Ah Mi (the royal mother), Yan Emperor and his grandmother were blood swore brother-sister is known information.

Was it? I thought Ah Heng didn't even know that her own mother had that relationship with the Royal Mother and the Flame Emperor until the Flame Emperor told her about it?

what's wrong with xy, she wrote xl's name repeatedly for some time but didn't take action.

 AH :
I am much more inclined to think that XY may have been thinking about XL in that scene now that that detail has been clarified and confirmed. But I still don't think XY was waiting for XL, for the reasons I mentioned above and in my previous comment. 

I had more or less same interpretation with you before. Althought she cut-off with XL in chapter 46 she still cared for his safe and wanted CX to let XL alive. XY just hid her love for him in her heart and decided to take her way when Jing returned. She just burst out of emotion when hearing XL's death. 

I used to think XY's love was suble. 

Last week, Windidaaa041293 mentioned that " XY knew that XL saved her again" I was very surprised. I didn't read that post carefully and don't remember detail point of that post. However, it triggered me to think if that scenerio is possible. I don't want to spetaculate and any statement needs strong foundation support from the text. And I wanted to varify the statement by my own investigation with my interpretation. Therefore I carefully check her healing process in chapter 22 and chapter 48 to see if her physical properties, Lovers' bug, her soul allowed her to sense or know his presence and blood feeding. And I think it is very possible. 

I had not got the impression of her waiting for someone in chapter 49 before. what does it mean "daze" expression. Someone (same page 319) made a summary of most context where this word was used. Very helpful. The analysis about chapter 49 was actually revised since the english translation did not clearly give detail about who she was waiting for. I even got trapped by the peach blossom branch that she hold on her hand and the later scence when she looked at the peach blossom forest before and during the ceremony. Last afternoon (when I posted the analysis), only the scene by the lake support the idea she was thinking of XL. I am so sure that she was waiting for him until I clarify the scene where she looked out the window to the water. And I revised the post in the evening (GMT+1)

However, my aim of the 2 analysis posts on chapter 48 and 49 to prove that XY knew XL had saved her.

Combining her thought and the physical condition, I strongly believe that. 

So the point of XY waiting for him in chapter 49 was just bonus for me. She didn't expect anymore from XL until she committed suicide (from chapter 46 till 48). She didn't want to see him again (in chapter 46). XY lost all hope of "love" in chapter 47. Jing died, cut-off with XL and her beloved CX betrayed her. She didn't expect anything from him before her suicide. I think I and you have agreed with each other until end of chapter 47. Now, If the assumption of "XY knew XY came to save her after the suicide" (which I proved that is very likely) is TRUE, then it's understandable for her inconsistent attitude in chapter 49. XY has contrary personallity. She was confused of XY's act. Also, she frequently deceived herself about her feeling to him.  She could think: XL saved me again but left me in Jade Mountain; why?; what was his intention. She was in a kind dilema. Royal Mother saw through it. Royal Mother understood XY's situation well. She knew someone had rescued XY but that one didn't show up or let her know. Therefore, she gave XY such advice. 

After some disscusion with others in the last 12 hours, I even get more support info to improve my analysis. I may edit it later. 

Xiang Liu and Xiao Yao’s Story and Romance - Page 319 - Lost You Forever - MyDramaList 


"I've checked and there are. I feel like I've been posting far too much about TSJ in this YaoLiu thread recently, but I'm happy to copy the excerpts here if you want them." 

The full or the crescent moon? 

I think I and you have agreed with each other until end of chapter 47.

Sounds like it. 

However, my aim of the 2 analysis posts on chapter 48 and 49 to prove that XY knew XL had saved her. 

Tong Hua spent so much time describing XY's awareness in chapter 22 and showing us everything that XY became aware of in that chapter. If XY had similar awareness in chapter 48, Tong Hua didn't describe it at all or show us any of the things that XY secretly became aware of.  Tong Hua is often very subtle and leaves things open to interpretation, but I don't think she would ask the reader to invent for themselves such a huge part of the plot. Tong Hua shows us XY falling asleep in chapter 47 and her waking up in chapter 49, with no suggestion that she was ever conscious in between. 

