I understand the term that you tried to explain here. It indeed can be converted to Vietnamese 100% - "tâm ý tương thông". However, it also very tricky and difficult to fully express the meaning and each person can interpret it differently (e.g., inner thought only or also sensation; aware, understand with or without other signals) . I agree with your explanation. I just don't agree with others who said he can sense or feel ALL XY's emotion and sensation (from far distance). 

The term 心意相通 refers to being attuned to each other's emotions and feelings. The text is then supplemented by the description of shared physical and emotional pain. As such, for me, the lover's bug heightens their emotional and sensory connection, to the extent whereby they are able to experience each other's emotions and pain, even from a distance. The novel does not state whether they feel everything the other person is feeling, but the leaked script has an added detail whereby in addition to physical pain, one can also feel the other person's extreme emotions including joy, grief and arousal / passion, which makes sense.

addition to physical pain, one can also feel the other person's extreme emotions including joy, grief and arousal / passion, which makes sense.

Awareness or feeling of other's EXTREME emotion is reasonable, since such emotion links to many physical body functions too. 

I think the scene from chapter 14 does resemble this one, from chapter 18. She was enjoying time with Jing (by the water!) , when suddenly XL comes into her mind and she starts projecting him into Jing. 

"It was Summer so the water wasn’t cold as Xiao Yao jumped right in. She swam one circle and dove underwater thinking it wasn’t too deep but it was much deeper than she thought so before she hit bottom she needed to come up for air.

Jing sat on a rock smiling at her.

Xiao Yao rapped her head “I’m so stupid!” She took out the fish amethyst from her robe “I forgot you got me this treasure.”

Xiao Yao sprawled on a rock splashing water with her feet “Let’s go play in the ocean next time. It’s so beautiful in the bottom of the ocean and even playing all night it doesn’t get boring.”


Xiao Yao thought about Xiang Liu and buried her face in her arms and went silent. She didn’t know if he was Xiang Liu or Fang Feng Bei right now. Suddenly she grabbed Jing’s arm and pulled him into the water “Go to the bottom with me.”

She didn’t wait for Jing to answer before putting the fish amethyst in her mouth and diving down with Jing.

She pulled Jing down with her but the pool was so deep there was no bottom in sight. Even those with strong powers couldn’t stand too long underwater so Jing grabbed her hand and pointed to the top indicating he was going


Xiao Yao shook her head and wouldn’t let him. She wanted him with her.

Jing’s face was changing color but he allowed Xiao Yao to continue to pull him down. She wrapped her arms around his neck and put her lips on his to pass him air. Jing’s body stiffened and he was so shocked he started choking.

Xiao Yao quickly gave him another breath of air.

Jing’s entire body was stiff but he descended with her until they hit bottom. It was dark and nothing was there so Xiao Yao pulled Jing up. He seemed to snap out of it and used his strength to swim up with her. She pointed to her lips indicating for him to get another breath of air but he didn’t. Jing used his one breath and made it to the surface but he was in pain and gasping on the rock.

Xiao Yao asked angrily “Why?”

Jing stared in the distance and said in a low voice “Because you didn’t have me in your eyes back there.”

Since I had the manhua open I was curious and checked how the scene from chapter 14 is depicted.

Unlike the drama, the manhua depicts the scene in the same way as the novel. 

  • While the rest of the group are away from the boat, XY accidentally messes up TSJ's hair when she runs her fingers through it. 
  • At sunrise, other members of the group start to return to the boat. TSJ unties his hair and lets it fall loose.
  • XY looks at TSJ with his loose hair flying in the sea breeze and blushes. 

I wondered if the artist's depiction of TSJ with his hair flying in the sea breeze might give any indication that that image was making XY think of XL. It doesn't. 

Instead, the artist chose to include green leaves in the image, and I realized: with his hair untied, TSJ doesn't look like XL. He looks like YSQ. Seventeen leaves. 

This is what YSQ looks like in the manhua:


In the scenes immediately leading up to that moment in chapter 14, there are several instances where XY thinks of YSQ. It's very clear that she wants YSQ back. So the manhua artist's depiction totally makes sense to me. 


Chapter 14:

Xiao Yao remembered when she saved Shi Qi, he would silently lay there and accept whatever Xiao Yao did to him. He didn’t express pain, or hunger, or thirst, and many times she thought Shi Qi was dead and touched his pulse to confirm he was still alive.

Xiao Yao felt her heart hurt...


Jing smoothed her hair back from her face when Xiao Yao suddenly grabbed him around the waist and murmured, “I did go see you this afternoon, if you don’t believe me go ask your guard. I couldn’t find you so I went shopping.”

Jing held Xiao Yao and rested his cheek on her head. It was just a short time, he sunk to the depths of despair and now vaulted back up to the clouds of happiness.

