Maybe I should have said his inability to deal with his family issues effectively :-). Yes, family are tougher to deal with compared to strangers, but his ineffectiveness here showed that while intelligent he is weak and lacks resolve - still under the control of his Grandmother and unable to assert himself. And yes, I'm well aware of the concept of filial piety. He could have dealt with his brother in a way that would have been merciful, without leaving him around to create more trouble. The fact that Xiao Yao "seduces" Hou to help him was a choice by Tong Hua.

But he wasn't very effective elsewhere ... except as a quartermaster for CX and XL.  I mean, he totally botched his relationship with XY.  Repeatedly.   And her family.  And Feng Long.

Maybe lacking resolve is a better description.  He just couldn't carry through, at least when it came with dealing with people or difficult matters.  He either avoided them or paid someone else to clean up the mess.

Let's say if xy and tsj love each other and are willing to plant the bug, and it is planted successfully.
Suddenly, in the middle of the road, XY has secret feelings of love for XL.
Some people believe that Lover's bug can love 2 people together.
So the Lover's bug won't bite them if there is still love. If Lover's bug is just to prove that XY still has love for Tsj, then where does her loyalty lie? While she has secret love feelings for XL?

The problem is that Tushan Jing's love is possessive and selfish and jealous and would consider XY loving XL as a betrayal, which would turn the Lovers Bug into the Heartbreak Bug.

XL's love was selfless and not possessive or jealous.  He loves XY regardless if he can be with her.  Which is why that nonsense scene of XL feeling rage and jealousy at XY making out with Jing makes zero sense.  If that happened, then the Lovers Bug would become the Heartbreak Bug.


Even if she could transfer the bug from XL to TSJ, I don't think XY would choose to do so out of love for TSJ. That would mean that she chose to make TSJ feel her pain and put his life at risk, which would be totally out of character for her and wouldn't be an act of love. 

So she didn't want poor Jing to feel her pain and put his life at risk, but she was happy for Xiang Liu to continue to do so. Whatever happened to "for better or worse"? And isn't she the one who loved that Jing wanted to die with her? This would be a great way to ensure that they'll never be parted. One would think that she would want to be able to share both pain and joy with the man she supposedly loved instead of continuing to be tied to that other dude. With her callous disregard for Xiang Liu, I'm surprised that those Bugs haven't retaliated. Poor Xiang Liu, if this is the woman that he had the misfortune to fall in love with.

 AH :
The common intended use of Lovers' Bugs is only relevant in circumstances where the cultivator knows that the bugs are Lovers' Bugs and what that entails, and still decides to raise and plant them.

Just because they weren't raised with the knowledge or intention of using them as Lovers Bugs, that doesn't change their nature. Now that she knows what they are, why not transfer them to Jing and reap the benefits that come with them? Plus, Xiao Yao feels comforted by having Xiang Liu's heart accompanying her all these decades; why not let the man that she loves oh so dearly be the one to offer her this comfort? He's her "lover" after all. Why continue to have this tie to another man? It's also a matter of practicality. With the war escalating, Xiang Liu is at risk why risk dying with him? Transfer it to Jing then find a way to permanently remove them later.

In short, I don't agree with these reasonings 

XY actually never really wanted to break the bug between her and XL.

I agree with this. Xiao Yao doesn't want to break the Bugs because she doesn't want to lose this remaining tie to Xiang Liu. Her reaction when she woke up on Jade Mountain and was told that the Lovers Bugs had been removed wasn't exactly that of a woman ecstatic to be free from that unwanted bond at last. All with sweet, dear Jing by her side. 

As to whether Jing and Xiao Yao actually asked Xiang Liu to transfer the Bugs to Jing, this text isn't clear, IMO. 

 AH :
“You’re lying! Back then you broke it from Zhuan Xu and moved it over to you. How come you can’t do it now?”

Could this be an implied request for a transfer? Potentially. However, I think if there was clear intent to transfer, it would have been explicitly requested such as "I want you to break the bugs and then transfer it to Jing like you did with Cang Xuan".  So I take "break" here to be the actual request of removing the bugs rather than remove and transfer.

We could also speculate on the likelihood that Jing and Xiao Yao would ask for a transfer. The answer here will depend largely on how you view the Lovers Bugs. 

