marry Feng Long. Wasn't there a real risk of XY then marrying XL instead? Isn't it possible that XY was basically asking XL for that scenario when she sent him the ice crystal ball?

And then, after XL disappeared with XY for a month, TSJ didn't try to find XY. Again, as far as TSJ knew, there was a real risk that in that time XY would become irreversibly romantically entangled with XL after running away with him. They might even elope. And TSJ didn't try to prevent that possibility.  

I don't view TSJ's decision to "hire" XL to end XY's wedding with Feng Long as a selfish one or one that makes me think less of him. I believe that he thought XY was forcing herself into that marriage (which she was), and that the marriage would have made her miserable (as it likely would have).

I don't believe for a moment that it was all out of selfless care for Xiao Yao's happiness without a tinge of selfishly wanting to leave the opportunity open for himself. If he was about placing Xiao Yao first, he would not have asked for that 15-year promise to start with. He said it himself later on that he couldn't let her marry another man.
I don't think it was selfless on Jing's part either.  Regardless, it's controlling and presumptuous and completely wrong for him to decide what would make XY happy and arbitrarily trash her life 'for her own good.'  XY is a grown a$$ woman.  She can make her own decisions about her own life and happiness -- even if they end up being wrong.

So, does the same apply to XL?  If he ruined her wedding because he thought she was making a mistake and was going to be unhappy, then yes.

IMO, both TSJ and XL wanted to end XY's wedding for this reason ("because he thought she was making a mistake and was going to be unhappy"). If that interference was wrong, then they are both wrong. If that interference was justified, then they are both justified. 

And really, TSJ just asked XL to beg (that's the word Koala used in her translation) XY to cancel her own wedding. He thought XL would do so before the wedding day. XL was the one who decided to crash the wedding ceremony itself, make a scene so that no one who didn't love XY would want to marry her in the future, and use XY's promise to force her to leave. So only one of them intentionally "trashed her life for her own good", and it wasn't TSJ. But XL didn't make that decision arbitrarily. 

BUT, I don't think that's why he did it.  It's not how he handles their relationship -- whether he agrees with it or not, he accepts her decisions.

Sometimes he accepts her decisions. For example, when WXL declined to accept his offer to rescue her from Five Gods Mountain in chapter 8, XL accepted that decision and left. 

Sometimes he accepts her decisions temporarily, but has no qualms about changing course later. For example, in chapter 5, XL told WXL that she was in deep trouble with CX but it was his fault so she could stay with XL until he destroyed CX. WXL declined the offer because she wasn't the type to hide behind others until danger passed. XL initially accepted WXL's decision, but when TSJ asked XL to help him rescue WXL from CX, XL agreed and did indeed help TSJ rescue WXL.


Chapter 5: 

“If it’s the person I think he really is, then you’re in deep trouble.”


“That person is very protective of what is close to him. He loathes anyone harming his family. You kidnapped his sister which is his biggest no-no. He will undoubtedly kill you. It’s my fault this time. Until I destroy him you can stay by my side.


“You don’t believe me?”

“I do! Even the big demon thinks I’m in danger so it’s definitely dangerous. But do you think I’m the type to hide behind another’s back until the trouble passes?” Xiang Liu smiled broadly. “Fine! But——–” he lightly choked Xiao Liu’s neck. “Really don’t die!”


“We’re at the Sheng Nong army base?”

I went to find General Xiang Liu to help save you. Xiang Liu took men to attack Xuan while I went to the cellar prison to rescue you.” 

 From contacting Xiang Liu to planning the rescue, Jing explained it in a few scant words.

Xiao Liu said, “Actually, you didn’t need to come save me.


“Xiao Liu, let me handle Xuan…..”

Xiao Liu looked up at Jing. “Xiang Liu already knew Xuan would deal with me viciously. He offered to let me stay by his side but I turned him down. If I’m the type to hide behind someone stronger, then I wouldn’t have let you stay many years ago. I am used to being independent – I do what I want and handle my own problems.”


Sometimes he does not accept XY's decisions and instead decides to impose his own opposite decision on her. 

