
In the legend, Tang Gorge is the place where the sun rises (Sun = Yang). Perhaps, it is the reason for such translation

No. Based on simplified Chinese, the word 汤 Tang looks similar to 杨 Yang. 

The other possibility is if the translator is reading from the traditional Chinese text, in which case 湯 Tang  (soup) looks similar to 陽 Yang (sun). Either way, the actual name is 湯谷 Tang Gorge, not 陽谷 Yang Gorge / Valley.

In any case, the text in that section does not refer to 汤谷 Tang Gorge, but 归墟 Guixu, which we know from the prologue, are two totally different locations.

She try to killherself as a punishment for CX, but she took the decision to become the royal mother because of XL. 

I don't share this interpretation. XY gives her own explanation for her decision to become the Royal Mother. The narrator provides some additional details.

The bullet point version:

  • XY "could have lived like an ordinary girl, marrying and having kids, living a simple happy life", but CX took that away from her when he enabled Hou to murder TSJ. 
  • XY can't bring herself to kill CX for his role in TSJ's death.
  • XY believes that she cannot kill herself because of the bug connection with XL will keep her alive (she doesn't know that the bug connection has already been broken at this point).
  • She can't just leave CX and go wherever she wants. 
    • Because she is Qi Yo's daughter, many people want to hurt and kill her. Even if they can't kill her (because of the bug connection), they can torture her. 
    • If she goes anywhere within CX's control, she won't be able to escape from CX's forces, who will forcibly bring her back to CX. CX now controls the whole world except for: (1) Jade Mountain; (2) the mountains outside of QS town where the Sheng Nong remnant army is holed up; and (3) the vast ocean and its scattered islands. 
  • "... now that she lost everything, nothing mattered to her any more. She was tired and wanted only a peaceful spot to putter around for the rest of her life."
    • The ocean is vast and she could escape from CX's forces there. But that would not be peaceful or restful. 
    • She also believed that TSJ "slept" in the ocean at this point. Not sure if that's a factor (idk maybe being in the place that he died but unable to join him in death would haunt her or something), but it's something that's true when XY decides to become the Royal Mother of Jade Mountain that is no longer true when she decides to go to the ocean with TSJ at the end of the novel. 
  • "Only Jade Mountain, cut off from the entire world, gave her a place to rest."
  • Before the ceremony where she would take the Royal Mother's jade seal and irreversibly become the Royal Mother, XY thinks of TSJ proposing to her. During the ceremony, XY pictures TSJ when she formally agrees to become the Royal Mother. 


Chapter 49:

“Xiao Yao, have you thought about the future?”

Xiao Yao was startled. “What?”

The Royal Mother leisurely said, “Sometimes the world is so big that anywhere can be home, sometimes the world is so big but nowhere to go and death is a release. Jade Mountain isn’t a good place, but it is cut off from the rest of the world. Xiao Yao, do you want to become the next Royal Mother and govern Jade Mountain?”

The Royal Mother’s expression was as if she already knew everything. Xiao Yao’s eyes teared up. The entire world belonged to Zhuan Xu and there was nowhere she could go to hide from him. Only Jade Mountain, cut off from the entire world, gave her a place to rest.

Xiao Yao replied, “I do!”

The Royal Mother clapped her hands and turned to Shiu Hong. “There, the matter is taken care of so you can disappear now.”

Shui Hong looked at Xiao Yao and sighed, “Can’t believe the one person who didn’t want to be on Jade Mountain the most now wants to stay here forever.” Shiu Hong picked up the items and walked off.

Lie Yang landed on a peach blossom branch. “Xiao Yao, being the Royal Mother means you will never be able to leave Jade Mountain for the rest of your life and must be alone forever. Have you really thought it through?”

Xiao Yao said, “I thought it through. The world may be vast but there is nowhere I can go now. Being the Royal Mother is my only resting place.” In the past she greedily sought out the sights and sounds of the outside world but now that she lost everything, nothing mattered to her anymore. She was tired and wanted only a peaceful spot to putter around for the rest of her life.

Lie Yang grew silent and Sir Bi wanted to object, but couldn’t find a reason to. Perhaps reaching this point, growing old on Jade Mountain really was Xiao Yao’s only choice.


Zhuan Xu was devastated and enraged as he continued, “The Royal Mother cannot step one foot off the mountain, she must be alone for the rest of her life! You are drawing your own prison cell until you die! Even if Jing is dead, even if you don’t love me, your life is still very long and the world very vast. You can still find someone to spend your life with! Is there no one left in this world that is worth your staying for?”

Xiao Yao calmly said, “Your Majesty, please sit. From now on please call me Royal Mother. There is only the Royal Mother of Jade Mountain before you. I have no worldly name.”


Xiao Yao said to Zhuan Xu, “I woke two days ago and the Royal Mother wanted to send a message to you but I stopped her. I decided that day to become the next Royal Mother and she was worried I was being rash so gave me three days to think about it before announcing it to the world so I can change my mind. Zhuan Xu, no one is forcing me, this is my own choice!”

Zhuan Xu grabbed Xiao Yao’s hand tightly like he was never going to let go. “Why?”

Xiao Yao smiled so casually, like this had nothing to do with her. “Zhuan Xu, how can you not know why? I could have lived like an ordinary girl, marrying and having kids, living a simple, happy life. You took it all away from me! I can’t kill you, I can’t kill myself, I can’t even leave! The whole world knows I am Qi Yo’s daughter, the whole world is under your rule – if I can avoid people trying to kill me, I still can’t avoid your forces to bring me back. Zhuan Xu, the world is so vast but you’ve pushed me to the point of being with you or having nowhere else to go!”

“If you don’t become the Royal Mother, I can give up…….”

Xiao Yao shook her head “Zhuan Xu, I’m tired. Let me rest now!

Zhuan Xu tightly held onto Xiao Yao’s hand pleading, “Xiao Yao, if you don’t become the Royal Mother I will give you any freedom you want, go anywhere you want!”

Xiao Yao got on her knees and raised her head to look up at Zhuan Xu, “Gege, please I beg you to remember all we shared and agree to let me be the Royal Mother. Give me a place to rest.


Before her coronation ceremony (when she would officially become the Royal Mother) XY envisions TSJ proposing to her. When the Royal Mother asks XY one final time (as is custom) whether she accepts becoming the Royal Mother and all the sacrifices that entails, XY envisions TSJ again and smiles at him when she says that she agrees (to become the Royal Mother). 