The Voodoo King was clear that the Lovers Bugs need two people who are in romantic love being willing to have them planted. And they will live together "one-heartedly" or die if they are no longer one-hearted. Jing behaviour on the boat suggests that he clearly understood what this meant. He grabbed Xiao Yao to prevent her from following Xiang Liu, fearing that if he didn't, he might lose her - this clearly shows that he's well aware of Xiao Yao's feelings for Xiang Liu and insecure about his place in her heart. Would he have asked for the Bugs to be transferred (if they even can) and potentially kill them both?

As for Xiao Yao. Does she actually believe in the bullshit that she spew with the Voodoo King? Is she that willfully ignorant about her feelings for Xiang Liu that she would ask for the Bugs to be transferred to Jing? Who knows with this character and her inconstant love.


".Which is why that nonsense scene of XL feeling rage and jealousy at XY making out with Jing makes zero sense.  If that happened, then the Lovers Bug would become the Heartbreak Bug."

That is why I belive that "lovers who turn on eachother" means exactly that. Falling în love with someonelse and not falling out of love with the one you share the bug with. In the drama XL's bug acted out when he saw XY with Jing, but XY's bug was ok, so why was only XL's bug putting up a fight în that particular moment?  Because of jealousy, his bug was angry. Why did XL risk killing CX în chapter 46, without even thinking that that can lead the bugs to turn against eachother? Because maybe that is not how they work. Maybe lovers who turn on eachother doesn't mean lovers who fall out of love, but lovers who fell in love with someonelse and thus betraying the oat they once took. The more I think about it, the more I am convince that there is no way that the bugs would allow for someone to love 2 ppl at the same time. I don't even think TH's initial intention was to be ambigous about this, hence the picture with XL and XY in the first edition, but she just went with the flow when she saw people's reactions and controversy between XL's fans and Jing's fans. 


The problem is that Tushan Jing's love is possessive and selfish and jealous and would consider XY loving XL as a betrayal, which would turn the Lovers Bug into the Heartbreak Bug.

XL's love was selfless and not possessive or jealous.  He loves XY regardless if he can be with her.  Which is why that nonsense scene of XL feeling rage and jealousy at XY making out with Jing makes zero sense.  If that happened, then the Lovers Bug would become the Heartbreak Bug.

I don't see it that way. Lover bugs won't turn into heartbroken bugs just because of XL's anger and jealousy. But it depends on a change of heart. Even though XY and TSJ have an intimate scene, as long as her heart still belongs to XL, the Lover bug will not turn into a broken heart bug. just like cx can have sex with xinyue, but there is only xy in his heart.

After the kiss scene, did the bugs turn into heartbreak bugs? As far as I can see from the leaked script, there is no change from the Lover's bug to the broken heart bug. Maybe we'll find out the answer in S2 later. Will XL be bitten by the bug or not?

Different from the scene in eps 19. When XL was bitten by a poisonous insect, I didn't see it as a counterattack because of a change of heart. Or because of XL's jealousy which has the potential to become a heartbreak BUG.

Bug Lovers is in love, but XL wants to break up, not because he doesn't want to love but because he can't love.
XL saw his lover swimming in the sea just to keep her promise to meet another man. Previously, XL heard Xy's answer that he was not suitable to enter a girl's dream.

Seeing this incident, didn't it cross XL's mind to give up? Because there's no chance for either of them right now? I think it's possible...even though he really loves xy.

The Gu worm felt resistance from the xl side so it bit the xl.

The GU worm didn't accept that XL was about to break, so it bit XL, and XL immediately pressed it so that the pain wouldn't reach XY.

So I don't think he was bitten by the poisonous insect because of a backlash (potentially a broken heart BUG). Even though it was just potential, hasn't there been a change of heart? then the counterattack is immediate death.

 AH :
In that conversation, XY says "back then" (in chapter 7) "you broke it from [CX] and moved it over to you". Similarly, XL says that TSJ asked him why XL was able to "break the spell before" (back in chapter 7) but not now (in chapter 37).

They both seem to conceptualize transferring the bug to first require "breaking" it from the current host. 

 AH :
“You’re lying! Back then you broke it from Zhuan Xu and moved it over to you. How come you can’t do it now?”

This is wrong translation from Kaola. XY or Jing always asked to get rid of/remove/undo the bug. And what she said to XL is 


"You are lying! Back then you helped Zhuan Xu undo the bug, how could not you undo it now? "

解: undo

The word 解 also means "solve" thus that sentence above can be translated as 

You are lying! Back then you helped ZX undo the bug, how could not you solve it now? 

Thus, the phrase "moved it over you" is not in the original text. 

I placed here the first part of that conversation in Chinese. 








