

Can you find the poems for chapters 20 and 43, if I'm not mistaken, for chapter 43 the poem is also on the cover of the Sauvignon Blanc book.

do you know the name and author of the poem. there is no reference for the poem in the text i have. so i can’t search. i am curious of the poem for chapter 47 and 48 too

I am not really sure if this is the poem for chapter 43 or 42, it says it's book 3 chapter 11, but I can't remember if book 3 has 17 or 18 chapters. 

For chapter 47 and 48 I couldn't find anything. 

"Origin of the Chapter's Title

The title 故人心易变 (gù rén xīn yì biàn) is from the poem Magnolia (木兰花) by Nalan Xingde, a famous Qing Dynasty poet.

故人心易变 can be translated as:

  • The heart is easily changed.
  • Capriciousness of human emotions[1]
  • Lover's sentiments are easily altered.[2]

Context of the line in its passage:



If time could stand still at the moment we met, the cold autumn wind would leave the fans unswept.

Before long, your feelings have faltered; lover's sentiments, you said, are easily altered.[3]

Other translations:

If only life were as beautiful as at first sight,

why should the autumn wind bother to pity deserted painted fans?

Frivolously your heart changed,

yet you claimed capriciousness of human emotions.[4]


If love is always as fresh as we met at first sight, I'll not feel so sad as the fans discarded in fall.

Your heart is changing, How can you say I broke my vow.[5]"


vol 1 has 17 chapters 

vol 2 has 16 chapters 

therefore vol 3 chapter 11 equals to chapter 44 ( out of 51 chapers)


Chapter 43 : It comes from " Bu Suanzi·I Live at the Head of the Yangtze River " written by Li Zhiyi in the Song Dynasty . The explanation is that I live at the source of the Yangtze River and you live at the end of the Yangtze River. I miss you every day and never see you, but we drink the water of the Yangtze River together. When will the endless river dry up, and when will the bitter hatred of separation cease. I only hope that your heart will stay as strong as mine, and you will not let down my infatuated love.

i agree with you that he DID cast a spell to make and keep her unconscious but after the treatment, Reading the text about how he got into the shell until he started feeding her then Lie Yang and Ah Bi came to protect XY, there was no evidence that he did the unconscious spelll. She was still in “dead” mode.

however, after Ah Bi and Lie yang realized that XL was doing favor to save her, they stayed by the pond and waited him (about 5’, he brought XY up). It is blank space in the story there. they didn’t know what he did during that 5’ and so do we. if he cast a spell, it would be within that 5’, meaning after the treatment.

Yes. I did mention in my last paragraph that the spell to put her to sleep and seal her consciousness took place after the healing, in that 5mins that Lie Yang watched over his formation on the surface of the water. 

I am of the opinion that she was not damaged badly enough that he needed to guide her through the reversal process to lock herself up when she  committed suicide. The time between her suicide and being brought to Guixu sea and interred in the seashell A Nian provided would not have been as long, because A Nian is at Gao Xin, which is the same region as Guixu sea. It is not beyond his powers to keep his presence from her except or perhaps even during the brief time he kept her heart beating. Once she was placed in the seashell, the blood spells were enough to keep her heart beating, until such time when he finally could go to her at Jade Mountain. The healing might have taken place without her being aware of his presence, even if she was conscious. And when she was finally healed and was about to wake up, he cast the sleeping spell and sealed her consciousness to ensure she never detected his presence there, and would not be aware that he was the one who saved her yet again and destroyed the lovers bug.

Which is why when Xiao Yao woke up the next morning, she knew the lovers bug kept her heart beating, but did not question that her heart was kept beating long enough until someone else (in this case, the Royal Mother) healed her and woke her up. In other words, she accepted that it was only the mechanics of the lovers bug that kept her alive without Xiang Liu being actively involved in her healing and awakening. After their final parting, she supposedly had no reason to believe that Xiang Liu would risk coming to the heavily protected Jade Mountain to save her once again.



vol 1 has 17 chapters 

vol 2 has 16 chapters 

therefore vol 3 chapter 11 equals to chapter 44 ( out of 51 chapers)

Oh I see, thank you. It makes sense, 44 îs the chapter where she sees the magnolias and recalls of Jing, when she was about to die. I am not really sure how to interprate the poem though. 