Chapter 49:

Xiao Yao walked towards the ceremonial stage with the assistance of the servants, and on both sides of the path were blooming peach blossoms.

Xiao Yao stared at the peach blossom forest and remembered when Jing proposed to her. It was on Cao Ao Peak on Sheng Nong Mountain, which didn’t have any peach blossom trees, but Jing knew her parents pledged their love under peach blossom trees so he used his power to conjure up thousands of miles of peach blossoms and as the petals rained down he nervously asked, “Tu Shan Jing wishes for Xi Ling Jiu Yao’s hand in marriage.”

Xiao Yao reached out her hand and caught a few peach blossoms and smiled.

The Royal Mother was dressed in ceremonial robes and waited for her on the altar. She lucidly watched Xiao Yao and the only spectator below the stage was Zhuan Xu, his face starkly white and exhausted as he kept his eyes on Xiao Yao without blinking.

Xiao Yao walked directly to the altar without looking anywhere else and the Royal Mother asked, “As custom, I shall ask one final time – once you are Royal Mother you cannot get married or ever leave Jade Mountain. Do you still agree?

Zhuan Xu yelled “Xiao Yao———-“ with tears in his eyes, pleading with every fiber of his being.

Under the peach blossoms falling around her, Xiao Yao seemed to spot Jing and she tightly clenched her hands around the petals in her palm as she smiled at him and said, “I agree.”


Chapter 43:

If Jing slept in this ocean then she would rather be here with him.

The purple robed woman noticed that Xiao Yao was oddly at peace, not like people she killed in the past, and felt some pity for her. 


As the coffin sank, she thought she was going to die as well and was calmly facing death...

If she wanted too, she did have the option to go to the ocean by herself, the ocean wasn't under CX's power, but instead she decided to become the royal mother. Why? She could have live freely în the ocean, but instead she pointed to the fact that she can't live and love freely. 

I don't think "If one could not love and live freely, then death would be a form of release." tells us why XY chooses to become the Royal Mother of Jade Mountain instead of running away to the ocean.

I think these lines illustrate her reason for choosing Jade Mountain instead of the ocean.

In the past she greedily sought out the sights and sounds of the outside world but now that she lost everything, nothing mattered to her anymore. She was tired and wanted only a peaceful spot to putter around for the rest of her life.


Only Jade Mountain, cut off from the entire world, gave her a place to rest.

Thanks @liddi. I cracked my brain trying to find a suitable English word, neutralized/removed was the best that I could do. Translation really isn't easy

You're welcome! Exactly... one can spend a long time mulling over how to translate a simple word. Much respect to all translators out there!

Talking about the scene with the Shaman King; didn't XY dismiss everything that he said as rubbish and that she can find a way to undo the Lovers Bugs? And yet, here she is asking Xiang Liu what to do. She really is a bullshitter. Maybe because XL was the one who removed the bugs from CX, so she thought he would know something different. However, I wouldn't dismiss the second possibility. There are numerous times throughout the novel when she tries to probe XL's thoughts and feelings.

Yes, which is why she is such a contrary character. And I never feel any real urgency from her to actually remove the bug at any time. Remember all the times she felt his presence when she was at her lowest, and she certainly was well aware how long he used that connection to talk to her and sustain her heartbeat after her assassination, before he managed to reach her. Thanks to the lovers bug connection, he was always there when she was in danger, or needed comfort, support, or just simple companionship. And now that she knows the nature of the bug and how it could only be successfully planted in two people who love each other, her questions are more of a test to see how Xiang Liu really feels or is willing to admit. Which of course, he turns around and makes it all into yet another tool at his disposal. 

My interpretation of the two words differ from yours:

灵气 - spiritual energy

灵力 - spiritual power

I have checked an online chinese dictionary. Here is the meaning of [气 ]. It also means gas/air. I also see the meaning of "vital energy". However, I don't know much about language. In Chemistry and physics, Gas and Energy are completely diffirent 2 concepts. We have his word in Vietnamese too. It usually means gas

气 | Definition | Mandarin Chinese Pinyin English Dictionary | Yabla Chinese 

I have checked an online chinese dictionary. Here is the meaning of [气 ]. It also means gas/air. I also see the meaning of "vital energy". However, I don't know much about language. In Chemistry and physics, Gas and Energy are completely diffirent 2 concepts. We have his word in Vietnamese too. It usually means gas

Yes. In this case, my opinion is it should be interpreted as essential energy, not air.

气 can be translated as "air", "breath" or "energy". In this case, I don't feel that it is viewed as "air". Rather, it is the fundamental energy which pulsates within the element that it belongs to

力 means "strength", "power" or "force". For this situation, it is the power that is derived from the energy of the element.

Hence, 灵气 is the spiritual energy, from which 灵力 spiritual power is derived.

My unstanding about fairytale stories or ancient martial art story is that in Earth or Heaven there are some places have very good 灵气  (kind of holy.special air). People/gods absorb such material (air/gas) and other stuffs combining with their magical practice. They can convert the air from nature into their 灵力 (spiritual power). 

So I guess there should be the revert process. When needed, such people/gods can convert灵力 back to the 灵气 for specific application. 

Take the analogue of metabolism of glucose (sugar). We eat sugar. Then our body digest it to make energy for our activity. If we eat more than we consume, the glucose is stored in our body in the form of fat and glycolgen. So, when we are hungry or the sugar level drop, fat will be burn to make energy or glucogen is converted back to glucose and goes back to the blood.

Yes. In this case, my opinion is it should be interpreted as essential energy, not air.

The reason I forcus on the meaning of this particular words which uses to maintain XY life is that She is in clinical death mode. She had no breath but her heart still bit. Meaning the blood circulation is kept going. You know that in modern time, when people at the intensive care department in the hospital. When people can't breath, or when people are in the same situation like XY (in coma, no breathing, have heart beat) then doctor will give patients oxygen first. Of course to maintain the life for long, doctors also give nutritions via injection. 

The Shell that keeps XY alive in my view is similar to the breathing machine nowadays. 

Again, I think TH had the reason to use this two term in her book, specifically regard to chapter 21 and 22. I hope you have time to read my previous long post. 

EDIT: @liddi, it depends on each translator's opinion, But TH used 2 forms of energy (as you call) and one can be more basic, simpler and used for healing or life sustaining (which I refer as "air" )

My unstanding about fairytale stories or ancient martial art story is that in Earth or Heaven there are some places have very good 灵气  (kind of holy.special air). People/gods absorb such material (air/gas) and other stuffs combining with their magical practice. They can convert the air from nature into their 灵力 (spiritual power).

