
"She KNEW he lost a live for her. Jing was willing to die with her but XL did it already. is that because he had 9 lives then his 1 life was not as precious as Jing’s life?"

I personally belive this is not the right way to interpret that arc, as I said before, by not being there AND asking furball to take her back, XL himself took the decision for both of them. I am not even going to mention his request for a peak în shenong mountain, even though that's quite important too. Ok, she knew he lost a life for her, but she also knew that he has his life connected to hers. If she dies, he dies. She knew how tender and understanding he was to her, but he belived she was unconscious, so by not wanting her to know everything he did for her IMO can easily be seen as a form of rejection and also as him not wanting to commit. 

"It also means she is willing for a free FFB, not XL. XL was never candidate for her." 

OK, but If you believe that XL was willing to keep his last life for her, than why do you think she never saw him as a candidate, despite her feelings for him? Because she loved Jing more? No way. Because he was CX's enemy? I don't think so, because they both knew who's going to end up winning this war. The way I see it, she wanted a free XL not because she couldn't commit herself to him, but because he couldn't commit himself to her. 


"have seen some people say that the drama did not show the mutual love between XY and XL, but personally, I felt that the drama captured their love in beautiful subtle ways."

 I agree, I feel the same too.

This Harvard/Oxford/Sorbonne thread of ours is getting so famous that many of the excerpts here are being shamelessly posted on the Fox Lair™ lol

All this in-depth analysis must be causing some discomfort :D :P

If xiaoyao accepts xiang liu love then what's wrong with?

Ok, she knew he lost a life for her, but she also knew that he has his life connected to hers. If she dies, he dies.

did she know by that time that if she dies, he will die too? I am afraid not. She only knew their life tied together after meeting the Voodoo King in chapter 37. 

Check their conversation when he threw her in the water. why did he have to cover up his act by asking for a peak in Shen nong Mountain. He didn't want her to feel indebt to him. In the later period he showed he stepped back clearly. I don't see it at the period of 37 year or right after that. Did he know her relationship with Jing had been warmed up just right before the assasination. He had mind and heart connection, didn't he. If he could feel her heart sorrow, he could also feel her excitement when she was kissing Jing in his residence in Xiao Zhurong maison (for 6 months). If he showed up when she woke up? In your opinion, what should he say? "I have saved you for 37 years, our bugs are lover one, we may be have mutual love and your Jing is going to died soon?" then wait for her decision? 


Do you belive that at that point în time XL knew that she was conscious and that she is aware of everything that is going on? 



Do you belive that at that point în time XL knew that she was conscious and that she is aware of everything that is going on? 

Her soul was outsite her body. It is only merged into her body at the last treatment. If he knew, and if you believed he always wanted to hide his feeling to her, then he would not embrace her tightly for a while after the treatment? he would not tell her much about his life and he didn't need to sleep by her every night. He took her around, swam in the water, look at the moon etc. No I don't think that he could sense her soul which is ouside her body. He was surprised when she said about the merfolk's song. However at that point (Chapter 26) maybe he started to realize maybe she knew or sensed sth. Not in chapter 22. In chapter 48, he did not do anything special or extra before feeding her blood. Ah Bi realized that she was sleeping and XL might cast a sleeping spell on her. If he did so, it was done after he fed her with blood. So, I think he didn't not know her soul was conscious during 37 year



Do you belive that at that point în time XL knew that she was conscious and that she is aware of everything that is going on? 

I don't think there's a way to be certain, but this is a good question.  How far does the Love Bug connection extend?  Who is actually being honest or revealing?

I think the text will prove contradictory.  I mean, they could feel their connection when she was practically dead after the assassination.  In the drama, XL didn't seem aware of XY's presence until just before she woke up.


"No I don't think that he could sense her soul which is ouside her body. He was surprised when she said about the merfolk's song"

Right, so if XL didn't know that she is aware of everything that he did for her during their 37 years underwater, alongside with him not being there to meet her when she woke up and having  furball to take her back, plus the peak he asked for in return, how can you belive XL had any expectations from her to know that he is an option that she can choose from? I honestly belive is the other way around. If he knew she was conscious he would have never been tender to her, on the contrary. 

In the drama, XL didn't seem aware of XY's presence until just before she woke up.

the last treatment, XL had to do drastic way, XY's feeling like raging fire in her body indicated that he must fed her a lot of blood. But what was shown in the drama? No action, just like he felt her ready to wake up, should I call his look like "in daze" at that moment? The 37 year scene was a complete failure compared with the text

Her soul was outsite her body. It is only merged into her body at the last treatment.

But wasn't that from the drama?  Did it describe in the book that her spirit was outside of her physical body?  I mean, it doesn't quite make sense, as why would her spirit being outside her body when she's in better state, then when she's near death after the assassination?

the last treatment, XL had to do drastic way, XY's feeling like raging fire in her body indicated that he must fed her a lot of blood. But what was shown in the drama? No action, just like he felt her ready to wake up, should I call his look like "in daze" at that moment? The 37 year scene was a complete failure compared with the text

Yes, that's what I hear.  Even not reading that chapter, as a drama watcher, I did feel it could have been better.  Though that scene where he 'sees' her spirit was amazing.

But wasn't that from the drama?  Did it describe in the book that her spirit was outside of her physical body?  I mean, it doesn't quite make sense, as why would her spirit being outside her body when she's in better state, then when she's near death after the assassination?