Oh I see, thank you. It makes sense, 44 îs the chapter where she sees the magnolias and recalls of Jing, when she was about to die. I am not really sure how to interprate the poem though. 

Chapter 44  (vol 3 -11) is about XY’s recovery after XL saved her in the sea vortex. She got more stable. open a clinic in Zhjyi and tried to investigate who wanted to kill her.. XingYue tried to killed her 2nd time.

the title relates to XY’s attitude i think. 

EDIT: After reading the full text of the poem and checking the chapter content, I interpreted that chapter title refers to " Xin Yue's heart changes". She still tried to kill XY. She used to be XY's friend, treated her as sisterhood. However, after discouvery of CX's love secret for XY, she changed and wanted to kill XY.

the flowers that she saw and had illusions of Jing is not magnolia ( in my language it is not translated as magnolia), It is hibiscus flower 

Thank for the info about the poem. i found it (translated in my language)

Very quickly:

Vol 2 Ch3 (Chapter 20) 岁月静好与君同 

Title: 《双声子》
Poet:  柳永 Liu Yong from the Song dynasty




Vol 3 Ch10  (Chapter 43) 日日思君不见君

Title: 《卜算子》
Poet:  李之仪 Li ZhiYi from Northern Song



Vol 3 Ch11  (Chapter 44) 纳兰性德  Na Lan Xing De from the Qing dynasty   

Title: 《兰花·拟古决绝词柬友 》
Poet:  纳兰性德  Na Lan Xing De from the Qing dynasty


Vol 3 Ch14  (Chapter 47) 道凄凉,与谁说

Title: 《夜行船》  (best guess)
Poet:  侯善渊  Hou Shan Yuan from Yuan dynasty


[This poem is just my best guess thus far. The words 有谁知 "Is there anyone who knows" does not match exactly with 与谁说 "whom can I confide", but appears to be similar in meaning]

Vol 3 Ch15  (Chapter 48) 心有千千结

Title: 《千秋岁·数声鶗鴂》
Poet:  张先 Zhang Xian from Song dynasty



Chapter 44  (vol 3 -11) is about XY’s recovery after XL saved her in the sea vortex. She got more stable. open a clinic in Zhjyi and tried to investigate who wanted to kill her.. XingYue tried to killed her 2nd time.

the title relates to XY’s attitude i think.

the flowers that she saw and had illusions of Jing is not magnolia ( in my language it is not translated as magnolia)

Koala translated it as being magnolias. 

 "Xiao Yao’s eyes were unfocused and didn’t seem to see Left Ear, instead smiling at the distance “Magnolias.”

Left Ear saw that Xiao Yao liked those pink flowers and quickly plucked an armful to bring back and place around her.

Left Ear placed on in Xiao Yao’s hand and she said “When the weather is nice I’ll wash your hair, and you can wash my hair, Jing. Don’t forget to pluck the leaves in the morning dew.”

Left Ear knew Xiao Yao was delirious and could no nothing other than repeating “Endure tonight and His Majesty will be here at sunrise, so you have to make it until then.”

Xiao Yao smiled at the flower as the sun gradually set. Xiao Yao suddenly started crying “Jing, the flower is gone! I can’t see you anymore!” Her eyes were about to close and Left Ear suddenly felt that he could not let Xiao Yao sleep no matter what, otherwise she would never wake up again."

the flowers that she saw and had illusions of Jing is not magnolia ( in my language it is not translated as magnolia), It is hibiscus flower 

The flowers referred to in the chapter are 木花  (mù xī huā) Sweet Osmanthus.