So I guess there should be the revert process. When needed, such people/gods can convert it back to the 灵气 for specific application. 

The essence of your understanding and mine are similar. The only difference is that I call it energy, while you refer to it as "air". The term 气 qì is also used in feng shui practices, and they refer to it as "cosmic current" or energy.

But exactly as you said, 灵气 spiritual energy can be converted into 灵力 spiritual power. It is possible that that same power can be reverted back to its base energy form, which can be used to heal or sustain life.

It is possible that that same power can be reverted back to its base energy form, which can be used to heal or sustain life.

So we agree on the point that this "base energy form" can be used to heal or sustain life. it is easier to absorb and digest.

I refer it diffirently as air or gas to avoid the ambiguity when 2 words are used. For example the below paragraph


In Physics, power and energy is the same (using J as unit). Force  (which uses newton - N as the unit) is different than power. Using air/gas is also more easier for imagination (linked with modern medical term). Additionally, we have the same word in Vietnamese, so in translation that word was kept intacted in some parts of the book (e.g., chapter 48). The vietnamese meaning of that word is gas.

Maybe TH wanted to make  ambiguity if not carefully reading. Her grass snake red dust technique. 

From the perspective of literary appreciation : "Sauvignon Blanc" from three aspects: plot line, writing techniques, and conception.

Three plot lines: story line, love line, growth line

Storyline: Zhuanxu’s journey to becoming an emperor. From Zhuan Xu ascending to the throne, and then gradually unifying the wilderness, the story development of the entire novel revolves around Zhuan Xu.

Love line: Xiaoyao and Xiang Liu’s love. The whole book tells the love story of Xiaoyao and Xiangliu from meeting and missing each other to falling in love and cherishing each other, and then from accompanying each other to forgetting and remembering each other. The final ending is that Xiangliu died in the battlefield, and Xiaoyao carried Xiangliu's love on his back. Deep love, live well.

Growth line: Xiaoyao’s self-salvation. Xiaoyao has never been able to get out of the shadow of her original family. Under the double obstacles of Tu Shanjing and Zhuanxu, she gradually lost her clarity and freedom. During this process, Xiaoyao was confused and even thought about giving up her life. But in the end, Xiaoyao did not give up searching. Self, Tu Shanjing and Zhuan Xu also "fell into internal fighting, one died and the other was injured." Xiaoyao succeeded in nirvana with the help of Xiang Liu.

Each of these three lines is more obscure than the last, and they are intertwined with light and dark, such as the love line. What is in the light is Xiaoyao's love for Xiangliu released through Tu Shanjing, and what is in the dark is Xiaoyao and Xiangliu's unspeakable love for each other. . Therefore, the book "Sauvignon Blanc" can also be divided into two lines: light and dark.

writing techniques

So, hidden lines, hidden lines, if there is no hint, it will become wireless. How to hint? Various writing techniques are used in the book to imply: "Gray lines of grass and snakes, veins running thousands of miles", "Spring and Autumn brushwork", and various expression techniques.

"Gray threads of grass and snakes, hidden veins for thousands of miles":

The so-called "grass snake gray line" refers to the snake walking in the grass, its tracks can be seen, and the gray line left on the paper, its veins can be discerned, which is a metaphor for things leaving vague clues and signs that can be found.

The so-called "the gray line of grass and snakes, the hidden pulse is thousands of miles away" means that before an event happens, the author has already written some signs of its occurrence (i.e., foreshadowing), so that people will not feel surprised about it. Therefore, although the author's pen seems to be writing "A", he can inadvertently write "B", so that the plot about "B" can also progress, and readers can naturally understand the work slightly. From this line "Fu Mai" fills in other plots about "B". Through this, we can weave a network, write about someone at a certain time, and write about other people "in the midst of our busy schedule", so that multiple plot lines blend with each other and become one.

As for the application of this technique in "Sauvignon Blanc", I can generally summarize it into the following three aspects.

1. As a structural clue


(1) The "story of the snake demon and the nine-tailed fox" is used as a structural clue throughout the entire text, hinting at Xiaoyao's growth line.

(2) The lyrics of "Acacia Song" are used as structural clues throughout the text, hinting at Xiaoyao's love lines with Xiang Liu and Tu Shanjing respectively.

2. As a "metaphorical" expression


(1) Chi You and A Heng are used as metaphors for the tragic ending that Xiang Liu and Xiao Yao will face if they express their love for each other.

(2) Zuo Er and Miao Pu are used as a metaphor for the comic ending of the two if Xiang Liu had not met Gong Gong and had no opposition to Xiao Yao.

3. As “foreshadowing” and “reflection”


(1) The word "朏朏" hints at Xiang Liu's love line.

(2) "Sang Tian'er" hints at Xiaoyao's emotional choices.

"Spring and Autumn Brushwork":

The so-called "Spring and Autumn Writing Technique" is a historical narrative technique pioneered by Confucius when he was writing "Spring and Autumn", or it can be said to be an art of using language when writing history. Also known as "small words and great meaning".

Why did Confucius pioneer the "Spring and Autumn Brushwork"? This is because "Spring and Autumn" is a history book, and history books should be written as they should be, and how they should be written. This is the so-called "straight writing" that historians must uphold. But what should you do when you encounter someone the author thinks is a respected person, a relative, or a sage who is at fault? It seemed that I couldn't help my conscience not to write, but it was a bit taboo to write, so I created a writing method that did not explicitly express it through argumentative words, but euphemistically and implicitly implied the author's tendency to praise or criticize in the narrative. It is called "qubi", which is also called "spring and autumn brushwork".

Zuo Qiuming summarized the "Spring and Autumn Writing Technique" as follows: subtle but revealing, ambitious but obscure, euphemistic but not smeared, punishing evil but encouraging good.

Later, it was continuously developed and expanded by scholars in the dynasty, and it was summarized into more detailed sub-items: writing without writing, one word of praise and criticism, explicit praise and implicit criticism, one blow and two hits, true and false words, etc.

As for the application of this technique in "Sauvignon Blanc", I have listed the following items:

1. "Writing without writing": The author deliberately leaves a certain detail or character relationship blank, does not mention it at all or mentions it in one stroke. You may ignore it at first glance, but after careful reading, you can get something that the author did not explicitly say. information. This technique is often used when there is an obvious intentional omission of plot details or the presentation of character relationships.