For example, in chapter 26, XY told XL that if she had the choice between remembering and forgetting, she would prefer to remember, even if remembering was painful. But in chapter 48, XL chose to erase the memories of XL that XY saved in her gorilla spirit mirror for over 100 years before he died on the battlefield so she would forget him sooner. XY was devastated.


Chapter 26:

Xiang Liu asked, “Do you want to remember or forget?”

Xiao Yao thought about it. “Remember, even if it’s painful and a burden, I still want to remember.”


Chapter 48:

His hand lifted to erase the memories but Sir Bi stopped him looking alarmed, “These are Xiao Yao’s most precious memories, you can’t!”

Xiang Liu silently looked at Sir Bi until he remembered the promise he just made and slowly released his hand.

Xiang Liu used his power to rewind the saved memory in the mirror like turning back time. It was like things were going back to the way they were from the very beginning, but there was no way to do so with feelings and memories!

After the memories were erased, Xiang Liu smiled and returned the mirror to Xiao Yao’s arms like he never touched it before.


Chapter 51:

Xiao Yao took a deep breath and used her power to turn on the mirror. But after swiping repeatedly nothing appeared.

Xiao Yao grew frantic. “It can’t be! It can’t be!…..” She anxiously used her power to look into the mirror. But no matter how many times she looked there were no memories of Xiang Liu.

Even the only thing he left to her was gone!

Xiao Yao could not believe it and she angrily kept trying the mirror. “How could this be? How could this be?……”

Suddenly she remembered, when she was unconscious Xiang Liu discovered the secret of the mirror and ordered her to erase it. When she woke up he never mentioned it again and she thought he forgot, but it turned out that when she wasn’t aware he had completely erased it all!

Xiao Yao stroked the mirror and said through tears. “Xiang Liu, in your eyes, am I really that meaningless? So you won’t even leave me a small memory!”

“Nine Headed Demon, I hate you!” Xiao Yao violently threw the mirror as her tears tumbled down her cheeks.


Xiao Yao’s entire face was awash with tears and she lifted her head to stare at the sky.

Xiang Liu, why? Why? Why do you treat me this way? Why won’t you even let me keep one memory of you…..so our hundreds of years together, it was always just a transaction to you?

Xiang Liu died so boldly and left nothing behind, no parting words and even his body dissolved into poison. No one was there to answer Xiao Yao’s plaintive question.


Also, when XY tried to end her life in chapter 47, XL obviously did not accept that decision and saved her in chapter 48.

The window scenes in chapter 32 and chapter 33 are (intentionally, IMO) particularly illustrative of XL and TSJ's attitudes when XY chooses to do something that they don't think is good for her. 


Chapter 32:

Xiang Liu walked into the room and closed the window for her.

Xiao Yao opened it. Xiang Liu closed it again.

Xiao Yao opened it again. Xiang Liu closed it again.

Xiao Yao went to open it again, but Xiang Liu used his power and Xiao Yao couldn’t open it at all.

Even since she left Chi Sui Castle, Xiao Yao had been calm but now she couldn’t endure it any longer and punched the window violently before glaring at Xiang Liu.

Xiang Liu coolly said, “What kind of person I am, you’ve known all along. Since you dared to make a deal with the devil, you ought to have the courage to accept the consequences.”


Chapter 33:

The room felt muggy so when Xiao Yao walked in Jing immediately stood up but she ignored him and went to open the window. Jing quickly said, “Your hair is not dry yet, you’ll catch a cold.”

Jing wanted to close the window but Xiao Yao yelled, “Don’t you dare!”

Jing quickly pulled the window so that only a small slit was open. Xiao Yao wanted to lose her temper but found that she couldn’t.  Jing placed a brazier right behind Xiao Yao and then handed her a cup of magnolia flower tea for her to sip. 

IMO, he's in a different situation, because I think XY asked XL for help, when she sent him that crystal globe.  I know others don't agree, but I still think taking her away from the wedding, was his answer to her half a$$ed confession, and he was giving her a chance to admit her love, but she still couldn't do it.