Xiang Liu describes XY's gorilla mirror to Sir Bi in chapter 48 (“This is a gorilla mirror that’s saved some ancient stuff from the past. Not even sure if Xiao Yao already deleted it.”) and Sir Bi almost stops XL from erasing the memories saved in the mirror ("These are Xiao Yao’s most precious memories, you can’t!”), but in chapter 51 XY is shocked to discover that the memories in her mirror have been erased. She thought XL had forgotten about erasing them. If XY had awareness and the ability to hear or feel in chapter 48, that should not have been the case. 

If XY really did know that XL saved her life in chapter 48 (beyond just knowing that the bug connection kept her alive), I would expect XY's thoughts and behaviour to be quite different. I wouldn't expect her to think of TSJ in chapter 49. I would expect her to have a very different reaction to finding out about the bug connection being broken in chapter 50. When she begged CX to spare XL's life in chapter 50, I would expect her to phrase her request quite differently. I would expect her to try to look at her memories of XL in her gorilla spirit mirror before chapter 51, and in chapter 51 I would expect her to phrase her laments differently. 

If XY really did know that XL saved her in chapter 48, that would undermine a huge portion of the very careful plan that XL implemented. He did not want XY to know what he did. And in this case it was more important than chapter 22, because he couldn't pretend he saved her this time as part of a transaction, and because his death was just around the corner. All of his hard work to create distance between them so that XY would be shielded, at least to some extent, from the impact of his death... ruined. 

Sir Bi stared forlornly at Xiang Liu before saying, “I will ask the Royal Mother to help lie that she removed the bug. Don’t worry, what happened here tonight, only you and I know outside of the Heavens. I will never ever let Xiao Yao know the truth! I will not ruin all that you’ve done for her and carefully arranged.

Xiang Liu’s face was ashen and he continued to clutch his chest wound, but he smiled and tried to bow. Sir Bi had nothing he could say further, so he bowed back low as a promise that he would forever keep this secret and not fail all that Xiang Liu had done.

Tong Hua crafted XL's ending so well. But we're supposed to conclude that she left a hidden storyline that undermined all of it? That the writer herself failed to uphold XL's wishes?


Maybe this is what is called the technique of writing without writing. ?



"I've checked and there are. I feel like I've been posting far too much about TSJ in this YaoLiu thread recently, but I'm happy to copy the excerpts here if you want them." 

The full or the crescent moon? 

Several different types of moon. 


Chapter 8:

Gao Xing was a nation of eternal Spring so their clothing was thin and loose, the fashion was airy and light. Right now Shi Qi was wearing a blue Gao Xing robe with wide sleeves and a simple belt, a crown encircling his hair. As he walked it was like he was walking on clouds, like he was the embodiment of the blue moon, his moves like the waves: fluid.

The two maids stared and Xiao Liu couldn’t look away either. Shi Qi appeared taken back and slightly lowered his eyes but he liked Xiao Liu staring at him like this so he kept his eyes locked on hers as he walked over.

Xiao Liu teased, “No wonder a girl learned dance for ten years to try and seduce you. After you go back, there won’t be a lack of women throwing themselves at you.”


Chapter 10:

Shi Qi looked at Xiao Liu. “A person cannot choose their birth, even if we are unwilling, we must accept it.”

Shi Qi smiled warmly, a clear and gentle smile. “If a heart is like a clean moon, even in the darkened clouds it will pass and the moon will return.”

Xiao Liu pointed to her heart and asked half in jest, half serious, “But if the lady’s heart is tainted, then will my lord’s heart be clear like the moon and shine it on the lady’s heart?”


Chapter 13:

It was a full moon out and Xiao Yao slowly walked until she could hear the sound of the waves crashing against the cliff.

She saw a man standing on the rocks, he was facing the ocean and quietly waiting. It was unclear how long he waited, it was unclear how much longer he’ll continue to wait.

The person waiting for her was Ye Shi Qi.

Xiao Yao felt all her frustration slowly disappear until all that was left was joy and nervousness.

Xiao Yao walked quietly towards him.


Chapter 14:

Jing smoothed her hair back from her face when Xiao Yao suddenly grabbed him around the waist and murmured, “I did go see you this afternoon, if you don’t believe me go ask your guard. I couldn’t find you so I went shopping.”

Jing held Xiao Yao and rested his cheek on her head. It was just a short time, he sunk to the depths of despair and now vaulted back up to the clouds of happiness.

He felt Xiao Yao’s body sinking and looked down to see that she was fast asleep. He smiled and adjusted their positions so that she was sleeping in his arms.