"Not writing" is just a way of expressing blank space. In fact, it ultimately comes down to "writing". Therefore, a typical writing technique without writing should have at least three characteristics: first, there must be clear traces of intentional blank space, so that people can at least notice that the lack of narrative here is an anomaly; second, it must be found elsewhere Support for the above-mentioned "writing without writing"; last point, generally speaking, the possible reason for the blank space here can be inferred from other details of the writing. Only in this way can the writing without writing be logically tenable in the entire text, instead of being a rootless piece of writing that can be interpreted at will.

For example: Tong Hua used a lot of "writing without writing" on the plot details of Xiaoyao and Xiang Liu.

2. "Explicit praise and implicit criticism": often used to express a sense of irony or sarcasm. Appearing to praise or criticize someone or something, but actually doing the opposite.

For example: Tong Hua used a lot of "explicit praise and covert criticism" in his description of the character Tu Shanjing.

3. "One blow, two blows": It is a metaphor for describing one event or scene, involving multiple characters. This technique of doing one thing to achieve two goals is also known as "killing two birds with one stone" or "killing two birds with one stone".


(1) Tong Hua often describes the dialogue between Xiao Yao and Zhuan Xu, while hinting at the relationship and emotions between Xiao Yao and other characters.

(2) Tonghua uses Xinyue’s perspective to describe Zhuanxu’s hidden and protective love for Xiaoyao, and at the same time hints at Xiaoyao’s hidden and protective love for Xiang Liu.

Techniques of expression: imagery, symbolism, contrast, foil, metaphor, borrowing scenery to express emotions

1. Imagery: objective objects that incorporate subjective feelings.


(1) Moon: Xiaoyao and Xiangliu’s affection for each other. Watching the moon on a big tree, watching the moonrise on the sea, and having a heart-to-heart talk under the moonlight by the Calabash Lake. In the Thirty-Seven Years Under the Sea, Xiangliu often took Xiaoyao to see the moon on the sea. They broke up under the moonlight at Calabash Lake. After the breakup, Xiangliu Looking up at the sky, I saw black clouds covering the full moon... And at the end of the book, when Xiaoyao learned the news of Xiangliu's death, Xiaoyao thought of the moon in Qingshui Town. When Xiangliu died, the moon in the sky was... Are you taking care of him quietly like this? Did he remember the moon they had seen together? >

2. Symbol: using specific things to express a special meaning


(1) Zhuyanhua:

The beauty flower has two functions. One is to change its appearance. Changing its appearance also means losing its true appearance. The second is to keep your appearance forever, which also means maintaining your best appearance.

The Zhuyan flower has three symbols for Xiaoyao: one is the loss and recovery of Xiaoyao's appearance, the other is the loss and recovery of Xiaoyao's identity, and the third is the loss and recovery of Xiaoyao's self.

3. Comparison: Put opposite things together for comparison, allowing readers to distinguish good from bad and distinguish right from wrong.

For example: During the Qingshui Town period, a lot of contrasting techniques were used between Mazi and Chuanzi to reflect the differences between the two characters.

4. Contrast: divided into positive foil and reverse foil. Contrast: use similar things to set off the thing depicted. Contrast: using something different to set off the thing depicted

Positive lining example:

(1) Xiangliu's "unruly, unrestrained, unconventional, and transcendent" character is set off by Xiangliu's gentlemanly acquaintance, Xianjun.

(2) Use Tu Shanjing’s long-time friends Li Rongchang and Chishui Fenglong to set off Tu Shanjing’s attitude towards women.

Contrast example:

Zhuan Xu and Tu Shanjing's love for Xiao Yao is used to set off Xiang Liu's love.

5. Metaphor: replacing the ontology with a metaphor


(1) "Snow" is used as a metaphor for Xiangliu many times in the book, which not only shows that Xiangliu is "clean, cold, and spotless", but also paves the way for the direct use of "snow" to replace Xiangliu later in the text.

(2) "Butterfly" is used as a metaphor for Xiaoyao many times in the book, which not only shows Xiaoyao's characteristic of "yearning for freedom", but also paves the way for the direct use of "butterfly" to replace Xiaoyao later in the text.

6. Express emotions through scenery: express subjective feelings with the help of objective external scenery


(1) The plot of Xiaoyao making poison for Xiang Liu, "Koi Fish Playing with Lotus Picture", has two meanings. On the surface, it is about Xiaoyao expressing his feelings for Xiang Liu through "Koi Fish Playing Lotus Picture". On a deeper level, Therefore, Tong Hua deliberately described the difference between what he saw from Zhuanxu's perspective and what he saw from Xiang Liu's perspective, to hint at the difference in mood and feelings between the two.

(2) The plot of Xiaoyao making the poison "ice crystal ball" for Xiang Liu has two meanings. On the surface, it means that Xiaoyao expresses his feelings for Xiang Liu through the "ice crystal ball". On a deeper level, it means that Tonghua deliberately The difference between what is seen from Xiao Yao's perspective and what is seen from Xiang Liu's perspective is described to imply the difference in the two people's moods and feelings.

The origin and intention of "Sauvignon Blanc"

The following are quoted from Tong Hua’s original words

1. About Zhuanxu

<Jin Yong's "Flying Fox in the Snow Mountain" made many readers remember Mrs. Hu. After her husband died, she committed suicide. The love she followed through life and death was very soul-stirring.

I was also very touched and liked this woman very much, but even when I was young, I still had a doubt. She committed suicide. What will happen to her child? How should a child whose parents are dead live? Even if the most famous hero in the world is entrusted to take care of it, so what? Who in this world can replace his parents? (It turns out that Hu Fei Sure enough, he has gone through hardships)

I deeply disapprove of Mrs. Hu Yidao's suicide. So, there was my cousin and his mother. Even though my cousin grew up, he still couldn't escape the shadow of the knife that his mother stabbed him to death. He would always be fighting against the shadow of that knife in his life. As a wife, sharing life and death with her husband is a touching choice. But as a mother, now that she has given birth to a child, she must be responsible for her child. >

Note: This passage tells the origin of Zhuanxu and Zhuanxu’s mother.

2. About Xiaoyao and Xiangliu

<So, in comparison, what moved me more was Wu Xuanshuang written by Liang Yusheng. After Li Yi died, the scene of her taking Li Yi's children and walking step by step in the wind and snow will always be imprinted in my heart. Her love for Li Yi was deep and transcended her own life, but she chose to live to take care of Li Yi's children.

