From the novel, the way the shaman king worded it - the crux lies in the condition of the heart - "同心 hearts that are one" vs "离心 hearts that are no longer one". As such, I would interpret that physical intimacy with someone else will not be construed as betrayal by the lovers bug as long as the couple in whom the bugs are planted still truly love each other.

I just posted about this excerpt in another reply :-)

Yes, the physical intimacy = betrayal thing is definitely extrapolation on my part as there is not much in the novel to point to any firm direction.

A point of contention is whether falling in love with another person would cause the Lovers Bugs to turn into Heartbreak Bugs. Some said no, as long as the hosts still love one another. I said yes, because to me "one heart" implies just the two of them, wholeheartedly; so to fall in love with another means you are no longer "one heart" because you are sharing your heart with the 3rd party. Thoughts?

 AH :
Is there something in particular that made you think XY knows more about the bugs?

Nothing concrete, just some inkling based on certain scenes and my impression of XY as an unreliable narrator (probably not the correct term to use here). Xiang Liu is probably the only one who called her out on this consistently. She may not outright lie, but she evades, minimizes or changes the subject. She's a bull-shitter and I think she even said this herself to Xiang Liu. I'll need to go back to the novel to see if anything presents and can be formed into a cohesive, reasonable argument. Can't convict the poor girls based on vague feelings now can I? :-)

 AH :
Based on that interpretation, are you thinking that being so connected emotionally that they can understand each other's emotions is a requirement for the lovers (like proof of their love?) to produce Lovers' Bugs?

I'm going off of the English translation here, so I could be off base, but I thought the Voodoo King made it sound like the successful planting of the bugs (and subsequent creation of the bug connection between them) would connect the two hosts' lives and emotions. So the connection was actively changing something related to their emotions. Like creating a situation where the hosts would be able to feel each other's emotions through the connection, or at least the recipient would be able to feel the cultivator's emotions through the connection similar to how the recipient feels the cultivator's pain.

My thinking is that sharing the Lovers Bugs turned what was metaphorical literal. In other words, before you are just in tune and therefore can reasonably gauge your lover's emotions, but with the Lovers Bugs you can actually experience them and can feel what they feel.

I don't quite understand your first question. Do you mean, continuing to be emotionally connected is needed for the Lovers Bugs to stay Lovers Bugs and not turn into Heartbreak Bugs? If it is so, I would say yes. Because starting to lose that emotional connection/attunement could be a signal that you are falling out of love. In real life, one of the biggest problems that cause trouble in a relationship is losing attunement with each other; they stop paying attention; they stop caring; they stop being in love.

The white bird turned into a boy in white clothes, about eleven or twelve years old, with unusually beautiful and delicate facial features, green eyes, and waist- length hair that was all white at the roots.

That is an interesting take, that Xiao Yao got roaring drunk with Lie Yang on her wedding day because his human form reminded her of Xiang Liu. Am not very sure this was one of Tong Hua's well-placed easter eggs though since descriptions of Lie Yang (in Once Promised Vol 2 Ch4) only indicates white hair at the roots - in other words, the rest of his hair is black. In Lost You Forever Vol 1 Ch12, it only describes him as a handsome young man with green eyes dressed in white. So anyone who have not read Once Promised would not really be able to see any connection between Lie Yang and Xiang Liu.

The entire scene is a masterclass in acting. The Voodoo King gave a masterclass in tact and diplomacy; XY's performance of dismissing, minimizing, and evading was awards-worthy; and of course, Jing was all too happy to act along with XY. These two should win awards for best actress and supporting actor of Dai Huang.

haha, I admire your humor. 


That is an interesting take, that Xiao Yao got roaring drunk with Lie Yang on her wedding day because his human form reminded her of Xiang Liu. Am not very sure this was one of Tong Hua's well-placed easter eggs though since descriptions of Lie Yang (in Once Promised Vol 2 Ch4) only indicates white hair at the roots - in other words, the rest of his hair is black. In Lost You Forever Vol 1 Ch12, it only describes him as a handsome young man with green eyes dressed in white. So anyone who have not read Once Promised would not really be able to see any connection between Lie Yang and Xiang Liu.

I haven't read once promised, but I too thought about they way Lie Yang was described in the last chapter. If TH added more details about how he looks în LYF  în order to resemble XL more, than perhaps it was intentionally.  I don't know, but personally, whenever I read ocean, white, snowflake my mind goes automatically to XL. 


Xiaoyao and the male protagonist Xuanxuan of the story line are mentioned many times in the book as being very similar. Looking at the emotional lines alone, Xiaoyao and Xingxuan both have three lines. The corresponding relationship is:

Xiaoyao vs. Xiang Liu = Xuanxuan vs. Xiaoyao.

