
I don’t want to move on either. I said I’d no longer be languishing here in this thread, but my resolution didn’t even last 10 hours :)

Who am I kidding? There’s no moving on from Xiang Liu.

So true. I cannot move on either. He has gotten into my head and now there's no unseeing it. We are addicted

Some of our regular posters are already depressed and girding their loins for the (probably) butchered second season :-(

A piece of advice full of wisdom @HeadInTheClouds , welcome and flee for your life @Kikinaki !!


But it was already too late. From her perspective, no matter how she tried to win back Xiang Liu, Xiang Liu would not want her anymore.

It made me reconsider many things. Frankly, I hope the author is wrong, because if not, LYF would be even more ruthless and darker than I thought.

That's the depressing stuff I was talking about

Goodness, we keep digging deeper and deeper in the soil of despair... @nathsketch 


Love this observation - their mutual love had indeed metaphorically grown from a tiger cub to a thousand year old demon.

Here’s another observation for you liddi. In that same scene, Xiang Liu carved spells into his and Xiao Yao’s wrists to remove the bugs, the cuts are described as “so deep that white bones can be seen” – essentially, the bugs have planted bone-deep. You’re probably familiar with the expression, “carved into the bones and written onto the heart” to describe a love that is deep and unforgettable. I feel like the combination of the thousands of fireflies and cutting into their bones is the imagery of this saying. This saying is typically used to describe romantic love, not platonic love, so I see it as another indicator that the Lovers Bugs is true to its name (no matter what XY claimed to Jing).

@AH. We talked earlier about how cultural context/knowledge may have influenced our interpretation of the work. This is probably a good example of that. It wasn't explicitly stated, but the imagery instantly pointed me to a particular interpretation without me even consciously aware of it in the moment.

It's possible that I'm over-interpreting things. I blame it on this thread, it's turning me crazy, I'm seeing things that may not even be there :-)

Tonghua did not write about Tushanjing with an appreciative attitude at all. Shan Jing's, on the contrary, she often used "Spring and Autumn Brushwork" to satirize Tu Shanjing, and often used the words of the characters in the book to criticize Tu Shanjing.

There is a saying that "birds of a feather flock together, and people flock together." What kind of friends make what kind of people?

In addition, it is said that Tu Shanjing is kind, and Li Rongchang runs an underground casino. Tu Shanjing helps Li Rongchang, have you ever thought about the life and death of those slaves? He used to do all kinds of business with the Shennong Rebels, but had he ever considered the people of Xuanyuan?

In other words, Jing is a shady biatch? He's a merchant, after all, it's all about money for him. He used money to get other people to do his dirty work while maintaining his facade of kindness. And Xiang Liu gets accused of being transactional???

While belittling Xiaoyao and denying Xiaoyao's personal value, he also praised Xiaoyao for how suitable he is. Isn't this a typical pua? What is pua? It means to attack your self-esteem, make you feel that you have nothing to do, and then take advantage of it, making you feel that only the other person can help you.

For anyone who's unaware. PUA stands for pick-up-artist and the technique that's described here is called "negging".  Red flags galore.

I spend far too much time in places on the internet that I probably shouldn't have.

Thanks for all the information about the writing techniques that Tong Hua may have employed in LYF, @windiaaa041239. I need to parse through everything to see what I agree with, but nevertheless, it's all very interesting to read more about these writing techniques.


Hi everyone! 

I finally caved in and subscribed. 

Thank you guys for creating this platform so we can grieve together over our beloved Xiangliu.

I still can't get over the "walk of pain" after xia Yao left with Jing......when he almost touched her face!!!!

Damn you Jing.

The song, the sad face and that depressing walk will haunt me forever.

I love you Xiangliu!!!, let's take the arrows together 

Oh wow, you guys!

We got another one!! <3

Here, have some candies. Chocolate is always a good idea :)

We also have teddy bears in case you want to hug and cry on them. They don't mind.

Because we do a lot of crying on a daily basis.

But it's not all bad.

After all, if it wasn't for Xiang Liu, our eyes wouldn't have been as blessed as they have for the past 4 months. I don't know about you, but I'm going blind with so much beauty.

Credits to our Supreme Goddess of Gifs,  Elise


Much love to you, Kikinaki <3

Thank you , thank you all 

Don't try to save me, I've already decided to sink with the Xiangliu ship.