"I...I..." Xiaoyao actually didn't know what she wanted to do. She was speechless for a while and said: "Help me get rid of the poison, you set the conditions!"

 Xiang Liu smiled: "Tushan Jing just said this to me half an hour ago." 

"Are you here to meet Jing?" 

"To be precise, Tushan Jing asked me to discuss some business." 

Xiaoyao understood that it must be Jing who saw that she couldn't get rid of the poison, so he had to go to Xiang Liu to negotiate, "Have you agreed to Jing?" 

“The conditions he gave are very tempting, and I really want to agree, but it’s not that I don’t want to get rid of the poison, it’s that I really can’t get rid of it! 

"You're lying! You helped Zhuan Xu get rid of the poison back then, how could you not be able to get rid of it now?" 

The text was translatated by Google, other tools such as baidu translate result similar meaning for the verb 解. Meaning undo or remove or get rid of. 


XY and the witch King tried to find the solution for getting rid of the bug. 

不管是巫王,还是小夭,都没有找到解除情人蛊的方法。(Chapter 38)

Neither the witch king nor Xiaoyao found a way to get rid of the lovers' bug.

I can't remember, is that part with "you have 9 lifes, but only 1 heart" in the novel as well, or only în the drama?

I believe this scene with this quote was added to the drama

Because to me the comparison between 9 lifes versus the emphasis of having only 1 heart it's just another way of saying that the bugs are exclusively, meaning it's impossible for either of them to love someonelse.

The Voodoo King in the novel stated that "they either live together with one heart or die together because their hearts are no longer one".

Fell în love with some body else and they turn into Heartbreak bugs. How do lovers turn on eachother, by falling out of love or by falling for someonelse?

My interpretation of the Voodoo King's statement is essentially what you said here. For me, you can no longer be "one-hearted" with someone if you fall in love with another person since your heart now would be shared.

In the drama, why did the bugs acted up when XL saw XY with Jing?

I haven't arrived at a satisfactory explanation for that scene in the drama. Some viewers have suggested that it was caused by Xiang Liu wanting to reject his love; Xiang Liu feeling betrayed. I think only Xiang Liu's bug acted up while Xiao Yao's bug was fine. I would have thought that they would both act up if they were in danger of turning into Heartbreak Bugs. 

Perhaps because Xiang Liu was feeling hurt/betrayed, his bugs acted up as a warning that if this keeps up, it will turn into Heartbreak Bug. The leaked script has a scene where Xiang Liu was upset/angry when he "experienced" YaoJing's intimacy -poor XL :-( - although I don't remember if his bugs acted up in that scene too. 

Again, I honestly don't think that what XY felt for Jing can be called love în the traditional sense, more like attachment, IMO.

Because of how I interpret the Lovers Bugs, this is also my take.

I'll add my post from way back on the Voodoo King scene with some of the novel's quotes explaining the Lovers Bugs. My only post with actual quotes :-)


This is wrong translation from Kaola. XY or Jing always asked to get rid of/remove/undo the bug. And what she said to XL is


"You are lying! Back then you helped Zhuan Xu undo the bug, how could not you undo it now? "

Thanks for this H19279. Goes to show that you have to be careful with translation as it can drastically change the meaning of things.


I can't remember, is that part with "you have 9 lifes, but only 1 heart" in the novel as well, or only în the drama?  Because to me the comparison between 9 lifes versus the emphasis of having only 1 heart it's just another way of saying that the bugs are exclusively, meaning it's impossible for either of them to love someonelse. Once you give it to someone it's a sealed deal. Fell în love with some body else and they turn into Heartbreak bugs. How do lovers turn on eachother, by falling out of love or by falling for someonelse?  In the drama, why did the bugs acted up when XL saw XY with Jing? Again, I honestly don't think that what XY felt for Jing can be called love în the traditional sense, more like attachment, IMO. 

That's a drama only quote.

What I really disliked about the drama is that when XL asked if two people who don't love each other plant, the donkey meat guy says something like  "no no no... But the bugs are mysterious..". It felt like a cope out so in the drama it doesn't have to be they are 100% in love and can still push 1:1 CP. He in effect replace the voodoo King but the voodoo was adamant they need to be in love.

I think they can -- I mean, they can be safe. It's just the bad choices can usually be traced back to the trauma.

Yes, trauma creates certain unhealthy patterns and coping mechanisms that often become maladaptive. Wanting someone who will prioritise you at the expense of everything else and who can't live without you are not healthy by any stretch of the imagination. 

