XY did have feelings for Jing when XL accepted the Love Bug.

No, she didn't have any love/ affection feeling with YQS by the time XL accepted the love bug. XY thought of YQS to accompany her when she agreed with the 15 year promise

This is the scene when XL and TSJ meet to make a deal.

△ 涂山理脸上的淡定瞬间消失,明知有假,却依旧急忙回头查看。防风邶嗤笑

●防风邶: 听闻涂山氏最擅长追踪隐匿, 怎么连你身后有没有人, 都不知道吗?




△ 防风邶沉默了一眼,又满不在乎地笑了笑

。防风邶: 我是拿她跟你做交易。



△涂山形与防风邶对视,两人的视线中满是看不见的刀光剑影。一瞬过后,涂山摇头。涂山理:任何时候, 我都不会拿小天做交易。

△ 防风抑脸色骤冷。


△ 防风抑却没有一点高兴的样子,冷冷地嘲讽。

防风抑: 你替小天还我的恩情?经过她的允许了吗?

涂山理: (一脸淡定,因为和小天的感情有了进展,比以前有了自信)这是我和小天的事,不劳防风公子费心。当然,接受不接受是你的事,你……………可以拒绝。

△ 防风邶与涂山形对视一瞬, 察觉到涂山环的自信,目光渐渐沉寂冰冷。突然,他抬手把一卷羊皮卷扔给涂山璋。


△ 涂山环看也不看地接住,礼貌地站起。

涂山址: 东西我会帮你运回清水镇, 告辞。

△ 涂山理转身离去。

△ 防风掷一人独坐,肩头是道义,眼前是孤寂,伴随着丝竹管弦的靡靡之音,阳光从窗外照入,却照不到他选择的位置。

△ 防风邶拿起酒壶,笑着喝起酒来。

 I can understand the big belly doll who's laughting and sleeping at the same time, probably XL's wish for XY to always dream about happy things, like that dream she had when they went underwater,

That scene was not included in the drama. Thus there is not such reasonable and sweet inspriration for that in the drama. 

What should XY is supposed to do sweet dreaming doll? Holding it like kids with their teddy bears when sleeping? 

Since they also change the order of the events. she would be given the doll in her wedding (from Ah Nian) after XL's death. Meaning she became stablized enough to move on in life. No need of comforting by the doll anymore as how it was written in the novel - the doll was the only thing that made her cheer up after hearing his death (Jing and other could not). The doll is carried along her for the future because of its qualifications itself instead of forcing XY to promise to bring it everywhere by Ah Nian. 

XL wanted to see her happy face, her life maybe he wanted to "see" the world with her through the doll (like written in the open letter in the internet)

In the book when XL is writing the wishes he recalled when they first met. It shows how deeply he loved her that he still remembers their first meeting 100 years ago and made them come true.

Why didn't they make him recall that flashback instead of the dream line? It just make him look sulky.

This is the biggest difference between the book and drama since in the drama change the core message. XL just taught her protection skill (one out of 3 wishes). Thus the production replies on this flashback to explain his motivation and action through out the drama. I really hate it. 

 AH :
He couldn't openly support CX because of his grandmother. He didn't go against her on that one. He could only support CX secretly.

I just want to clarify. The family creed is to stay politically neutral is it not? It's not simply about not making support obvious, but staying out of it. My view of the Tushan clan is that they are about profit and staying politically neutral is beneficial for this. Of course, once the outcome is clear, they will probably make their support for the winner known, but at that point, Cang Xuan was not a winning bet. Therefore, his supporting Cang Xuan is essentially going against his family's creed. Correct me if there are other details in the novel that showed differently.


△ 涂山理脸上的淡定瞬间消失,明知有假,却依旧急忙回头查看。防风邶嗤笑

●防风邶: 听闻涂山氏最擅长追踪隐匿, 怎么连你身后有没有人, 都不知道吗?