@nathsketch, my dear. I need a tutorial on how to post gifs.  I've tried and failed spectacularly, so need expert help ?

The only choices left are FFB or XL. If XY makes the same distinction between FFB and XL as she does with Jing and 17 (based on what each identity could give her), the answer here should be FFB. And yet, she couldn't/wouldn't answer. Why? Because she wants the person of XL/FFB and not simply based on what they can give her. She knows that it's not possible, so once again refuses to face what's in her heart.

In my opinion, although XY knew FFB and XL are one person (FFB is XL without armor, XL is FFB at the frontline). She still had certain distinction between 2 identities.

  • FFB is the one who she can have hope for long-term accompany. Her attitude is more relaxed when talking, hanging with FFB. She and FFB are more balanced in their relationship. 
  • In the relationship with XL, he was at higher position, and she awared clearly that XL was on the other side.

Who did she love more deeply? XL or FFB. It's XL. She refused to think of long term accompany with XL because it's impossible. Thus she resisted to answer the last question. 

There are some evidences for this

  • Her dream that she swam towards FFB sitting on the Shell in the sea. But when FFB slowly transformed into XL, she turned back and rushed to the shore, crying.  
  • In the conversion between her and FFB/XL before and after going the Lirong donkey restaurant (before the wedding with Feng Long). At first the tonation of their conversation in the coridor of the casino was like with FFB. She mocked him and FFB teased her. the conversation was about she would not make poison for him after marrying and she wanted to remove the bug between them. When he wanted her to dine with him. She had the gut to refuse, saying that she had no time. but when he asked who she spoke to, she admitted General XL and followed him to the restaurant. 

Fang Feng Bei grabbed Xiao Yao’s arm. She didn’t look back but also didn’t pull of his grasp. Her body was tense as she quietly waited. After a good long while, Fang Feng Bei said “Have dinner with me.”

Xiao Yao’s entire body sagged and she shook her head with a forced smile “I don’t have time!

Fang Feng Bei said “You best not turn down what a certain person has decided to do.”

You’re Fang Feng Bei right now!”

“All that stuff you just said, who was it meant for?”

“I…..” Xiao Yao took a deep breath “Fine, General Xiang Liu!

Fang Feng Bei took Xiao Yao to a small alley and before they even got close she could smell the mouthwatering aroma.

  • The conversation afterward is similar. First she adressed him as FFB, asking why it is difficult to find a companion. Later she wanted to know what he thought/meaned exactly. The n she adressed him as XL.

Xiao Yao softly asked “Bei, tell me…..why is it so hard to find a person to walk the path with?” Fang Feng Bei said “Finding a person isn’t hard, finding a person who shares the same interest, genuinely treats you well, and makes the journey more interesting, that is what is hard.”

Xiao Yao asked “Can one never forget a person for an entire life?”

“Depends on the person. If you are talking about Jing, then I think it’s highly possible.”

“Do you mean he can’t forget me, or I can’t forget him?”

Fang Feng Bei smiled “However you want to interpret.”

Xiao Yao furrowed her brows and angrily said “There are a lot of good men left in the vast wilderness!”

“There are plenty of good men, but there isn’t many who will really put you inside his heart.”

“What do you mean? So I shouldn’t marry Feng Long?”

“I don’t mean anything. You asked me so I honestly told you my thoughts.”

“Xiang Liu, I really don’t know, what is your heart thinking deep down inside?”

“You and me are travelers who have crossed paths in this windy world. Whenever we meet we are each other’s companions to enjoy the world is all! Why do you care what I think deep down inside?”

Xiao Yao mocked herself “Yes, it’s my over thinking! No matter what you feel deep down inside, none of has anything to do with me!”

Xiang Liu stared down the dark alley and said nothing.