I am one of the others who does not agree with this interpretation. 

XL was well aware that his actions on XY's wedding day were not what she asked him for when she sent him the ice crystal ball. Her reaction makes that very clear. And if he was helping her in accordance with her wishes, he wouldn't have needed to do so much (e.g., invoking her oath and her life debt) to pressure her to leave with him. 

And he did not behave like someone who was waiting for XY to admit her feelings. He behaved like someone who was trying to make XY believe that he did not care about her. He was cold and harsh. He "killed" FFB. He invoked her promise, reminded her that she owed him for saving her life, told her that she had no right to question the reasons for his actions, and reminded her of their deal over and over again to make her think that their whole relationship was merely transactional. He used the bug connection to cause her immense pain and even threatened to kill her. 


Chapter 31:

There was an all-white giant clam shell like a blooming flower and inside a beautiful mermaid sat on the clam shell. Her hair flowed like seaweed and her beautiful tail was half on the clam shell and half in the water. She had one hand on her heart and the other hand reached out towards the distance like she wanted to grab onto something or like she was calling someone to her. In the direction where her hand stretched there was a merman floating in the water. He appeared close to the clam shell but he was coldly staring outside the ice crystal ball so that it felt like he was actually in another world and not in the world of the peaceful isolated ocean with the mermaid.


Every day she sat on the jagged rocks outside of the Dragon Bone Prison and looked out over the deep blue ocean.


Xiao Yao’s image made her think of the legends of old, of a fisherman’s wife sitting on the rocks waiting for her lover to come back, sitting and waiting for so long she turned into a rock.


“Then later, did that Nine-headed demon Xiang Liu continue to harass you?”

Xiao Yao shook her head.

Ah Nian said, “I thought that demon was pretty fascinating.”

Xiao Yao looked back out over the blue ocean and said nothing.


The blue ocean depths, the isolated peacefulness, the mermaid sitting on her beautiful clam shell home reaching out her hand to beckon, to plead, to summon. But the merman just coldly looked out at the world outside the ice crystal ball.

Xiang Liu stared at the ice crystal scene for a long, long time.

Slowly he reached out a finger and pressed it on the ice crystal so it looked like he was taking the mermaid’s outstretched hand.

At a glance, it appeared that they were holding hands but in truth the ice crystal separated them. They were from two completely different worlds, they could never truly be together.


Chapter 32:

Fang Feng Bei ignored him and only stared at Xiao Yao. “Xiao Yao, don’t get married.”

Xiao Yao furiously asked, “What are you trying to do?”

“Don’t marry Chi Sui Feng Long!”

“You’re telling me NOW not to marry him?” Xiao Yao wanted to laugh her head off. “You leave immediately!”

Xiao Yao said to Feng Long, “Let’s continue the wedding, I don’t want to miss the auspicious hour!”


Fang Feng Bei was battling Chi Sui Xian and he called out, “Xiao Yao, do you remember the blood oath you swore? If you renege on the promise then everything you love will become pain, everything that brings you happiness will turn bitter.”

Xiao Yao stopped moving. She did make a blood oath with Xiang Liu to do one thing for him.


Xiao Yao slowly turned back around and stared at Fang Feng Bei, “What do you want?”

Fang Feng Bei, “I want you to leave with me right now!”

Xiao Yao’s entire body turned cold, with the entire vast wilderness gathered here, if she ran away from her wedding and especially left with another man, that would be such an insult to the Chi Sui clan and to Feng Long. How would the Chi Sui clan see her? How would the entire world view her?

Xiao Yao asked, “Why?” Xiang Liu, you knew two months ago I was getting married, why do you have to do it this way? Do you want the entire world to spit on me? If you want to destroy me, why did you choose this most degrading method?

Fang Feng Bei coldly said, “You don’t need to ask why, you just need to do as I say. I want you to leave with me. Right. Now!”

The blood oath rang in her ears. “If I renege on this promise, whatever I love will turn into pain, whatever brings me happiness will turn bitter.” With today’s events, even if she kept the promise, did that mean there won’t be any pain and any bitterness? Xiao Yao bitterly smiled, whether or not she kept the promise, she was going to have not a day of peace in her life.