△ 防风邶沉默了一眼,又满不在乎地笑了笑

。防风邶: 我是拿她跟你做交易。



△涂山形与防风邶对视,两人的视线中满是看不见的刀光剑影。一瞬过后,涂山摇头。涂山理:任何时候, 我都不会拿小天做交易。

△ 防风抑脸色骤冷。


△ 防风抑却没有一点高兴的样子,冷冷地嘲讽。

防风抑: 你替小天还我的恩情?经过她的允许了吗?

涂山理: (一脸淡定,因为和小天的感情有了进展,比以前有了自信)这是我和小天的事,不劳防风公子费心。当然,接受不接受是你的事,你……………可以拒绝。

△ 防风邶与涂山形对视一瞬, 察觉到涂山环的自信,目光渐渐沉寂冰冷。突然,他抬手把一卷羊皮卷扔给涂山璋。


△ 涂山环看也不看地接住,礼貌地站起。

涂山址: 东西我会帮你运回清水镇, 告辞。

△ 涂山理转身离去。

△ 防风掷一人独坐,肩头是道义,眼前是孤寂,伴随着丝竹管弦的靡靡之音,阳光从窗外照入,却照不到他选择的位置。

△ 防风邶拿起酒壶,笑着喝起酒来。

This is matching the scene in eps 29 (if I remember correctly) and it is also the creation of script writter too. I also hate this scene. It is against XL's attitude in the book. If he did favor for XY, he would want to collect her gratitude from herself but not Jing (chapter 35 after he comforted XY in the house of the donkey meat seller)


I just want to clarify. The family creed is to stay politically neutral is it not? It's not simply about not making support obvious, but staying out of it. My view of the Tushan clan is that they are about profit and staying politically neutral is beneficial for this. Of course, once the outcome is clear, they will probably make their support for the winner known, but at that point, Cang Xuan was not a winning bet. Therefore, his supporting Cang Xuan is essentially going against his family's creed. Correct me if there are other details in the novel that showed differently.

In Once Promised, Chi You got food support from Tushan family in the big battle against Xuan Yuan (secretly). It was key battle to mark the offensive. Since it was said that Jing's grandmother had run the family business for 1500 years (if I remember correctly) in LYF, thus that support was made under her supervision. However, It is more understandable since they might think their business in Middle Plains would be severely diminished under Xuan Yuan ruling by Yellow emperor 

If I remember correctly, WXL already asked Jing to support Xuan when they were in QS town (after she knew Xuan was CX). Jing agreed with that.

Without WXL or XY, Jing would never had taken the initiative to support CX especially since he was a hostage in Gaoxin and later an underdog grandson of Yellow Emperor.

Jing's main motivation of the plan to Middle Plainis to bring XY closer to him (after getting the information about her hanging with FFB). Politically, it was also best option for CX. So, it is killing 2 birds with 1 stone.

My take on Jing is that he's a merchant, he knows how to calculate profit and loss and he aims to ensure he makes a profit. I know that in the novel, he stated that he didn't support Cang Xuan solely for Xiao Yao, but for other lofty/noble reasons. However, as you pointed out, he probably wouldn't have thrown his support behind Cang Xuan so early on when he essentially knew nothing about Cang Xuan, when Cang Xuan was not a surer bet, without the motivation of gaining access to Xiao Yao/gaining her favour. Cang Xuan dangled Xiao Yao like a matrimonial prize - all three of them were aware of this. In addition, while he supported Cang Xuan he continued to do business with Xiang Liu and Shen Nong's army - at times because of Xiao Yao. This tells you where his priority lies and just how dedicated he was to the more noble/lofty reasons for his support of Cang Xuan.

Unlike FL, he could comply with the clan's protocol of not involving the politics.

i asked AH this in another post, but the Tushan's clan creed is to stay out of politics, correct? Because I vaguely remembered that this was their stand in Once Promised as well. To such an extent that Jing's grandmother didn't help the Flame Emperor until he had to ask her for help even though The Flame Emperor previously helped the Tushan Clan. Do you remember anything about this, or I'm I mistaken?