Xiang Liu fed his essential soul blood to Xiao Yao, and different than before where it felt like warm flames that chased away the coldness of death in Xiao Yao’s body, tonight his essential soul blood was a raging inferno that scorched Xiao Yao. It was colliding in her body and appeared to rip her insides to shreds before slowly bonding it back together.

Xiao Yao couldn’t cry out but her body violently shook. Gradually her hands could move, her legs could move, and then she painfully cried out as all the soul essence entered her body and she passed out in the midst of unbearable pain. (Chapter 22)

I think the moment her soul seperated from her body was describled as "she died" 

Xiao Yao felt that the last thing she saw before she died was a thick wall of cherry blossoms flying towards her. It wasn’t scary and instead was so beautitful!

Such dazzling cherry blossoms wrapped around her body like a cloud and after the sudden sharp pain, as the blood from her body quickly seeped out, everything turned numb.

Thing that describled later such as her heart was weak then the spiritual power sent to her so that she could lock herself up was sent to her soul via the bug. And when her body locked up, the bug was is "sleeping mood too". Thus she felt conscuous in Dardness due to no connection to outside. When her body was gradually recovered, so did the bug. and the bug could send signal to her soul.

where he 'sees' her spirit was amazing.

Only XL's facial expression was touching. In the text, XL brought her around the sea, on the surface, dived inside the ocean by holding her swimming . That means her soul must tied with her body. But it's very difficult to film such. Then they placed them in the shell as a private ship. The part where WXL moved the bug from CX to XL didn't take place inside the shell but on water surface. the part when XL talked with XY first time since she became princess was on water surface too. not on land or island like on drama

Xiang Liu fed his essential soul blood to Xiao Yao, and different than before where it felt like warm flames that chased away the coldness of death in Xiao Yao’s body, tonight his essential soul blood was a raging inferno that scorched Xiao Yao. It was colliding in her body and appeared to rip her insides to shreds before slowly bonding it back together.

Xiao Yao couldn’t cry out but her body violently shook. Gradually her hands could move, her legs could move, and then she painfully cried out as all the soul essence entered her body and she passed out in the midst of unbearable pain. (Chapter 22)

Thank you for the quote.  So that sounds like her soul was in her body in the book.  That soul essence you highlighted was XL's soul essence, I believe.

I think the moment her soul seperated from her body was describled as "she died"

Xiao Yao felt that the last thing she saw before she died was a thick wall of cherry blossoms flying towards her. It wasn’t scary and instead was so beautitful!

Such dazzling cherry blossoms wrapped around her body like a cloud and after the sudden sharp pain, as the blood from her body quickly seeped out, everything turned numb.

Thing that describled later such as her heart was weak then the spiritual power sent to her so that she could lock herself up was sent to her soul via the bug. And when her body locked up, the bug was is "sleeping mood too". Thus she felt conscuous in Dardness due to no connection to outside. When her body was gradually recovered, so did the bug. and the bug could send signal to her soul.

Hmmm. Okay, I still don't see a reference to her soul separating from her body.  But we do see that the bug was communicating with her while she was dead / dying, and unconscious.  Maybe the key is the 'locking up.'  The bug was still in contact, but not really communicating?  I guess the question (which relates to the question of if XL knew XY was aware in the 37 years in the shell? ) is when did she "unlock" and the connection between them via the bug start back up?

I think in the drama, her 'soul' floating around, was a visualization of her being 'awake' even if she was in a coma -- not that her soul was actually separate from her body.   In the drama, there was at least one time where XL knew XY was aware enough to hear him or know what he was doing -- which was when she was frowning and he summoned the snow flakes and spoke to her until the frown disappeared.

Only XL's facial expression was touching. In the text, XL brought her around the sea, on the surface, dived inside the ocean by holding her swimming . That means her soul must tied with her body. But it's very difficult to film such. Then they placed them in the shell as a private ship. The part where WXL moved the bug from CX to XL didn't take place inside the shell but on water surface. the part when XL talked with XY first time since she became princess was on water surface too. not on land or island like on drama

Right.  The drama has limitations that the book doesn't.  I think it works much better for the drama that these things happened in the air, not while the actors didn't have to worry about drowning and the film makers didn't have to worry about wet and moving cameras ... or drowning themselves. ;p

Hmmm. Okay, I still don't see a reference to her soul separating from her body

Let's say her soul is disconnected from the physical body. The key word is "she died" . Before she died, she saw the petal flying to her and "kill" her. that moment is the last thing that her soul connected with her body. All the sense later that she felt was sent to her soul via the bug and then her body and the bugs turned to lock-up mood. That is my interpretation. Not the moment when she turned to lockup.


Let's say her soul is disconnected from the physical body. The key word is "she died" . Before she died, she saw the petal flying to her and "kill" her. that moment is the last thing that her soul connected with her body. All the sense later that she felt was sent to her soul via the bug and then her body and the bugs turned to lock-up mood. That is my interpretation. Not the moment when she turned to lockup.

So, are you saying XY's awareness of what was happening in the shell was happening through the Love Bug?


This Harvard/Oxford/Sorbonne thread of ours is getting so famous that many of the excerpts here are being shamelessly posted on the Fox Lair™ lol

All this in-depth analysis must be causing some discomfort :D :P

Seeing your comment I immediately visited the thread... it seems like they are trying to find a way to distort the facts...LOL