The sea breeze was gently blowing as the boat was rocked by the waves. He looked up at the moon and wanted to spend this night like this.


Chapter 18:

Li Li took Xiao Yao to one of its peaks shrouded in clouds. There was a waterfall that ended in a large pool, and not far from there was a wooden hut which was a few yards from the edge of a sharp cliff drop.

Jing stood there wearing a green robe staring at the sky. Standing still and silent under the moonlight, he appeared just like a stalk of bamboo, elegant and true.


Chapter 20:

There was an evergreen table setting placed in the center of the forest with a clear view of the forest and the moon.


Xiao Yao sang a song about a woman who was missing her beloved and longing for him and wanting only to be together for all of eternity.

The final verse she sang three times: together forever, never apart.

It was a clear night with few clouds, the moon bright and the stars dim. Within the evergreen forest, the flowers and trees were glittering and the fragrance wafted over them. Xiao Yao sang and danced as lithe as the willow and as light as the spring water. She moved along with the moon and when she sang the final verse three times, she put all her heart into it and her voice was as lingering as silk in the air.


Xiao Yao shyly smiled. “Just play the song I sang for you the other night. Do you still remember?”

How could he ever forget?

As the memory of Xiao Yao’s singing echoed in his mind, Jing’s heart gradually calmed down and he strummed the zither and began to play. Some notes were not perfect but in Jing’s mind was Xiao Yao dancing and his zither was merely accompanying her singing. She danced under the moonlight while he played for her – together forever, never apart.


Chapter 38:

Jing handed a bouquet of blue baby’s breath to Xiao Yao and the tender leaves still had morning dew on it.

Xiao Yao lowered her head to sniff and marvelled, “So fragrant!”

She put down the hair pin in her hand and pointed to her hair before turning around and lowering her head.

Jing picked a long strand and threaded it through her hair.


Xiao Yao picked up the mirror and saw the blue baby’s breath wound through her hair in a half braid like a crescent moon. Even the most precious and expensive bauble in the world could not have such a rousing scent.


Chapter 42:

The day before the wedding arrived and by evening the moon was round in the sky and still no word about Jing. The residence was silent with no wedding hustle and bustle, but the wedding decorations long strung up were still there with no one daring to take it down or use it, so everyone acted like it was just any other day.

In the middle of the night, Xiao Yao woke from her sleep as if someone was knocking on her window. She opened the window “Jing……Jing, are you back?”


Xiao Yao looked up at the moon. “I really miss him, and even if I really can’t see him again, seeing him in a dream is better than nothing.”


Xiao Yao said “Likely because I didn’t see it with my own eyes, everything doesn’t seem real. I feel like he will suddenly appear. How could someone just vanish like that? How come he didn’t say goodbye to me? I would rather he died in my arms, that we could say our last words to each other. But what’s this? One day I get his letter telling me to sleep early and not read late into the night, and the night day everyone says he’s gone. How’s that possible, I don’t believe it! Why didn’t he tell me anything? I hate him!” Xiao Yao screamed at the moon. “Tu Shan Jing, I hate you!”


Xiao Yao walked to the window to look up at the full moon. Jing picked a full moon night for their wedding, so they had a round happy ending. But today the round moon didn’t shine on a happy ending pair.


To stop hurting she had to forget! But time was like sand, it would cover up everything in the heart.


Jing, I don’t want to!

If the price to pay to not hurt is to forget you, then I would rather be in pain always so that you can live in my heart, until my life reaches its conclusion.

I’ve already put on my wedding dress and said my vows to the moon. From tonight forward, I am your wife!


Chapter 43:

Xiao Yao bowed three times to the moon and was standing up when a little white bird landed on the window sill.


The woman tossed a scrap of cloth at Xiao Yao and it on it was writing in Jing’s hand. It was the lyrics of the song she sang for him in his residence.

If beloved is wind above the water
I will be the lily in the wind
To see and to miss
To see and to miss
If beloved is the cloud in the sky
I would be the moon in the cloud
To love and to cherish
To love and to cherish
If beloved were the tree in the forest
I would be the vines on the tree
Together and connected
Together and connected
Why does the world have sadness
Why do lives have gathering and parting
Only wish with beloved
Together forever, never apart

Xiao Yao finished reading and restrained her tears before jumping on the ship.