 AH :
Does anyone know the specifics of how Zhu Rong died? His plot resulted in Chang Yi's death on Jun Mountain, and they died together, burned alive... but did Once Promised provide any more details?

Zhu Rong felt responsible for the death of Yuwang because he had "listened to" Yellow Emperor's trick. So he pretended that he would surrender and requested a meeting for treaty , expecting the Yellow Emperor would come. However, Yellow Emperor sent Chang Yi to lead a troop to Shen-nong for that. 

Zhu Rong was Fire God. He extracted all the fire power underground to the battle field. Lie Yang sensed the abnormal fire power underground and told Ah Heng. Ah Heng then asked Shao Hao to help Chang Yi but he refused. So she rushed to the battle field with Ah Bi, sending Lie Yang to Xuan Yuan for extra support which was stopped by Yi Bai, thus no extra help.

Chang Yi couple, Ah Heng and Chi You (used only half of his power - other half for Shen-nong that he sealed) knew the plan of Zhu Rong but they had to move forward (since already in the affected radius). The only way to stop it is to find the eye of the maze. However, Zhu rong used himself as the eye (epicenter) to create the fire explosion fron the ground (similar to vocanoe). Thus Zhurong died and the explosion was unavoidable. Chi You saved Ah Heng and later rescued Chang Fu which was fainted by her husband, he wanted her to survise.

Chang Fu later tried to kill Yi Bai with Shao hao's knife (wedding gift) but his mother, yellow emperor's favorite concubine covered her son and died (Not like in the drama). Then she hit her heart with the same knife, and jumbed into the grave of her husband (which had no body inside since he was burnt in the battle)

i asked AH this in another post, but the Tushan's clan creed is to stay out of politics, correct?

That is correct. I wrote my explanation for their help for Chi You. However, is it similar to selling provisions to Shen-nong army in LYF. Calculating and potential benefit if Shen-nong could keep their own policy, royal house because under Xuan Yuan ruling their business could be hammered.

Chapter 16: 

Second, both my identity and Zhuan Xu’s identity are very special and it’s not suitable to communicate often. Tu Shan clan has our clan rules. My grandmother already chastised me for sending a present to Zhuan Xu. Thirdly, the last time I saw you, you complained that I was trying to remind you of your promise so I controlled myself not to cause you any more stress.” 


Chapter 24:

After Xiao Yao left, the Grand Madam sent everyone away except for Jing.

When they were alone, the Grand Madam asked Jing “Do you want to marry the Gao Xing Princess?”

Jing answered clearly “Yes!”

The Grand Madam sighed “It’s too bad she’s the Gao Xing Princess, and also the granddaughter of the Yellow Emperor! You know the number one rule of our clan is that we do not get involved with politics between the royals. The Four Great Clans have remained so powerful because we do not get involved. Xiao Yao is the Princess but she’s not in Five Gods Mountain but instead by the side of the Xuan Yuan Prince Zhuan Xu. She’s clearly picking sides on the battle for the Xuan Yuan throne succession. She’s not a woman who can be underestimated. I don’t want the Tu Shan clan dragged in. Right now the vast wilderness is at peace but I calculate that the Xuan Yuan Yellow Emperor and the Gao Xing Grand Emperor will inevitably battle each other. Xiao Yao will bring danger to the Tu Shan clan. It’s not that I don’t like her, but for the Tu Shan clan, even if your engagement with Yi Yang is dissolved, I still won’t agree to let you marry Xiao Yao.

Jing thought his grandmother would see Xiao Yao and change her mind but her mind was even more firmly set. He kneeled down to plead “The Four Great Clans have their self-preservation rules but rules were set thousands of years ago by ancestors and the situation has changed now. It’s not always correct and we need to change according to the times.”

The Grand Madam’s goodwill towards Xiao Yao evaporated in an instant and she harshly rebuked “You are the clan leader, how can you say such awful words? You’ve been well-behaved since childhood and when have you became as careless as Feng Long? Did the Gao Xing Princess teach you this?”