(These are all stories I read many years ago, but as I write this, I suddenly realize that I can’t remember Mrs. Hu’s name, I just remember that she is Hu Yidao’s wife, but I clearly remember Wu Xuanshuang’s name, and it seems that I can’t remember her name. It shows something, a woman attaches her life to a man, while the other woman lives her own life no matter how strong the love is.)

"Sauvignon Blanc" conveys a kind of "raw" emotion. I always feel that in this world, love is soul-stirring, but it is not everything in life. Family, friendship, ideals, responsibilities... People have all kinds of ties in the world, and there is also a lot of happiness that does not come from love. Sauvignon Blanc is because of deep love, because it cannot be obtained, and because it cannot be forgotten. However, I am willing to carry this feeling and live well. Life is one encounter and parting after another, it is forgetting and beginning again and again. You've been here, you've gone. Even though I miss you so much, I still smile when I see the beautiful rainbow. >

Note: This passage clarifies the concept of the love line in "Sauvignon Blanc" - a "raw" feeling. The heroine Xiaoyao in "Sauvignon Blanc" is "Wu Xuanshuang" rather than "Mrs. Hu". After Xiang Liu's death, Xiao Yao is willing to live well with this feeling of "deep love, unavailable, and unforgettable" - "You have been here, you have left. Even though lovesickness is difficult to understand, I will still watch When you see a beautiful rainbow, smile.”

<The length of life is limited and we cannot control it, but a good lover can increase the breadth and depth of life. >

Note: This is the view of love that Tong Hua wants to express through this book. Xiang Liu and Xiao Yao increase the breadth and depth of each other’s lives.

3. About Tu Shanjing

<There is another product of emotion in "Sauvignon Blanc". Xidu Ouyang Feng, who was born in Baituo Mountain, is the most brilliant figure in the martial arts world. Ouyang Ke is his and his sister-in-law's child. In Wong Kar-Wai's film, this afterimage becomes Maggie Cheung's peerless elegance and Leslie Cheung's drunken dreams of life and death. Across the world, I can't forget it even if I want to. But where is Xi Du’s brother? Where is the owner of White Camel Mountain? No one cares, and he doesn’t even have a name. When I was listening to "Jin", I was thinking about the Ouyang man whose name is unknown on Baituo Mountain. He married a woman who didn't love him. Why? Ouyang Feng missed the woman on White Camel Mountain, but he never thought of visiting his eldest brother. Why? That woman could ask someone to deliver a can of wine to Ouyang Feng. Here, Ouyang Feng's child can be born. He is the master of White Camel Mountain on White Camel Mountain, but apparently he has never really stopped him...

A little thought floated from Baituo Mountain to Qingqiu. There are Jing, Hou and Yiying. I have been thinking that if during Gaoxin's Lantern Festival, the man rowing out on a pole of spring water and half a stream of flowers in the shadow of flowers was really Jing, not Hou, Yiying and Jing might also be a good couple. Although Yiying was planning every step of the way, when she heard the news of Jing's death, she put aside all her plans. Regardless of the opposition of her family and the eyes of the world, she put on her wedding dress, flew thousands of miles, and climbed Qingqiu Mountain alone. Her ambition was to kill Kill Hou to avenge Jing. It's just, just...the man who came with a lantern in the dim night. Oh it's you! >

Note: This passage talks about the origins of Tushan Jing, Tushan Hou, and Fangfeng Yiying. It also shows that if it weren't for Tushanhou's calculation, Tushan Jing and Fangfeng Yiying might have been a good couple. In the book, when Tu Shanjing proposed to Xiaoyao, it was also clearly written that before being framed by Tu Shanhou, the wife his mother chose for him was the one he had longed for.

<Question: Where did Shiqi first discover that Xiaoliu was a girl?

Tong Hua answered: He knew that Xiao Liu was a transformed form before, but he was so despondent at that time that he didn't care about anything. Until Xiao Liu saw him blushing while taking a bath, he...well...died My heart skipped a beat...>

Note: This paragraph shows why Tu Shanjing can't leave Xiaoyao - Xiaoyao helped him regain his self-esteem as a man.

4. About the growth line

<To all strong people: Sufferings become sufferings only because those who encounter them are defeated. And we defeated suffering, crushed it into pieces, kneaded it into our own bodies, and turned it into our own strength. Therefore, we never regard suffering as suffering. >

Note: This passage clarifies the concept of growth line.

5. About the ending

<The ending of "Sauvignon Blanc" is not a tragedy, but it is said that I have no credibility. They say that my definition of tragedy is different from others...>


  • Xiang Liu loves her, Xiao Yao knew it when he was in Qingshui Town .
  • Xiang Liu taught her archery to make her strong enough to protect herself. Xiaoyao knew this from the first time she agreed to learn archery .

  • Xiang Liu used his identity as Fang Feng Bei to get close to her, and Xiao Yao knew it.

  • After Mei Lin tortured and killed her, Xiang Liu sacrificed his life to save her, and Xiao Yao knew it. Xiaoyao also knew how much effort Xiang Liu had put into saving her.

  • Thirty-seven years under the sea , Xiang Liu's unabashed love for Xiao Yao was known to Xiao Yao.

  • Xiang Liu gave her a bow and arrows, and Xiaoyao knew from the first moment she received the bows and arrows that Xiang Liu specially sent them anonymously.

  • Xiaoyao also knew that Xiang Liu had long regarded her as his wife.

  • Xiaoyao knew that Xiang Liu deliberately pushed her towards Tu Shanjing .

  • Xiaoyao later learned about the Lover's Gu from the Witch King , and also learned from Xiang Liu that he had planted it willingly, knowing that it was the Lover's Gu. Xiao Yao knew that Xiang Liu loved her deeply.

  • Xiaoyao knew that Xiang Liu kissed her forehead.

  • Xiang Liu has been protecting her, Xiao Yao knows.

  • Xiang Liu specially asked Zuo Er to protect her, and Xiao Yao knew it.

  • Xinyue killed her a second time, and Xiang Liu helpedsend a message to Zhuan Xu , so Xiao Yao knew about it.

  • Xiang Liu sent the sea map to give her somewhere to go, and Xiao Yao knew it.

  • Tu Shanjing's life was saved by Xiang Liu, and Xiao Yao knew it.

  • Xiaoyao was rescued by Xiang Liu in Yushan , and Xiaoyao knew it.

  • Xiang Liu's wish is that she can live well, Xiao Yao knows.