Fang Feng Bei stared intently at Xiao Yao and coldly pressed her. “Xiao Yao, you owe me this.”

She did owe him! Not just the blood oath, she owed him her life.

Xiao Yao’s face was stark white as she stumbled towards Fang Feng Bei.


Xiao Yao’s voice shook. “I’m sorry, I….I….today I can’t marry you! I’m sorry!”


Xiao Yao knew she and Feng Long had an understanding, and even if she didn’t want to marry him, she would have chosen the right time to calmly tell him. He wouldn’t mind in that case, but to run out of the wedding like this publicly was shaming him. No man could accept such shame, much less a son of the Heavens like Feng Long.

Xiao Yao’s face was stark white and she turned to plead with Fang Feng Bei who coldly said, “Leave with me right now!”

Xiao Yao said to Feng Long, “I….I….I wronged you!” Xiao Yao’s voice was shaking and even her body was shaking. “I’m sorry! I don’t dare ask for your forgiveness, and later you can do whatever you want to me and I’ll accept it!” Xiao Yao finished and didn’t dare look at Feng Long before she ran towards Fang Feng Bei.


Xiao Yao lowered her head and bowed to Feng Long before Fang Feng Bei grabbed her hand and pulled her out behind him.



His one foot was out the door when Xiao Yao suddenly asked, “When did you find out I was getting married?” Due to her head being buried on her knees, her voice sounded muffled like it was coming from far away.

Xiang Liu didn’t turn around and his voice was cold. “Two months ago.”

Xiao Yao’s voice was shaking. “Why… why did you have to do it this way?”

Xiang Liu’s voice got colder. “Do you have any right to ask me why? The terms of the deal were discussed in advance. Whatever I asked, you would do!”

Xiao Yao said nothing and Xiang Liu left without looking back. When the door slowly closed behind him, it let out a soft thud. Xiao Yao remembered that when she was asleep under the ocean, every time the clam shell closed it would make a similar sound. Xiao Yao’s tears silently fell.


Xiao Yao sensed something but had to confirm it. “Where is Fang Feng Bei?

Xiang Liu coolly replied, “He’s dead.


Xiang Liu walked into the room and closed the window for her.

Xiao Yao opened it. Xiang Liu closed it again.

Xiao Yao opened it again. Xiang Liu closed it again.

Xiao Yao went to open it again but Xiang Liu used his power and Xiao Yao couldn’t open it at all.

Even since she left Chi Sui Castle, Xiao Yao had been calm but now she couldn’t endure it any longer and punched the window violently before glaring at Xiang Liu.

Xiang Liu coolly said, “What kind of person I am, you’ve known all along. Since you dared to make a deal with the devil, you ought to have the courage to accept the consequences.

Xiao Yao was taken aback because Xiang Liu was absolutely correct. Their deal was completely fair. Even if she could do it over and knowing the consequences of today, to protect Zhuan Xu she would still choose to move the voodoo bug into Xiang Liu. It had simply been too long since Xiang Liu asked her to fulfill her end of the bargain. She had also seen Fang Feng Bei as real, so their relationship was covered by this tender sweet layer like a gauzy veil. Xiao Yao simply forgot that their relationship was always just a transaction, so no matter what he chose to ask of her, she had no right to be angry.


Xiang Liu coldly laughed. “Did you think I kept you from getting married so that Zhuan Xu would get into a tiff with the Four Great Clans? I’ll tell you the truth, that was but half the reason!

“The other half?”

“Tu Shan Jing hired me to go stop your wedding. He promised that if I could keep you from getting married, he would give me thirty-seven years' worth of army provisions for the soldiers.

“What?” Xiao Yao couldn’t believe what she was hearing. Jing hired Xiang Liu to ruin her wedding?

“If you don’t believe me you can go ask Tu Shan Jing yourself.”

Xiao Yao asked, “When are you going to let me leave?”

Xiang Liu casually said, “I already got what I wanted. You can leave anytime!”