He felt Xiao Yao’s body sinking and looked down to see that she was fast asleep. He smiled and adjusted their positions so that she was sleeping in his arms.


After an hour, Xiao Yao stirred and called out “Shi Qi” before opening her eyes. Jing smiled at her and she said, “I think I fell asleep.”



Xiao Yao suddenly thought of something and sat up excitedly. “If she doesn’t want you, then come back to be my Shi Qi!” Her eyes lit up. “You worried back then that Tu Shan Hou that lunatic would harm Lao Mu and me so you went back to being Tu Shan Jing. But Wen Xiao Liu is gone now and I’m the Gao Xing Princess. Tu Shan Hou can’t harm me, you can come back to be Shi Qi.

Jing stared at Xiao Yao, saying nothing but the sadness was evident in his eyes.

Xiao Yao calmed down and mocked herself. “Did I just talk nonsense?” Jing disappeared once already, if it happened again, forget Tu Shan Hou, his grandmother wouldn’t accept his death until she saw his corpse with her own eyes.


Jing looked at Xiao Yao and wanted to put the hat on her but she held his hand and wouldn’t let him. She bit her lips and closed her eyes. Jing tenderly kissed her on the forehead, until the very last minute when he lifted his head and put the hat on her.

Xiao Yao ran to the back of the boat to fix her clothes and hair. She heard Xing Yue, Zhuan Xu, and Feng Long talking. She looked up and saw Jing’s hair was a mess from her raking her fingers through it. It was too late to tell him and her face darkened with worry. Then she saw Jing stand up and release the band tying his hair up and sent his hair flying in the sea breeze. He leaned against the railing and looked up at the sunrise.

Xiao Yao’s heart leaped to her chest like a little deer lost. Zhuan Xu had to call her a few times to get her attention. He pushed her softly “What are you thinking?”

Xiao Yao quickly said “Oh, you guys are back.” Her face was bright red but thankfully it was covered by the veil so no one could see it. Zhuan Xu seemed to understand something and concern flitted across his eyes.


I don't think this will change anyone else's mind, but I found the manhua artist's take very interesting. ^^

@19279 and @liddi

That's interesting. I did not realize the term used was '心意相通'. My understanding of the term is that it's a mutual connection / attunement of the heart where you understand the meaning of what the heart is thinking and is feeling. Basically you don't so much feel the emotion but you completely understand it. The term refers to heart but I take it to mean you understand the emotion and reasons behind what they do. To mutually see through the hearts meaning.

I am not sure if that is the correct understanding of the term.

The voodoo king mentioned that they feel each other's pain and emotionally hurt but I think that's in addition to the mutual understanding described in the above term.

Does anyone know if the manhua is complete? All the sites I saw, it finishes won't ch 171 right before FFB tried to attack CX in XY

Today's live broadcast was amazing! UV understood it well!

When the host said that Xiaotian's final choice was because of love, Zimei immediately interrupted and said no, and also analyzed the mission of each character - one for family and country, and one for righteousness. What Xiaotian wants is long- term companionship. She also said before She had no choice but fate pushed her away.

There is another important point! It says that if Xiaotian knows what Xiangliu thinks, maybe everything will change! They cannot be together because of their positions!

First, I want to go to the light effect and unlock our imagination. :)

Thanks for the explanation :) I don't know, it seems to me that this interpretation is far-fetched... Maybe, as @AH said and per the manhua depicting, XY felt like seeing YSQ again, or maybe she was just unrelatedely dumbstruck by his handsomeness? However, the "parallel between the hair color references in the recollection scene in chapter 26 and the hair color reference in chapter 35" highlighted by @AH makes also sense for me.


Also I am sure people already mentioned this, but it's both funny and telling  how that 15 years promise was made în a prison. 

Yes, me too! And the fact that TSJ "imprisoned" XY and him in a spider's web to sleep in chapter 36 gives me goosebumps.

The term 心意相通 refers to being attuned to each other's emotions and feelings. The text is then supplemented by the description of shared physical and emotional pain. As such, for me, the lover's bug heightens their emotional and sensory connection, to the extent whereby they are able to experience each other's emotions and pain, even from a distance. The novel does not state whether they feel everything the other person is feeling, but the leaked script has an added detail whereby in addition to physical pain, one can also feel the other person's extreme emotions including joy, grief and arousal / passion, which makes sense.

Is it just me but their conscious physical interactions, out of companionship, tenderness, outright mischief, or simple mollification just makes me smile and ache at the same time, and it makes it doubly hard to think that even most of that are being taken away in the drama.