  • Xiaoyao also knew that Xiang Liu didn't want her to know about these sacrifices.

  • The two of them knew each other's love and dedication to each other, but they both kept it secret in a tacit understanding, just so as not to burden each other.

    What is Sauvignon Blanc? Because I love you deeply, I can’t get it, and I can’t forget it.

    That was Xiaoyao's eternal longing for Xiangliu.

A picture as penance before a long string of replies, with excerpts. 

I know you stated that it's possible, but frankly, if I even entertain this possibility then I might as well just completely throw out the concept of the Lovers Bugs. It's completely useless if even its most basic function - the connection between the two - is usurped at the most crucial moment.

I'm not following your train of thought here?

The bug connection allows XL to feel XY's pain. He wouldn't sense anything until XY was attacked and in pain. 

The power that TSJ inherited from the original nine-tailed fox is about sensing that something bad is about to happen, so that it can be avoided. 


Chapter 21:

Yi Yang and Lan Mu looked at the Grand Madam and she explained, “The true descendants of the Tu Shan clan bloodline possess this power. It cannot be described or explained but is a sensation of something big about to happen. From the ancient times until now, the Tu Shan clan leader may not have the strongest powers but we have become one of the most powerful clans because of this special ability which helps the clan avoid calamity.


CX's sensing ability is also not tied to pain. He was able to sense when his father died (perhaps also when he was about to die) and he was able to sense when his grandmother was close to death / about to die. 

If TSJ or CX sensed that XY was in danger before XL sensed XY's pain, I don't think that would usurp the most basic function of the Lovers' Bugs. 

Geographically, Jing was the closest, then CX, then Xiang Liu. I believe that Xiang Liu was the first to be aware of XY's states through their Lovers Bugs connection. He would have experienced her pain when she was first attacked, long before her "death" from the arrows of petals.

Even though Jing was closest, it would have taken him 1.5-2 hours to find XY. He first went to Xing Yue's house, then the party before tracking XY to the forest. Given the injuries that she sustained, I find it hard to believe that XY managed to survive without any help (besides XL's helping her heartbeat) in the time that it took Jing to get to her. The way that XY recalled her experience also suggested that things happened quickly, rather than a long period between her heartbeat weakening and experiencing the devastated spiritual power.

I agree that TSJ was geographically the closest. However, as I noted above, we can't be certain that XL was the first to sense something. TSJ might have sensed that something was about to happen before the assassination even began. Re-reading chapter 21 now, I'm really starting to think that must have been the case. 

As you mentioned, we know that TSJ was in Qing Qiu when he sensed the ominous feeling, that he went to little Zhu Rong's residence first, and that he had to track XY after he got to the cherry blossom forest. But we don't know exactly how long those steps would have taken. We do know that TSJ "furiously urged his winged ride faster" and "rushed", so those steps would have taken less time than they would have if he was going at a normal pace.

And the assassination itself was a slow process. XY observed that it was intentionally slow to make her suffer. 

We also know that:

  • When TSJ arrived at the cherry blossom forest, no one was worried about XY being missing for a long time. Everyone was still playing under the trees and happily laughing, the way they were before XY entered the cherry blossom forest.
  • When TSJ entered the maze and found XY's body, he could hear Lan Mu wailing. 
  • The final stage of the kill maze didn't even begin until after TSJ had started transferring spiritual power to XY. 


Chapter 21: 

A snowball fight started in the cherry blossom forest and Xing Yue and her cousins were pulled into it.

A girl accidentally threw a snowball on Xiao Yao and kept apologizing but Xiao Yao didn’t mind so she moved away from the snowball fight and started walking around the cherry blossom forest. The cherry blossoms were blooming beautifully and because Xiao Yao could hear all the girls laughing and shrieking in the fight, she didn’t feel like she was walking too far from them and continued heading towards the most beautiful view.


Xiao Yao sensed they hated her immensely.  They could use many faster ways to kill her, but they sent the beasts clearly to make sure she suffered and didn’t die a quick death.


Xiao Yao’s face was stark white and she kept trying to talk. “You…..you…..you are killing…..the wrong person.”

The Mu family son had tears in his eyes as he looked up to the sky. “Mom, Dad, may you rest in peace now!”

He waved his hand and the cherry blossoms danced in the sky and became sharp cherry blossom knives. The Mu family son said, “And this is for the Mu family!”

An entire sky filled with cherry blossom knives flew towards Xiao Yao and embedded into her entire body and blood blanketed the cherry blossom forest like rain falling.


Jing furiously urged his winged ride faster to get to Little Zhu Rong’s residence and learned Xiao Yao was not there. Shan Hu quizzically said, “Princess went to the cherry blossom forest in the countryside.”

Jing rushed there and the cherry blossoms were in full bloom. Men and women were playing under the trees and the sound of happy feminine laughter rang out and there was no hint of danger.

Jing tensed up and brought out little fox and asked it to track Xiao Yao. The Nine-tailed fox was a born tracker and good at concealment, plus Jing kept Xiao Yao on his heart and mind all the time so even if her scent was mixed with many, he could still differentiate if there was even the slightest smell of her.

Jing was born with the spiritual eye that could see through any enchantments and mazes, plus with the help of little fox, he tracked her to another canyon. He saw a maze formed using water, wood, and fire, it was a kill maze. The ground covered in snow was to his advantage and he grabbed the snow in hand and created a fog to envelope him and he disappeared from sight.

Jing entered the maze and heard a man’s sorrowful wailing and followed the sound. He didn’t see the man but before him was a snowy ground that was dyed red with blood. A bloodied person was hanging in mid air, the body so cut up it was impossible to tell if it was a man or a woman, but her face was pristine as if carved from a crystal jade and her eyes were still opened wide.


No matter how much power he transferred to her, her pulse never started again.


The final stage of the maze started and every single cherry blossom turned into a flickering flame and a burning inferno lit up to destroy everything so that even if the Grand Emperor and the Yellow Emperor wanted to destroy all there would be no proof left.

I agree to rule CX's people out, but why are we ruling Xiang Liu out already? Because the power is described as sad then it has to come from Jing? I'm not sure I follow. Isn't that what we're trying to establish? Who this sad power comes from?

The descriptions ("sad", "devastated" and "crying") match up with the actions and emotions of TSJ that are described in the text when he is transferring power to her. 