Xiao Yao turned to leave and Xiang Liu said, “A word of reminder, the voodoo bug still connects us so if you tell the world I’m Fang Feng Bei, don’t blame me if I hurt your heart and you die from the pain.

Xiao Yao stopped and looked back at Xiang Liu.

“Don’t believe me?”

Xiao Yao’s heart was suddenly cut with so much pain like a sword pierced it, the pain so excruciating she fell on the ground in a slump.

Xiang Liu appeared to hold her life in his hands and he coldly said, “If you don’t want to die, then don’t say a word!”

Xiao Yao was in such pain her face was ashen and cold sweat dotted her face. She sat up and smiled, “Is this the reason you never had time to go to Jiu Li to break the voodoo bug? You want to control my life and death so that one day you can hold me hostage to your will? General Xiang Liu, you really are something!”

Xiang Liu smiled and turned to leave. With a whistle his white condor descended and he vaulted on its back and disappeared in the clouds.

Hi ladies I‘ve been following your discussion silently and just want to say that the drama is also so full of contradiction on Jing‘s characterization. Like in the first season AH and H19279 discussion pointed out how the drama diminished Jing‘s character and contribution to WXL failed escape from CX and also cheapen the dragon bone prison promise as TSJ didn‘t believe/think that HaoLing King will kill WXL, but the according to the leaked script in S2 they went the opposite way to make TSJ looked better by diminishing XL key sacrifices that enabled TSJ to survive and went back to XY as YSQ, give TSJ a scene where he acknowledging his selfishness to extract the 15 y. promise from XY and ‚apparent‘ nobleness in giving her the choice back (rolling my eyes on that). The following excerpt from @liddi  I also see as another attempt to make TSJ look better

Cang Xuan drowned himself in wine as he came to terms with the realisation that the person to whom he felt gratitude and admiration all this time was actually Tushan Jing. The man certainly lived up to his reputation, unparalleled in intelligence and strategy, not only determining the course of the world, but everyone's place in it, even he himself was not spared. The one who acknowledged his potential from the beginning was Jing.

Imo this praise is not deserved. TSJ only support CX because of XY and not because he is so far sighted to see that CX would be a great King or because he want the world to be better united under one King and end the war between Xuan Yuan and Shen Nong which he for long time profited from by selling Shen Nong the goods they need and other favors. I don‘t know how the novel depict his contributions, but the drama actually also only touch this lightly like how he‘s cooking the book for CX private army and lobbying other Central Plain  great family to support CX, which is easier because CFL already supported CX and logically CFL did the lobbying as well. And let’s not forget his beauty sleep for 37 years, at the critical point where CX still struggling to put his foot in Central plain. Those high praises sounds empty to me compared to his contribution depicted in the drama. 

This all may be the result of power struggle behind the scene, where TH tried to adapt her novel more faithfully while others want to promote that 1:1 TSJ-XY end game the their ‚healing‘ (another eye roll) message. What a shame for the novel.


First, in the novel, I liked that Tong Hua left some room for interpretation in chapter 46. Perhaps XL really was trying to kill CX, even though he knew how much that would hurt XY, and failed. Or perhaps, master archer that he was, he made it seem like he was targeting CX when Feng Long was his real target all along, and he found his target while also successfully setting up his interaction with XY where he pushed her just hard enough for her to cut ties with him, but not hard enough that she could bear to kill him / that their bugs would turn on them.  

(Also, in the novel, CX had betrayed XY and hurt her terribly by chapter 46, through the role he played in TSJ's death in chapter 42. So even if XL really was targeting CX, I think I would feel like, to some degree, he was protecting / avenging XY, even though it would definitely hurt her. Kind of like XL hurting XY in the short term by ending her wedding to Feng Long the way he did, because it helped / protected her in the long run. But since CX didn't play a role in TSJ's death in the drama, that extra layer isn't there.)