BTW, personally I think she prefered XL's appearence to FFB. She used to say that appearence is important for mortal and deity. The way TH projected XL's appearence thought XY's eyes. As we discussed before, XY seems to obsess with hair. XL hair is much more impressive. Not so much description of FFB's appearence (sometimes mentioned hair color and clothes)

Here’s another observation for you liddi. In that same scene, Xiang Liu carved spells into his and Xiao Yao’s wrists to remove the bugs, the cuts are described as “so deep that white bones can be seen” – essentially, the bugs have planted bone-deep. You’re probably familiar with the expression, “carved into the bones and written onto the heart” to describe a love that is deep and unforgettable. I feel like the combination of the thousands of fireflies and cutting into their bones is the imagery of this saying. This saying is typically used to describe romantic love, not platonic love, so I see it as another indicator that the Lovers Bugs is true to its name (no matter what XY claimed to Jing).

Good catch. The imagery of having to cut so deep to expose the bones so that the lovers bugs could be exposed and destroyed is such an apt representation of 刻骨铭心 "engraved into the bones, inscribed on the heart", the love that bound them both. And yes, this saying is for romantic love.

It is telling also that this term is also used in Xiang Liu's character song 等不到的等待 A Wait that Cannot be Waited For:

The moon in the sky above the ocean, the clothes illuminated by moonlight, hair and clothes whiter than snow
The mountains and seas smile, smiling eyebrows, a gaze like stars
Stained with longing, stained by the love's poison, 
bones engraved and hearts inscribed

Is there any wonder why it is so difficult for us to move on?

Ugh.  A Nian.  The most self centered character in the drama.  Not holding out a lot of hope for her.  And allegedly, we aren't getting Sir Bi.

Oh, A Nian has great character growth in the novel (and the drama, from what I can see in the leaked script). In the novel, she was the one who ensured that Xiang Liu's seashell was delivered to Jade Mountain in time to keep Xiao Yao alive after her 2nd suicide attempt, using the excuse that she found it by accident in the Gao Xin royal depository. The reality was that this was in response to the promise Xiang Liu exacted from her in return for helping her teach Xiao Yao a lesson so many years ago. So A Nian definitely knew who really saved Xiao Yao this time. 

In the leaked script, she would replace Sir Bi's role on Jade Mountain, witnessing how Xiang Liu saved Xiao Yao and gave two of his lives to destroy the lovers bug; and later give the big bellied doll to Xiao Yao as a wedding present on Xiang Liu's behalf. So don't think too badly of her.

Guys, look what I found on YouTube. Looks like ""Lost You Forever II"" is finally airing with a major twist that even the leaked script couldn't help us get ready  : Tian Xi Wei replacing Yang Zi ;)

LOL looks like clickbait! The 7 videos now supposedly unavailable (could be geo-blocked for me). Either way... nahhhh unless they are going to give us exactly what we were robbed!


@nathsketch, my dear. I need a tutorial on how to post gifs.  I've tried and failed spectacularly, so need expert help ?

Ahhh ok, yeah, it's a bit tricky at first. 

This is how I do it (I use a Mac, but for Windows, it should be quite similar)

1) Find the gif you want, then click on "Copy Image Link". This should work with all gifs, not just the ones from Tumblr.

2) Then you click on the little photo icon and paste your link on that blank field. Click Insert and that's it.

3) BOOM, fire in the hole lololol

In the novel, she was the one who ensured that Xiang Liu's seashell was delivered to Jade Mountain in time to keep Xiao Yao alive after her 2nd suicide attempt, using the excuse that she found it by accident in the Gao Xin royal depository

I thought that both CX and XY were brought to Gaoxin because of the holy water from Yang valley to flush the poison in CX's body. There, Ah Nian brought the blood-spelled shell to place XY inside. Later CX ordered to bring her to Jade Mountain due to the royal doctor's advice (there were only 2 people who could wake XY up: one who had saved her before and one is the royal mother)


LOL looks like clickbait! The 7 videos now supposedly unavailable (could be geo-blocked for me). Either way... nahhhh unless they are going to give us exactly what we were robbed!

I would gladly give up Yang Zi for a chance at getting back the stuff they took from us LMAO

Bye girl! Hahahahaha

Hi everyone!

I finally caved in and subscribed.

Thank you guys for creating this platform so we can grieve together over our beloved Xiangliu.

Welcome! Misery loves company, so you are definitely welcome here!

Have you read the novel? If so, you would definitely know how this ship is going to end. Either way, there is group therapy available and I see that @nathsketch has offered chocolates and teddy bears too (hey! where's my chocs and teddies?!) In any case, do join us and jump right in!