Magnolias are 木花 (mù lán huā)

However, the title for Vol 3 Ch11 (Chapter 44) is 故人心易变 comes from the poem "Magnolias":

Title: 木兰花·拟古决绝词柬友
Poet: 纳兰性德  Na Lan Xing De from the Qing dynasty.


Apologies for the interruption, but can we pretty pleased try to get Tan to win this thing? 

It’s this year’s Weibo TV & Internet Video Summit. Lost You Forever, Are You Safe?, and Xiang Liu/Fangfeng Bei are among the nominees.

I don’t know how many times we can vote, it’s all a bit confusing, but any help would be much appreciated <3 The other dude is getting awfully close and that can’t happen :D

Voted. It appears we have 5 votes, and can use all the votes on the same person. What we end up with each vote is a public post about the person we voted for. 

The flowers referred to in the chapter are 木樨花  (mù xī huā) Sweet Osmanthus.

Magnolias are 木兰花 (mù lán huā)

However, the title for Vol 3 Ch11 (Chapter 44) is 故人心易变 comes from the poem "Magnolias":

Sweet Oamanthus (the vietnames plant) is my favourite one. Very nice, sweet tender scent. I wish that I can bring one to my living place but it is not simple. As far as I know it is not used for washing hair (the leaves). Maybe XY just used it to infuse the smell to the water.

was muxi hua planted in the garden where Jinng stayed in Xiao Zhurong's maison? In the Vietnamese text it was called "moc te" - moc=木 and te is pronounced almost similar to "xi" in Chinese.

I don't think the poem relates to Jing or the flower linked to XY-TSJ. I got the translation of that poem in Vietnamese. 

The title of the chapter itself is more related to the change in XY's mentality. She was not as despair, depressed as she was when Jing was missing (chapter 43).

was muxi hua planted in the garden where Jinng stayed in Xiao Zhurong's maison? In the Vietnamese text it was called "moc te" - moc=木 and te is pronounced almost similar to "xi" in Chinese.

Jing stayed in 木樨园 Osmanthus Court, which is built among osmanthus trees.

There is never any mention of 木兰花 magnolias anywhere in the novel.

Vol 3 Ch11 (Chapter 44) mentions both 木樨花 osmanthus and 木槿花 (mù jǐn huā) hibiscus. The hibiscus flowers are the pink flowers Xiao Yao saw in the distance after she was wounded, and the illusions that followed. 

On the other hand, 木樨花  osmanthus refers to the 3 lanterns she released, and the silent wish she made to Jing, saying that she planted osmanthus trees on Xiao Yue Peak, and promised to sing for him when the osmanthus flowers bloomed.

The hibiscus flowers are the pink flowers Xiao Yao saw in the distance after she was wounded. 

Now is clear. This is the flower in the vietnamese text as well. I remember only this flower in chapter 44. 

In chapter 20, in Kaola it used evergreen plant that is grewn in the garden where Jing lived . But I think it's incorrect translation

Xing Yue came at dusk “Jing gege is staying in the Evergreen Residence filled with evergreens that make the entire place smell fresh. We’ll be dining there tonight to catch up and enjoy the foliage.” 

But in the Vietnamese text, the name of the plant sounds similar to "muxi hua" (it's explained as the calling name for the osmanthus of people from Jiangnan)

In chapter 20, in Kaola it used evergreen plant that is grewn in the garden where Jing lived . But I think it's incorrect translation

Yes, it doesn't sound quite correct. The actual text is as follows:


In the evening, Xin Yue came to call upon Xiao Yao. "The residence Jing gege is staying in is Osmanthus Court, which is among osmanthus trees. Every autumn, its fragrance is so strong that even the clothes are covered with the fragrance of sweet osmanthus after sitting under the trees for a long time. Tonight we will dine at Osmanthus Court, both to meet up with friends and also to admire the sweet osmanthus flowers."

-- Vol 2 Ch3  (Chapter 20)