“No, Xiao Yao never said this, it’s my own observation after seeing the current situation.”

The Grand Madam didn’t believe him and was sure Xiao Yao pressured him and wanted to use the Tu Shan clan to help Zhuan Xu get the crown “Tu Shan Jing, as clan leader you cannot overthrow our ancestral rules for a woman! How can you…..” The Grand Madam couldn’t continue as she pressed her chest to catch her breath.

Jing hurriedly transferred power to her “Grandmother, Grandmother, please take care!”

The Grand Madam said “You promise your grandmother that you’ll give up the Gao Xing Princess.”

Jing remained kneeling and said nothing, only bowing his head repeatedly.

The Grand Madam saw the despair in his eyes and said forlornly “You wretch!” She stroked his head and cried “Jing, don’t hate grandmother, this is what must be!” 

But he wasn't very effective elsewhere ...

Maybe lacking resolve is a better description. He just couldn't carry through, at least when it came with dealing with people or difficult matters. He either avoided them or paid someone else to clean up the mess.

So he's essentially incompetent? Has the intelligence, but flunks the execution? As Xiao Yao said, Jing is willing but unable!

I don't buy the idea that he's such a kind person and that was why he didn't deal with his family issues and Hou, the brother who tortured him. It's more that he couldn't deal with the problems because he's incompetent. An intelligent man like himself and yet he couldn't find a way to remove Hou without his sister's in law hint and Xiao Yao's help? And this was over how many years? If this isn't incompetent, what is? And if it's truly because he was kind, then he kind to the point of foolishness. You can be kind without letting people walk over you and still act to protect yourself.

"The one who raises them cannot control the poisonous bug. Mostly women raise it for their lovers, hoping for a love that is devoted (one heart, one mind), never betraying each other."

"The love poisonous bug demands not only your life but your heart."

It is clearly said the bug demands heart. Whole heart as default understanding (there is no way that the bugs just need half heart). And what is the definition of betray each other?

My understanding is that both of them must be loyal to each other and don't let anyone else into their hearts.

Therefore, I don't believe that the bug allow the host to love 2 people at the same time. It allows only ONE love during the whole life since if one of them dies, the other dies too. Thus the other can not move on to love another guy

I agree. I try to separate the drama and novel when analysing. In this instance, I think they are consistent in their messages, despite different ways of delivering the message. One-heart means exactly that - imagine promising to love someone with only half of your heart, so that you can love another person. Love here means romantic love, the sort that is preserved exclusively for your partner - you can still love your family and friends etc. 

And yes, if you fall in love with another person, that is a betrayal. If you say to someone whose partner had fallen in love with another person, "It's no big deal, you shouldn't feel betrayed, as long as they still also love you", chances are high that you'll get punched in the face. The only people who wouldn't feel betrayed are those who no longer love their partner.

Some people believe that Lover's bug can love 2 people together.

Not me.

I can only accept that the love between xy and tsj is another love outside of romantic love between a man and a woman.

Yup. The word love is limiting since it covers a wide swath of territory and doesn't differentiate between types of love. At the very least, XY's feelings for Jing are nowhere near to what she feels for Xiang Liu, that's why the Bugs never felt threatened and turn into Heartbreak Bugs,


Very impressive memory! 

There is also this sister thread which lists the summaries of the novel chapters.  I have often found it to be very useful. 


Thanks for this Maya. it's a great resource for me and my terrible memory :-).

1 hour ago
 AH :
He couldn't openly support CX because of his grandmother. He didn't go against her on that one. He could only support CX secretly.

I just want to clarify. The family creed is to stay politically neutral is it not? It's not simply about not making support obvious, but staying out of it. My view of the Tushan clan is that they are about profit and staying politically neutral is beneficial for this. Of course, once the outcome is clear, they will probably make their support for the winner known, but at that point, Cang Xuan was not a winning bet. Therefore, his supporting Cang Xuan is essentially going against his family's creed. Correct me if there are other details in the novel that showed differently.