Xiaoyao vs. Xuanxuan = Xuanxuan vs. A-Nian.

Xiaoyao vs. Tushanjing = Xuanxuan vs. Xinyue.

Xiaoyao's attitude towards the relationship between men and women is the same as Xuanxuan's attitude towards power. They are being passively chosen.

"We seem to be two extremes, but in fact we are the same. We will not take the initiative to fight for anything. We are afraid that if we fight for something, we will make mistakes. We are just passively chosen!"

Based on this tone, combined with the corresponding relationship between the author's Yao Jing line and Xuanyue line, it is not difficult to understand why Xiaoyao's final destination is Tushan Jing. This is the same as the setting of Yaoliu Destined Be, which is the factory setting.

Because Xuanxuan is written clearly, his emotional line is very obvious.

Xuanxuan to Xiaoyao : Xiaoyao is his heart's desire, but he has been hiding Xiaoyao deeply until finally exposed by Xinyue.

Xuanxuan to A-Nian : A-Nian is the person he cares about and the person who is very important to him. But Xingxuan's affection for Anian is family rather than love between man and woman. Ah Nian has unrequited love, and he has no love for Ah Nian, although he has deep feelings for her.

Xuanxuan to Xinyue : Xinyue is on the surface, others think he cares about Xinyue, he will give her respect and dignity in front of others, and even show her doting, but in fact we all know, Xinyue is just his shield.

Xiaoyao is writing in secret, although I personally think this group is obvious enough.

Xiaoyao versus Xiangliu : Corresponding to Xuanxuan versus Xiaoyao, Xiangliu is the one Xiaoyao loves and the person Xiaoyao has been hiding to protect.

Xiaoyao to Xuanxuan : Corresponding to Xuanxuan’s relationship with A-Nian, Xuanxuan is the person she cares about, even the most important person, but Xuanxuan also has unrequited love for Xiaoyao, and Xiaoyao has no romantic feelings for Xuanxuan.

Xiaoyao vs. Tushan Jing : Corresponding to Xuanxuan vs. Xinyue, Tushan Jing is open about it. Everyone thinks she likes Jing. She also shows enough care and intimacy with Jing, but like her brother It wasn’t until the end that we realized that Fangfeng Bei was Xiang Liu, and Jing was also Xiaoyao’s shield. (by:Yolo Su Ying)


Sorry girls, I am still at page 72, so please forgive me if I said something already been discussed...

I think one of the main reasons why XY refused to return to Haoling or reveal her identity to CX is that she thought she was probably not the king's real daughter. Whether the king already  knows it or not, it's gonna be circumstances she could never face, for as we know, she loves her king father very much indeed.

What do you think about that?

No problems - we often revisit previously discussed topics, and sometimes even come up with new perspectives, which is great.

Yes, her faith in her parentage had been shaken for over 230+ years after she left Jade Mountain because of what she overheard from the servants. If it were true, it means that she no longer belongs in Haoling (since she is not the king's own daughter), and she believed he would probably refuse to acknowledge or accept her if that were the case. Her refusal to reveal her identity to Cang Xuan is stemmed from the fact that she knew he would bring her to be reunited with the Haoling king. As you said, I don't believe she could bear verbalising the terrible doubts that had plagued her to Cang Xuan, and her father's rejection of her if it were true, would be too devastating for her to face. As such, she preferred to live in a haze of uncertainty, rather than face the consequences of the truth. That is pretty much in character with her - refusing to acknowledge what she dared not face, even if she knew the truth deep down in her heart.

I'm sorry, but I am not very sure how this is reflected during the time she asks to take a raincheck because she had to spend time with Jing at Cang Xuan's request; and when they walk away from each other after he tells her that she no longer requires archery lessons from him anymore. Can you please elaborate?

Yes, of course, with pleasure:

For the scene episode 23 (41mn33): 

FFB says "We can go wherever you want", XY answers happily "I have to think about it". FFB knows that she's trying to make TSJ jealous but he's playing along and also smiling. But before even looking at her, FFB seems to sense that something is wrong and worried, take a look at her to find that her smile indeed just fell and she slows down her pace. 

> FFB doesn't need to watch her to understand what she's going through (a twinge of regret in her heart).

For the scene episode 35 (44mn22):

XY watch FFB as he walks out of her life once again for who knows how long. FFB turns its back on her and just as she lets out a discreet sigh, FFB, stunned, feels what just happened and slows down. He then carries on its path with determination.

> FFB doesn't need to hear or to see XY's face expression to understand that she shares the same feelings as him (her heart is torn bewteen sadness and longing and the helpless resolution to carry on).

But before even looking at her, FFB seems to sense that something is wrong and worried, take a look at her to find that her smile indeed just fell and she slows down her pace. 