IMO, the added drama scene seems to be framing the lead-up to the assassination attempt as a moment where XL was definitely deciding whether he was willing to kill CX, despite knowing how much it would hurt XY. No ambiguity. He recalls XY's comments and says her words were right, and decides to go ahead with the assassination. Emphasizing to the audience that XL carefully thought about it, decided hurting XY was worth it, and privately (i.e., not for show in front of XY) came to the conclusion that her words were accurate. That he was a man who wasn't suitable to enter a girl's dreams, because he was willing to assassinate XY's beloved brother. The flashback they chose even has XY referring to her brother, which serves to remind the audience (as if we need the reminder) of XY and CX's close relationship.

I'm really just not a fan of that framing.

great insight. They really tried hard not to diminished XL sacrifices but to assassinate his character as well, like hammering it in to the audience why XL is not the Mr. Right for XY, because he ultimately chose Shen Nong army explicitly by trying to assassinate CX, not only because he can‘t abandon Shen Nong army and will die with them on battlefield. That for me is two different things. 


I disagree with you on this point though

That is a highly unusual and deeply messed up situation. It's not a "regular, sleazy married guy keeps telling his mistress he's going to divorce his wife, but has no intention of really doing so" scenario.

Imo when TSJ extract that 15 promise, he already went back to his role as TSj and with it all the responsibilities and promises he made as this persona incl. his promise to marry FFYY. Yes he didn‘t love anyone when he made that promise but the drama and novel made it clear that to all appearances FFYY faithfully wait for his come back and fully integrated in TS family fulfilling a wife role of TSJ.  That make it even more difficult for him to cancel the engagement and I failed to see how an intelligent man like him didn’t take this in to consideration that he may failed in his attempt to free himself from this engagement and so has no business asking the other party to bind herself to him. A real honorable man will clean his mess first before asking his love for that binding promise. I‘m not even that critical of him declaring his intention to cancel their engagement and go back to XY as YSQ (I can accept it as he so loves her he wants to declare his love sort of thing due to the danger of the situation they were in at that time and fear of maybe losing her forever without ever declaring himself, because the novel Jing believe that HaoLing King might kill XY right, the drama remove this layer and made his declaration more questionable), but extracting the 15 years promise is my red line because if XY agreed, it put XY firmly on the side piece spot and locking her there because it effectively taking her ability to move on if she met someone more suitable for her. XY stupidness in agreeing is another story. His ineptness to cancel the engagement despite his intention to do so only made him look worse to me. And during the 15 years after grandma dug her heel and said no repeatedly, the honorable thing for him to do is to free XY of her promise instead playing the victim card and I‘m so kind I can‘t go against my family pls forgive me and wait for me game stringing her along all the way.

 And later when he believe he slept with FFYY, he didn‘t say a thing to XY. Although he knows the consequences, that  even if FFYY not pregnant he is now really honor bond to marry her (no way out, the door is nailed shut now), so the right thing to do is to free XY immediately. And now I must add cowardly to his shortcomings as well ‚sigh‘. All of these flaws put Jing firmly in SML role who don‘t deserve the FL for me and that even before the ladies discussion in this thread opened my eyes on his creepy  stalkerish  behavior. 

And he himself could not force her to meet him but the astral fox represented him and he used it to make pressure on her. It kept following and staring at XY the whole time.

Absolutely. Not forcing Xiao Yao is the point; manipulation is the act of influencing someone to do, think or behave in a way that you want without using force. The presence of that fox is a constant reminder to Xiao Yao so she can't forget Jing. Can he track her using that fox?

Later he could watch her on a water mirror. If watching a lot of Wuxia drama, we may know that such mirror is similar to our CTTV camera and it could show many places within the building.

A potentially tracking fox and CCTV? Lol, the stalking narrative just writes itself.

In the same chapter, during the party after CX got the throne, he got drunk and played XY's song with zither which was known by FL and Xing Yue too althought XY was engage with FL by that time.

One of Jing's many "dignify" moments. He's such an upstanding person and great friend. Good gosh.

 AH :
The second reason was that his grandmother chastised him for sending a present to CX, since she was strict about enforcing the Tushan clan's image of neutrality in the fight for the Xuan Yuan throne.