Jing, as an incarnation of the demon fox, had to be neutered, and turned into 17. But I still don't understand why Tong Hua bookended XY's life with two demon foxes and made one of them a lifetime (shortened) companion. I mean, he's going to end doing, what XL wanted to avoid for her, and 'leaving' XY by dying early.

The fact that he has to be "neutered" for them to be together is quite an image :-). Maybe, they were supposed to parallel each other - Xiao Yao swapped one prison for another? Jing extracted that 15 years promise in the Dragon bone Prison; she made a promise that "bind" i.e. "trapped" her while in a literal prison. Rather symbolic.  

2 minutes ago
I can't remember, is that part with "you have 9 lifes, but only 1 heart" in the novel as well, or only în the drama?
I believe this scene with this quote was added to the drama

Agreed with you. This quote is in the conversation between XL and Lirong donkey meat seller in eps 11-12. "You have 9 lives but only 1 heart. Once your heart is given, you can never take it back". It is on the drama only since in the novel there is no mention how XL knew about the lovers' bug. 

Let's say if xy and tsj love each other and are willing to plant the bug, and it is planted successfully.
Suddenly, in the middle of the road, XY has secret feelings of love for XL.
Some people believe that Lover's bug can love 2 people together.

For me, you can no longer be "one-hearted" with someone if you fall in love with another person since your heart now would be shared.

There are also 2 lines added in the drama which is not in the novel about the bug is 

"The one who raises them cannot control the poisonous bug. Mostly women raise it for their lovers, hoping for a love that is devoted (one heart, one mind), never betraying each other."

"The love poisonous bug demands not only your life but your heart."

It is clearly said the bug demands heart. Whole heart as default understanding (there is no way that the bugs just need half heart). And what is the definition of betray each other

My understanding is that both of them must be loyal to each other and don't let anyone else into their hearts.

Therefore, I don't believe that the bug allow the host to love 2 people at the same time. It allows only ONE love during the whole life since if one of them dies, the other dies too. Thus the other can not move on to love another guy

What I really disliked about the drama is that when XL asked if two people who don't love each other plant, the donkey meat guy says something like  "no no no... But the bugs are mysterious..". It felt like a cope out so in the drama it doesn't have to be they are 100% in love and can still push 1:1 CP. He in effect replace the voodoo King but the voodoo was adamant they need to be in love.

The full quote

" LROM: No, no, no. However, the art of poisonous bugs is mysterious and unpredictable. Perhaps it is possible. Even so, forcibly planting it will lead to endless troubles. Not only are they unable to join their hearts together and share the same fates/lives, but the poisonous bugs may retaliate against them and harm their lives."

I don't like this part either. It gives audience to interpret that the planting between XL and XY might fall in this case too. then in episode 19, when seeing Jing carried XY, XL got bug attack and he recalled this part of the conversatioin. It can lead the audience to think the bug retaliation is the trouble due to no mutual love.

 AH :
Some events are important enough that I just know what chapter they're in off the top of my head by now.

XY transfers the bug from CX to XL? Chapter 7.

Not suitable to enter a girl's dreams? Unlucky 13.

XY sees FFB for the first time? Chapter 15.

XY finally finds out for sure that FFB is XL? Chapter 17.

XY's assassination? Chapter 21.

37 years in XL's clam shell? Chapter 22.

Ocean date? Chapter 26.

Creating and sending the ice crystal ball? Chapter 31.

Crashed wedding / the Question? Chapter 32.

Comforting XY / the forehead kiss? Chapter 35.

XY meets her mother? Chapter 36.

Voodoo King? Chapter 37.

Can't summarize it succinctly but do I even need to? Chapter 43.

Xing Yue's 2nd assassination attempt? Chapter 44.

XL pushes XY to cut ties with him? Chapter 46.

XL saves XY's life 2.0 + severs the bug connection? Chapter 48.

XY finds out about XL's death? Chapter 51.

I bow down to your "obsession" AH. It makes my interest look "extremely mild" in comparison :-). Thanks for this list of important events. 

Chapter 43 summary is: YaoLiu's love scene :-)! (That whole scene was described like one and I'm not the only one who thinks this)

31 minutes ago
 AH :
In that conversation, XY says "back then" (in chapter 7) "you broke it from [CX] and moved it over to you". Similarly, XL says that TSJ asked him why XL was able to "break the spell before" (back in chapter 7) but not now (in chapter 37).

They both seem to conceptualize transferring the bug to first require "breaking" it from the current host.

 AH :
“You’re lying! Back then you broke it from Zhuan Xu and moved it over to you. How come you can’t do it now?”