By "he didn't go against her" I mean he didn't openly defy his grandmother's orders / wishes. His grandmother told him he could not support CX and that he could not marry XY because it would jeopardize the Tushan clan's (appearance of) neutrality. So he secretly snuck around with XY and secretly supported CX, behind his grandmother's back. If you like, I suppose that is him going against her in a sense. Just in a sneaky way without his grandmother realizing it. 

I didn't mean to imply that his grandmother was fine with TSJ supporting CX as long as he kept it secret from the world. I meant that he had to keep it secret from his grandmother, as well as everyone else. 

H19279 quoted the important parts of chapter 16 and chapter 24. From chapter 27, we also know that, once he became clan leader, TSJ was able to support CX openly, disregarding the clan's traditional rules. 


Chapter 27:

From Feng Long’s words Zhuan Xu learned one important news – Jing had chosen to support him as the Tu Shan clan leader. He was happy and shocked, having thought that Jing would stay neutral after he broke up with Xiao Yao. But Jing continued to support him secretly and now openly as clan leader would also support him. Clearly Feng Long spent a lot of time persuading Jing and Zhuan Xu felt like this was a much needed rain in a drought. He stood up and bowed to both guys “Every man for himself, but you guys………I will never forget this debt of gratitude. Thank you!”

In Once Promised, Chi You got food support from Tushan family in the big battle against Xuan Yuan (secretly). It was key battle to mark the offensive. Since it was said that Jing's grandmother had run the family business for 1500 years (if I remember correctly) in LYF, thus that support was made under her supervision. However, It is more understandable since they might think their business in Middle Plains would be severely diminished under Xuan Yuan ruling by Yellow emperor 

That's interesting. 

TSJ also did business with the Sheng Nong remnant army (I assume in secret from the world) long before meeting XY, presumably with his grandmother's blessing if not under her direct orders. That would have been after Sheng Nong was defeated (since XL was with army by that point), when there would have been less to gain from doing business with them. But they also did business with the imperial family of Xuan Yuan. Playing both sides. 


Chapter 5:

“The Tu Shan clan is based in the city of Qing Qiu. From the dawn of time until now, every generation is in trade. Their businesses blanket every part of the great wilderness. They have so much money it’s not even considered money. I hear even the imperial family of the Xuan Yuan and Sheng Nong kingdoms have borrowed money from the clan. It’s genuinely wealth that can rival a kingdom. What I’m going to say involves the Tu Shan clan.”


After a moment Xiao Liu said, “If he helped you, what good will that bring him?” Xiang Liu slowly moved away from Xiao Liu. “When matters in the mountain aren't too busy, sometimes I’m an assassin for hire, and a pretty notorious one at that. If the Tu Shan eldest son asked me to kill him, I would turn him down. If he wanted me to kill the Tu Shan eldest, I will accept the job.”

“He just went home, he might not be able to utilize the family money and manpower.”

“You underestimate him! Just a pallet of medicine, to him it’s nothing. Tu Shan clan does any type of business. Back then, he sold way more dangerous items to the Sheng Nong army.

Xiao Liu asked “This time, why don’t you buy it directly from the Tu Shan clan?” Xiang Liu coldly replied, “No money!”


Chapter 8:

The only one left was Tu Shan Jing. The Tu Shan clan businesses blanketed the vast wilderness, including selling to the Sheng Nong resistance army. They had to have secret passages to move items in and out of town. But right now the Grand Emperor of Gao Xing and the Xuan Yuan Prince both wanted him. If Tu Shan Jing helped him, then he would be making an enemy out of the entire world. Would Tu Shan Jing be willing to make an enemy of both Xuan Yuan and Gao Xing for one little Wen Xiao Liu?