So he went against his family's creed of politically neutral image when he supported Cang Xuan in order have access/remain close to Xiao Yao? I'm sure it increased his standing in Xiao Yao's eyes as well. He was able to willing to go against his grandmother in this matter, but not the matter of his marriage? He's a real gem, this one!!! Where's the eye-roll emoji?

like hammering it in to the audience why XL is not the Mr. Right for XY, because he ultimately chose Shen Nong army explicitly by trying to assassinate CX, not only because he can‘t abandon Shen Nong army and will die with them on battlefield. That for me is two different things. 

 AH :
First, in the novel, I liked that Tong Hua left some room for interpretation in chapter 46. Perhaps XL really was trying to kill CX, even though he knew how much that would hurt XY, and failed. Or perhaps, master archer that he was, he made it seem like he was targeting CX when Feng Long was his real target all along, and he found his target while also successfully setting up his interaction with XY where he pushed her just hard enough for her to cut ties with him

I once discussed the reason that XL tried to kill CX in chapter 46. I don't remember which page was that. XL had many reason to kill CX, not only because of Sheng Nong army but also for XY's free life. CX's action of spreading the information about XY's real father as Chi-You and killing Jing betrayed her trust and her ulmost will of a free life with a long term companionship. She had no where to go, no person who she chose to rely on. He was the biggest obstacle for XY to have what she wanted as well as what XL expect her to have. If CX still existed and XY didn't know his real trait, her free life with her future partner was not certain either.

Killing FL in front of XY or after her back made no diffirence. He could kill FL any time if he wished but killing FL was bad idea causing harm to Shen-nong army instead of helping them (as it proved in the novel because the Shen nong Army would lose the support of family clans in Middle Plains). And FL was a general. when he died, CX would send another general to take the role. So, only killing CX could change the fate of Shen-nong army.  Moreover, he could not control the factor that FL would use his body. So, I disagree to the idea that XL pretended to kill CX but targeted to FL actually.

 Therefore, in chapter 46, he targeted CX (not FL). XL took the rare chance that he could approach CX thank to XY's heartache when she was back to place in QS town where she had some memory with Jing. If he had succeeded and CX had died, XY would have had heartbreaking. But she would survise (or at least XL would make sure she could not die) and she could have moved on by her own. I also don't agree with interpretion of killing CX means he prioritize Shen-nong army over XY's benefit. 

About the script:

 AH :
as a moment where XL was definitely deciding whether he was willing to kill CX, despite knowing how much it would hurt XY. No ambiguity. He recalls XY's comments and says her words were right, and decides to go ahead with the assassination. Emphasizing to the audience that XL carefully thought about it, decided hurting XY was worth it, and privately (i.e., not for show in front of XY) came to the conclusion that her words were accurate. T

XL knew that XY would be devastrated if XL killed CX. However, the pros overweighted the cons in his calculation. XY's scare of XL in that scene is "loving him" was worse than death (since he would die and leave the girl behind, being enermy of CX was not primary reason and CX was mentioned as passer-by).  What is the script writer's purpose when adding this scene? To emphesize his ruthlessness? The problem is the script remove CX's act of killing Jing, the reason for XL to eleminate CX for XY's good becomes much less relevant. So, they could only use his motivation of making XY hate him as the reason. If the recall needed, I would choose to use the scene when XY didn't believe him as villain and he would mock she was wrong. 

In general, I don't like how the plot is bult and progressed in the drama. It is illogical. 

In the novel, if I'm not mistaken, TSJ calls Fangfeng Yiying: YIYING, not Miss Fangfeng like in the drama. They even dated. Very different from the drama version which makes TSJ look good.

If FFY didn't underestimate Tsj, would Tsj still cancel his engagement? previously ffy was the type of wife he dreamed of.

tsj liked xiaoyao because he saw xy blushing, at that time his heart started beating fast. xy helps him regain his self-esteem. so tsj can't release xy.

If the one who saved him was Jing Ye, then Jing Ye blushed while bathing him, would he also like Jing Ye? and can't release JingYe?

what kind of love is that?