

Not only that, but another keyword is sunrise. And at that time XY's behavior tends to think about XL. Example:Xiaoyao was originally distracted when Jing was talking about red/ purple gems from monster fishes, but when she heard that they help people "stay" longer beneath the sea, she suddenly became interested. Why does she want that? Should she keep away from the person she is afraid of? Oh yes, maybe she just loves to be in the sea and does not need someone else to give her the air, (but still why under the sea?) Regardless, she is thinking of XL.

And that purple gem that Jing gave her in the end has no use for her, since XL gave her his blood and she can breath underwater regardless of it. 

The way I see it

Purple amethyst = jing

Red amethyst = XL


And that purple gem that Jing gave her in the end has no use for her, since XL gave her his blood and she can breath underwater regardless of it. 

The way I see it

Purple amethyst = jing

Red amethyst = XL

didn't the author write it clearly, xiaoyao wanted yudanhong(XL), but in the end xiaoyao only got yudanzi(Tsj)

Social psychology mentions that one form of interpersonal attraction that is most easily confused with love is liking. But love is not a special form of liking. Love and liking are two different emotions. The main differences are in three aspects:

  • attachment

    When both parties involved in love feel lonely, they will specifically seek the company and comfort of the other party, but the person they like will not.

    "High specificity", don't have too many examples in the book.

    When she was in Qingshui Town, Xiao Liuyi would play on Xiang Liu's thunder when she was lonely. When she was bored, she would take out her precious mirror and look back at it over and over again.

    On the Five Gods Mountain, her father and brother were by her side, but she still "suddenly missed Jiu Mingxiang Liu very much. If he were here, I'm afraid she wouldn't have time to recall the past."

    While making the poison, she said, "I am extremely sorry that I couldn't give it to Xiang Liu."

    She repeatedly looked back at the past events in the mirror and was discovered by her father, who had to cover it up.

    Ah Nian put bugs in the kettle for her, and she said speechlessly, "If you can be as powerful as that nine- headed demon Xiang Liu, my life will be more interesting."

    In the city of Zhiyi, after knowing that Bei was Xiang Liu, she still said "in a few days, she would go to Fangfeng Bei" (for help, he was the man who almost killed her most important brother several times), while the article says that Jing "
    "Jing comes to Shennong Mountain to see Xiaotian every three or four days."His active and passive status is clear. "Seeking with high specificity" is an active behavior.

    After 37 years at the bottom of the sea, Xiaotian "was happiest when Xiang Liu was with her. Even if he didn't say anything, she felt no longer lonely, and the eternal darkness was no longer so unbearable."

    On Shennong Mountain, after Zhuanxu/ Lingxuan came to the throne, Xiaotian, who was engaged to Fenglong, "only became more energetic when she was refining poison." Huangdi/ King Xuanyuan saw that she was really depressed, and suggested that she go to Fangfengbei, "No She said it was okay, but when she said that Xiaotian became even more depressed, she didn't even want to take poison, and sat on the porch all day in a daze." She knew very well that the companionship and comfort she wanted would never be available again.

    She met Xiang Liu for the last time before getting married to Feng Long. After saying goodbye with a bow and a bow, "Xiao Tian huddled on the couch and felt in a daze. These people are her relatives and friends. Why does she feel so lonely?"

  • Altruism

    People in love will be highly concerned about the other person's emotional state and feel that it is their unshirkable responsibility to make the other person happy and happy. They will also show a high degree of tolerance when the other party has shortcomings.

    There are also a lot of examples.

    Needless to say, Xiang Liu's example is very obvious, especially after Xiaotian left the army, he did not appear unless necessary. Before the breakup, almost every time he appeared was to relieve her - taking her to the casino, encouraging her to persevere; taking her to the bottom of the sea. To relax; tell her about her tragic past to comfort her who just learned about her life experience...

    Xiaotian is always keenly aware of Xiang Liu's emotions, and Xiang Liu's emotions in the book are much more restrained than in the play.

    Asking on the back of the eagle, "Are you in a bad mood?" He told Xiang Liu about his own misery in the past.