Chapter 46:

Xiao Yao glared in rage at Xiang Liu who acted nonchalant and continued to stroke her neck while smiling down at her and talking like it was a random chat between friends. “Even before I knew you, I was already doing business with Tu Shan Jing for hundreds of years. He’s not a vindictive person, but he’s also not a weak fool. In hundreds of years, I’ve never once taken any advantage from him. He can time and again endure Tu Shan Hou only because he treats Tu Shan Hou as a relative. When he banished Tu Shan Hou to Gao Xing, he was well aware that the fracture between them would not end that easily. With Tu Shan Jing’s smarts, he would have been keeping guard against Tu Shan Hou still. He would have assigned someone to track Tu Shan Hou at all times in Gao Xing, and prevent him from growing his power again. That way if Tu Shan Hou still wants to kill Jing, he couldn’t even attempt it.”

1 hour ago
 AH :
Does anyone know the specifics of how Zhu Rong died? His plot resulted in Chang Yi's death on Jun Mountain, and they died together, burned alive... but did Once Promised provide any more details?

Zhu Rong felt responsible for the death of Yuwang because he had "listened to" Yellow Emperor's trick. So he pretended that he would surrender and requested a meeting for treaty , expecting the Yellow Emperor would come. However, Yellow Emperor sent Chang Yi to lead a troop to Shen-nong for that.

Zhu Rong was Fire God. He extracted all the fire power underground to the battle field. Lie Yang sensed the abnormal fire power underground and told Ah Heng. Ah Heng then asked Shao Hao to help Chang Yi but he refused. So she rushed to the battle field with Ah Bi, sending Lie Yang to Xuan Yuan for extra support which was stopped by Yi Bai, thus no extra help.

Chang Yi couple, Ah Heng and Chi You (used only half of his power - other half for Shen-nong that he sealed) knew the plan of Zhu Rong but they had to move forward (since already in the affected radius). The only way to stop it is to find the eye of the maze. However, Zhu rong used himself as the eye (epicenter) to create the fire explosion fron the ground (similar to vocanoe). Thus Zhurong died and the explosion was unavoidable. Chi You saved Ah Heng and later rescued Chang Fu which was fainted by her husband, he wanted her to survise.

Chang Fu later tried to kill Yi Bai with Shao hao's knife (wedding gift) but his mother, yellow emperor's favorite concubine covered her son and died (Not like in the drama). Then she hit her heart with the same knife, and jumbed into the grave of her husband (which had no body inside since he was burnt in the battle)

Thank you for these details! 

I didn't realize Chang Pu was right next to Chang Yi when he died. I thought he chose to die with his soldiers, despite having his beloved wife Chang Pu and son Cang Xuan waiting for him at home and being able to escape, out of camaraderie? But Chang Pu was actually with him and he didn't try to escape in order to save her?

Chang Fu later tried to kill Yi Bai with Shao hao's knife (wedding gift) but his mother, yellow emperor's favorite concubine covered her son and died (Not like in the drama). Then she hit her heart with the same knife, and jumbed into the grave of her husband (which had no body inside since he was burnt in the battle)

That matches up with the details mentioned in LYF. 

Ah Heng and Chi You (used only half of his power - other half for Shen-nong that he sealed)

I remember Ah Heng mentioning that Chi You only had half of his power when he came to help her, but she didn't mention why. Did he seal the other half of his power himself? I guess he must have, since the Flame Emperor and Yu Wang were both dead by that point?


And yes, if you fall in love with another person, that is a betrayal. If you say to someone whose partner had fallen in love with another person, "It's no big deal, you shouldn't feel betrayed, as long as they still also love you", chances are high that you'll get punched in the face. The only people who wouldn't feel betrayed are those who no longer love their partner.

Yes.So far we have only focused on XY and XL's secret love, so the Lover's bug is only used as proof that they love each other. But we ignore "mutual loyalty"
Doesn't the Lover's bug exist for lovers to be loyal to each other?
If the Lover's bug is implanted in a married couple, then one partner loves another person, can they still be called faithful? Then what's the point of Tonghua writing Lover's bug?

and the lovers bug is not only made for xy and xl who have a secret love.
but it can also be for ordinary lovers or husband and wife.
So the words "loyal to each other" must have more meaning, not just to prove that there is still love, and you can love other people. If that's the case, doesn't this sound like rubbish?