This is wrong translation from Kaola. XY or Jing always asked to get rid of/remove/undo the bug. And what she said to XL is


"You are lying! Back then you helped Zhuan Xu undo the bug, how could not you undo it now? "

解: undo

The word 解 also means "solve" thus that sentence above can be translated as

You are lying! Back then you helped ZX undo the bug, how could not you solve it now?

Thus, the phrase "moved it over you" is not in the original text.

I placed here the first part of that conversation in Chinese.








"I...I..." Xiaoyao actually didn't know what she wanted to do. She was speechless for a while and said: "Help me get rid of the poison, you set the conditions!"

 Xiang Liu smiled: "Tushan Jing just said this to me half an hour ago."

"Are you here to meet Jing?"

"To be precise, Tushan Jing asked me to discuss some business."

Xiaoyao understood that it must be Jing who saw that she couldn't get rid of the poison, so he had to go to Xiang Liu to negotiate, "Have you agreed to Jing?"

“The conditions he gave are very tempting, and I really want to agree, but it’s not that I don’t want to get rid of the poison, it’s that I really can’t get rid of it!

"You're lying! You helped Zhuan Xu get rid of the poison back then, how could you not be able to get rid of it now?"

The text was translatated by Google, other tools such as baidu translate result similar meaning for the verb 解. Meaning undo or remove or get rid of.


XY and the witch King tried to find the solution for getting rid of the bug.

不管是巫王,还是小夭,都没有找到解除情人蛊的方法。(Chapter 38)

Neither the witch king nor Xiaoyao found a way to get rid of the lovers' bug.

Thank you for these translation clarifications H19279

However, I think my original point still stands. Whether the specific word used is break, get rid of, remove, undo, or solve, XY and TSJ (as quoted by XL) used the same word to describe what was done in the past (back in chapter 7 when WXL and XL transferred the bug from CX to XL) and what XY and TSJ wanted XL to help them do in the present (in chapter 37). 

It's not as if they said, "You were able to transfer the bug [out of CX] back then, how could you not remove the bug [from yourself] now?" to clearly differentiate what happened in the past compared to some different outcome (with no transfer) that they were looking for in chapter 37. 

When XY was unable to remove the bug from CX in chapter 7, XL told her then that her only option was to transfer it to another person, and it couldn't be just any person. 


Chapter 7:

Xiang Liu asked, “Since he’s so precious to you, why not remove the bug?”

Xiao Liu didn’t answer and thought for a long time. Since he was a demon, and demons and creatures and monsters were all in the same world, perhaps he might know something. “It’s not that I don’t want to remove the bug, it’s that I can’t. Last time I was injured, you used all sorts of weird medicines on me. The bug had some type of transformation. He asked me to remove the bug and I lied that I’ll do it when he leaves. Recently I’ve been trying all sorts of ways to coax the bug out of him but nothing works.”

Xiang Liu thought about it. “If you don’t want to die, then don’t try calling it back. The only solution is to find a way to transfer the bug to another person.

Xiao Liu sincerely said, “The only person I want to make miserable is you.”

Xiang Liu softly laughed. “Then put the bug inside me.” Xiao Liu scoffed, “Like you would be so nice.”


Xiang Liu asked, “What are you thinking?”

“How to remove that voodoo bug. Xuan’s follower came by once to ask.” With Xuan’s real identity, that bug might not hurt him, but it was more likely one day it’ll kill Xiao Liu since so many people wanted to kill Xuan. Xiao Liu also didn’t want people to use him anymore against Xuan so was genuinely racking his brains for how to remove it.

Xiang Liu said, “I told you, find another person and plant the bug there.”

‘”Who would be willing? Maybe one of Xuan’s men?”

Xiang Liu very casually said, “It can’t be just any person.


“You raised the bug, you don’t know?”

“I…..I don’t know.” Xiao Liu confessed.


“How did you learn how to raise a voodoo bug?”

Xiao Liu’s eyes twirled. “That old woman told me!” Xiang Liu coldly laughed “You’re full of shit. If she told you how to raise the bugs, how could she not have told you what the name of this particular voodoo bug was?”

Xiao Liu knew what he said was contradictory so just went with it. “Why do you care how I know how to raise voodoo bugs? I just do.”

Xiang Liu said, “The pair of voodoo bugs you have is very rare. If you want to remove it, the only way is to find another person and lure the bug into that person.

“What are the requirements for that person?”

Xiang Liu said nothing, and after a moment, he stiffly barked, “I don’t know!”