    In the rebel camp, "Xiang Liu chuckled softly, feeling real joy. Xiao Liu watched his stern eyebrows melt like spring water, and wanted to keep this moment." In the setting sun... his cold eyebrows were a bit sarcastic. Xiao Liu suddenly bowed to him, "I apologize to you for what I said last time. ""

    Zhiyi City bought bows and arrows and used Xiangliu to make a raft. After angering Xiangliu, he carefully made a picture of koi carps playing with lotuses to apologize.

    The most obvious thing is that when Xiaotian saw his original body, he still wanted to leave even though he was seriously injured. Xiaotian pounced, hugged, grabbed, entangled, hooked and pressed him, but he just wouldn't let him go and tried his best to He apologized profusely and even cooperated with Xiang Liu to let him suck blood.

    Everyone in the world is afraid of him and hates him for being a nine- headed demon. Only Xiaotian is the first one who dares to tease him, but he has no ill intentions towards him.

  • intimacy

    Both parties in love not only have a high degree of emotional dependence on each other, but also have a need for physical contact. Sex is the foundation of love and the core component of love.

    This part is the most obscurely written.

    As the bright moon rises over the sea, Xiaoliu "subconsciously tightens Xiang Liu's hand" and "cannot help but lean closer to Xiang Liu."

    No matter how it is filmed in the play, there are more than 1,200 breath- taking kisses under the sea in the book. Although Xiaoliu thinks that she does not consider herself a woman, the book still contains many performances to prove that she is always a woman in her heart. Try kissing her with another person. I can't kiss you.

    After 444 healing kisses in 37 years, Xiaotian gradually started to feel something. It’s understandable that it can’t be shot like this in the drama (bushi), but in the book, Xiaotian “feels like he’s hugging her tightly, and she can feel him all over her body. But on weekdays, Xiang Liu doesn’t Hug her and at most touch her forehead and cheeks. "I hugged Xiaotian and went to play in the sea. Xiaotian was so happy in his heart.

    There is also the forehead kiss from Li Rong Donkey Meat Restaurant, the last blood kiss to renew his life, and the one where Hai Hai Xiaotian takes the initiative and Xiang Liu avoids it.

    Not to mention Xuan's reaction when Xiang Liu bit Xiaoliu's neck was almost direct. The original text will be posted later.

    When "Sauvignon Blanc 2" was first published, the author wrote the following preface:

    "The best years always pass before you know how to cherish them; the people you love the most quietly leave before you have time to pay attention. Missed while waiting, regretted when lost, but do not know that what is lost is no longer there, missed It can never be found again. Love may withstand the test of separation between life and death, but it cannot withstand the barrier of trust. How did Xiaotian and Zhuanxu survive in the sandwich of several forces, and how did Jing and Xiaotian survive numerous obstacles?

    Without the promise to protect each other, how should we choose the right person and the one we love? "

    Who is the person you love the most who is quietly moving away?


there is no doubt that XY loved XL.i will try to inspect if her feelings for Jing met those criteria . Especially after 37 years under the sea. However i am quite bored with reading the text about Jing- XY

However, the "parallel between the hair color references in the recollection scene in chapter 26 and the hair color reference in chapter 35" highlighted by @AH makes also sense for me.

I'm glad it made sense! ^^

It took me a while to realize that parallel because I had forgotten that TSJ's hair partly turned white in chapter 26. 

First, the cartoon is reflected the artist's understanding. The depiction shows that he/she thought XY recall YSQ in this scene (therefore he/she added the leaves in the background)


Personally, when I read chapter 14, I'm not sure that XY was specifically thinking that TSJ looked more like YSQ in that moment. I think it's quite possible that she was appreciating the visual of TSJ/YSQ with his hair blowing in the wind, without the deeper meaning that others want to ascribe to that scene. 

Tong Hua adds tons of layers to her work, but sometimes I think that leads people to come up with interpretations that assume something is more complicated than it really is. 

That said, I do think there is a very interesting parallel between the scene in chapter 26 when XY recalls the scene in chapter 14, and the scene in chapter 35 where XY touches XL's hair.