FFB turns its back on her and just as she lets out a discreet sigh, FFB, stunned, feels what just happened and slows down. He then carries on its path with determination.

I never looked at the scenes in that way. Thank you for pointing out your observed nuances in these scenes!


I never looked at the scenes in that way. Thank you for pointing out your observed nuances in these scenes!

You're welcome :) I hope they will make even more little stolen moments like this in S2, it will compensate a little all the skinship interactions taken away...


"other interesting things"

This is YAOJING's first meeting:

The beggar didn't say a word, and Xiao Liu looked up at the sky. The first quarter moon hung coldly and faintly on the horizon, like a touch of God mocking the world.(Tong Hua understands clearly in her heart: Sarcasm + ridicule, this is Yao Jing’s tone)

After a while, Xiao Liu reached out and picked up the beggar. He was a man with a big frame, but he was as skinny as wood, light and not heavy at all.

And it ends with them getting married: 

Yaojing gets married on the second quarter of the crescent moon.

Yao Jing starts from the first quarter crescent moon and ends with the second quarter crescent moon, but she never has a chance to meet the full moon. And Yaoliu is always a full moon.

the timeline starts from when Xiang Liu saves Xiao Yao (The book gives a clear date: the Queen Mother's succession ceremony is on the 19th, so Xiang Liu saves Xiaoyao on the 15th):

1. Xiaoyao wakes up the next morning + 1 = 16 (full moon)

2. Succession three days later Queen Mother + 3 = 19 (deficient convex)

3. Jing went to Yushan and stayed for three days. Queen Mother passed away + 3 = 22 (waning moon)

4. Late that night, Xiaoyao and Jing returned to Qingqiu, arriving the next day Xuanyuan City + 1 = 23 (waning moon)

5. Meeting Shaohao one day later + 1 = 24 (waning moon)

6. Getting married in Xuanyuan City four days later + 4 = 28 (waning moon)

The day they got married was the 28th day of the lunar calendar, and the corresponding shape of the moon was a "waning moon", with the emphasis on "waning". If four days later were changed to six days later, it would be the first day of the lunar calendar, corresponding to the "new moon". But tonghua just added four days later. the wedding arranged by Tong Hua was "remnant" rather than "new"

From a mystical perspective, generally the new moon to the full moon is suitable for starting to plan and do things, which is a good image, while the reverse is true from the full moon to the new moon.

Xiaoyao and Jing’s last wedding date was on the full moon , she lamented at that time that "the reunion moon does not shine on the reunited people."
But the full moon has always been Xiaoyao and Xiangliu's intention.

Yaoliu's feelings have always been climax since the first sight of the bright moon rising on the sea, full of emotions.

同心 hearts that are one" vs "离心 hearts that are no longer one

同心 = đồng tâm (in Vietnamese). It can be understood as if they still love or think of each other --> Live
离心  = Ly tâm (in vietnames) = stop loving - their hearts/soul parts away from each other. --> DEAD

And the bugs need LOVE to nurture. 

I don't know if her feeling for Jing is deep enough to (let's say in visual way) occupy a part of her heart. However the part for XL in her heart never changed. In fact it grew. Compare the moment they planted the bug with the moment when XL lured her bugs and kill in Jade Mountain. 

The bugs from CX came to their body in a moment. There were little fireflies (represented the bug visually)

He took out a blackened walnut and bit his own middle finger. He smeared the blood on the walnut and then handed it to Xiang Liu and indicated he do the same. Xiang Liu pierced his middle finger and smeared blood on the other half of the walnut and handed it back to Xiao Liu.

Xiao Liu indicated for Xiang Liu to raise the hand that was bloody and point it towards Five Gods Mountain. Xiao Liu said “You relax, and if possible, feel genuine happiness to welcome the bug to your body.”

Xiao Liu indicated for Xiang Liu to raise the hand that was bloody and point it towards Five Gods Mountain. Xiao Liu said “You relax, and if possible, feel genuine happiness to welcome the bug to your body.”

Xiao Liu tightly clasped the walnut to his chest and started chanting, summoning the bug in his own body. After some time, Xiao Liu felt his own heart start to beat wildly, and incredibly he felt another heart beating as well. The two hearts were like friends who had not seen each other in a long time, beating wildly in joy to be together. Xiao Liu reached out his hand and pressed it on Xiang Liu’s chest, and it was indeed the sound of Xiang Liu’s heart.

Xiao Liu couldn’t believe it “The bug is planted into your body? That fast?”


“Eh” Xiao Liu felt something strange in his palm. He opened it to find the walnut glowing and then gradually melting into splashes of color. It was like little fireflies dancing around Xiao Liu and Xiang Liu. Half of each went into Xiao Liu and Xiang Liu’s palms and disappeared.