Xiao Liu didn’t believe him, yet he didn’t know why Xiang Liu wouldn’t come out and tell him. So he tried asking, “Do you fit the requirement?”

Xiang Liu didn’t answer so Xiao Liu asked more, “You are a nine-headed demon. Luring a voodoo bug into you, that can’t be a problem, right?

Xiang Liu didn’t deny it so Xiao Liu took that as a tacit confirmation. Xiao Liu got all excited. “You said with your nine heads, even if my body hurt then it wouldn’t hurt you much, right? So can I lure the bug over into your body?

Xiang Liu stood there with his hands behind his back, staring at the moon, saying nothing. After a few moments he said, “I can help you lure the bug into me, but you have to promise that in the future you will do one thing for me. If I ask, you will do it.”


Xiao Liu yelled, “Then it’s a deal!”

Xiang Liu raised his palm and Xiao Liu clapped it to strike the deal. “I promise that if Xiang Liu helps me remove the voodoo bug from Xuan, I agree to do one thing he asks of me.”


Xiao Liu asked, “Then tell me now, how to remove the bug?

I don’t know! Don’t you know how to lure the bug into a person?

Xiao Liu closed his eyes and his lips started speaking wordlessly as if reciting a chant. After some time, “There is a way, but you and Xuan must be within a certain vicinity of each other before I can start the spell. Right now it’s too far.”

Using this method, they had to make a visit to Gao Xing Kingdom’s royal capital Five Gods Mountain. But Xiang Liu’s identity, he’s not someone who could ever just saunter into Five Gods Mountain.


Xiang Liu’s voice was in Xiao Liu’s ear. “We’re at Five Gods Mountain. It ought to be close to where Zhuan Xu is. You can try calling the bug into my body.”

Xiao Liu felt the fish pulling his lower body along so he could move with ease. He took out a blackened walnut and bit his own middle finger. He smeared the blood on the walnut and then handed it to Xiang Liu and indicated he do the same. Xiang Liu pierced his middle finger and smeared blood on the other half of the walnut and handed it back to Xiao Liu.

Xiao Liu indicated for Xiang Liu to raise the hand that was bloody and point it towards Five Gods Mountain. Xiao Liu said, “You relax, and if possible, feel genuine happiness to welcome the bug to your body.”

Xiao Liu tightly clasped the walnut to his chest and started chanting, summoning the bug in his own body. After some time, Xiao Liu felt his own heart start to beat wildly, and incredibly he felt another heart beating as well. The two hearts were like friends who had not seen each other in a long time, beating wildly in joy to be together. Xiao Liu reached out his hand and pressed it on Xiang Liu’s chest, and it was indeed the sound of Xiang Liu’s heart.

Xiao Liu couldn’t believe it. “The bug is planted into your body? That fast?”

Xiang Liu rolled his eyes at Xiao Liu. “Someone like you dared to control a bug? A truly powerful voodoo master could summon a bug tens of thousands of miles away to kill someone. Do you think all bugs are like you, slow pokes ambling across mountains and ridges?”

“Eh” Xiao Liu felt something strange in his palm. He opened it to find the walnut glowing and then gradually melting into splashes of color. It was like little fireflies dancing around Xiao Liu and Xiang Liu. Half of each went into Xiao Liu and Xiang Liu’s palms and disappeared.

Xiao Liu couldn’t believe it and shook his hands a few times but it really just disappeared.

Xiao Liu’s expression grew dark and he said to Xiang Liu, “I have a bad feeling about this. This bug is sooooo strange. It’s not as simple as I thought it was.”

But then Xiao Liu didn’t feel anything weird in his body so asked Xiang Liu, “How do you feel?”

I bow down to your "obsession" AH. It makes my interest look "extremely mild" in comparison :-)

Oh dear. I've outed myself.... if it wasn't obvious already from this thread. ^^"

Thanks for this list of important events. 

You're welcome. ^^

Can't summarize it succinctly but do I even need to? Chapter 43.

Chapter 43 summary is: YaoLiu's love scene :-)! (That whole scene was described like one and I'm not the only one who thinks this)

That and so much more!

XL saving XY from Xing Yue's 1st assassination attempt, XY seeing XL's true form, the beach scene / [love scene] / return to drinking blood from XY's neck, XY falling asleep in XL's arms, extracting a promise to live, reuniting with Left Ear, three more days of drinking blood, XY admitting that she misses FFB, Left Ear becoming XY's bodyguard, and the sea map jewel gift / ocean reminder.