Since the scene in chapter 35 involves XL's dual identity (as XL and FFB) and seems to indicate that XY longed for / missed FFB, I do think it would be interesting if the scene in chapter 14 had a parallel emphasis on TSJ's dual identity (as TSJ and YSQ).

For sure, what made XY stunned was not Jing himself. She just played with his hair. By that time, she had feeling for only 2 guys: XL and YSQ.

What made her heart beat jumping is the image of hair flying in the wind/breeze under sunrise - the hair floating like cloud.  Jing was facing to the sunrise . Could she see his face? i am not sure. She was impressed with the image of the hair. I knew that she had memory with YSQ's hair. But if I remember correctly she used to clean and comb his hair. Is there any excerpt describing YSQ's hair blowing in the wind (before chapter 14)? I am not so sure.

I'm not sure we can say with certainty that TSJ himself was not the reason XY's heart leapt and she blushed in that scene. 

I checked for references to YSQ's hair and ended up reminding myself that XY actually describes a bit of what she was thinking back in that scene from chapter 14 two chapters later. 


Chapter 16:

Jing said nothing so Xiao Yao said to him, “Don’t you want to find out who the spy is around you? Take those handkerchiefs back and put it where people can rummage through. You haven’t painted in years so the person will likely find it suspicious and look at it to try and see if there is a coded message on it. The poison will enter the body. There is no antidote to all the various poisons on the handkerchief. The pill I just gave you, within half a year most of the poisons won’t harm you so you can handle the handkerchiefs.”

“Will the person die?”

“Not likely unless he/she bleeds.” Xiao Yao sighed. “I knew you would ask for an antidote. You are too soft!”

Jing said nothing.

Xiao Yao released the crown tying his hair up and his hair fell all around him. She put her hands in his hair and felt how smooth and strong it was. Xiao Yao asked, “Does Jing Ye or Lan Xiang wash your hair now?”


“Who else is serving you?” Xiao Yao wanted to jerk his hair off.

“Not used to it anymore. I wash it myself.”

Xiao Yao’s anger turned to glee and she lightly played with his hair. Jing was like a content cat being stroked. Xiao Yao secretly grinned. “Last time on the sea when you leaned against the side with your hair on your back, I wanted to touch it.

Jing smiled and wanted to open his eyes to look at her but she put her hands over his eyes. “No, stay like this.” If he opened his eyes, she would be embarrassed.

Jing obediently kept his eyes closed.

Xiao Yao played with his hair, even sniffing it and being happy it smelled like her medicinal herbs. Xiao Yao murmured, “I haven’t washed your hair for you in a long time. Next time let me wash your hair.”

Jing smiled. “Sure.”

Xiao Yao yawned and Jing sat up. “Xiao Yao, you’re tired. Go sleep.”

Xiao Yao felt her arms were empty and Jing pushed her down “Be good.”

Xiao Yao really was tired so she laid down on the pallet and pulled him. “You lay down. I want to keep touching your hair.

Jing laid down and Xiao Yao’s hands played with his hair. “Will you be gone when I wake up tomorrow?”

“When you arrive in the Middle Plains, I’ll come get you.”

Xiao Yao closed her eyes. “Whatever you do, just don’t make me wait too long.”


I'm on the same boat. No text to support it, but XL doesn't strike me as someone who falls in and out of love easier. He is more likely to be the, once and always type.

Yes exactly!

You never know until you try :-). And who cares about it being totally in character? That's the beauty of fanfiction; loose interpretations of cannon are accepted. There doesn't even have to be a plot. Have you ever heard of "plot-less smut"? Just throw them into a room, a bush or a giant sea-shell and let the smuttiness fly!! :-)

I believe in the credo of "never say never", but that would be a very big leap. ^^"

I don't quite understand your first question.

I was wondering how you interpret the way that the emotional understanding fits into how the bug connection works, based on the Voodoo King's description. Basically, why does he mention it? Is he saying it's something that always needs to be present before the bugs can produce Lovers' Bugs? Or is it something that the bug connection creates?