Xiao Yao burst out laughing while staring at the moon. “Jing picked the full moon night to get married. I wanted to ask him why but was too embarrassed to, and figured I could ask him after the wedding since we had plenty of time. The last time I saw him was 32 days ago, he came to Xiao Yue Peak to see me and was supposed to leave before dinner but stayed until long after dinner, until the moon rose high over the mountain. We walked in the moonlight along the mountain paths, the moon was very beautiful that night. I pulled him to dance as I sang but he didn’t know how so I laughed at him for being so silly. Later he left on his winged ride and pointed to the moon and said “At the next full moon, no matter if the moon is bright or dark, if people gather or part, I will be with you forever, never apart.”

Xiao Yao suddenly started singing towards the ocean.

If beloved is wind above the water
I will be the lily in the wind
To see and to miss
To see and to miss
If beloved is the cloud in the sky
I would be the moon in the cloud
To love and to cherish
To love and to cherish
If beloved was the tree in the forest
I would be the vines on the tree
Together and connected
Together and connected
Why does the world have sadness
Why do lives have gathering and parting
Only wish with beloved
Together forever, never apart

The silver moonlight lent an air of desolation around as the waves crested glittering in soft folds. Xiao Yao pointed at the moon with a smile. “If I don’t see his body then in my memory he will always be on the back of his crane smiling at me while pointing to the moon to say, “At the next full moon, no matter if the moon is bright or dark, if people gather or part, I will be with you forever, never apart.” I likely am very stupid and very weak, I can’t believe that he’s dead and feel that he may come back at the next full moon.”


Chapter 49:

Xiao Yao burrowed into Jing’s arms as her tears fell, “Jing, Jing, you’re finally back!”

Jing comforted her “Don’t cry…..don’t cry…..”

Xiao Yao started crying even louder and pummeled his chest. “I kept waiting for you! I kept waiting for you and didn’t believe you died. Every full moon I thought you’d come back, but you never did! I waited so long and thought you wouldn’t come back……..I thought you really abandoned me…..I hate you, hate you…..”

Jing let Xiao Yao hit and yell at him while repeating, “I know you suffered a lot and I didn’t keep my promise. I’m sorry! I’m sorry!”

Xiao Yao nestled in Jing’s arms and kept on crying.


Zhuan Xu turned around and the moment he saw Xiao Yao he also saw the young man beside her, standing straight and composed.

Jing bowed respectfully. “Your Majesty.” After he straightened, he took Xiao Yao’s hand again and one white, one blue, they were like the moon and the forest, always beside each other.

 AH :
Tong Hua shows us XY falling asleep in chapter 47 and her waking up in chapter 49, with no suggestion that she was ever conscious in between. 

It's typical TH style. Hiding XL's thought, hiding XY's love for XL isn't it. If she wrote it clearly as chapter 22, then everyone can see and her suble reaction would seem unreasonable. In chapter 22, she knew What XL did for her, Do you think that she didn't love XL by that time? She did. But she vented that love to Jing. Did she love Jing before 37 year? No. Maybe liking at most. and if you read all the poems used as chapter title from chapter 32-34 (after FFB died) you will see that she longed for XL which is not written in the main text. It is also example of "writing without writing" technique. 

Now, what is XY's condition after suicide: She is expert in poison. She wanted to die. She took way more poison than CX who is stronger than her. CX could have died if XY didn't let Jin (the doctor) know how to detoxicate. Jin said her condition is "not dead, not alive" - in coma as called nowadays. She is not considered as dead because of her extremely weak heart beat but she had no breath at all and her life was sustained by the spelled shell that supplied spiritual energy  (essence for life) to her. Now look at her mind stage at this point:

Option 1: Soul is concious as in chapter 22 but TH didn't describle and let readers understand it themselve because of similar situation (chapter 22). It's mentioned by someone this is "writing without writing" method. It is possible if the author provided sufficient clues or evidence before. So it's likely the case. She gave example in chapter 22.

Option2: Her soul/mind is still embeded in the body - she was just "sleeping". In her "迷糊"  sleep, she could still sense CX's heart beat via the bug. Connection between XL and XY is even stronger because the bug was successfully planted. The bug could send message to her soul. 

At dawn when Xiao Liu was still fast asleep, he suddenly felt a stirring in his body. Initially he didn’t understand but gradually he figured it out – the bug was sending him a message. Xiao Liu quickly got up and rushed out of the hut “Xiang Liu, Xuan…..”