I also don't think anything in the text supports the idea that spiritual power can be transferred over a long distance via the bug connection. We know that others transferred power to XY, there doesn't seem to be any evidence that XL could transfer spiritual power to XY, and the transferred power is described in a way that seems (IMO) to intentionally tie it to TSJ. Unless I've missed something, this leads me to conclude that XL did not transfer that spiritual power to XY.

The two groups that definitely transferred spiritual power to XY ("definitely" because they are expressly described as doing so in the text) are TSJ and CX's people. Between those two options, I think the description rules out CX's people. Leaving only TSJ. 

It makes more sense to me that her pulse/heartbeat was undetectable and her body was icy cold because she had already gone into "hibernation" mode. Before that, her heart was still beating weakly.

As I mentioned, I think XY's heart continued to beat weakly the whole time (from the assassination in the cherry blossom forest to the clam shell), including when she was on Sheng Nong Mountain. I keep coming back to one line, which feels like Tong Hua telling the readers the reality of the situation when XY is on Sheng Nong mountain (long after "locking up") through CX's thoughts.

Even though no pulse could be detected, Zhuan Xu felt that her heart was still beating slightly.

She couldn't hear, see or even feel - these descriptions suggest that her 5 normal senses were gone - shut off due to her being in hibernation.

This description occurs before XY locks herself up. Both before and after she locks herself up, she is completely unable to hear, see or feel. 

Between the time before she locks herself up and the time after she locks herself up, only one thing seems to change: for a while, XY is not able to sense XL's heartbeat through the bug connection. 

So here's my theory: there are two processes that happen in parallel. The first process has to do with how badly XY's body is injured and how close she is to death, and it dictates whether she can hear, feel her body, or move her body (including opening her eyes and wiggling her toes). The second process has to do with her locking herself up, and it dictates whether she can sense XL's heartbeat through the bug connection (among other things). 

I said before that I think XY locking herself up has to do with her mind. But it's a bit more specific than that. It's about her awareness / ability to sense certain intangible things without needing to be able to hear, or see, or feel her own body. Intangible things like the emotions of the first person who transferred power to her (IMO, TSJ) and XL's heartbeat (through the bug connection). 

Perhaps that kind of sensing requires expending spiritual power / life force, but XY needs every ounce of spiritual power / life force she has to keep her very weak, faint heartbeat going. So XL's heart guides XY to lock herself up so that no spiritual power / life force is wasted. XL's healing sessions slowly replenish XY's baseline spiritual power / life force and made her heart stronger. Only when her heart is no longer in danger of stopping ("the flame was no longer in danger of being extinguished") does she begin to start the process of unlocking and being able to sense intangible things again. That's the point where she first starts to sense XL's heartbeat through the bug connection. 

Process 1: XY when she is badly injured and in need of healing (this state begins before she locks herself up and continues after she locks herself up):

  • can't hear
  • can't see (can't open her eyes)
  • can't feel her own body
  • remains fully conscious at all times

Process 1: XY when she is partially healed and her body is getting closer to waking up:

  • can hear
  • can't see (can't open her eyes)
  • can feel her own legs, but isn't sure if she's able to wiggle her own toes
  • is able to fall asleep

Process 2: XY before she locks herself up:

  • can sense the extreme emotions of the first person who transfers spiritual power to her
  • can sense XL's heartbeat through the bug connection
    • XL's heartbeat guides XY's heart to keep beating (later, TSJ and CX's people transfer power to her, which enables her heart to keep beating weakly)
    • XL's heartbeat guides XY to lock herself up

Process 2: XY when she is fully locked up:

  • can't sense the extreme emotions of anyone who transfers spiritual power to her (although CX's people might not have had any extreme emotions for her to sense anyway)
  • can't sense XL's heartbeat through the bug connection at all
  • can't sense XL's presence, movement or body heat through the bug connection at all

Process 2: XY as she gradually starts to unlock thanks to XL's healing:

  • suddenly starts to be able to sense XL's heartbeat through the bug connection, but only when he is physically close (i.e., when he comes back to the shell to heal her)
  • is gradually able to sense XL's presence / movements / body heat when he is physically close (i.e., when he comes back to the shell to heal her)

Process 2: XY after her body wakes up (she is fully unlocked, but XL reinstates the usual block he has on the bug connection):

  • can't sense XL's heartbeat through the bug connection at all (except when he slips in chapter 26)
  • can't sense XL's presence through the bug connection at all


Chapter 21:

She really had no strength left, so that even the weak sole flame that was keeping her heart beating was too much to sustain. Even with another heart guiding her heart, still the heartbeat grew weaker.

Suddenly power coursed through her, unending streams of power that allowed the weak heartbeat to continue beating.

She couldn’t hear it, couldn’t see it, couldn’t even feel it, but she felt sad because the spiritual power was so sad and devastated. Even the power was crying and Xiao Yao couldn’t even imagine how heartbroken the owner of the spiritual power was.

Xiao Yao wanted to see who was so sad but didn’t have the strength. She could only follow the guidance of the other heart and slowly locked herself up. Just like a flower blooming, the reverse process was to return to being a bud, into a seed, back into the soil, laying in the Winter to wait for the Spring to arrive.

Xiao Yao couldn’t hear, couldn’t see, couldn’t feel, but she still felt unbearable.

It was like sleeping, except in real sleep one couldn’t feel the passing of time, but when one’s body was sleeping but the conscious wasn’t, then it was like being locked up in a coffin and buried into the ground. Conscious sleeping was so unbearable!

In the pitch black darkness, time had no beginning and no end, and everything became forever.

Xiao Yao didn’t know how long she had been in the darkness, and she didn’t know how much longer she needed to be there. She was trapped in forever, and Xiao Yao realized for the first time how scary forever was. Just like eating duck neck was a really enjoyable thing to do, but if eating duck neck became something she did forever without an end, then it’s not enjoyable at all and would instead be a truly scary torture.

In the unending darkness, Xiao Yao felt like a hundred years had passed. If her conscious could commit suicide, she would have killed herself. But she could do nothing other than stay like this forever. She started to hate the person who saved her.

One day Xiao Yao suddenly felt something, like a little bit of warmth entered her body from the outside. It slowly took away the icy cold and Xiao Yao greedily clung onto that warmth.

Every so often the warmth would flow into her. Even though the waiting was long, but the warmth always came so even the long wait wasn’t scary anymore.

The warmth entered her time and time again. She didn’t know how much time passed but her heart gradually got stronger. It was like the flickering sole flame had a cover placed over it, so even if the light wasn’t as bright at least the flame was no longer in danger of being extinguished.