My thinking is that sharing the Lovers Bugs turned what was metaphorical literal. In other words, before you are just in tune and therefore can reasonably gauge your lover's emotions, but with the Lovers Bugs you can actually experience them and can feel what they feel.

This answers my question. ^^

Note that 心意相通 in itself is not a supernatural phenomena, and is present among couples who are very much attuned to each other. As such, I see the shared pain as a supernatural extension to 心意相通, which has been heightened due to the influence of the lover's bug. Similarly, the awareness of each other's emotions and feelings are likewise heightened as a result of the connected hearts. My two cents...

Seems like you and HeadInTheClouds are on the same page. I think your interpretations totally make sense. 

In chapter 16 XY keeps referring to the scene that took place in chapter 14 as "the sea", in chapter 14 the same use of words - "on the sea", yet în chapter 26 when she recalls the memory from chapter 14, she says "in the ocean", not sea / on the sea. Also, out of all the memories and dates she had with Jing till chapter 26, why did she specifically recollect that scene from chapter 14? Perhaps because she saw the white strands of hair on Jing's head? Perhaps the one she saw în chapter 14 was indeed XL? Moreover, I belive it is important to mention that în chapter 14 she had a hat with a veil on her eyes, she put the hat on right before looking at Jing. A white vail, if I am not mistaken. She was also drunk. 

Chapter 13

"In the dark blue ocean depths, Xiang Liu’s white hair white robe was so elegant and refined as he swam, the white hair billowing behind him, making his already handsome face even more ethereally beautiful." 

Chapter 16

"Last time on the sea when you leaned against the side with your hair on your back, I wanted to touch it.”

Jing smiled and wanted to open his eyes to look at her but she put her hands over his eyes. “No, stay like this.” If he opened his eyes, she would be embarrassed.

Jing obediently kept his eyes closed." 

Why did she tell him to close his eyes, was it really because she was embarrassed?  And if yes, of what exactly? 

Chapter 14

" Xiao Yao murmured “You’re suffocating me"

Jing immediately released her with his face bright red. Xiao Yao chuckled and rested her head on his arm and looked at him. Jing was embarrassed so turned his head slightlyYou said just now that you almost died last night, and also said…..”

Xiao Yao waved her hand casually “It’s nonsense, I just said it to scare you.”

Jing looked at Xiao Yao with doubt in his eyes, but he knew she didn’t want to discuss it anymore.

Xiao Yao laughed and pointed to her lips “Why not here?”

Jing said in a low voice “Now’s not the time yet.

Chapter 18

"She pointed to her lips indicating for him to get another breath of air but he didn’t. Jing used his one breath and made it to the surface but he was in pain and gasping on the rock.

Xiao Yao asked angrily “Why?”

Jing stared in the distance and said in a low voice “Because you didn’t have me in your eyes back there.”

Chapter 35

"Because she just cried, Xiao Yao’s eyes were extraordinarily clear and bright. Xiang Liu could clearly see himself reflected in her eyes so he covered her eyes with his hand “I’m off!”


Xiao Yao played with his hair, even sniffing it and being happy it smelled like her medicinal herbs.

maybe this has something to do with xl.LOL
As Liddi said, it seems like Xiaoyao is obsessed with XL hair.



Xiao Yao played with his hair, even sniffing it and being happy it smelled like her medicinal herbs.

maybe this has something to do with xl.LOL
As Liddi said, it seems like Xiaoyao is obsessed with XL hair.

Yea, I noticed that part too. 

Maybe that's why she told him to close his eyes în chapter 16, maybe that's what she was embarrassed of. Black hair turned white. I belive she was projecting XL, like she did în chapter 14 too. I belive chapter 13, 14, 16 and 26 are tied togheter.  CX did the same with XingYue/XY on his wedding night. 

Chapter 16

"Xiao Yao’s anger turned to glee and she lightly played with his hair. Jing was like a content cat being stroked. Xiao Yao secretly grinned. “Last time on the sea when you leaned against the side with your hair on your back, I wanted to touch it.”

Jing smiled and wanted to open his eyes to look at her but she put her hands over his eyes. “No, stay like this.” If he opened his eyes, she would be embarrassed.

Jing obediently kept his eyes closed."