凌晨时分,小六正睡得迷糊时,突然感觉到体内阵阵奇怪的波动。刚开始他还不明白,思索了一会儿才反应过来,这是蛊虫给他的讯息。(Chapter 6)

Note: in the original text we see the word "in daze" again. The translation by kaola was not precise here again

She poison her physical body part but not her soul or her mind. So in both options: She is capable of sensing his heartbeat and feeding even in the case he suppressed the transfer of emotion via the bug from his side. However, I inclined more to option 1. 

TH always used word "力气" [li` qi] to mean strength, physical strength in the contex of chapter 21, 22 and 48 (actually other chapter too when it related to body strength). In Vietname we have the word "khi luc" which corresponds to the chinese  writing of [qi li`] for human strength (we don't have [li` qi]. So I also check the chinese word  "气力". "气力" is different from "力气". "力气" mostly refers to physical strength; "气力" not only refers to physical strength, but also includes spirit power. 

气力 (qì lì) Definition & Meaning - What does 气力 mean in Chinese | HanBook Chinese Dictionary 

TH chose the word very carefully. The consciousness of her spirit/soul was not dimished. If it is still attached to her body, her sense would be clearer and better than when it is separated from the body.

Last reason is in chapter 22 and majority of the book, the text was written from XY's point of view. That's why we know very little about XL. Chapter 48 was written from neutral view and some from XL's point of view. Therefore, we don't have the insight as in chapter 22.

Of course people choose their own way of understanding this novel. It is not a simple writing work with multilayers. Another example is the way TH used poem to make chapter title. 

And because of the writing technique " grass snake, gray line" , people sometimes have to search for the clues, hint that TH delibrately scattered in the whole book. 

P/S: Thank to CX's observation, I found the evidence for that "she was waiting for someone". And that one is not CX, not Jing. She knew XL saved her, but he left her in Jade mountain made her confused. Her thought is very complicated and contradicted. She could deceived herself again as before that it's just dream. But she could not resist to think of him


Beside chapter 13 and the scenes linked to Jing's promise to marry her on a full moon night, I don't see anything that points to the full moon as being a motif for them too. I would even argue that the full moon from chapter 13 is also belonging to XL-XY, since he's the one who met her that night, not Jing. The rest of the scenes are either comparisons (his heart is like a clean moon, half braid like a crescent moon), either Jing's staring at the moon while XY's sleeping. I don't know, but I don't belive they ever had a full moon night, not even when they got married, so I personally belive that the full moon is a motif for XL and XY only, like the walk they had on the ocean, their 37 years underwater ect. 

Also, I see jing's wish to marry her on a full moon night the same way I see his proposal under the peach blossom, forced / fake. His attempt to recreate something that doesn't actually exist. 

 AH :
ut in chapter 51 XY is shocked to discover that the memories in her mirror have been erased. She thought XL had forgotten about erasing them. If XY had awareness and the ability to hear or feel in chapter 48, that should not have been the case. 

If XY really did know that XL saved her life in chapter 48 (beyond just knowing that the bug connection kept her alive), I would expect XY's thoughts and behaviour to be quite different

Did you read the discusion about XL casting spell on XY to make her unconscious (in case of life was restored fully). The spell probably was done after he fed her blood. So that she didn't feel the pain and aware when he lure and killed the bug. The process of killing the bug lasted for hour, from midnight till sunrise. 

As I mentioned in my analysis: there is loophole in the story of breaking the bug by Royal Mother. XY was in excited mode to see Jing's return and probably didn't realize it but Jing detected something wrong. However, he was smart. What he cared is the life-death connection between XY and XL. And that connection now was solved and gone. 

 AH :
If XY really did know that XL saved her in chapter 48, that would undermine a huge portion of the very careful plan that XL implemented. He did not want XY to know what he did.

Yes and no. It would be more perfect plan for XL if XY didn't know anything at all. however, This is unknown factor for him as in 37 years under the sea.  But does it affect the ultimate goals: give a self-protection skill, the place to go and a companion partner? No.