One time as the warmth entered her, Xiao Yao felt another heart beating. Her heart soared as if she was encountering an old friend.

Xiao Yao wanted to laugh: Xiang Liu, is it you? I’ve healed you that many times, now it’s finally your turn to repay me.

Time and time again, Xiao Yao didn’t know how much time passed but she felt time was so slow!

In the unending darkness, every time Xiang Liu came to heal her became the only time she felt like she was still alive, because she felt another heart beating.

Not sure how much time passed but one day when the warmth was entering her body, Xiao Yao suddenly felt a sensation, she felt someone was embracing her.

It was strange, she couldn’t hear or see, and couldn’t even feel her own body, but perhaps because of the voodoo bug within and their two hearts were as one, she could vaguely sense his movements.

Gradually Xiao Yao felt more and more alert. When Xiang Liu was embracing her, she could feel his body heat, and could also clearly feel what the warmth was that was flowing into her body. It was Xiang Liu’s blood, and it was different than normal blood. It was scalding hot, and every drop felt like a little flame. Xiao Yao guessed it was Xiang Liu’s essential soul blood.


One day Xiao Yao suddenly heard a noise. 


Xiang Liu stopped talking and silently held Xiao Yao in his arms. As the waves rose and fell, the crescent moon in the sky quietly shone on them.

Xiao Yao restfully fell asleep.


Who knows how many more years passed and Xiao Yao gradually felt her own legs. She tried to wiggle her toes and it wasn’t clear if it moved. She couldn’t ask Xiang Liu to check for her. But regardless of whether it moved or not, she felt that her body was close to awakening.


Xiang Liu said, “Tonight I’m waking you up.”

Xiang Liu fed his essential soul blood to Xiao Yao, and different than before where it felt like warm flames that chased away the coldness of death in Xiao Yao’s body, tonight his essential soul blood was a raging inferno that scorched Xiao Yao. It was colliding in her body and appeared to rip her insides to shreds before slowly bonding it back together.

Xiao Yao couldn’t cry out but her body violently shook. Gradually her hands could move, her legs could move, and then she painfully cried out as all the soul essence entered her body and she passed out in the midst of unbearable pain.

When Xiao Yao woke up, she felt the warm sun on her body and she subconsciously turned over to keep on sleeping. Suddenly she opened her eyes in disbelief. She laid there in a daze and then slowly raised her hand up.

Oh! She really could move!

she "feels" the emotions of the person transferring the spiritual power to her. If you recall our discussion on the Lovers Bugs turning the metaphorical attunement between lovers into a literal connection that allows them to actually feel/experience the other person's emotions, it makes sense to me that this is what's happening here - XY experiencing the XL's devastation through the Lovers Bugs connection.

If XY was feeling XL's devastation through the bug connection, I would expect her to feel those emotions in her heart, and to feel them at least as early on as when she starts to sense XL's heartbeat through the bug connection. And not only when the spiritual power is transferred to her. 

Instead, she feels that the spiritual power itself is sad, devastated and crying. Since the power is transferred into her and seems to be carrying the extreme emotions of the person it was transferred from, it doesn't seem like a bug connection is required for XY to sense that the transferred spiritual power is imbued with these emotions. 

In addition, the spiritual power was described as unending/neverending/torrential - i.e. it's incredibly powerful. The words that are used here are typically used to describe the movement of a body of water. XL has water power (ETA: I actually don't know what type of power Jing has),  but even if Jing has water power, between them XL is the only one whose power can be described using such words. These words are not suitable to describe Jing's power.

I like this point, and I think it's compelling, but I don't find it enough to convince me. 

I think those descriptions would also make sense if they were describing TSJ trying to pour every ounce of spiritual power that he had into XY. It reminds me a little bit of that time in chapter 23 when Feng Long recalled fighting with TSJ when they were younger. He noted that he was objectively a stronger fighter than TSJ, but when TSJ really cared about something (the way he cared about Hou back then) and was willing to take a fight seriously and risk it all, then Feng Long was toast. 


Chapter 23:

Feng Long and Jing brawled and brawled until it wasn’t clear who stopped first. Neither fought anymore and both laid in complete utter mess on the ground and stared at the ceiling in silence.

Feng Long remembered that a young Jing was always courteous and polite, his clothing immaculate, unlike Feng Long who was always messy like a monkey. But one time he yelled at Hou and Jing overheard and Jing immediately got angry and threw a zither at him. The two of them got into a fight right then and there, and even though he was a better fighter than Jing, once Jing seriously got into a fight he was toast. He vowed then and there never to be mean to Hou again. At that moment he really envied Hou for having a younger brother who would risk it all to protect him. 


Can you ladies see if you can help me understand this:
Why does XL seem so inadept at expressing his feeling towards XY? Even TJC said in an interview that its not that XL didnt want (cant recall if he used this word exactly) to express his feelings, its that XL didnt know how to. Things like reaching out to pat XY's head seemed like an awkward action for XL.

But thing is.. XL was living as FFB for a long time before he met XY, and is very attuned to coaxing ladies. Even if its the first time he has fallen in love, XL shouldn't be that awkward?

The difference is genuine feelings. XL truly loves Xiao Yao so his actions/behaviour towards her will reveal his innermost feelings which would be a vulnerable experience. Kinda like exposing his heart. As FFB, his words and actions are "acting" - he can coax a beautiful lady with pretty words that are devoid of real emotions. There's no vulnerability there so it's easier to do.

Welcome @pomelotree! Glad you finally decided to join us!

As for your questions, @HeadInThe Clouds summed it perfectly. While Fangfeng Bei's free spirit is the real Xiang Liu when he sheds his armour, his interactions with those around him would have been very much on a superficial level, putting on an act as the flirtatious, good-for-nothing libertine who posed no threat to anyone, his attitude assured, his emotions well guarded and pretty much untouched.

On the other hand, he is in love for the very first time in his life with Xiao Yao, a love that would last a lifetime. Since his feelings for Xiao Yao are real, he finds himself in a novel situation where he is susceptible and unsure, at risk of revealing the true depth of his feelings for her, which he could not and would not do, yet would involuntarily do so with the odd word or action. So he would mask it behind a veneer of outrageous, flirtatious banter or brusque front, though sometimes, he would slip and ask questions, the answers of which he both cares deeply for but are afraid to hear at the same time, such as the time when he asks her to give up being a princess and roam the world with him.

Totally agree with these replies, 100%