Chapter 26

Xiao Yao hadn’t seen Jing in over a year and seeing him like this, Xiao Yao maintained her smile and quietly stood next to the Xi Ling clan leader. She remembered in the ocean when he let his hair loose, the stirring in her heart. She remembered twining his hair around her fingers, each strand was a longing. Everything felt like yesterday but it was already black hair turned white and all longing severed.

I see you guys have been busy again. ;p

Haven't read what's going on, but this came up on my feed again, so I'm going to throw it out here, even if it is off topic.  Apparently about 10 years ago, while on a variety show, Tan Jian Ci was asked this question, and gave a very XL answer.


That is an interesting take, that Xiao Yao got roaring drunk with Lie Yang on her wedding day because his human form reminded her of Xiang Liu. Am not very sure this was one of Tong Hua's well-placed easter eggs though since descriptions of Lie Yang (in Once Promised Vol 2 Ch4) only indicates white hair at the roots - in other words, the rest of his hair is black. In Lost You Forever Vol 1 Ch12, it only describes him as a handsome young man with green eyes dressed in white. So anyone who have not read Once Promised would not really be able to see any connection between Lie Yang and Xiang Liu.

I checked Once Promised Vol 2 chapter 4 (version in Vietnamese) and it does say that Lie Yang has white hair. He looked like a boy of 11 - 12 year old but very good looking with green eyes and wore white clothes. The hair reached to his waist, fully white. 

In the form of animal, he is a white bird (LYF, Chapter 12 & chapter 50). Thus it is more reasonable if the hair is fully white (not only the root)

LYF, Vol 3 chapter 13 (or Chapter 49) 

After some time, Xiao Yao sat up and called out “Anyone there? Where is this place?”

From the red blossoms a figure in white rushed over and Xiao Yao almost forgot to breathe until she saw his green eyes and released a disappointed breath “Lie Yang, why am I on Jade Mountain?”

In this scene, XY saw a figure in white (first I thought just because he wore white clothes) and she thought of XL (she forgot to breath). The figure in white can be complete white from head to toe. Thus, he looked even more similar to XL (in term of color shade). It's TH's sneaky arrangement. She sent Lie Yang to check XY instead of Sir Bi, who carried her back to to the room after XL killed her bugs. Nothing is coincident. TH calculated well here.

So drinking in her wedding while talking. about her mother with Lie Yang and Ah Bi, she got drunk. Her recognition ability could be faded, did she cry partly because familiar figure sitting next to her reminded her XL?


"I checked Once Promised Vol 2 chapter 4 (version in Vietnamese) and it does say that Lie Yang has white hair."

I went back to reread the text and realised where my misunderstanding started as the word 根 used in 根根皆白 can either refer to root, or strand [of hair]. So you are right, it should read thus:


The white bird transformed into a young boy dressed in white of roughly 11 to 12 years old with extremely good looking features, very green eyes and hair up to the waist, each strand pure white.

Thanks for pointing it out and my apologies to @windiaaa041293 for initially debunking the theory! And the Easter eggs make more sense because Vol 1 Ch12 tells us that by the time Xiao Yao returns to Jade Mountain to restore her true form, Lie Yang's human form is of a young man, though not quite fully adult:


... a white dressed young man not quite fully adult in height with delicate features, his turquoise-green eyes filled with fierce anger.

Xiao Yao is a contrary character... telling Xiang Liu she never wanted to see him again, yet disappointed when the person she saw after her suicide attempt was not him, then blaming him for saving her, internally complaining about her lot being bound to someone with nine lives, not knowing he had given up his life to break that bond for good. Her getting drunk with Lie Yang as they reminisced about her mother and cried together. How much of another white haired man was on her mind at the time - knowing that the bonds between them were well and truly severed with the removal of the lovers bug. And this was after she begged Cang Xuan to spare his life, and finding out they had tried many times to get him to change sides but were flat out refused each time. 

I often wonder... did that final battle take place while the entire wedding festivities were underway, which meant that Xiang Liu walked his final journey alone as always, the same time the woman he loved started her journey with the lifelong companion he made sure she would have...