If XY knew he saved her again, would that  change XY's view significally. NO. XY already knew that XL cared for her "existing" so much. In chapter 43 she already asked why he cared for that. And the reasonable answer is because his life is attached to her life. He didn't want to test the voodoo king's statement about PLB. If she died completely, he would die too. So he always tried to keep her alive, didn't let her die. XL had directly saved her 2 times before. XY knew it. The one in the sea, he could only take the bug story to cover the reason. So this time it would not change her view on his saving action. However, knowing that he came to save her would have influenced on her thought and emotion. He was cruel, heartless to her last time. She didn't want to see him anymore that time. This action showed he still cared for her. And as similar to the past,whenever he made her angry/mad,  the next time she saw him again, it seems that her hatred is just gone away. I don't think she hold any hatred to him in chapter 49.



Beside chapter 13 and the scenes linked to Jing's promise to marry her on a full moon night, I don't see anything that points to the full moon as being a motif for them too. I would even argue that the full moon from chapter 13 is also belonging to XL-XY, since he's the one who met her that night, not Jing. The rest of the scenes are either comparisons (his heart is like a clean moon, half braid like a crescent moon), either Jing's staring at the moon while XY's sleeping. I don't know, but I don't belive they ever had a full moon night, not even when they got married, so I personally belive that the full moon is a motif for XL and XY only, like the walk they had on the ocean, their 37 years underwater ect. 

Also, I see jing's wish to marry her on a full moon night the same way I see his proposal under the peach blossom, forced. 

and @AH

We have to look at the moon carefully. And it's acutally TH's intention. The moon only has meaning if it is well attached to the people in that context (as WXL said scenery is only meaningful when there are people with it). Because sometime the moon is just to indicate time, or sth else

Most of important and meaningful moon or fullmoon in Vol 1  and Vol 2 connected to scenes between XL/FFB and WXL/XY. Jing could appear latter but his presence is not directly related to the scene. The moon is well connected to XL. 

From Vol 3, after FFB didn't exist anymore and XY went back to Jing, especially after his proposal, the moon is now shifting to Jing more. Jing decided their wedding on full moon. That is his intention to replace the old moon - XL with his moon in XY's heart. TH allocated some scene between XY-Jing with presence of moon (I can't remember if it full or not. But the wedding event - most important event for XY was set on full moon day. Since then in XY's mind, the moon also reminded her of Jing.  For example the moon in chapter 43 is about Jing (she looked at the moon on the sky). but the moon in chapter 49 is the reflection in the water. It represents XL although it was not a full moon day. The day XY committed suicide was fullmoon. In chapter 49, she told Jing that she missed him every full-moon which indicated the day of the month, time. And to recall Jing she always looked at the real moon (the moon on sky). Chapter 51, the night when XY knew about XL's death, she looked at the moon again and recalled XL.

Always regard the moon in the context. 


Great explaination on the moon's meaning. 

I don't understand Yao Liu's conversation after the big Eddy on the sea.why did xiaoyao recall Jing in front of Xiangliu and sing a song ?

"Now I really regret that my life is connected with a stupid and weak woman like you. I beg you, before you die of stupidity, find a way to get rid of our poison!"

Xiaoyao pointed to the moon and said to Xiang Liu, "Look."

Xiang Liu looked at her coldly, without moving. He turned his head with his left ear, looked at the moon, and said dryly: "The moon is very round."


The man whom he had dreamed of countless times stood in front of him and said coldly that he regretted being bewitched by him. Previously, Xiaoyao had tested Xiang Liu with the poison many times, but the other party either ignored him or said he didn't want to; this time it was Xiang Liu's turn . He said he wanted to remove the poison, but it felt like he was serious about it. Xiaoyao gave up and started playing Tai Chi . The conversation changed and she cue Xiangliu to look at the moon. It belongs to them. She can follow her own words and make up stories and sing songs. The main idea is: This is the moon between her and Tu Shanjing , and it has nothing to do with you!

Do you believe Liu Xin?

He is a clairvoyant who uses the Lover Gu . At this time, his inner words are like:

The voodoo worm is alive and well in the body, and you, the little liar, really do a lot of tricks...

@windiaaa041293 @AH @H19279

Am really sorry... still unable to spare much time or cohesive thought, but wanted to share these few excerpts. Note the consistent description of under the ocean, the Eastern Sea, Gourd Lake, the ocean she wants to leave for - the blue-green colours of water intrinsically linked to her memories with Xiang Liu, good and bad. The same colours she saw on the waves of Jade Lake. As such, her staring at blue-green waves of Jade Lake as her fingers absently pulled the petals of peach blossoms, is telling as to whom she was thinking of during that time. And perhaps indicative of whom she appeared to be waiting anxiously for... particularly when taken in context of her earlier disappointment when she woke up after her suicide attempt and mistook Lie Yang for another white haired, white-dressed person from her not so distant past. Every single time her life was in danger, or at a crossroad, he would be there, even if he had to drag her screaming from whatever idiotic path she decided to take. Did she nurse hope that this time, he would come again, despite all that transpired between them at their last parting? With Jing dead at the hands of Cang Xuan, the bridges of loyalty between her and Cang Xuan were now well and truly burnt after all... 