Me too... By the way, have you noticed this subtlety in the way the actors synchronize their acting in the drama adaptation?  There are moments when XY's thoughts and heart are torned, and then XL/FFB senses it and reacts as if  he is connected to her heart (which is technically the case after the Lover's bug planting):


@19279 and @liddi

That's interesting. I did not realize the term used was '心意相通'. My understanding of the term is that it's a mutual connection / attunement of the heart where you understand the meaning of what the heart is thinking and is feeling. Basically you don't so much feel the emotion but you completely understand it. The term refers to heart but I take it to mean you understand the emotion and reasons behind what they do. To mutually see through the hearts meaning.

I am not sure if that is the correct understanding of the term.

The voodoo king mentioned that they feel each other's pain and emotionally hurt but I think that's in addition to the mutual understanding described in the above term.

That's my understanding as well,  but then what's the point for XL to ask her the 3 questions in chapter 32? He should have known the answer already.

Sorry girls, I am still at page 72, so please forgive me if I said something already been discussed...

I think one of the main reasons why XY refused to return to Haoling or reveal her identity to CX is that she thought she was probably not the king's real daughter. Whether the king already  knows it or not, it's gonna be circumstances she could never face, for as we know, she loves her king father very much indeed.

What do you think about that?

Lieyang, you have white clothes and white hair.[Meow meow], then it is reasonable for Xiaoyao to be drunk and cry while hugging you on the wedding day.

Hundreds of years later, A'Bo and Lie Yang returned to their hometown, Chaoyun Palace, and reunited with their old friend Bai Di at the wedding of A Heng's daughter. However, more of their old friends were gone. All kinds of tastes came to their hearts, and they drank like water.

Xiaotian also drank a lot with them. Even though he drank a lot, he was still dizzy. He seemed to hold his head and cry with Lieyang when he mentioned his mother.

Aheng climbed down from the white bird's back, smiled and said to the white bird, "Thank you Lieyang."

The white bird turned into a boy in white clothes, about eleven or twelve years old, with unusually beautiful and delicate facial features, green eyes, and waist- length hair that was all white at the roots.


Does anyone know if the manhua is complete? All the sites I saw, it finishes won't ch 171 right before FFB tried to attack CX in XY

The manhua is still ongoing. The latest chapter in Chinese is Ch198 where Cang Xuan's addiction is becoming a cause for concern that he might really become a useless person as result of it.. 


Still I don't belive that the Voodoo king is shocked because he finds it impossible for someone other than her/his partner to love someone to that extend that he is willing to  accept the bug unconditionally , but because that goes against "Lovers who raise the bug produce the Lover’s Bug, Not Lovers who raise the bug produce the Heartbreak Bug.", implying IMO that what's în fact impossible is to have romantic feelings for someone else than the person who has the other bug. 

My interpretation of the whole scene with the Voodoo King is in line with yours blabla100.

The entire scene is a masterclass in acting. The Voodoo King gave a masterclass in tact and diplomacy; XY's performance of dismissing, minimizing, and evading was awards-worthy; and of course, Jing was all too happy to act along with XY. These two should win awards for best actress and supporting actor of Dai Huang.

The Voodoo King explained the Lovers Bugs:

Lovers Bugs, its meaning is correctly portrayed by the name that it's called by, is a pair of male and female poison bugs that live forever, blood and life joined, heart and mind together, one hurts, the other will also hurt, one injured, the other will also be injured.

When XY told him that Jing does not have the other bug;

It’s truly is Lovers Bugs. How can this be? Individuals with love nurtured Lovers Bugs. Those with heartbreak*, will turn it into Heartbreak* Bugs. Lovers Bugs are unlike other poison bugs, it needs a pair of willing lovers for it to be planted. He (suggesting, XL), is not your lover, how could you planted the bug on him?

*the word used denoted extreme pain like having yours inside ripped/cut apart.

Later in the same scene, answering XY’s queries of removing the bugs:

Either they live together with one-heart, or they die together when their hearts are separated (not one).

Noted the bolded text, together they pointed to the Lovers Bugs needing two people who are in romantic love being willing to have it planted. The use of the term lover is specific. The interpretation here is that the lovers that are in love, nurture Lovers Bugs, while those who heart is broken, will cause the bugs to turn into Heartbreak Bugs. One-heart to me means just the two of them; how can you claim being one-hearted with someone if you also romantically love (i.e. shared your heart with) another person? How can your heart not be broken if your lover also falls in love with another person? Taken together, we can interpret the Voodoo King's looking at them "weirdly"/shock was because he's wondering why it's possible for XY to still be alive when she's claiming to love a man (Jing) that is not the one she shared the Lovers Bugs with?

What is interesting is XY’s reaction to the Voodoo King’s information. Right from the beginning, she was defensive about the name of the Lovers Bugs. She looked at Jing with guilt/something to hide and quickly dismissed the importance of the name (contrast this with the Voodoo King's assertion that the Lovers Bugs are correctly portrayed by its name) . Jing reassured her that “it’s just a name” (uh huh! If you say so!)