And when XL killed the bugs

Xiang Liu picked up Xiao Yao’s hand and used his finger as a knife to slice into the flesh of her palm and his palm back and forth until he drew a blood spell “I cannot remove the bug, but I can kill the bug!”

Xiang Liu smiled before joining his bloody palm to Xiao Yao’s bloody palm, so tightly that the blood flowing wasn’t clear whether it was his or hers. “Don’t blame me for not telling you this before, blame yourself for being useless!”

Xiang Liu started to chant the spell and with it countless glowing blue dots appeared and flew around both of them. The blue dots lit up the night sky until it was an ethereal beauty of lights in the air and reflected in the lake surface.

Xiang Liu’s hand suddenly grabbed a real dagger made from ice and he stabbed it directly into his own heart. Sir Bi gasped out loud and had to force himself to not do anything.

Xiang Liu pulled out the dagger and blood gushed from the wound in his chest. All the blue dots rushed into the wound on his chest until it all vanished inside.


Xiang Liu smiled sadly and said to Xiao Yao “I broke the bug between us! From now on, you and I will have no connection with each other!”

It took a while to plant the bug. To lure the bugs and absorb the bugs into his chest, it took hours. In chapter 48, it is said that he woke up at midnight and went to the pond to rescue XY by feeding her with his essential blood. It took about 15 min (time of drinking a cup of tea). It was dawn when he finished the process of killing bugs and deleting the memories in her mirror (about 5 am?).

So I think we can all agree that her love for him did not change (did so his). Maybe the bug tolerated that  even if she loved/liked Jing, it did not affect her feeling for XL.

One more thing I notice here which I highlighted the text in red color. To implant the bugs this time both XL and XY applied their blood onto the walnut shell. The walnut shell is like the nest of the bugs. They used their blood - as it flows from their hearts - which is like symbol of their loves to nurture the nest of lovers' bug . Then the nest penetrated into their body, making the foundation/nest inside their body

 AH :
Although I don't read that particular line as XL indirectly admitting that he has never been in love before, I do think XY is his first love.

I'm on the same boat. No text to support it, but XL doesn't strike me as someone who falls in and out of love easily. He is more likely to be the, once and always type.

 AH :
I can't write smut and I think it would be too out of character for them anyways, but you can see the extent of my wishful thinking. ^^

You never know until you try :-). And who cares about it being totally in character? That's the beauty of fanfiction; loose interpretations of cannon are accepted. There doesn't even have to be a plot. Have you ever heard of "plot-less smut"? Just throw them into a room, a bush or a giant sea-shell and let the smuttiness fly!! :-)


Not only have they never been apart, the love that was like a "little tiger" when the two first planted the poison has long since unknowingly turned into a love like a "thousand-year tiger demon".

 AH :
I wondered if the artist's depiction of TSJ with his hair flying in the sea breeze might give any indication that that image was making XY think of XL. It doesn't.

Instead, the artist chose to include green leaves in the image, and I realized: with his hair untied, TSJ doesn't look like XL. He looks like YSQ. Seventeen leaves.

First, the cartoon is reflected the artist's understanding. The depiction shows that he/she thought XY recall YSQ in this scene (therefore he/she added the leaves in the background)

For sure, what made XY stunned was not Jing himself. She just played with his hair. By that time, she had feeling for only 2 guys: XL and YSQ. 

What made her heart beat jumping is the image of hair flying in the wind/breeze under sunrise - the hair floating like cloud.  Jing was facing to the sunrise . Could she see his face? i am not sure. She was impressed with the image of the hair. I knew that she had memory with YSQ's hair. But if I remember correctly she used to clean and comb his hair. Is there any excerpt describing YSQ's hair blowing in the wind (before chapter 14)? I am not so sure. But there is some evident of XL's hair.

On the surface of the text, everyone can think that XY saw and impressed by Jing/YSQ. Beneath it, did XY intertwined XY anf YSQ or she just saw a familiar image - recalling CL. She did thought of XL when other people jumped into the sea. yes, she was still angry of hom. But it also means she remembered him. XY tended to tell lies. can it be similar to when she said she was afraid of him entering her dream. but in fact he was in her heart 


Not only that, but another keyword is sunrise. And at that time XY's behavior tends to think about XL. Example:Xiaoyao was originally distracted when Jing was talking about red/ purple gems from monster fishes, but when she heard that they help people "stay" longer beneath the sea, she suddenly became interested. Why does she want that? Should she keep away from the person she is afraid of? Oh yes, maybe she just loves to be in the sea and does not need someone else to give her the air, (but still why under the sea?) Regardless, she is thinking of XL.