Under the ocean, when Xiao Yao realised how her body had changed





Xiang Liu coolly said, "This is the price you had to pay to survive, to become a monster."

Stunned, Xiao Yao recalled Xiang Liu once said "Don't hate me" as he was healing her.

Seeing Xiao Yao dumbfounded and silent, Xiang Liu assumed that she was upset over her strange body. He laughed out loud then suddenly sped up past Xiao Yao's side, swimming towards the depths of the turquoise ocean.

Xiao Yao reacted immediately and hurried after him, "Xiang Liu, Xiang Liu..."

-- Vol 2 Ch9  (Chapter 26)


At the Eastern Sea where the albatross demon tried to kill her





"What is this?" Xiao Yao ran over to the stern of the ship, holding up the bead as she asked.

"A chart. If you do not have the ability to survive on Shen Nong mountain, you can come to the ocean. This chart covers only a small part of the ocean, but with your body, it would not take long for you to familiarise yourself with the ocean, just like a fish in water."

Xiao Yao recalled that Xiang Liu once said there were countless islands in the unending ocean, some barren without even a blade of grass, others as beautiful as a fantasy.

"I have no need for this!" Xiao Yao wanted to return the bead to Xiang Liu but he had already turned around, treading the blue-green waves towards the north, appearing leisurely and unhurried, until after a while, his figure was swallowed up by the night.

-- Vol 3 Ch10  (Chapter 43)


Their final confrontation at Gourd Lake





Left Ear already had his own mount. Under Xiao Yao's guidance, they flew past many mountains and landed on the banks of a gourd-shaped lake.

Urging the bug inside her, Xiao Yao called out in her heart, "Xiang Liu, I want to see you!"

Beneath the bright, clear moon, the ripples on the surface of the lake shimmered but Xiang Liu still did not appear. Unable to stop herself, Xiao Yao shouted, "Xiang Liu, I know you can sense me! Get out here and see me!"

Just as her voice turned hoarse with her screams, the clear cries of a condor was heard, and the white, golden-crowned condor swooped down from the sky and flew close to the lake's surface. Xiang Liu vaulted off his mount and trod the blue-green waves towards Xiao Yao. He was a passerby living nine lives in the mortal realm, clothes white as snow, hair white as the clouds, untouched by the  mortal world. Even if each step he took was over thousands of miles of war and countless lives, he would not be moved.

-- Vol 3 Ch13  (Chapter 46)


After Xiang Liu's death








"What best ending? He is the world's greatest fool! He did right by Hong Jiang and all his dead brothers-in-arms, but did he do right by himself?"

"I am the fool! He did not care at all, so why should I be sad? I don't want to be sad..."

Xiao Yao cried as she talked until her words gradually trailed off. In the end, she curled up in Jing's arms, staring at the towering Poinciana trees in silence. Crimson blooms fell one by one, scattered by the wind, like frame upon frame of a past that was lost. No matter how glorious and beautiful they once were, they would all disappear with the wind.

Xiao Yao closed her eyes wearily. "Jing, I want to leave!"

"Where shall we go?"

"To the ocean! Tens of thousands of miles of blue-green waves, lofty skies and vast oceans. Xiang Liu once said that there are many uncharted islands beyond the ocean. Perhaps we can find a beautiful island to call home."


-- Vol 3 Ch18  (Chapter 51)



Great explaination on the moon's meaning. 

Initially, the moon belonged to xy and XL.
But xy wants to change it to xy and Jing, by holding a wedding under the full moon. Even though xy describes Jing like the moon, she still thinks about XL.

Because the reason is Xy tries to rewrite the meaning of the moon for herself, and forgets all the memories with XL.

Unfortunately when she declared that she was Jing's wife, the moon did not appear, so she could not redefine the meaning of the moon.
And the Moon still belongs to yaoliu.

More or less the same as the article I posted above about playing Tai Chi .