In response to the Voodoo King’s shock that Jing did not have the other bugs, XY moved to attack his knowledge and experience – this is to dismiss/cast doubt on what he said. Didn’t she come here to learn about the bugs? And yet, she acted like she knew better.She did the same thing when he explained that the Bugs can’t be removed:

Don’t worry! His words can not be true. He said only lovers can have the Lovers Bugs planted. I and XL have no relationship (LOL!! Liar, thy name is XY), but we can still plant them. He said that once planted the bugs can’t be removed…but I planted it on CX before and XL helped me remove it.

And yet, why do you think they never thought to move the Bugs from XL to Jing?

How do you think we are meant to read this scene? Are we meant to read this entire scene as XY being right and the Voodoo King being wrong about the working of the Lovers Bugs? That the Lovers Bugs inside YaoLiu is somehow the outlier, the exception to the Voodoo King’s experience? No, this is to show XY trying desperately to pretend that the Lovers Bugs are of no importance and Jing playing along with the farce because deep down both of them know that what the Voodoo King said is the truth. The Voodoo King showed admirable restraint and tactfulness when he “agreed” with XY instead of calling her on her bullshit.

And with this scene, Tong Hua gave a masterclass in how to convey her intention/message without explicitly stating it lout loud:

XY does not love Jing in the way that would be constituted as no longer being one-heart with XL. Hence, their Lovers Bugs never turned into Heartbreak Bugs.


@19279 and @liddi

That's interesting. I did not realize the term used was '心意相通'. My understanding of the term is that it's a mutual connection / attunement of the heart where you understand the meaning of what the heart is thinking and is feeling. Basically you don't so much feel the emotion but you completely understand it. The term refers to heart but I take it to mean you understand the emotion and reasons behind what they do. To mutually see through the hearts meaning.

I am not sure if that is the correct understanding of the term.

The voodoo king mentioned that they feel each other's pain and emotionally hurt but I think that's in addition to the mutual understanding described in the above term.

The usual definition of the term is an awareness and understanding of the other person's intent and emotions. However, we need to take the whole sentence in context:

The shaman king coughed and solemnly said, "The lover's bug, as the name suggests, has a pair of male and female bugs. The man and woman who have planted the bug will have their lives intertwined, be in tune with each other's intent and emotions. If one is hurt, the other will also feel the pain. If one is in emotional pain, the other will also feel emotional pain."

It first talks about how their lives are intertwined - they will live and die together.

It then goes on to talk about having tacit awareness and understanding of each other's intent and emotions. It follows this up with sharing each other's physical and emotional pain. Note that 心意相通 in itself is not a supernatural phenomena, and is present among couples who are very much attuned to each other. As such, I see the shared pain as a supernatural extension to 心意相通, which has been heightened due to the influence of the lover's bug. Similarly, the awareness of each other's emotions and feelings are likewise heightened as a result of the connected hearts. My two cents...

That's my understanding as well,  but then what's the point for XL to ask her the 3 questions in chapter 32? He should have known the answer already.

Being aware of her emotions and feelings does not accord him an omniscient view of her heart's desire or what she is thinking. It simply means that he is very much more aware of how she feels at a given time than someone who is not similarly connected. Given the nature of the bug and the fact that they have not experienced any retaliation, he would already know for a certainty that she has not stopped loving him from the day they planted the bug. However, unless she tells him, he would not be able to know whom she wants to marry, and more importantly to him, whom she wants most to spend the rest of her life with.

By the way, have you noticed this subtlety in the way the actors synchronize their acting in the drama adaptation?  There are moments when XY's thoughts and heart are torned, and then XL/FFB senses it and reacts as if  he is connected to her heart (which is technically the case after the Lover's bug planting):

episode 35 (44mn22): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CDDtefCjQBg
episode 23 (41mn33): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3xN7BHHtkPI

I'm sorry, but I am not very sure how this is reflected during the time she asks to take a raincheck because she had to spend time with Jing at Cang Xuan's request; and when they walk away from each other after he tells her that she no longer requires archery lessons from him anymore. Can you please elaborate?

How do you think we are meant to read this scene? Are we meant to read this entire scene as XY being right and the Voodoo King being wrong about the working of the Lovers Bugs? That the Lovers Bugs inside YaoLiu is somehow the outlier, the exception to the Voodoo King’s experience? No, this is to show XY trying desperately to pretend that the Lovers Bugs are of no importance and Jing playing along with the farce because deep down both of them know that what the Voodoo King said is the truth. The Voodoo King showed admirable restraint and tactfulness when he “agreed” with XY instead of calling her on her bullshit.

Yup yup and yup. Well summarised.